88 research outputs found

    Comparison of different methods for extraction from Tetraclinis articulata: Yield, chemical composition and antioxidant activity

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    In the present study, three techniques of extraction: hydrodistillation (HD), solvent extraction (conventional ‘Soxhlet’ technique) and an innovative technique, i.e., the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), were applied to ground Tetraclinis articulata leaves and compared for extraction duration, extraction yield, and chemical composition of the extracts as well as their antioxidant activities. The extracts were analyzed by GC–FID and GC–MS. The antioxidant activity was measured using two methods: ABTS and DPPH. The yield obtained using HD, SFE, hexane and ethanol Soxhlet extractions were found to be 0.6, 1.6, 40.4 and 21.2–27.4 g/kg respectively. An original result of this study is that the best antioxidant activity was obtained with an SFE extract (41 mg/L). The SFE method offers some noteworthy advantages over traditional alternatives, such as shorter extraction times, low environmental impact, and a clean, non-thermally-degraded final product. Also, a good correlation between the phenolic contents and the antioxidant activity was observed with extracts obtained by SFE at 9 MPa

    Supercritical CO2 extraction of Tetraclinis articulata: chemical composition, antioxidant activity and mathematical modeling

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    Operating conditions for extraction from the leaves of Tetraclinis articulata using supercritical carbon diox-ide (SCCO2) were studied to focus on the feasibility of obtaining volatile and nonvolatile fractions throughthe use of different extraction pressures (90, 280 and 1000 bar). In addition, influence of temperature,static pretreatment and dynamic extraction durations, particle size and CO2flow rate were investigated.All extracts were analyzed by GC–FID/MS and their antioxidant activity was measured using ABTS•+andDPPH•methods. Conventional hydrodistillation (HD) was also performed for comparison. At high CO2pressure (280 and 1000 bar), the amount of phenolics in the extracts was higher (respectively 102.03and 267.90 GAE mg/g) than for HD and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) at 90 bar (respectively 8.89 and9.70 GAE mg/g). Correlatively, high antioxidant activity was found for high pressure SFE. Surprisingly, forextracts obtained by SFE at 90 bar, despite very low phenolic content, significant antioxidant activity wasobserved, while essential oil obtained by HD, which presented also low phenolic content, exhibited lowantioxidant activity.Physical aspects were only investigated for the low pressure supercritical extraction (90 bar) process.Qualitative assessment of kinetic curves together with their modeling revealed that the extraction pro-cess was mainly limited by the thermodynamic equilibrium of easily accessible solutes but where axialdispersion was significant. From this result a simple extrapolation procedure was proposed

    Brand Equity Dalam Menghadapi Turbulensi Lingkungan

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    Brand is a crucial part in a success of a business. The more well-known and consumed the brand is by people, the higher is its revenue. The success of a brand is often determined by the brand strength. However, despite the great effort by the company to strengthen the brand, sometimes there are unexpected environmental turbulences that no one can control. These turbulences could result in negative impact and potentially threaten the business. In addition, it could also negatively affect the brand position in the market. Based on previous literature study, it is suggested that brand equity can resist environmental turbulences. This article is written using a literature study method from various sources namely books, scientific journals and online-based information. The purpose of this writing is to analyze how brand equity can sustain brand from environmental turbulence.   Keywords: Branding, brand equity, environmental turbulenceBrand merupakan unsur penting dalam kesuksesan sebuah bisnis. Semakin dikenal dan dikonsumi oleh khalayak, semakin tinggi kemungkinan ia menghasilkan profit yang tinggi. Keberhasilan suatu usaha sering kali ditentukan oleh kekuatan brand tersebut. Namun, meskipun perusahaan sudah melakukan serangkaian usaha terencana untuk membuat brandnya kuat, terkadang terjadi turbulensi lingkungan yang tidak diduga dan di luar dari kontrol perusahaan. Turbulensi ini dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif dan berpotensi mengancam kelancaran bisnis perusahaan dan tidak menutup kemungkinan dapat mempengaruhi posisi brand di pasar dan di  masyarakat. Berdasarkan studi sebelumnya, brand equity disugestikan dapat menahan turbulensi lingkungan agar tidak berdampak pada brand. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dari berbagai sumber yakni buku, artikel ilmiah dan sumber dalam jaringan. Tujuan dari tulisan ini ialah untuk menganalisis bagaimana brand equity dapat mempertahankan brand dari turbulensi lingkungan. Kata Kunci: Branding, ekuitas merek, turbulensi lingkunga

    Fat crystals : a tool to inhibit molecular transport in W/O/W double emulsions

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    Water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) double emulsions are a promising technology for encapsulation applications of water soluble compounds with respect to functional food systems. Yet molecular transport through the oil phase is a well-known problem for liquid oil-based double emulsions. The influence of network crystallization in the oil phase of W/O/W globules was evaluated by NMR and laser light scattering experiments on both a liquid oil-based double emulsion and a solid fat-based double emulsion. Water transport was assessed by low-resolution NMR diffusometry and by an osmotically induced swelling or shrinking experiment, whereas manganese ion permeation was followed by means of T-2-relaxometry. The solid fat-based W/O/W globules contained a crystal network with about 80% solid fat. This W/O/W emulsion showed a reduced molecular water exchange and a slower manganese ion influx in the considered time frame, whereas its globule size remained stable under the applied osmotic gradients. The reduced permeability of the oil phase is assumed to be caused by the increased tortuosity of the diffusive path imposed by the crystal network. This solid network also provided mechanical strength to the W/O/W globules to counteract the applied osmotic forces

