41 research outputs found

    Biosensor immunoassay for traces of hazelnut protein in olive oil

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    The fraudulent addition of hazelnut oil to more expensive olive oil not only causes economical loss but may also result in problems for allergic individuals as they may inadvertently be exposed to potentially allergenic hazelnut proteins. To improve consumer safety, a rapid and sensitive direct biosensor immunoassay, based on a highly specific monoclonal antibody, was developed to detect the presence of hazelnut proteins in olive oils. The sample preparation was easy (extraction with buffer); the assay time was fast (4.5 min only) and the limit of detection was low (0.08 μg/g of hazelnut proteins in olive oil). Recoveries obtained with an olive oil mixed with different amounts of a hazelnut protein containing hazelnut oil varied between 93% and 109%

    Do health consultations for people with learning disabilities meet expectations? A narrative literature review

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Chapman, H. M., Lovell, A., & Bramwell, R. (2018). Do health consultations for people with learning disabilities meet expectations? A narrative literature review. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 46(2), 118-135. https://doi.org/10.1111/bld.12222, which has been published in final form at https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bld.12222. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingAim: To explore the benefits and disadvantages of annual health checks for people with learning disabilities, including: • What are the rationales and outcome measures for health checks? • How well do health checks meet the needs of people with learning disabilities? • What areas does research in this topic need to focus on in the future? Background Health consultations are an interpersonal activity that influence health outcomes and attitudes towards self and health professionals for people with learning disabilities. Annual health checks have been introduced to improve health inequalities for people with learning disabilities Method A narrative literature review of health care for people with learning disabilities was undertaken to evaluate health care for this population, and specifically the outcomes from annual health checks. Findings: While annual health checks have made some improvements in terms of health outcomes, attendance for appointments is still low, provision is variable and experiences of health checks for people with learning disabilities are under-researched. Conclusions: Service-user-led research into their health experiences is needed. Research into the attitudes and experiences of health professionals in relation to people with learning disabilities is needed. Health care inequalities are only being partially addressed – improvement is needed in terms of service user experience and engagement

    Análisis sobre la aplicación de la tecnología Blockchain en la cadena de suministro global alimenticio 360 del campo a la mesa y su potencial aplicación hacia un desarrollo más sostenible

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    [ES] La sociedad es cada vez más consciente y esta interesada en el origen de ciertos productos que utilizan en su vida diaria como ropa, cosméticos, alimentos y joyas. Hoy en día es muy popular llevar un estilo de vida saludable y sostenible y se nos ve más agradables o destacados siendo respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Las redes sociales están llenas de influencers de la moda, instructores de fitness, nutricionistas o real fooders. Además, a las empresas que promocionan sus productos a través de estos medios hacia el público, les encanta etiquetarlos como "orgánicos", "sostenibles", "éticos". Sin embargo, ¿hasta qué punto podemos decir que esto es cierto? ¿Podemos confiar en una etiqueta? ¿Sabemos realmente de dónde vienen nuestros productos favoritos? Cada año, Blockchain se está convirtiendo en un tema cada vez más popular en una variedad de mercados e industrias. Habiendo comenzado como una base de datos distribuida y segura para Bitcoin, las personas están encontrando nuevas formas innovadoras en las que esta tecnología puede ser usada, viendo los beneficios que puede brindar. Uno de estos beneficios que nos puede brindar la tecnología Blockchain es precisamente en el tema de la sostenibilidad. Puede ayudar a fomentar la colaboración entre productores y consumidores al ayudar a las personas a adoptar estilos de vida más sostenibles. La tecnología se puede implementar en las cadenas de suministro globales actuales para ayudar a aumentar la trazabilidad de los materiales, mejorar la visibilidad y, lo que es más importante, la credibilidad, creando la confianza pública de los datos compartidos. Este TFM va a incluir los aspectos hablados anteriormente, específicamente se investigará la gestión de la cadena de suministro de alimentos. En primer lugar, se describirá el actual proceso de gestión de la cadena de suministro global, con especial énfasis en la industria alimentaria, para ver dónde se encuentran las debilidades y revisar cómo la tecnología Blockchain puede ayudar en este sector. Más adelante veremos cómo esto también puede aportar sostenibilidad no solo a las empresas sino también a los consumidores. Ya existen empresas que han implementado soluciones tecnológicas para ayudar a brindar más confianza sobre los productos alimenticios a los clientes. Estas soluciones se investigarán y se describirá en detalle una aplicación propuesta, con algunos diseños incluidos. Esta aplicación tendrá el objetivo de brindar información detallada sobre cada paso que ha dado un determinado producto alimenticio desde su origen con la ayuda de Blockchain, así las personas podrán saber exactamente de dónde proviene el producto y en qué entorno ha sido tratado.[EN] Nowadays it is very popular to lead a healthy and sustainable lifestyle and we are seen more pleasant or highlighted by being respectful with the environment. Social media is full of fashion influencers, fitness instructors, nutritionists, or real fooders. Also, companies that promote their products through these means to the public love to label them as "organic", "sustainable", "ethical". However, to what extent can we say that this is true? Can we trust a label? Do we really know where our favorite products come from? Every year, Blockchain is becoming an increasingly popular topic in a variety of markets and industries. Having started as a secure and distributed database for Bitcoin, people are finding innovative new ways in which this technology can be used, seeing the benefits it can bring. One of these benefits that Blockchain technology can provide us is precisely on the issue of sustainability. It can help foster collaboration between producers and consumers by helping people adopt more sustainable lifestyles. The technology can be deployed in today's global supply chains to help increase material traceability, improve visibility, and most importantly, credibility, creating public trust for shared data. This TFM will include the aspects discussed above, specifically the management of the food supply chain will be investigated. First, the current global supply chain management process will be described, with special emphasis on the food industry, to see where the weaknesses lie and review how Blockchain technology can help in this sector. Later we will see how this can also bring sustainability not only to companies but also to consumers. There are already companies that have implemented technology solutions to help bring more confidence about food products to customers. These solutions will be investigated and a proposed application will be described in detail, with some designs included. This application will have the objective of providing detailed information about each step that a certain food product has taken since its origin with the help of Blockchain, so people can know exactly where the product comes from and in what environment it has been treated.Heutmekers, A. (2021). Análisis sobre la aplicación de la tecnología Blockchain en la cadena de suministro global alimenticio 360 del campo a la mesa y su potencial aplicación hacia un desarrollo más sostenible. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/174820TFG