207 research outputs found

    Obesity-induced changes in lipid mediators persist after weight loss.

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    BackgroundObesity induces significant changes in lipid mediators, however, the extent to which these changes persist after weight loss has not been investigated.Subjects/methodsWe fed C57BL6 mice a high-fat diet to generate obesity and then switched the diet to a lower-fat diet to induce weight loss. We performed a comprehensive metabolic profiling of lipid mediators including oxylipins, endocannabinoids, sphingosines and ceramides in key metabolic tissues (including adipose, liver, muscle and hypothalamus) and plasma.ResultsWe found that changes induced by obesity were largely reversible in most metabolic tissues but the adipose tissue retained a persistent obese metabolic signature. Prostaglandin signaling was perturbed in the obese state and lasting increases in PGD2, and downstream metabolites 15-deoxy PGJ2 and delta-12-PGJ2 were observed after weight loss. Furthermore expression of the enzyme responsible for PGD2 synthesis (hematopoietic prostaglandin D synthase, HPGDS) was increased in obese adipose tissues and remained high after weight loss. We found that inhibition of HPGDS over the course of 5 days resulted in decreased food intake in mice. Increased HPGDS expression was also observed in human adipose tissues obtained from obese compared with lean individuals. We then measured circulating levels of PGD2 in obese patients before and after weight loss and found that while elevated relative to lean subjects, levels of this metabolite did not decrease after significant weight loss.ConclusionsThese results suggest that lasting changes in lipid mediators induced by obesity, still present after weight loss, may play a role in the biological drive to regain weight

    The usefulness of mesocosms for ecotoxicity testing with lacertid lizards

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    Mesocosms (i.e., outdoor, man-made representations of natural ecosystems) have seldom been used to study the impact of contaminants on terrestrial ecosystems. However, mesocosms can be a useful tool to provide a link between field and laboratory studies. We exposed juvenile lacertid lizards for a period of over one year to pesticides (herbicides and insecticides) in mesocosm enclosures with the intention of validating field observations obtained in a previous study that examined the effects of corn pesticides in Podarcis bocagei. Our treatments replicated field conditions and consisted of a control, an herbicides only treatment (alachlor, terbuthylazine, mesotrione and glyphosate) and an herbicides and insecticide treatment (including chlorpyrifos). We used a multi-biomarker approach that examined parameters at an individual and sub-individual level, including growth, locomotor performance, standard metabolic rate, biomarkers of oxidative stress, esterases and liver histopathologies. Although mortality over the course of the exposures was high (over 60%), surviving individuals prospered relatively well in the mesocosms and displayed a broad range of natural behaviours. The low numbers of replicate animals compromised many of the statistical comparisons, but in general, surviving lizards exposed to pesticides in mesocosm enclosures for over one year, thrived, and displayed few effects of pesticide exposure. Despite the difficulties, this work acts as an important stepping-stone for future ecotoxicology studies using lizards.publishe

    Cambios alimentarios y de estilo de vida como estrategia en la prevención del síndrome metabólico y la diabetes mellitus tipo 2: hitos y perspectivas

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    El elevado aporte calórico de la alimentación actual y el sedentarismo, son los principales causantes del notable incremento de la obesidad en nuestra sociedad. A su vez, esto conlleva un aumento de las patologías asociadas a ella, como pueden ser el síndrome metabólico y la diabetes tipo 2. En el presente trabajo, han sido revisados los estudios y programas más recientes y significativos en cuanto a su tamaño muestral y a su diversidad geográfica, poniendo de manifiesto que los cambios en la alimentación y en los estilos de vida, son un instrumento efectivo para combatir o retrasar la aparición de estas enfermedades. En este sentido, la prevención también es clave para evitar las graves consecuencias, relacionadas con la diabetes y el síndrome metabólico, que pueden afectar a la calidad de vida de la población.A high caloric intake in today’s nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are the main causes of the notable increase in obesity in our society. In turn, this results in an increase in associated pathologies, such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2. In the present work we review most recent studies and programs, which are significant due to their sample size and geographical diversity. It clearly shows that changes in alimentation and lifestyles are an effective instrument for combatting or delaying the onset of these diseases. In this sense, prevention is also key to avoiding serious consequences related to diabetes and metabolic syndrome, which can affect the life of the population

    Population dynamics and genetic connectivity in recent chimpanzee history

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    Knowledge on the population history of endangered species is critical for conservation, but whole-genome data on chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) is geographically sparse. Here, we produced the first non-invasive geolocalized catalog of genomic diversity by capturing chromosome 21 from 828 non-invasive samples collected at 48 sampling sites across Africa. The four recognized subspecies show clear genetic differentiation correlating with known barriers, while previously undescribed genetic exchange suggests that these have been permeable on a local scale. We obtained a detailed reconstruction of population stratification and fine-scale patterns of isolation, migration, and connectivity, including a comprehensive picture of admixture with bonobos (Pan paniscus). Unlike humans, chimpanzees did not experience extended episodes of long-distance migrations, which might have limited cultural transmission. Finally, based on local rare variation, we implement a fine-grained geolocalization approach demonstrating improved precision in determining the origin of confiscated chimpanzees

