85 research outputs found

    The taming of the duel: masculinity, honour and ritual violence in London, 1660–1800

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    Over the course of the ‘long’ eighteenth century the nature and significance of duels fought in the London area changed dramatically. Pistols replaced swords, seconds took on a new role as mediators, and new conventions reduced the violence. Consequently, injuries and fatalities decreased significantly. The purpose of fighting duels also shifted from the defeat of one's antagonist to a demonstration of courage. Although duels continued to occur, growing opposition meant that the audience of people who supported duelling became increasingly limited and duels took place in places far from public view. At the same time, both the press and the courts provided alternative strategies for defending reputations. These changes cannot be attributed to technological developments, official attempts to prevent duelling, or the embourgeoisement of the duel. Rather, they resulted from a series of interlinked cultural changes, including an increasing intolerance of violence, new internalized understandings of elite honour, and the adoption of ‘polite’ and sentimental norms governing masculine conduct. These eighteenth-century changes shed new light on the reasons for the final end of duelling in England in 1852

    Epidemiologia e estratégias para o manejo químico do míldio-pulverulento em mangueira

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate phytosanitary strategies for the chemical control of powdery mildew (Oidium mangiferae) in mango, based on the alternation of active ingredients with different modes and sites of action, and to determine the environmental and epidemiological conditions that favor the development of the disease. The experiment was conducted in Guerrero, México, in commercial orchards, within a program for the development of fungicide spraying strategies. Epidemic curves were used on temporal analyses of the disease for: incidence; area under disease progression curve (AUDPC); severity; and conidial seasonality and its relationships with meteorological parameters. The disease was better controlled with the application of systemic fungicide followed by contact fungicide with multisite activity. The first symptoms appeared 30 days after the issuance of shoots, and the most susceptible phenological (critical) stages were at full bloom and at the onset of fruit with 8–15 mm. Optimum conditions for the development of powdery mildew, which maximizes the density of airborne spores, are temperatures higher than 30°C and relative humidity over 90%.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar estratégias fitossanitárias para o controle químico do míldio-da-mangueira (Oidium mangiferae), baseadas na alternação de princípios ativos com diferentes modos e sítios de ação, e determinar as condições ambientais e epidemiológicas que favorecem o desenvolvimento da doença. O experimento foi realizado em Guerrero, México, em pomares comerciais, no âmbito de um programa para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de pulverização com fungicida. Curvas epidêmicas foram utilizadas em análises temporais da doença quanto à: incidência; área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD); severidade; e sazonalidade dos conídios e sua relação com parâmetros meteorológicos. A doença foi mais bem controlada com a aplicação de fungicida sistêmico seguido de fungicida de contato, com atividade multissítio. Os primeiros sintomas apareceram 30 dias após a emissão dos brotos, e os estádios fenológicos mais sensíveis (críticos) foram o de floração completa e o de frutos com 8–15 mm. As condições ótimas para o desenvolvimento do oídio, que maximizam a densidade de esporos no ar, são temperatura acima de 30°C e umidade relativa superior a 90%

    Contabilidad en la nube: una alternativa para el teletrabajo

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    La pandemia de la COVID-19 posee actualmente un fuerte impacto a nivel mundial, tanto en la salud de las personas como en su economía. Las medidas de restricción de movimiento y aislamiento social han supuesto tensiones en el ámbito económico con cese de actividades de negocio, y disminución de la producción y el comercio. El objetivo del presente artículo es destacar los beneficios de combinar las bondades de desarrollar la profesión contable desde una plataforma basada en la computación en la nube, como forma eficaz de efectuar el teletrabajo. Se realizó un estudio bibliográfico del estado del arte respecto al teletrabajo y a la contabilidad en la nube. La combinación entre ambos elementos es una opción a considerar dentro de la estrategia empresarial en períodos de pandemia y pos-pandemia.In the current year, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact worldwide, both on people´s health and on their economy. The restrict movement measures and social isolation have created tensions in the economic sphere with the cessation of business activities, and a decrease in production a trade. This article aims to highlight the benefits of combining the teleworking advantages with the opportunities of developing accounting profession based on cloud computing platform, as an effective way of teleworking. The methodology used was a bibliographic research of the existing literature regarding teleworking and cloud accounting. The combination of both elements is an option to consider within the business strategy in periods of pandemic and post-pandemic. &nbsp

