231 research outputs found

    Field theoretic calculation of the surface tension for a model electrolyte system

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    We carry out the calculation of the surface tension for a model electrolyte to first order in a cumulant expansion about a free field theory equivalent to the Debye-H\"uckel approximation. In contrast with previous calculations, the surface tension is calculated directly without recourse to integrating thermodynamic relations. The system considered is a monovalent electrolyte with a region at the interface, of width h, from which the ionic species are excluded. In the case where the external dielectric constant epsilon_0 is smaller than the electrolyte solution's dielectric constant epsilon we show that the calculation at this order can be fully regularized. In the case where h is taken to be zero the Onsager-Samaras limiting law for the excess surface tension of dilute electrolyte solutions is recovered, with corrections coming from a non-zero value of epsilon_0/epsilon.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Variational approach for electrolyte solutions: from dielectric interfaces to charged nanopores

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    A variational theory is developed to study electrolyte solutions, composed of interacting point-like ions in a solvent, in the presence of dielectric discontinuities and charges at the boundaries. Three important and non-linear electrostatic effects induced by these interfaces are taken into account: surface charge induced electrostatic field, solvation energies due to the ionic cloud, and image charge repulsion. Our variational equations thus go beyond the mean-field theory. The influence of salt concentration, ion valency, dielectric jumps, and surface charge is studied in two geometries. i) A single neutral air-water interface with an asymmetric electrolyte. A charge separation and thus an electrostatic field gets established due to the different image charge repulsions for coions and counterions. Both charge distributions and surface tension are computed and compared to previous approximate calculations. For symmetric electrolyte solutions close to a charged surface, two zones are characterized. In the first one, with size proportional to the logarithm of the coupling parameter, strong image forces impose a total ion exclusion, while in the second zone the mean-field approach applies. ii) A symmetric electrolyte confined between two dielectric interfaces as a simple model of ion rejection from nanopores. The competition between image charge repulsion and attraction of counterions by the membrane charge is studied. For small surface charge, the counterion partition coefficient decreases with increasing pore size up to a critical pore size, contrary to neutral membranes. For larger pore sizes, the whole system behaves like a neutral pore. The prediction of the variational method is also compared with MC simulations and a good agreement is observed.Comment: This version is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E

    Polarizable ions at interfaces

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    A non-perturbative theory is presented which allows to calculate the solvation free energy of polarizable ions near a water-vapor and water-oil interfaces. The theory predicts that larger halogen anions are adsorbed at the interface, while the alkali metal cations are repelled from it. The density profiles calculated theoretically are similar to those obtained using the molecular dynamics simulations with polarizable force fields

    Ion size effects at ionic exclusion from dielectric interfaces and slit nanopores

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    A previously developed field-theoretic model [R.D. Coalson et al., J. Chem. Phys. 102, 4584 (1995)] that treats core collisions and Coulomb interactions on the same footing is investigated in order to understand ion size effects on the partition of neutral and charged particles at planar interfaces and the ionic selectivity of slit nanopores. We introduce a variational scheme that can go beyond the mean-field (MF) regime and couple in a consistent way pore modified core interactions, steric effects, electrostatic solvation and image-charge forces, and surface charge induced electrostatic potential. We show that in the dilute limit, the MF and the variational theories agree well with MC simulation results, in contrast to a recent RPA method. The partition of charged Yukawa particles at a neutral dielectric interface (e.g air-water or protein-water interface) is investigated. It is shown that as a result of the competition between core collisions that push the ions towards the surface, and repulsive solvation and image forces that exclude them from the interface, a concentration peak of finite size ions sets in close to the dielectric interface. We also characterize the role played by the ion size on the ionic selectivity of neutral slit nanopores. We show that the complex interplay between electrostatic forces, excluded volume effects induced by core collisions and steric effects leads to an unexpected reversal in the ionic selectivity of the pore with varying pore size: while large pores exhibits a higher conductivity for large ions, narrow pores exclude large ions more efficiently than small ones

    Accurate Determination of Ion Polarizabilities in Aqueous Solutions

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    We present a novel method for obtaining salt polarizabilities in aqueous solutions based on our recent theory for the refractive index of salt solutions, which predicts a linear relationship between the refractive index and the salt concentration at low concentrations, with a slope determined by the intrinsic values of the salt polarizability and the density of the solution. Here we apply this theory to determine the polarizabilities of 32 strong electrolyte salts in aqueous solutions from refractive index and density measurements. Setting Li^+ as the standard ion, we then determine the polarizabilities of seven cations (Na^+, K^+, Rb^+, Cs^+, Ca^(2+), Ba^(2+), and Sr^(2+)) and seven anions (F^–, Cl^–, Br^–, I^–, ClO_4^–, NO_3^–, and SO_4^(2–)), which can be used as important reference data. We investigate the effect of temperature on salt polarizabilities, which decreases slightly with increasing temperature. The ion polarizability is found to be proportional to the cube of bare ionic radius (r_(bare)^3) for univalent ions, but the relationship does not hold for multivalent ions. Contrary to findings of Krishnamurti, we find no significant linear relationship between ion polarizability and the square of the atomic number (N^2) for smaller ions

    Thermodynamic quantities of surface formation of aqueous electrolyte solutions X. Aqueous solution of 2:1 valence-type salts.

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    The behaviors of a series of calcium halides and of alkali earth metal chlorides in the air/water surface region were studied in comparison with those of alkali metal halides by measuring the surface tension increments of solutions. The effect of salts with divalent cations on the surface tension increments is more pronounced than that of uni-univalent salts, but there are some similarities between these two types. It seems that the anions cause a marked effect on surface tension which is proportional to the magnitude of hydration in the bulk water. We also observed a decrease in the entropy change of surface formation with increasing concentration. The importance of an electrical double layer at the surface is discussed in relation to these surface tension increments

    Polysaccharide structures and interactions in a lithium chloride/urea/water solvent

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    The molten salt hydrate, lithium chloride (LiCl)/urea/water has previously been shown to swell cellulose, but there has so far been no work done to explore its effect on other polysaccharides. In this paper we have investigated the solvent effects of LiCl/urea/water on four natural polysaccharides. Fenugreek gum and xyloglucan, which are both highly branched, were found to increase in viscosity in LiCl/urea/water relative to water, possibly due to the breakage of all intra-molecular associations whereas the viscosity of konjac glucomannan which is predominantly unbranched did not change. Locust bean gum (LBG) had a lower viscosity in LiCl/urea/water compared to water due to the disruption of aggregates. Confocal microscopy showed that fenugreek gum and LBG are able to bind to cellulose in water, however, the conformational change of fenugreek gum in these solvent conditions inhibited it from binding to cellulose in LiCl/urea/water whereas conformational change allowed xyloglucan to bind to cellulose in LiCl/urea/water whilst it was unable to bind in water. Konjac glucomannan did not bind to cellulose in either solvent system. These results provide new insights into the impact of polysaccharide fine structure on conformational change in different solvent environments