    Extraction et purification de substances naturelles : comparaison de l’extraction au CO2-supercritique et des techniques conventionnelles

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    Ce travail concerne l'extraction de substances naturelles d'origine végétale en utilisant des procédés « verts » tels que l'extraction au CO2 supercritique (CO2-SC, de 90 à 1000 bar) et l'extraction à l'eau sub-critique (SWE). Ces procédés sont une alternative à l'hydrodistillation (HD) et l'extraction par solvant (SE) traditionnellement utilisés dans l'industrie des produits naturels. La majorité du travail a été réalisée sur l'espèce Tetraclinis articulata où les performances des procédés, CO2-SC , HD, SWE et SE, ont été optimisées puis comparées en termes de rendement, composition chimique, durée…, et en particulier activité antioxydante des extraits (évaluée par les tests ABTS+ and DPPH). La plus forte activité antioxydente a été mise en évidence pour les extraits CO2-SC, ceci étant très probablement dû à une moindre dégradation thermique, comme l'a indiqué la comparaison des compositions chimiques. La CO2-SC basse pression (90 bar) a permis d'obtenir un extrait de bonne qualité et, pour ce cas, une modélisation a été proposée pour comprendre et identifier le mécanisme limitant qui s'est avéré être l'équilibre solide-fluide. La modélisation de l'hydrodistillation a également été proposée, basée sur le modèle de Sovová . Ensuite, l'approche a été étendue à d'autres plantes : Eucalyptus cinerea, Eucalyptus Camaldulensis, Cypres sempervirens et callitris. ABSTRACT : This work has dealt with extraction of natural substances from plants using « green » processes such as supercritical CO2 extraction (CO2-SC from 90 to 1000 bar) and extraction with subcritical water (SWE). These processes are an alternative to hydrodistillation (HD) and solvent extraction (SE) traditionally used in the natural products industry. Main part of the work was done on the species Tetraclinis articulata, and performance of the different processes, CO2-SC, HD,SWE and SE, were optimized and compared in terms of yield, chemical composition, duration ... and especially antioxidant activity of extracts (assessed by the ABTS+ and DPPH tests). CO2-SC extracts exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity and comparison of chemical compositions of the different extracts indicated that this is very probably due to lower thermal degradation of active molecules. For low pressure CO2-SC (90 bar), a model was proposed to understand and identify the limiting mechanism that proved to be solid-fluid equilibrium. For hydrodistillation, modelling, based on the Sovová 's model was also proposed. Then, the approach was extended to other plants: Eucalyptus cinerea and Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Cypres sempervirens and Callitris

    Karakterisasi Ekstrak Etanol Bagian Pericarp Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Dan Aplikasinya Pada Pembuatan Granul Minuman

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    Pericarp buah manggis sering dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional yang memiliki senyawa α-mangostin, dan terbukti memiliki bioaktivitas sebagai antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan limbah pericarp buah manggis menjadi sebuah produk. Produk ini memanfaatkan ekstrak etanol pericarp buah manggis dalam bentuk granul minuman. Ekstrak dibuat dengan cara maserasi menggunakan etanol 70% pada pericarp buah manggis yang telah dikeringkan. Kemudian ekstrak dikarakterisasi parameter spesifik dan nonspesifiknya. Granulasi ekstrak dibuat menggunakan dua formula, kemudian dilakukan evaluasi terhadap granul tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol pericarp buah manggis berwarna kuning kecoklatan, berbentuk serbuk, aromatis, mengandung α-mangostin dengan nilai Rf 0,55, kadar 5,18%, susut pengeringan 12,32%±0,00%, kadar abu 2,43%±0,01%, kadar abu larut asam 0,17%±0,00%. Hasil evaluasi pada granul FI dan FII meliputi organoleptis bentuk granul, warna kuning(FI) dan kuning pucat(FII), bau khas, densiti nyata 0,5567 g/mL±0,0001g/mL; 0,3866g/mL±0,0001g/mL, densiti mampat 0,3866g/mL± 0,0001g/mL; 0,4183g/mL±0,0001g/mL, kompresibilitas 8,1%±0,21%; 8,3%± 0,28%, sudut istirahat 35,61⁰±0,01; 31,61⁰±0,01, waktu alir 8,50g/detik± 0,01g/detik; 8,84g/detik±0,13g/detik, loss on drying 4,39%; 3,9% dan kadar α-mangostin pada 1 g granul 0,23%; 0,29%. Hasil evaluasi kesukaan rasa minuman FI dan FII terhadap responden yaitu 40%; 45% dan evalusi kesukaan warna minuman FI dan FII yaitu 45%; 50%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol pericarp buah manggis dapat disiapkan dalam bentuk granul sesuai dengan syarat evaluasi granul. Kata kunci: Garcinia mangostana, α-mangostin, antioksidan, granu

