176 research outputs found

    Quality of life of people with epilepsy in Estonia

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    Automatic classification of Petri dish colony images

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou segmentace a klasifikace obrazů kolonií organismů kultivovaných na Petriho miskách. Je navržena segmentační metoda buněk a testovány různé klasifikační přístupy za účelem co nejvyšší spolehlivosti. Funkčnosti navržených metod jsou otestovány na obrazech poskytnutých firmou BioVendor Instruments a.s. Úspěšnost každé metody je hodnocena podle správnosti klasifikace obrazů do skupin. Optimalizované algoritmy jsou otestovány na databázi 250 obrazů.The thesis describe issue of segmentation and classification of Petri dishes colored images. There is proposed a segmentation method that extracts positions of cells from the image. Another techniques focues on classification to groups according to the parameters obtained from images. Reliability of each optimalized algorithm is tested on database containing 250 colored images received from company BioVendor Instruents a.s.

    Assessing the Efficacy of an Online Support Program on the Chronic Disease Management of Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background Guidelines surrounding the medical treatment of type 1 diabetes are clear. They are less clear for managing the psychosocial effects of the disease. Research has shown that educational group interventions can be effective at improving glycemic control and psychosocial outcomes in this patient population. Photovoice could serve as a novel diabetes group intervention for improving psychosocial outcomes in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Methods We conducted a pilot randomized controlled trial on 17 patients with type 1 diabetes aged 13-17 years to compare the effects of an online support group using photography to one not using photography on diabetes-specific psychosocial outcomes. These outcomes were assessed using the Diabetes Distress Scale, Diabetes Empowerment Scale-Short Form, and Diabetes Management Questionnaire. Feasibility and acceptability were also examined. Results An online support group program using photography is feasible and accepted by adolescents with type 1 diabetes. No improvements in diabetes-related distress, diabetes empowerment, or diabetes treatment adherence were seen when compared to an online support group using no photography. However, exploratory data suggest that this group intervention reduces regimen-related distress among participants 4 weeks post-intervention. Conclusions To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the effects of an online Photovoice-based group intervention on diabetes-specific outcomes. More research is needed to demonstrate its efficacy on glycemic control and other diabetes-specific outcome measures.Master of Public Healt

    Pengaruh Pupuk Kotoran Ayam Dan Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Mentimun Jepang (Cucumis stivus L.) Varietas Roberto

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    Mentimun jepang merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran buah yang belum banyak memenuhi kebutuhan pasar sehingga mentimun jepang menjadi salah satu peluang untuk dibudidayakan. Pemberian pupuk kotoran ayam dan pengaturan jarak tanam yang tepat merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman mentimun jepang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Pupuk Kotoran Ayam Dan Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Mentimun Jepang (Cucumis sativus L.) Var. Roberto. Telah dilakukan di kebun percobaan, Ciparanje Jatinangor Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) dari bulan Juli sampai dengan bulan Agustus 2015, menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial dengan tiga kali ulangan yang terdiri atas dua faktor. Faktor pertama pupuk kotoran ayam yang terdiri atas 4 taraf: (k0) tanpa pupuk kotoran ayam (k1) pupuk kotoran ayam 15 t ha-1 (k2) pupuk kotoran ayam 25 t ha-1. (k3) pupuk kotoran ayam 35 t ha-1. Faktor kedua jarak tanam yang terdiri atas 3 taraf: (j1) jarak tanam 60 x 20 cm. (j2) jarak tanam 60 x 30 cm. (j3) jarak tanam 60 x 40 cm. Dengan parameter pengamatan meliputi tinggi tanaman, luas daun, bobot segar brangkasan per tanaman, bobot kering brangkasan per tanaman, Nisbah Pupus Akar. Dan bobot segar buah per tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadi interaksi pada bobot buah per tanaman. Dosis pupuk kotoran ayam 35 t ha-1 (k3) dan jarak tanam 60 x 40 cm (j3) memberikan hasil paling baik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman mentimun jepang


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    Desde a segunda metade da década de 1990, mudanças vêm ocorrendo no segmento supermercadista brasileiro. Dessas destacam-se a crescente internacionalização, desnacionalização e concentração econômica dessa modalidade de comércio nas mãos de grandes empresas: Pão de Açúcar, Carrefour e Wal-Mart. Com a finalidade de atingir uma maior competição, alterações têm ocorrido na forma de gestão do trabalho e no uso de tecnologias, levando a um novo arranjo dos trabalhadores pelos supermercados. Esse arranjo passa a ser marcado pelo aumento de tarefas e por uma maior intensidade do trabalho que pode ser observada na situação dos operadores de supermercado das lojas Extra e Pão de Açúcar.

