720 research outputs found

    Loeiz Herrieu, de la langue des carnets à la langue littéraire

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    L'Ɠuvre Kammdro an AnkoĂč de Loeiz Herrieu (1879-1953) est originale dans sa production littĂ©raire de l’auteur, de par son contenu par rapport Ă  sa production poĂ©tique et de par le travail de rĂ©Ă©criture auquel s’est livrĂ© Herrieu. L’article propose une Ă©tude sur la nature et les causes de la rĂ©Ă©criture des carnets de guerre (1915-1919) en une Ɠuvre littĂ©raire publiĂ©e dans un tout autre contexte, entre 1933 et 1942.The work Kammdro an AnkoĂč by Loeiz Herrieu (1879-1953) is atypical of the author’s literary output in terms of both its content in relation to his poetic production and, more broadly, the rewriting work that Herrieu engaged in. This article examines the nature of and reasons for his rewriting of the war notebooks (1915-1919) as a literary work for publication in a completely different context between 1933 and 1942

    Social and Emotional Values of Sounds Influence Human (Homo sapiens) and Non-Human Primate (Cercopithecus campbelli) Auditory Laterality

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    The last decades evidenced auditory laterality in vertebrates, offering new important insights for the understanding of the origin of human language. Factors such as the social (e.g. specificity, familiarity) and emotional value of sounds have been proved to influence hemispheric specialization. However, little is known about the crossed effect of these two factors in animals. In addition, human-animal comparative studies, using the same methodology, are rare. In our study, we adapted the head turn paradigm, a widely used non invasive method, on 8–9-year-old schoolgirls and on adult female Campbell's monkeys, by focusing on head and/or eye orientations in response to sound playbacks. We broadcast communicative signals (monkeys: calls, humans: speech) emitted by familiar individuals presenting distinct degrees of social value (female monkeys: conspecific group members vs heterospecific neighbours, human girls: from the same vs different classroom) and emotional value (monkeys: contact vs threat calls; humans: friendly vs aggressive intonation). We evidenced a crossed-categorical effect of social and emotional values in both species since only “negative” voices from same class/group members elicited a significant auditory laterality (Wilcoxon tests: monkeys, T = 0 p = 0.03; girls: T = 4.5 p = 0.03). Moreover, we found differences between species as a left and right hemisphere preference was found respectively in humans and monkeys. Furthermore while monkeys almost exclusively responded by turning their head, girls sometimes also just moved their eyes. This study supports theories defending differential roles played by the two hemispheres in primates' auditory laterality and evidenced that more systematic species comparisons are needed before raising evolutionary scenario. Moreover, the choice of sound stimuli and behavioural measures in such studies should be the focus of careful attention

    Purification from human plasma of a tetrapeptide that potentiates insulin-like growth factor-I activity in chick embryo cartilage

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    AbstractHuman plasma has been shown to contain a low molecular weight factor that potentiates human IGF-I stimulation of glycosaminoglycan synthesis in chick embryo cartilage. The peptide was purified and characterized by Edman degradation and electrospray mass spectrometry. The primary structure determined was: Trp-Gly-His-Glu. A homologous synthetic peptide similarly promoted matrix biosynthesis in cartilage exposed to IGF-1

    Animal Welfare:Could Adult Play be a False Friend?

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    International audienceThere is no consensus regarding the functions of play. As play behavior is a characteristic of young stages of development, it has been suggested that the higher prevalence of adult play observed in domestic animals could be the result of their “neotenic retardation.” Functional hypotheses have dealt with the long term benefits, such as “rehearsal,” “motor training” for future adult competencies or “training for the unexpected.” However, there is little consistent experimental evidence favoring a particular hypothesis. The present study aimed to test the functional significance of adult play as a potential reliable indicator of good welfare, a by-product of domestication or a tool for social cohesion. Observations of both a domestic species (the horse) and wild/captive animals (cercopithecids) confirm the literature data that show the greater prevalence of adult play in the domestic/captive situations. This convergence between a domestic and a wild species argue against the idea that adult play may be a mere product of domestication. Moreover, animals living in naturalistic situations had the same low level of adult play as observed in wild animals suggesting that captive/domestic animals do not play only because they are stress free or well fed. Play is not a reliable indicator of welfare: Horses and adult macaques that played the most were also those that exhibited the greatest signals of poor welfare as stereotypic behaviors. Furthermore, adult play was more frequent at times of social disturbances and instability. Adult play is a sign showing that the adult organism needs to evacuate stress

    Modulation of Metabolism and Switching to Biofilm Prevail over Exopolysaccharide Production in the Response of Rhizobium alamii to Cadmium

