2,452 research outputs found
Data Policies and Data Archives: A New Paradigm for Academic Publishing in Economic Sciences?
In our paper we summarise the findings of an empirical study in which a sample of 346 journals in economics and business studies were examined. We regard both the extent and the quality of journals’ data policies, which should facilitate replications of published empirical research. The paper presents some characteristics of journals equipped with data policies and gives some recommendations for suitable data policies in economics and business sciences journals. In addition, we also evaluate the journals’ data archives to roughly estimate whether these journals really enforce data availability. Our key finding is that we are currently not able to determine a new publishing paradigm for journals in economic sciences
Price Premia for Sustainability Characteristics in Foods: Measurement Matters!
There is a growing demand for foods with sustainability characteristics on Northern markets. Despite this trend, foods with sustainability characteristics, like organic farming, regional production and fairtrade certification, do still cover small market segments compared to the conventional market. The incentive for producers to switch from the mass to the niche market is the potential price premium associated with sustainability characteristics. In order to measure these premia, very different approaches are applied. We argue that supply-and-demand models incorporating the influence of sustainability characteristics on preferences and marginal costs are superior to willingness-to-pay studies focusing on hypothetical decisions by consumers alone. We apply hedonic price analysis to the German online market for honey. The differentiated market for honey allows to compare price premia across different sustainability characteristics. Price premia compared to the benchmark of a standard honey, are positive for regionality and negative for fairtrade
Abbruchgründe nicht-traditioneller Studierender – Identifikation von Clustern mittels Data Mining
Nicht-traditionelle Studierende unterliegen trotz guter Studienleistungen einem erhöhten Abbruchrisiko. Der vorliegende Artikel soll daher zum weiteren Verständnis der Abbruchgründe dieser Studierenden beitragen. Studienabbruch gestaltet sich generell als vielschichtiger Prozess, der in seiner Komplexität schwer fassbar ist. Um dem gerecht zu werden, wird eine Clusteranalyse durchgeführt, die automatisiert Muster in den Abbruchgründen erkennen soll. Die Analyse ergibt sechs Gruppen, deren Mitglieder Ähnlichkeiten in den Abbruchgründen aufweisen. So spielen in jeweils einem Cluster Familie, Leistung und Finanzen eine Rolle. In anderen Clustern ist jedoch kein eindeutiger Grund feststellbar
A Faculty Development Workshop for High-Value Care Education Across Clinical Settings.
IntroductionDespite rising health care costs, trainees frequently do not receive formal high-value care (HVC) training. As medical education often occurs through informal learning, it is imperative that medical educators be prepared to teach HVC concepts across clinical settings.MethodsThis workshop was created to provide frameworks for teaching HVC across four pediatric educational settings: (1) case-based conferences, (2) inpatient rounding, (3) ambulatory visits, and (4) conversations with patients and families. Frameworks were developed based on literature review, content experts' knowledge, and internal assessment and feedback. The workshop was divided into two sections: a didactic overview of HVC education and interactive small-group sessions to practice application of the Toolkit for Teaching High-Value Care. At the end of the workshop, participants completed the Prescription for High-Value Care to create a personal action plan.ResultsThis workshop has been presented at both national and local pediatric conferences. From over 89 evaluations (83% response rate), participants felt the workshop met objectives, served as a valuable use of their time, and provided useful resources. Evaluations elicited specific actions that participants gleaned from workshop content along with proposed behavior changes, such as creating HVC case-based conferences at their home institution and initiating more value-based discussions.DiscussionThis workshop has been successfully presented in both national and local settings and has been well received by participants. The workshop is targeted for clinical educators and aims to address the gap in faculty development for HVC education
Zwischen Lärmkontamination und Verstummen : Überlegungen zu Greening-Prozessen in der Musikforschung
In a time of ubiquitous availability of diverse musics, in which noise pollution and the silencing of sounds represent simultaneous challenges and make crises audible, a rethinking of hearing, listening and music-making becomes necessary. This builds upon an ongoing discussion on the understanding of the environmental crisis as a failure of culture and the demand to pay increased attention to the protection of the natural environment through music. Current developments in music research give new impetus to discussions about greening processes in and through sound as reactions to environmental and social crises. For example, in the areas of Acoustic Ecology, Ecomusicology, Multispecies Ethnomusicology, Soundscape Ecology, Zoomusicology, and Human-Animal Studies, other-than-human beings are understood as agents also in terms of music-making and receiving. These disciplines call for the openness of musics to dialogue across cultures, species, and academic disciplines. Hence, every sound – whether classifiable as music or not – is a legitimate topic of music research. This in turn questions human exceptionalism, speciesism, anthropocentrism, ethnocentrism, and their effects on the environment. This paper focuses on sustainable examinations of the role of sound and musics regarding the solution or intensification of current problems for which conscious listening is primarily required.In a time of ubiquitous availability of diverse musics, in which noise pollution and the silencing of sounds represent simultaneous challenges and make crises audible, a rethinking of hearing, listening