    Dark Energy Survey year 3 results: point spread function modelling

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    We introduce a new software package for modelling the point spread function (PSF) of astronomical images, called PIFF (PSFs In the Full FOV), which we apply to the first three years (known as Y3) of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) data. We describe the relevant details about the algorithms used by PIFF to model the PSF, including how the PSF model varies across the field of view (FOV). Diagnostic results show that the systematic errors from the PSF modelling are very small over the range of scales that are important for the DES Y3 weak lensing analysis. In particular, the systematic errors from the PSF modelling are significantly smaller than the corresponding results from the DES year one (Y1) analysis. We also briefly describe some planned improvements to PIFF that we expect to further reduce the modelling errors in future analyses

    ANTARES search for point-sources of neutrinos using astrophysical catalogs: a likelihood stacking analysis

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    A search for astrophysical point-like neutrino sources using the data collected by the ANTARES detector between January 29, 2007 and December 31, 2017 is presented. A likelihood stacking method is used to assess the significance of an excess of muon neutrinos inducing track-like events in correlation with the location of a list of possible sources. Different sets of objects are tested in the analysis: a) a sub-sample of the \textit{Fermi} 3LAC catalog of blazars, b) a jet-obscured AGN population, c) a sample of soft gamma-ray selected radio galaxies, d) a star-forming galaxy catalog , and e) a public sample of 56 very-high-energy track events from the IceCube experiment. None of the tested sources shows a significant association with the sample of neutrinos detected by ANTARES. The smallest p-value is obtained for the radio galaxies catalog with an equal weights hypothesis, with a pre-trial p-value equivalent to a 2.8σ2.8 \, \sigma excess, equivalent to 1.6σ1.6 \, \sigma post-trial. In addition, the results of a dedicated analysis for the blazar MG3 J225517+2409 are also reported: this source is found to be the most significant within the \textit{Fermi} 3LAC sample, with 5 ANTARES events located at less than one degree from the source. This blazar showed evidence of flaring activity in \textit{Fermi} data, in space-time coincidence with a high-energy track detected by IceCube. An \emph{a posteriori} significance of 2.0σ2.0\, \sigma for the combination of ANTARES and IceCube data is reported

    The DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey Data Release 2

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    We present the second public data release (DR2) from the DECam Local Volume Exploration survey (DELVE). DELVE DR2 combines new DECam observations with archival DECam data from the Dark Energy Survey, the DECam Legacy Survey, and other DECam community programs. DELVE DR2 consists of similar to 160,000 exposures that cover >21,000 deg(2) of the high-Galactic-latitude ( divide b divide > 10 degrees) sky in four broadband optical/near-infrared filters (g, r, i, z). DELVE DR2 provides point-source and automatic aperture photometry for similar to 2.5 billion astronomical sources with a median 5 sigma point-source depth of g = 24.3, r = 23.9, i = 23.5, and z = 22.8 mag. A region of similar to 17,000 deg(2) has been imaged in all four filters, providing four-band photometric measurements for similar to 618 million astronomical sources. DELVE DR2 covers more than 4 times the area of the previous DELVE data release and contains roughly 5 times as many astronomical objects. DELVE DR2 is publicly available via the NOIRLab Astro Data Lab science platform

    Search for magnetic monopoles with ten years of the ANTARES neutrino telescope

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    This work presents a new search for magnetic monopoles using data taken with the ANTARES neutrino telescope over a period of 10 years (January 2008 to December 2017). Compared to previous ANTARES searches, this analysis uses a run-by-run simulation strategy, with a larger exposure as well as a new simulation of magnetic monopoles taking into account the Kasama, Yang and Goldhaber model for their interaction cross-section with matter. No signal compatible with the passage of relativistic magnetic monopoles is observed, and upper limits on the flux of magnetic monopoles with β=v/c≥0.55, are presented. For ultra-relativistic magnetic monopoles the flux limit is ∼7×10−18 cm−2s−1sr−1

    Euclid: Modelling massive neutrinos in cosmology -- a code comparison

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    The measurement of the absolute neutrino mass scale from cosmological large-scale clustering data is one of the key science goals of the Euclid mission. Such a measurement relies on precise modelling of the impact of neutrinos on structure formation, which can be studied with NN-body simulations. Here we present the results from a major code comparison effort to establish the maturity and reliability of numerical methods for treating massive neutrinos. The comparison includes eleven full NN-body implementations (not all of them independent), two NN-body schemes with approximate time integration, and four additional codes that directly predict or emulate the matter power spectrum. Using a common set of initial data we quantify the relative agreement on the nonlinear power spectrum of cold dark matter and baryons and, for the NN-body codes, also the relative agreement on the bispectrum, halo mass function, and halo bias. We find that the different numerical implementations produce fully consistent results. We can therefore be confident that we can model the impact of massive neutrinos at the sub-percent level in the most common summary statistics. We also provide a code validation pipeline for future reference.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables; published on behalf of the Euclid Consortium; data available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.729797

    Search for Gamma-Ray and Neutrino Coincidences Using HAWC and ANTARES Data

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    In the quest for high-energy neutrino sources, the Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON) has implemented a new search by combining data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory and the Astronomy with a Neutrino Telescope and Abyss environmental RESearch (ANTARES) neutrino telescope. Using the same analysis strategy as in a previous detector combination of HAWC and IceCube data, we perform a search for coincidences in HAWC and ANTARES events that are below the threshold for sending public alerts in each individual detector. Data were collected between July 2015 and February 2020 with a livetime of 4.39 years. Over this time period, 3 coincident events with an estimated false-alarm rate of <1< 1 coincidence per year were found. This number is consistent with background expectations.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 3 table