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    Heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd2+) affect microbial metabolic processes. Consequently, bacteria adapt by adjusting their cellular machinery. We have investigated the dose-dependent growth effects of Cd2+ on Rhizobium alamii, an exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing bacterium that forms a biofilm on plant roots. Adsorption isotherms show that the EPS of R. alamii binds cadmium in competition with calcium. A metabonomics approach based on ion cyclotron resonance Fourier transform mass spectrometry has showed that cadmium alters mainly the bacterial metabolism in pathways implying sugars, purine, phosphate, calcium signalling and cell respiration. We determined the influence of EPS on the bacterium response to cadmium, using a mutant of R. alamii impaired in EPS production (MSΔGT). Cadmium dose-dependent effects on the bacterial growth were not significantly different between the R. alamii wild type (wt) and MSΔGT strains. Although cadmium did not modify the quantity of EPS isolated from R. alamii, it triggered the formation of biofilm vs planktonic cells, both by R. alamii wt and by MSΔGT. Thus, it appears that cadmium toxicity could be managed by switching to a biofilm way of life, rather than producing EPS. We conclude that modulations of the bacterial metabolism and switching to biofilms prevails in the adaptation of R. alamii to cadmium. These results are original with regard to the conventional role attributed to EPS in a biofilm matrix, and the bacterial response to cadmium

    Evolutionary history expands the range of signaling interactions in hybrid multikinase networks

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    Two-component systems (TCSs) are ubiquitous signaling pathways, typically comprising a sensory histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator, which communicate via intermolecular kinase-to-receiver domain phosphotransfer. Hybrid HKs constitute non-canonical TCS signaling pathways, with transmitter and receiver domains within a single protein communicating via intramolecular phosphotransfer. Here, we report how evolutionary relationships between hybrid HKs can be used as predictors of potential intermolecular and intramolecular interactions (‘phylogenetic promiscuity’). We used domain-swap genes chimeras to investigate the specificity of phosphotransfer within hybrid HKs of the GacS–GacA multikinase network of Pseudomonas brassicacearum. The receiver domain of GacS was replaced with those from nine donor hybrid HKs. Three chimeras with receivers from other hybrid HKs demonstrated correct functioning through complementation of a gacS mutant, which was dependent on strains having a functional gacA. Formation of functional chimeras was predictable on the basis of evolutionary heritage, and raises the possibility that HKs sharing a common ancestor with GacS might remain components of the contemporary GacS network. The results also demonstrate that understanding the evolutionary heritage of signaling domains in sophisticated networks allows their rational rewiring by simple domain transplantation, with implications for the creation of designer networks and inference of functional interactions

    Suppression of crown and root rot of wheat by the rhizobacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa

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    A seedling bioassay was developed for screening a wheat root-associated rhizobacterial strain of Paenibacillus polymyxa for ability to suppress crown and root rot pathogens of wheat. The primary aim was to evaluate the ability of P. polymyxa to suppress Fusarium graminearum, F. culmorum, F. verticillioides and Microdochium nivale, the fungal pathogens responsible for Fusarium crown and root rot and head blight of wheat in Algeria. Bioassays conducted under controlled conditions indicated that seed treatments with P. polymyxa strain SGK2 significantly reduced disease symptoms caused by all four fungal pathogens. Plant growth promotion (increased shoot and root dry weights), however, depended on the pathogen tested. Our results indicate that seed treatments with a biocontrol agent could be an additional strategy for management of wheat crown and root rot pathogens

    Plant Nutrient Resource Use Strategies Shape Active Rhizosphere Microbiota Through Root Exudation

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    Plant strategies for soil nutrient uptake have the potential to strongly influence plant–microbiota interactions, due to the competition between plants and microorganisms for soil nutrient acquisition and/or conservation. In the present study, we investigate whether these plant strategies could influence rhizosphere microbial activities via root exudation, and contribute to the microbiota diversification of active bacterial communities colonizing the root-adhering soil (RAS) and inhabiting the root tissues. We applied a DNA-based stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) approach to six grass species distributed along a gradient of plant nutrient resource strategies, from conservative species, characterized by low nitrogen (N) uptake, a long lifespans and low root exudation level, to exploitative species, characterized by high rates of photosynthesis, rapid rates of N uptake and high root exudation level. We analyzed their (i) associated microbiota composition involved in root exudate assimilation and soil organic matter (SOM) degradation by 16S-rRNA-based metabarcoding. (ii) We determine the impact of root exudation level on microbial activities (denitrification and respiration) by gas chromatography. Measurement of microbial activities revealed an increase in denitrification and respiration activities for microbial communities colonizing the RAS of exploitative species. This increase of microbial activities results probably from a higher exudation rate and more diverse metabolites by exploitative plant species. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that plant nutrient resource strategies have a role in shaping active microbiota. We present evidence demonstrating that plant nutrient use strategies shape active microbiota involved in root exudate assimilation and SOM degradation via root exudation
