938 research outputs found

    Fault recovery for real-time, multi-tasking computer system

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    System and methods for providing a recoverable real time multi-tasking computer system are disclosed. In one embodiment, a system comprises a real time computing environment, wherein the real time computing environment is adapted to execute one or more applications and wherein each application is time and space partitioned. The system further comprises a fault detection system adapted to detect one or more faults affecting the real time computing environment and a fault recovery system, wherein upon the detection of a fault the fault recovery system is adapted to restore a backup set of state variables

    When grassroots innovation movements encounter mainstream institutions: implications for models of inclusive innovation

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    Grassroots innovation movements (GIMs) can be regarded as initiators or advocates of alternative pathways of innovation. Sometimes these movements engage with more established science, technology and innovation (STI) institutions and development agencies in pursuit of their goals. In this paper, we argue that an important aspect to encounters between GIMs and mainstream STI institutions is the negotiation of different framings of grassroots innovation and development of policy models for inclusive innovation. These encounters can result in two different modes of engagement by GIMs; what we call insertion and mobilization. We illustrate and discuss these interrelated notions of framings and modes of engagement by drawing on three case studies of GIMs: the Social Technologies Network in Brazil, and the Honey Bee Network and People's Science Movements in India. The cases highlight that inclusion in the context of GIMs is not an unproblematic, smooth endeavour, and involves diverse interpretations and framings, which shape what and who gets included or excluded. Within the context of increasing policy interest, the analysis of encounters between GIMs and STI institutions can offer important lessons for the design of models of inclusive innovation and development

    Using Mock Interviews to Evaluate an Interprofessional Education (IPE) Curriculum

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of targeted team care training in our institution’s interprofessional practice and education (IPE) program on medical and pharmacy students\u27 expression of knowledge and attitudes about team care as measured in a mock interview. Medical and Pharmacy students were recruited to participate in a 20-minute mock interview for an advanced placement position

    Effects of a Dispersed and Undispersed Crude Oil on Mangroves, Seagrasses and Corals

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    The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the application of dispersant to spilled oil as a means of reducing adverse environmental effects of oil spills in nearshore, tropical waters. The results of numerous laboratory and field studies have suggested that dispersants may play a useful role in reducing adverse impacts on sensitive and valued environments such as mangroves, seagrasses, and corals. However, the use of dispersants has not been allowed thus far in most situations because of a lack of direct experimental data on the various effects of dispersants and the environmental trade-offs presumed to occur as a result of their application to crude oils. To accomplish this objective, a 21/2- year field experiment was designed in which detailed, synoptic measurements and assessments were made of representative intertidal and nearshore subtidal habitats and organisms (man-groves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs) before, during, and after exposure to untreated crude oil and chemically dispersed oil. The results were in-tended to give guidance in minimizing the ecological impacts of oil spills through evaluation of trade-offs in the relative impacts of chemical dispersion to tropical marine intertidal and subtidal habitats

    Angiofil®-mediated visualization of the vascular system by microcomputed tomography: a feasibility study

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    Visualization of the vascular systems of organs or of small animals is important for an assessment of basic physiological conditions, especially in studies that involve genetically manipulated mice. For a detailed morphological analysis of the vascular tree, it is necessary to demonstrate the system in its entirety. In this study, we present a new lipophilic contrast agent, Angiofil®, for performing postmortem microangiography by using microcomputed tomography. The new contrast agent was tested in 10 wild-type mice. Imaging of the vascular system revealed vessels down to the caliber of capillaries, and the digital three-dimensional data obtained from the scans allowed for virtual cutting, amplification, and scaling without destroying the sample. By use of computer software, parameters such as vessel length and caliber could be quantified and remapped by color coding onto the surface of the vascular system. The liquid Angiofil® is easy to handle and highly radio-opaque. Because of its lipophilic abilities, it is retained intravascularly, hence it facilitates virtual vessel segmentation, and yields an enduring signal which is advantageous during repetitive investigations, or if samples need to be transported from the site of preparation to the place of actual analysis, respectively. These characteristics make Angiofil® a promising novel contrast agent; when combined with microcomputed tomography, it has the potential to turn into a powerful method for rapid vascular phenotyping

    Very long chain fatty acid metabolism is required in acute myeloid leukemia

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells have an atypical metabolic phenotype characterized by increased mitochondrial mass, as well as a greater reliance on oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation (FAO) for survival. To exploit this altered metabolism, we assessed publicly available databases to identify FAO enzyme overexpression. Very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD; ACADVL) was found to be overexpressed and critical to leukemia cell mitochondrial metabolism. Genetic attenuation or pharmacological inhibition of VLCAD hindered mitochondrial respiration and FAO contribution to the tricarboxylic acid cycle, resulting in decreased viability, proliferation, clonogenic growth, and AML cell engraftment. Suppression of FAO at VLCAD triggered an increase in pyruvate dehydrogenase activity that was insufficient to increase glycolysis but resulted in adenosine triphosphate depletion and AML cell death, with no effect on normal hematopoietic cells. Together, these results demonstrate the importance of VLCAD in AML cell biology and highlight a novel metabolic vulnerability for this devastating disease

    Convergence of Agriculture and Energy: II. Producing Cellulosic Biomass for Biofuels

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    Global energy demand is increasing as known global petroleum supplies are decreas¬ing. Calls to supplement or replace the current fossil-based energy system with new, envi¬ronmentally and economically sustainable strategies continue to increase, especially in light of more expensive traditional energy sources. Various governmental agencies and working groups have set aggressive targets and timelines for decreasing fossil fuel consumption by substituting bio-based energy (Bush 2007; Foust et al. 2007; Perlack et al. 2005; Smith et al. 2004). The alignment and continuity of these goals is illustrated in Figure 1. Current biofuel production in the United States relies primarily on corn grain conver¬sion to ethanol, but future systems are expected to depend more intensively on plant biomass than on grain as a feedstock for production of ethanol and other biofuels. In addition, current cropping systems generally are designed to optimize grain production and are not designed to harvest all the aboveground portion of the plant for cellulose-containing biomass. Significant, immediate national investments are needed, along with changes in policy, to address chal¬lenges limiting the sustainable production and efficient use of cellulosic biomass as a fuel feedstock to meet anticipated U.S. demand. The Bush Administration outlined a portfolio of recommended technologies, pro¬cesses, and practices for bio-based energy production that targets improved rates of feedstock conversion and greater efficiency in energy use. The plan also states that a significant portion of the nation’s 2017 energy supply, especially transportation fuel, will come from conversion of biomass feedstock to liquid fuels. Considering just the biomass-derived fuels contribution, roughly 250 million tons or more of grain and cellulosic biomass per year will be needed to reach the 10-year goal, and 650 to 700 million tons per year of biomass to reach the 2025 goal (Figure 1)

    Drug procurement, the Global Fund and misguided competition policies

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    In an effort to increase competition and decrease price, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria recently began asking some grant recipients to use international competitive bidding processes for certain drug purchases. Unfortunately, for countries like Kenya, this request has caused more harm than good. After awarding the tender for its annual supply of the anti-malarial artemether-lumefantrine to the lowest bidder, Ajanta Pharma, Kenya experienced wide stock-outs in part due to the company's inability to supply the order in full and on time. Similar problems could arise in Uganda. Despite Kenya's experience, Uganda has awarded its next tender for artemether-lumefantrine to Ajanta Pharma. Uganda is already facing wide stock-outs and risks exacerbating an already dire situation the longer it takes to fulfil the procurement contract. A tender process based primarily on price cannot account for a company's ability to consistently supply sufficient product in time