9 research outputs found

    Viabilisation du recyclage de composites à renfort carbone et matrice thermodurcissable. Premiers éléments d'étude

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    À l’origine développés pour des applications hautement techniques dans l’aéronautique et le spatial, l’usage des composites à renfort carbone et matrice thermodurcissable s’élargit depuis plusieurs années aux industries de l’automobile et des sports et loisirs. Toutefois, le choix du composite dépend parfois moins de ses performances techniques, que de critères esthétiques ou de l’image de haute technicité qu’il véhicule. Il en résulte ainsi un surdimensionnement des propriétés des constituants (en particulier, de la fibre de carbone) par rapport à la fonction du produit. En outre du point de vue environnemental, il a été montré que dans la mise en œuvre du composite, c’est la production de la fibre de carbone qui est la plus impactante. Une réponse économique et environnementale à ces inadéquations consiste donc à viabiliser le développement de composites à renfort recyclé. Ainsi le recyclage du composite en fin de vie, même limité à la seule récupération des fibres, pourrait permettre de diminuer certains impacts anthropiques en réduisant les matières premières nécessaires à sa production (produits pétroliers essentiellement). En outre, ce recyclage du renfort peut être élargi aux déchets de production (fibres ou prépregs inutilisés, chutes de pièces composites, etc.). Les concepteurs seraient alors à même d’équilibrer coût et efficacité énergétique par la production de matériaux dits de seconde génération (p. ex. destinés d’abord à des pièces non-structurelles). Toutefois, viabiliser cette filière de recyclage nécessite de palier les réticences des utilisateurs en les assurant de ses bienfondés technique, économique, environnemental et législatif. Ainsi, après avoir rappelé ces différents contextes, le recyclage des composite par solvolyse de la matrice par de l’eau en conditions supercritiques, ainsi que la mise en œuvre de semi-produits de seconde génération attractifs, seront présentés. Un premier bilan économique et environnemental de cette filière sera enfin dressé

    Development and integration of a simplified environmental assessment tool based on an environmental categorisation per range of products

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    International audienceFor a growing number of firms, it is important that life-cycle assessments (LCAs) as well as the interpretation of the results obtained be carried out directly by the design teams. Unfortunately, the complexity of these two elements hinders the development of really eco-designed products. In this paper, we propose a generic approach allowing a company to develop a specific environmental assessment tool which enables designers to carry out simplified environmental assessments during the design process. To be more precise, the generic approach is based on the creation of two main features: impact functions to simplify the inherent complexity of LCAs and an environmental categorisation per product range to facilitate the use of environmental assessment results by the design team. This paper presents the development of such tool (named EcoT) in the context of automotive part suppliers and demonstrates its technical robustness on two case studies (dashboards and door panels). At the end of the paper, we discuss the usability and appropriability of the EcoT tool based on handling tests carried out by the company design team

    A Framework to Design Integrated Product-Service Systems based on the Extended Functional Analysis Approach

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    International audienceDespite the growing research interest in PSS design and development methods in recent years, there is still no fully stabilized and shared understanding of the PSS design process. This can be partly explained by two main gaps: the decoupled design of product and services and the lack of operational solutions. This research aims at outlining the main characteristics of a proposal for a new PSS design framework, expected to contribute answering these 2 gaps. The proposition is based jointly on a recently created PSS design methodology and an extension of the functional analysis (FA) approach (NF X 50-100), which is commonly used in product design. The proposed framework intends to smoothly integrate the whole PSS design process, including product-service design and the network configuration

    Sustainable machining approach for CAD/CAM/CNC systems based on a dynamic environmental assessment

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    International audienceSustainability assessment is becoming an unquestionable issue for manufacturing companies that are urged by governments and customers to provide environment-friendly products. Machining, as one of the major manufacturing operations, has high potential factors regarding the environmental impacts of production system. Nevertheless, environmental assessments are mainly done post-product design and post-machining processes design. Integrating environmental assessment in the machining processes design could lead to significant improvements in sustainable manufacturing field. Major difficulties to perform such an assessment are the availability of the machining data and the lack of calculation rules to express them in terms of environmental impacts. This article presents a new approach based on the STandard for the Exchange of Product model data—compliant Numerical Control to integrate the machining environmental assessment in the earlier design phases. It proposes to establish cognitive links between the machining data included in STandard for the Exchange of Product model data—compliant Numerical Control and environmental indicators. The approach is implemented on a demonstrator and validated by a use case

    A method to ecodesign structural parts in the transport sector based on product life cycle management

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    Lightweight construction could be a pathway towards more sustainability. The production of high-end structural components poses a challenge to bring about the closed loop recycling of worn components and increase the use of recycled aluminum scraps. Designers will need to integrate the environmental dimension in the design of aluminum-alloyed parts over their entire lifecycle. Although many ecodesign methods and tools are currently available, there is a gap in their integration into the design process in industry, as well as in the daily practice of the designers. Moreover, existing ecodesign methods are not tailored to the lightweight context. This paper proposes a holistic approach to ecodesign geared to operate within a PLM (Product Life cycle Management) system. A PLM system is a set of tools used to create and manage the product information through its whole life cycle. Within the mechanical design area, a PLM system is composed of the traditional design tools such as Computer-aided design (CAD), Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), Computer-aided engineering (CAE), etc … and allows bidirectional informational flows between the embedded tools. The proposition aims to foster sustainable design solutions for high-end structural parts used in the transport sector, especially in the automotive and aeronautic industries. It consists on developing a PLM-based single-block ecodesign method in order to achieve: (1) a simplified environmental assessment of a reference product and its design alternatives by providing results in a comparative way; and (2) the stimulation of improvement ideas and a solutions-generation phase thanks to dedicated environmental guidelines. The expected result is an efficient iterative and continuous ecodesign tasks between the environmental assessment and improvement. The proposition is conceived to be handled by the design team and to exchange product information with their traditional design tools within a PLM platform

    Sustainable machining approach for CAD/CAM/CNC systems based on a dynamic environmental assessment

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    International audienceSustainability assessment is becoming an unquestionable issue for manufacturing companies that are urged by governments and customers to provide environment-friendly products. Machining, as one of the major manufacturing operations, has high potential factors regarding the environmental impacts of production system. Nevertheless, environmental assessments are mainly done post-product design and post-machining processes design. Integrating environmental assessment in the machining processes design could lead to significant improvements in sustainable manufacturing field. Major difficulties to perform such an assessment are the availability of the machining data and the lack of calculation rules to express them in terms of environmental impacts. This article presents a new approach based on the STandard for the Exchange of Product model data—compliant Numerical Control to integrate the machining environmental assessment in the earlier design phases. It proposes to establish cognitive links between the machining data included in STandard for the Exchange of Product model data—compliant Numerical Control and environmental indicators. The approach is implemented on a demonstrator and validated by a use case

    A method to design integrated product-service systems based on the extended functional analysis approach

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    Over the recent years, the growing research interest in Product-Service Systems (PSS) design and development methods has generated a large background of theoretical knowledge, conceptual methods and application case studies. After analysing the research gaps emerging for these advances, this paper propose a new integrated PSS design method, which intends to associate to 3 key contributions: an increased degree of integration among all components of the method; a higher applicability in industrial companies; specific added-value in balancing economic models of the stakeholders of the PSS delivery network. The proposition is based on extending the Functional Analysis (FA) approach (NF X 50-100), which is commonly used in product engineering, in order to cover the requirements for PSS design and development. The paper intends to provide a conceptual justification, then an industrial verification, of the pertinence and applicability of the method proposed. The industrial experimentation is developed on an industrial PSS case study dealing with the design of an industrial cleaning solution