and music-making becomes necessary. This builds upon an ongoing discussion on the understanding of the environmental crisis as a failure of culture and the demand to pay increased attention to the protection of the natural environment through music. Current developments in music research give new impetus to discussions about greening processes in and through sound as reactions to environmental and social crises. For example, in the areas of Acoustic Ecology, Ecomusicology, Multispecies Ethnomusicology, Soundscape Ecology, Zoomusicology, and Human-Animal Studies, other-than-human beings are understood as agents also in terms of music-making and receiving. These disciplines call for the openness of musics to dialogue across cultures, species, and academic disciplines. Hence, every sound – whether classifiable as music or not – is a legitimate topic of music research. This in turn questions human exceptionalism, speciesism, anthropocentrism, ethnocentrism, and their effects on the environment. This paper focuses on sustainable examinations of the role of sound and musics regarding the solution or intensification of current problems for which conscious listening is primarily required.In a time of ubiquitous availability of diverse musics, in which noise pollution and the silencing of sounds represent simultaneous challenges and make crises audible, a rethinking of hearing, listening and music-making becomes necessary. This builds upon an ongoing discussion on the understanding of the environmental crisis as a failure of culture and the demand to pay increased attention to the protection of the natural environment through music. Current developments in music research give new impetus to discussions about greening processes in and through sound as reactions to environmental and social crises. For example, in the areas of Acoustic Ecology, Ecomusicology, Multispecies Ethnomusicology, Soundscape Ecology, Zoomusicology, and Human-Animal Studies, other-than-human beings are understood as agents also in terms of music-making and receiving. These disciplines call for the openness of musics to dialogue across cultures, species, and academic disciplines. Hence, every sound – whether classifiable as music or not – is a legitimate topic of music research. This in turn questions human exceptionalism, speciesism, anthropocentrism, ethnocentrism, and their effects on the environment. This paper focuses on sustainable examinations of the role of sound and musics regarding the solution or intensification of current problems for which conscious listening is primarily required.In a time of ubiquitous availability of diverse musics, in which noise pollution and the silencing of sounds represent simultaneous challenges and make crises audible, a rethinking of hearing, listening and music-making becomes necessary. This builds upon an ongoing discussion on the understanding of the environmental crisis as a failure of culture and the demand to pay increased attention to the protection of the natural environment through music. Current developments in music research give new impetus to discussions about greening processes in and through sound as reactions to environmental and social crises. For example, in the areas of Acoustic Ecology, Ecomusicology, Multispecies Ethnomusicology, Soundscape Ecology, Zoomusicology, and Human-Animal Studies, other-than-human beings are understood as agents also in terms of music-making and receiving. These disciplines call for the openness of musics to dialogue across cultures, species, and academic disciplines. Hence, every sound – whether classifiable as music or not – is a legitimate topic of music research. This in turn questions human exceptionalism, speciesism, anthropocentrism, ethnocentrism, and their effects on the environment. This paper focuses on sustainable examinations of the role of sound and musics regarding the solution or intensification of current problems for which conscious listening is primarily required
Evaluierung des proinflammatorischen und koagulativen Aktivierungspotentials von Bauchtüchern in der Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie unter Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine
Die Nutzung von Baumwollbauchtüchern während chirurgischer Interventionen ist unter anderem aufgrund ihrer absorptiven und hämostatischen Eigenschaften gängige Praxis. Im Falle herzchirurgischer Eingriffe unter Verwendung der Herz-Lungen-Maschine wird patienteneigenes Blut aus dem Operationsgebiet ohne vorherige Nutzung eines Cell Savers in den Kreislauf der Herz-Lungen-Maschine retransfundiert, um den Blutverlust zu minimieren. Wie in vorangegangenen Studien gezeigt werden konnte, besitzen Baumwollbauchtücher in vitro gerinnungsaktivierende Eigenschaften. Auch eine Ausschüttung proinflammatorischer Zytokine konnte bei Kontakt von peripheren Zellen des Bluts mit Baumwollbauchtüchern detektiert werden. Bei der gängigen Retransfusion des Bluts ohne vorangegangene Aufbereitung mittels Cell Saver können somit aktivierte Zellen sowie Entzündungs- und Gerinnungsmediatoren zurück in den Patientenkreislauf gelangen. Da neben Baumwollbauchtüchern außerdem Bauchtücher aus synthetischem Material für die medizinische Nutzung zugelassen sind, stellen diese eine Alternative im klinischen Gebrauch dar. Aufgrund einer geringeren Einwirkung des Rohmaterials sowie einer genaueren Möglichkeit der Kontrolle des Herstellungsprozesses gehen wir davon aus, dass Synthetikbauchtücher eine höhere Hämokompatibilität besitzen und dementsprechend eine geringere Entzündungs- und Gerinnungsaktivierung verursachen.
Die Durchführung der Studie erfolgte an 20 herzchirurgischen Patienten, welche unter Verwendung der Herz-Lungen-Maschine operiert wurden. Diese wurden zufällig in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt. Bei den zehn Probanden der Kontrollgruppe erfolgte die Verwendung herkömmlicher Baumwollbauchtücher, während bei der Experimentalgruppe Synthetikbauchtücher verwendet wurden. Die Probenentnahme fand bei allen Probanden zu Beginn und Ende der Verwendung der Herz-Lungen-Maschine sowie in der Blutstillungsphase aus dem Bauchtuch statt. Die Testparameter wurden mittels ELISA und Bioplex-Testverfahren bestimmt.
