172 research outputs found

    Fine Root Productivity and Turnover of Ectomycorrhizal and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Tree Species in a Temperate Broad-Leaved Mixed Forest

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    Advancing our understanding of tree fine root dynamics is of high importance for tree physiology and forest biogeochemistry. In temperate broad-leaved forests, ectomycorrhizal (EM) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) tree species often are coexisting. It is not known whether EM and AM trees differ systematically in fine root dynamics and belowground resource foraging strategies. We measured fine root productivity (FRP) and fine root turnover (and its inverse, root longevity) of three EM and three AM broad-leaved tree species in a natural cool-temperate mixed forest using ingrowth cores and combined the productivity data with data on root biomass per root orders. FRP and root turnover were related to root morphological traits and aboveground productivity.FRP differed up to twofold among the six coexisting species with larger species differences in lower horizons than in the topsoil. Root turnover varied up to fivefold among the species with lowest values in Acer pseudoplatanus and highest in its congener A. platanoides. Variation in root turnover was larger within the two groups than between EM and AM species. We conclude that the main determinant of fine root productivity and turnover in this mixed forest is species identity, while the influence of mycorrhiza type seems to be less important

    Facultative mycorrhization in a fern (Struthiopteris spicant L. Weiss) is bound to light intensity

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    Background: The establishment of mycorrhizal relationships between a fungus and a plant typically enhances nutrient and water uptake for the latter while securing a carbon source for the fungus. However, under a particular set of environmental conditions, such as low availability of light and abundant nutrients in the soil, the resources invested in the maintenance of the fungi surpass the benefits obtained by the host. In those cases, facultative mycorrhizal plants are capable of surviving without symbiosis. Facultative mycorrhization in ferns has been overlooked until now. The present study measured the response of Struthiopteris spicant L. Weiss, and its root-associated fungi to different levels of light and nutrient availability in terms of growth, mycorrhizal presence, and leaf nutrient content. This fern species exhibits a great tolerance to variable light, nutrient, and pH conditions, and it has been found with and without mycorrhizae. We conducted a greenhouse experiment with 80 specimens of S. spicant and three factors (Light, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen) resulting in eight treatments. Results: We found a significant influence of the factor light on fungal community composition, plant biomass, and nutrient accumulation. Departing from a lack of colonization at the initial stage, plants showed a remarkable increment of more than 80% in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) richness and abundance in their roots when grown under high light conditions, compared with the ones in low light. We also observed an upward trend of C:P and C:N ratios and the above- and belowground biomass production when AMF abundance increased. Furthermore, the compositional analysis of the whole fungal communities associated with S. spicant roots revealed clear differences among low-light and high-light treatments. Conclusions: This study is the first to investigate the importance of light and nutrient availability in determining fern-AMF relationships. We confirmed that Struthiopteris spicant is a facultative mycorrhizal plant. The composition and diversity of AMF found in the roots of this fern are strongly influenced by light and less by nutrient conditions. Our study shows that ferns respond very sensitively to changes in environmental factors, leading to shifts in the associated mycorrhizal communities

    Elevational patterns of Polylepis tree height (Rosaceae) in the high Andes of Peru: role of human impact and climatic conditions

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    We studied tree height in stands of high-Andean&nbsp;Polylepis&nbsp;forests in two cordilleras near Cuzco (Peru) with respect to variations in human impact and climatic conditions, and compared air and soil temperatures between qualitatively defined dry and humid slopes. We studied 46 forest plots of 100 m2&nbsp;of five&nbsp;Polylepis&nbsp;species at 3560&ndash;4680 m. We measured diameter at breast height (dbh) and tree height in the stands (1229 trees in total), as well as air and soil temperatures in a subset of plots. The data was analyzed combining plots of given species from different sites at the same elevation (&plusmn;100 m). There was no elevational decrease of mean maximum tree height across the entire data set. On humid slopes, tree height decreased continuously with elevation, whereas on dry slopes it peaked at middle elevations. With mean maximum tree heights of 9 m at 4530 m on the humid slopes and of 13 m at 4650 m on the dry slopes, we here document the tallest high-elevation forests found so far worldwide. These highest stands grow under cold mean growing season air temperatures (3.6 and 3.8&deg;C on humid vs. dry slopes) and mean growing season soil temperatures (5.1 vs. 4.6&deg;C). Mean annual air and soil temperature both decreased with elevation. Dry slopes had higher mean and maximum growing season air temperatures than humid slopes. Mean annual soil temperatures did not significantly differ and mean annual air temperatures only slightly differed between slopes. However, maximum air temperatures differed on average by 6.6 K between dry and humid slopes. This suggests that the differences in tree height between the two slopes are most likely due to differences in solar radiation as reflected by maximum air temperatures. Our study furthermore provides evidence that alpine&nbsp;Polylepis&nbsp;treelines grow under lower temperature conditions than global high-elevation treelines on average, suggesting that&nbsp;Polylepis&nbsp;species may have evolved special physiological adaptations to low temperatures.</p

    Comparative analysis of mycorrhizal communities associated with Struthiopteris spicant (L.) Weiss across Europe and North America