    Kekuatan Tanah Campuran (Tanah Laterit Dengan Kandungan Pasir Tertentu) Diuji Dengan Menggunakan Kaedah Macintosh, Piezocone, Ketumpatan Di Tapak Dan Ketumpatan Relatif

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    The main objective of this research is to set the best combination for the mixture of laterite dan sand for maximum California Bearing Ratio (CBR) reading. In the experiment involving sand-laterite mix ratios, each mix were tested for dry density, optimum moisture content, CBR and the piezocone resistance. Standard Proctor test is used for measuring optimum moisture content and maximum dry density. The moisture content will then be used in the CBR and the piezocone tests. It was found there are 2 peaks in the sand percentage versus California Bearing Ratio curve which suggests that any of the two sand-laterite mix ratios would improve strength of the mix. In the CBR test, the two peaks correspond to sand contents of 50% and 72%. For maximum dry density using standard Proctor, single peak correspond to an optimum moisture content of 60%. Mackintosh reading generally increase with increasing laterite content, at maximum dry density of mix ratios. The maximum tip resistance of the piezocone test corresponds to a sand content of 60%, however the sleeve friction was maximum at 10% sand content. Taking considerations of all mix ratios, maximum dry density reduces with optimum moisture content, which range from 10% to 12.5%

    Extraction et purification de substances naturelles (comparaison de l'extraction au CO2-supercritique et des techniques conventionnelles)

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    Ce travail concerne l'extraction de substances naturelles d'origine végétale en utilisant des procédés verts tels que l'extraction au CO2 supercritique (CO2-SC, de 90 à 1000 bar) et l'extraction à l'eau sub-critique (SWE). Ces procédés sont une alternative à l'hydrodistillation (HD) et l'extraction par solvant (SE) traditionnellement utilisés dans l'industrie des produits naturels. La majorité du travail a été réalisée sur l'espèce Tetraclinis articulata où les performances des procédés, CO2-SC , HD, SWE et SE, ont été optimisées puis comparées en termes de rendement, composition chimique, durée , et en particulier activité antioxydante des extraits (évaluée par les tests ABTS + and DPPH). La plus forte activité antioxydente a été mise en évidence pour les extraits CO2-SC, ceci étant très probablement dû à une moindre dégradation thermique, comme l'a indiqué la comparaison des compositions chimiques. La CO2-SC basse pression (90 bar) a permis d'obtenir un extrait de bonne qualité et, pour ce cas, une modélisation a été proposée pour comprendre et identifier le mécanisme limitant qui s'est avéré être l'équilibre solide-fluide. La modélisation de l'hydrodistillation a également été proposée, basée sur le modèle de Sovová . Ensuite, l'approche a été étendue à d'autres plantes : Eucalyptus cinerea, Eucalyptus Camaldulensis, Cypres sempervirens et callitris.This work has dealt with extraction of natural substances from plants using green processes such as supercritical CO2 extraction (CO2-SC from 90 to 1000 bar) and extraction with subcritical water (SWE). These processes are an alternative to hydrodistillation (HD) and solvent extraction (SE) traditionally used in the natural products industry. Main part of the work was done on the species Tetraclinis articulata, and performance of the different processes, CO2-SC, HD,SWE and SE, were optimized and compared in terms of yield, chemical composition, duration ... and especially antioxidant activity of extracts (assessed by the ABTS+ and DPPH tests). CO2-SC extracts exhibited the strongest antioxidant activity and comparison of chemical compositions of the different extracts indicated that this is very probably due to lower thermal degradation of active molecules. For low pressure CO2-SC (90 bar), a model was proposed to understand and identify the limiting mechanism that proved to be solid-fluid equilibrium. For hydrodistillation, modelling, based on the Sovová 's model was also proposed. Then, the approach was extended to other plants: Eucalyptus cinerea and Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Cypres sempervirens and Callitris.TOULOUSE-INP (315552154) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sustainability Indicators Past and Present: What Next?

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    This paper discusses the current state of thought amongst the Sustainability Indicator (SI) community, what has been achieved and where we are succeeding and failing. Recent years have witnessed the rise of “alternative facts” and “fake news” and this paper discusses how SIs fit into this maelstrom, especially as they are themselves designed to encapsulate complexity into condensed signals and it has long been known that SIs can be selectively used to support polarized sides of a debate. This paper draws from chapters in a new edited volume, the “Routledge Handbook of Sustainability Indicators and Indices”, edited by the authors. The book has 34 chapters written by a total of 59 SI experts from a wide range of backgrounds, and attempts to provide a picture of the past and present, strengths and weaknesses of SI development today. This paper is an “analysis of those analyses”—a mindful reflection on reflection, and an assessment of the malign and benign forces at work in 2018 within the SI arena. Finally, we seek to identify where SIs may be going over the coming, unpredictable years