19 research outputs found

    Novel method for high-throughput colony PCR screening in nanoliter-reactors

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    We introduce a technology for the rapid identification and sequencing of conserved DNA elements employing a novel suspension array based on nanoliter (nl)-reactors made from alginate. The reactors have a volume of 35 nl and serve as reaction compartments during monoseptic growth of microbial library clones, colony lysis, thermocycling and screening for sequence motifs via semi-quantitative fluorescence analyses. nl-Reactors were kept in suspension during all high-throughput steps which allowed performing the protocol in a highly space-effective fashion and at negligible expenses of consumables and reagents. As a first application, 11 high-quality microsatellites for polymorphism studies in cassava were isolated and sequenced out of a library of 20 000 clones in 2 days. The technology is widely scalable and we envision that throughputs for nl-reactor based screenings can be increased up to 100 000 and more samples per day thereby efficiently complementing protocols based on established deep-sequencing technologie

    Molecular characterization of geminivirus-derived small RNAs in different plant species

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    DNA geminiviruses are thought to be targets of RNA silencing. Here, we characterize small interfering (si) RNAs—the hallmarks of silencing—associated with Cabbage leaf curl begomovirus in Arabidopsis and African cassava mosaic begomovirus in Nicotiana benthamiana and cassava. We detected 21, 22 and 24 nt siRNAs of both polarities, derived from both the coding and the intergenic regions of these geminiviruses. Genetic evidence showed that all the 24 nt and a substantial fraction of the 22 nt viral siRNAs are generated by the dicer-like proteins DCL3 and DCL2, respectively. The viral siRNAs were 5′ end phosphorylated, as shown by phosphatase treatments, and methylated at the 3′-nucleotide, as shown by HEN1 miRNA methylase-dependent resistance to β-elimination. Similar modifications were found in all types of endogenous and transgene-derived siRNAs tested, but not in a major fraction of siRNAs from a cytoplasmic RNA tobamovirus. We conclude that several distinct silencing pathways are involved in DNA virus-plant interaction

    Molecular characterization of geminivirus-derived small RNAs in different plant species

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    DNA geminiviruses are thought to be targets of RNA silencing. Here, we characterize small interfering (si) RNAs—the hallmarks of silencing—associated with Cabbage leaf curl begomovirus in Arabidopsis and African cassava mosaic begomovirus in Nicotiana benthamiana and cassava. We detected 21, 22 and 24 nt siRNAs of both polarities, derived from both the coding and the intergenic regions of these geminiviruses. Genetic evidence showed that all the 24 nt and a substantial fraction of the 22 nt viral siRNAs are generated by the dicer-like proteins DCL3 and DCL2, respectively. The viral siRNAs were 5′ end phosphorylated, as shown by phosphatase treatments, and methylated at the 3′-nucleotide, as shown by HEN1 miRNA methylase-dependent resistance to β-elimination. Similar modifications were found in all types of endogenous and transgene-derived siRNAs tested, but not in a major fraction of siRNAs from a cytoplasmic RNA tobamovirus. We conclude that several distinct silencing pathways are involved in DNA virus-plant interactions

    A Framework for the Evaluation of Biosecurity, Commercial, Regulatory, and Scientific Impacts of Plant Viruses and Viroids Identified by NGS Technologies

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    Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies and bioinformatics have generated huge new opportunities for discovering and diagnosing plant viruses and viroids. Plant virology has undoubtedly benefited from these new methodologies, but at the same time, faces now substantial bottlenecks, namely the biological characterization of the newly discovered viruses and the analysis of their impact at the biosecurity, commercial, regulatory, and scientific levels. This paper proposes a scaled and progressive scientific framework for efficient biological characterization and risk assessment when a previously known or a new plant virus is detected by next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Four case studies are also presented to illustrate the need for such a framework, and to discuss the scenarios.Peer reviewe

    Multiplying the efficiency and impact of biofortification through metabolic engineering

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    Ending all forms of hunger by 2030, as set forward in the UN-Sustainable Development Goal 2 (UN-SDG2), is a daunting but essential task, given the limited timeline ahead and the negative global health and socio-economic impact of hunger. Malnutrition or hidden hunger due to micronutrient deficiencies affects about one third of the world population and severely jeopardizes economic development. Staple crop biofortification through gene stacking, using a rational combination of conventional breeding and metabolic engineering strategies, should enable a leap forward within the coming decade. A number of specific actions and policy interventions are proposed to reach this goal