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    IntroductionFerns constitute the second largest group of vascular plants. Previous studies have shown that the diversity and composition of fern communities are influenced by resource availability and water stress, among other factors. However, little is known about the influence of these environmental factors on their biotic interactions, especially regarding the relationship between mycorrhizal fungi and ferns. The present study compares the mycorrhizal communities associated with 36 populations of Struthiopteris spicant L. Weiss across Europe and North America. This species exhibits a great tolerance to variations in light, nutrient, and pH conditions, and it can survive with and without mycorrhizae.MethodsWith the aim of determining which environmental factors impact the composition and abundance of the root-associated fungal communities in this species, we used an ITS-focused metabarcoding approach to identify the mycorrhizal fungi present and analyzed the influence of climatic and edaphic variables at global and regional scalesResults and discussionWe encountered striking differences in the relative abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) between S. spicant populations at both spatial levels. We recorded a total of 902 fungal ASVs, but only 2– 4% of the total fungal diversity was observed in each individual, revealing that each fern had a unique fungal community. Light availability and the interactive action of pH and soil nitrogen concentration showed a positive influence on AMF relative abundance, explaining 89% of the variance. However, environmental factors could only explain 4– 8% of the variability in AMF community composition, indicating that it might be determined by stochastic processes. These results support the hypothesis that ferns may be more independent of mycorrhization than other plant groups and interact with fungi in a more opportunistic manner

    The Role of Low Soil Temperature for Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance of Three Graminoids From Different Elevations

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    In high-elevation grasslands, plants can encounter periods with high air temperature while the soil remains cold, which may lead to a temporary mismatch in the physiological activity of leaves and roots. In a climate chamber experiment with graminoid species from three elevations (4400, 2400, and 250 m a.s.l.), we tested the hypothesis that soil temperature can influence photosynthesis and stomatal conductance independently of air temperature. Soil monoliths with swards of Kobresia pygmaea (high alpine), Nardus stricta (lower alpine), and Deschampsia flexuosa (upper lowland) were exposed to soil temperatures of 25, 15, 5, and -2°C and air temperatures of 20 and 10°C for examining the effect of independent soil and air temperature variation on photosynthesis, leaf dark respiration, and stomatal conductance and transpiration. Soil frost (-2°C) had a strong negative effect on gas exchange and stomatal conductance in all three species, independent of the elevation of origin. Leaf dark respiration was stimulated by soil frost in D. flexuosa, but not in K. pygmaea, which also had a lower temperature optimum of photosynthesis. Soil cooling from 15 to 5°C did not significantly reduce stomatal conductance and gas exchange in any of the species. We conclude that all three graminoids are able to maintain a relatively high root water uptake in cold, non-frozen soil, but the high-alpine K. pygmaea seems to be especially well adapted to warm shoot – cold root episodes, as it has a higher photosynthetic activity at 10 than 20°C air temperature and does not up-regulate leaf dark respiration upon soil freezing, as was observed in the grasses from warmer climates

    Tropical Andean Forests Are Highly Susceptible to Nutrient Inputs - Rapid Effects of Experimental N and P Addition to an Ecuadorian Montane Forest

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    Tropical regions are facing increasing atmospheric inputs of nutrients, which will have unknown consequences for the structure and functioning of these systems. Here, we show that Neotropical montane rainforests respond rapidly to moderate additions of N (50 kg ha−1 yr−1) and P (10 kg ha−1 yr−1). Monitoring of nutrient fluxes demonstrated that the majority of added nutrients remained in the system, in either soil or vegetation. N and P additions led to not only an increase in foliar N and P concentrations, but also altered soil microbial biomass, standing fine root biomass, stem growth, and litterfall. The different effects suggest that trees are primarily limited by P, whereas some processes—notably aboveground productivity—are limited by both N and P. Highly variable and partly contrasting responses of different tree species suggest marked changes in species composition and diversity of these forests by nutrient inputs in the long term. The unexpectedly fast response of the ecosystem to moderate nutrient additions suggests high vulnerability of tropical montane forests to the expected increase in nutrient inputs

    Typification and authorship of Drosera intermedia (Droseraceae)

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    Drosera intermedia is lectotypified with the herbarium specimen on which the type drawing in the 1798 protologue was based. The collection history of the specimen, the history of the botanical drawing as original material, and the correct nomenclatural author and publication date of the name are presented based on historical notes and literature. Additionally, the global distribution of the species is given, including the first record from Africa

    Organelle trafficking of chimeric ribozymes and genetic manipulation of mitochondria

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    With the expansion of the RNA world, antisense strategies have become widespread to manipulate nuclear gene expression but organelle genetic systems have remained aside. The present work opens the field to mitochondria. We demonstrate that customized RNAs expressed from a nuclear transgene and driven by a transfer RNA-like (tRNA-like) moiety are taken up by mitochondria in plant cells. The process appears to follow the natural tRNA import specificity, suggesting that translocation indeed occurs through the regular tRNA uptake pathway. Upon validation of the strategy with a reporter sequence, we developed a chimeric catalytic RNA composed of a specially designed trans-cleaving hammerhead ribozyme and a tRNA mimic. Organelle import of the chimeric ribozyme and specific target cleavage within mitochondria were demonstrated in transgenic tobacco cell cultures and Arabidopsis thaliana plants, providing the first directed knockdown of a mitochondrial RNA in a multicellular eukaryote. Further observations point to mitochondrial messenger RNA control mechanisms related to the plant developmental stage and culture conditions. Transformation of mitochondria is only accessible in yeast and in the unicellular alga Chlamydomonas. Based on the widespread tRNA import pathway, our data thus make a breakthrough for direct investigation and manipulation of mitochondrial genetics