In dieser Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass in der Kontrollgruppe sowohl eine stärkere Aktivierung von Leukozyten als auch von neutrophilen Granulozyten (PMN-Elastase) erfolgte. Unterstützt wurde diese Beobachtung durch die ebenfalls signifikant stärker erhöhten proinflammatorischen Marker IL-1 und IL-6. Höhere SDF-1-Konzentrationen der Experimentalgruppe lassen in dem vorliegenden Kontext ebenfalls auf einen Vorteil der Synthetiktücher schließen. Auch im Rahmen der Thrombozyten- und Gerinnungsaktivierung zeigte sich durch höhere -TG- und TAT-Komplex-Konzentrationen ein stärkerer Effekt der Baumwollbauchtücher gegenüber des Alternativmaterials Synthetik.
Die hier dargestellten Ergebnisse lassen erstmals auf eine verstärkte Aktivierung des Immun- und des Gerinnungssystems durch das Material Baumwolle und demnach eine höhere Hämokompatibilität der Synthetikbauchtücher schließen. Das Ausmaß, in welchem diese zusätzliche Aktivierung einen Einfluss auf postoperative Komplikationen und das Outcome dieser ohnehin vulnerablen Patientengruppe hat, lässt sich hier nicht abschließend klären. Die intraoperative Autotransfusion patienteneigenen Bluts aus dem Operationsgebiet ohne vorangegangene Aufbereitung durch einen Cell-Saver sollte jedoch kritisch überdacht werden
Transverse flow of nuclear matter in collisions of heavy nuclei at intermediate energies
The Quantum Molecular Dynamics Model (IQMD) is used to investigate the origin
of the collective transverse velocity observed in heavy ion experiments. We
find that there are three contributions to this effect: initial-final state
correlations, potential interactions and collisions. For a given nuclear
equation of state (eos) the increase of the transverse velocity with increasing
beam energy is caused by the potential part. For a given beam energy the
collective transverse velocity is independent of the nuclear eos but the
relative contributions of potential and collisions differ. In view of the
importance of the potential interactions between the nucleons it is not evident
that the similarity of the radial velocities measured for fragments at beam
energies below 1 AGeV and that for mesons at beam energies above 2 AGeV is more
than accidental.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revtex, OASIS ref PLB1700
Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging for differentiation of thyroid nodules
Background: Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI)-imaging is an ultrasound-based elastography method enabling quantitative measurement of tissue stiffness. The aim of the present study was to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of ARFI-imaging for differentiation of thyroid nodules and to compare it to the well evaluated qualitative real-time elastography (RTE).
Methods: ARFI-imaging involves the mechanical excitation of tissue using acoustic pulses to generate localized displacements resulting in shear-wave propagation which is tracked using correlation-based methods and recorded in m/s. Inclusion criteria were: nodules $5 mm, and cytological/histological assessment. All patients received conventional ultrasound, real-time elastography (RTE) and ARFI-imaging.
Results: One-hundred-fifty-eight nodules in 138 patients were available for analysis. One-hundred-thirty-seven nodules were benign on cytology/histology, and twenty-one nodules were malignant. The median velocity of ARFI-imaging in the healthy thyroid tissue, as well as in benign and malignant thyroid nodules was 1.76 m/s, 1.90 m/s, and 2.69 m/s, respectively. While no significant difference in median velocity was found between healthy thyroid tissue and benign thyroid nodules, a significant difference was found between malignant thyroid nodules on the one hand and healthy thyroid tissue (p = 0.0019) or benign thyroid nodules (p = 0.0039) on the other hand. No significant difference of diagnostic accuracy for the diagnosis of malignant thyroid nodules was found between RTE and ARFI-imaging (0.74 vs. 0.69, p = 0.54). The combination of RTE with ARFI did not improve diagnostic accuracy.
Conclusions: ARFI can be used as an additional tool in the diagnostic work up of thyroid nodules with high negative predictive value and comparable results to RTE
Recent Developments in Ozone Sensor Technology for Medical Applications
There is increasing interest in the utilisation of medical gases, such as ozone, for the treatment of herniated disks, peripheral artery diseases, and chronic wounds, and for dentistry. Currently, the in situ measurement of the dissolved ozone concentration during the medical procedures in human bodily liquids and tissues is not possible. Further research is necessary to enable the integration of ozone sensors in medical and bioanalytical devices. In the present review, we report selected recent developments in ozone sensor technology (2016–2020). The sensors are subdivided into ozone gas sensors and dissolved ozone sensors. The focus thereby lies upon amperometric and impedimetric as well as optical measurement methods. The progress made in various areas—such as measurement temperature, measurement range, response time, and recovery time—is presented. As inkjet-printing is a new promising technology for embedding sensors in medical and bioanalytical devices, the present review includes a brief overview of the current approaches of inkjet-printed ozone sensors
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