    Full-length sequencing of circular DNA viruses and extrachromosomal circular DNA using CIDER-Seq

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    Circular DNA is ubiquitous in nature in the form of plasmids, circular DNA viruses, and extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) in eukaryotes. Sequencing of such molecules is essential to profiling virus distributions, discovering new viruses and understanding the roles of eccDNAs in eukaryotic cells. Circular DNA enrichment sequencing (CIDER-Seq) is a technique to enrich and accurately sequence circular DNA without the need for polymerase chain reaction amplification, cloning, and computational sequence assembly. The approach is based on randomly primed circular DNA amplification, which is followed by several enzymatic DNA repair steps and then by long-read sequencing. CIDER-Seq includes a custom data analysis package (CIDER-Seq Data Analysis Software 2) that implements the DeConcat algorithm to deconcatenate the long sequencing products of random circular DNA amplification into the intact sequences of the input circular DNA. The CIDER-Seq data analysis package can generate full-length annotated virus genomes, as well as circular DNA sequences of novel viruses. Applications of CIDER-Seq also include profiling of eccDNA molecules such as transposable elements (TEs) from biological samples. The method takes ~2 weeks to complete, depending on the computational resources available. Owing to the present constraints of long-read single-molecule sequencing, the accuracy of circular virus and eccDNA sequences generated by the CIDER-Seq method scales with sequence length, and the greatest accuracy is obtained for molecules <10 kb long.status: publishe

    silabotonizem in tonizem

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    Cankar, Kette, Murn in Župančič so v metrični repertoar regularnega silabotoničnega verza vnesli daktilski, amfibraški in iregularni jambski sonet, zmanjš[a!]li delež tradicionalnih meril, povečali polimetrijoritmika se je manj spremenila, opazno je predvsem krajšanje in daljšanje verzov za en nenaglašeni zlog ali stopico. Med iregularnimi merili se je pojavil trohej, daktil in anapest, vsa pa imajo večjo zlogovno variabilnost. Naglasna merila so bogatejša za nerimani naglasni četverec (N4), za N4 z 2-zložno anakruzo in za N4 z 0- do 2-zložno anakruzo in do 3-zložnim šibkim položajem, povečala pa se je atonizacija iktov.Cankar, Kette, Murn and Župančič introduced the dactylic, amphibrachic and irregular iambic sonnet to the metric repertoire of regular syllabotonic verse. They reduced theshare of traditional meters and increased polymeter. The rythm was changed to a lesser degreemost notable is the shortening lines by one non-accented syllable or by one foot. Among irregular meters trochee and anapest emerge, all having higher syllabic variation. The accentual meters gained the accentual 4-foot verse (A4), A4 with two-syllable anacrusis and A4 with zero- or two syllable anacrusis and up to three-syllable weak positionatonicization of ictuses increased

    Linking CRISPR-Cas9 interference in cassava to the evolution of editing-resistant geminiviruses

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    BACKGROUND: Geminiviruses cause damaging diseases in several important crop species. However, limited progress has been made in developing crop varieties resistant to these highly diverse DNA viruses. Recently, the bacterial CRISPR/Cas9 system has been transferred to plants to target and confer immunity to geminiviruses. In this study, we use CRISPR-Cas9 interference in the staple food crop cassava with the aim of engineering resistance to African cassava mosaic virus, a member of a widespread and important family (Geminiviridae) of plant-pathogenic DNA viruses. RESULTS: Our results show that the CRISPR system fails to confer effective resistance to the virus during glasshouse inoculations. Further, we find that between 33 and 48% of edited virus genomes evolve a conserved single-nucleotide mutation that confers resistance to CRISPR-Cas9 cleavage. We also find that in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana the replication of the novel, mutant virus is dependent on the presence of the wild-type virus. CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the risks associated with CRISPR-Cas9 virus immunity in eukaryotes given that the mutagenic nature of the system generates viral escapes in a short time period. Our in-depth analysis of virus populations also represents a template for future studies analyzing virus escape from anti-viral CRISPR transgenics. This is especially important for informing regulation of such actively mutagenic applications of CRISPR-Cas9 technology in agriculture.status: publishe