    Removing methods of power line interference in ECG signals

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    Práce hodnotí účinnost číslicové lineární i nelineární filtrace na odstranění síťového rušení ze signálů EKG. Pro získání průměrných výsledků se pracuje s databází CSE, ve které je k dispozici 3750 čistých přirozených i umělých signálů. Po umělém poškození signálů brumem je účinnost filtrů hodnocena dle dosaženého průměrného výstupního poměru výkonu čistého signálu a šumu.The thesis is comparing efficiency of digital linear and nonlinear filtration used for removing power line interference from ECG signals. For testing was used database of CSE, containing 3750 ECG signals. After adding simulated power line interference into the clear ECG signal come comparing the efficiency of filters by average output signal to noise ratio.

    Effect of photoperiod on sexual development, growth and production of quail (coturnix coturnix japonica)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of photoperiod on production of quail in South Africa. Day old chicks were randomly divided into two groups. One group (n=74) received continuous light (LL) while the other group (n=77) received 13 h of light (LD) per day. Traits measured were sexual characteristics (age at sexual maturity and testis weight, egg production and egg weight) and growth (body weight) development in males and females respectively. Significant differences in growth existed between sexes; females were 171.44±17.15 and 182.91±17.75 g compared to the 151.77±13.20 and 155.00±16.86 g for males in both LL and LD groups respectively. Both males and females in the LL group initially outperformed the LD group in growth rate but, by day 72 the LD group had compensated and were 4.6% heavier than the LL group. A similar trend was observed for sexual maturity between the LL and LD groups. However, photoperiod did significantly influence initial egg production in favour of the LL group. The LL group had 80% of the females in production by day 44 compared to the 60% of the LD group. The initial egg weight of the LL group was 14 % higher than those of the LD group. Quail subjected to continuous light attained earlier sexual maturity and production with lower final weight compared to quail subjected to an intermediate photoperiod. The application of a longer photoperiod would therefore favour an egg production system

    On the degradation of metformin and carbamazepine residues in sewage sludge compost

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    ArticleRecent decades have shown intensive studies devoted to the fate of pharmaceuticals in the environment. These studies have involved the development of analytical tools, determination of pharmaceuticals in different compartments, composting technologies, and plant uptake of pharmaceuticals. The presence of organic pollutants in sewage sludge, including pharmaceuticals, is a problem of major concern. The r e - use of sewage sludge should be encouraged since it represents a long - term solution provided that the quality of the sludge re - used is compatible with public health and environmental protection requirements. Composting is a widely recognized way of making the soil application of sewage sludge safer. In this study, the impact of sewage sludge composting on the degradation of metformin (MET), by far the most often prescribed antidiabetic drug worldwide, and carbamazepine (CBZ), a poorly biodegradable but wid ely used as an anticonvulsant drug to cure depression and seizures, were analysed. The anaerobically digested and dewatered sewage sludge samples were collected from municipal wastewater treatment plant. Composting experiments were performed under fixed co nditions during 30 days. The results of the experiment showed that during a 1 - month composting period more than 90% of MET residues degraded, but no degradation of CBZ took place during the composting period. The half - life of MET was 3 days for the compost mixture with the ratios of 1:3 and 1:2 (v:v). The results of this study show that composting maylead to the efficient degradation of MET, whereas for the elimination of CBZ from sewage sludge different means should be used


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    Baja  adalah  logam  paduan  dengan  besi  sebagai  unsur  dasar dan karbon sebagai unsur paduan utamanya. Kandungan karbon dalam baja berkisar antara 0.2% hingga 2.1% berat sesuai grade-nya. Fungsi karbon dalam baja adalah sebagai unsur pengeras. Unsur paduan lain yang biasa ditambahkan selain karbon adalah mangan, krom, vanadium, dan nikel. Dengan memvariasikan kandungan karbon dan unsur paduan lainnya, berbagai jenis kualitas baja bisa didapatkan. Penambahan kandungan karbon pada baja dapat meningkatkan kekerasan dan kekuatan tariknya, namun di sisi lain membuatnya menjadi getas serta menurunkan keuletannya. Proses heat treament atau proses perlakuan panas yang dilakukan terhadap sesuatu material dalam hal ini logam dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan sifat mekanik tertentu (sesuai dengan keinginan). Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut pada umumnya dengan melakukan kombinasi pengoperasian antara pemanasan dan pendinginan. Material dipanaskan pada temperature tertentu, ditahan dengan waktu penahanan tertentu dan diikuti dengan pendinginan dengan laju pendinginan tertentu