    Acarofauna associated to papaya orchards in Veracruz, Mexico

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    Productores agrícolas en México recientemente notaron un fuerte incremento en las infestaciones de ácaros en las huertas de papayo (Carica papaya L. 1753). Se elaboró una lista de las especies de ácaros asociados con hojas de papayo para determinar las especies responsables de las altas infestaciones y para identificar a los ácaros depredadores. Los ácaros fueron colectados de tres estratos (alto, medio y bajo) en siete muncipios del centro del estado de Veracruz. Las hojas fueron procesadas por lavado y tamizado. Las especies identificadas incluyeron cuatro tetraníquidos: Eotetranychus lewisi (McGregor 1943), Eutetranychus banksi (McGregor 1914), Tetranychus merganser Boudreaux 1954 y Tetranychus urticae Koch 1836; tres fitoseidos: Euseius hibisci (Chant 1959), Galendromus helveolus (Chant 1959) y Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks 1904), donde las dos primeras especies fueron las más abundantes. El ácaro eriófido errante Calacarus citrifolii Keifer 1955 fue colectado en tres municipios, en el estrato bajo. El ácaro blanco, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks 1904), y el ácaro carmín, Tetranychus cinnabarinus (Boisduval 1867), no fueron colectados, aunque estas dos especies fueron registradas previamente en esta área. Ninguno de los fitoseidos encontrados puede ser considerado de reciente establecimiento en el área; se discute su potencial como agentes de control biológico

    Asexual reproduction: an alternative for the propagation and conservation of papaya (Carica papaya L.) native to Guerrero, Mexico

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect on the rooting of Carica papaya L. cuttings using three different substrates and varying the length of the vegetative material Design / methodology / approach: A completely randomized design with a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement was used. Herbaceous cuttings of 30 and 40 cm in length were collected in March 2018, from lateral branches from native papaya plants (Carica papaya L.) from various regions of the state of Guerrero. The stakes were placed in different substrates: 1) sand, 2) Peat Moss® and 3) a mixture of sand and Peat Moss® (70:30, v / v). Sixty days after sowing, the rooting percentage, root length, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, crown diameter, weight of fresh biomass, weight of dry biomass, fresh weight of root and root dry weight. With the data obtained, an analysis of variances and a mean comparison test (Tukey, p?0.05) were performed. Results: The 40 and 30 cm long cuttings showed 60 and 50% rooting, respectively, being those plants where 40 cm cuttings were used, consistently taller, with a greater number of leaves, crown diameter and greater length of root. Of the three substrates used, sand was the best for the rooting of papaya cuttings, since in it plants with significantly higher fresh biomass weight were developed (p?0.05). Study limitations / implications: It is important to continue the study into the flowering and fruiting stages. Findings / conclusions: The proposed protocol allows the rooting of papaya cuttingsObjective: Evaluate the effect of three types of substrate and different shoot lengths onthe rooting of Carica papaya L. shoots.Design/ methodology/ approach: This experiment followed a completely randomizeddesign with a 2×3 factorial arrangement. Shoots of 30 and 40 cm of length werecollected in March 2018 from the lateral branches of papaya plants (Carica papaya L.)native to various regions of Guerrero. Shoots were placed in different substrates: 1)sand, 2) Peat Moss®, and 3) sand and Peat Moss® mixture (70:30, v/v). Sixty days afterplanting, rooting percentage, root length, plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves,crown diameter, biomass fresh weight, biomass dry weight, root fresh weight, and rootdry weight were evaluated. Data were analyzed through an analysis of variance and amean difference test (Tukey, p?0.05).Results: The rooting of 40- and 30-cm shoots was 60 and 50%, respectively. Plantswith the highest height, number of leaves, root length, and crown diameter derived from 240-cm shoots. Sand was the best substrate for rooting, where plants with higher freshbiomass were significantly developed.Study limitations/ implications: Continue study during the flowering and fruitingstages.Findings/ conclusions: This protocol allows the rooting of papaya shoots


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    -El objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer la situación actual de la evaluación del rendimiento del alumnado, concretamente del procedimiento de recuperación de las materias pendientes al pasar de curso, en los Institutos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y Centros de Enseñanza Obligatoria (CEOS) de las Islas Canarias en España. Como instrumento de recogida de datos, se diseñó un cuestionario con 82 preguntas; se administró en 87 centros repartidos en las siete islas que conforman el archipiélago. Los institutos fueron seleccionados mediante una técnica de muestreo aleatorio estratificado. Los cuestionarios fueron cumplimentados por los miembros del departamento de orientación y, en su defecto, por los del equipo directivo. Al analizar los resultados obtenidos, pudo observarse entre otras cuestiones, que existen muchos aspectos que deben mejorarse para garantizar una eficaz recuperación del logro de capacidades y CCBB, cuando se promociona con materias y áreas pendientes de cursos anteriores.-The aim of this article is to inform about the current situation regarding the assessment of pupils’ performance, specifically about the resit procedure of failed subjects when promoting to the next academic year, in Secondary Schools (ESO) and Schools of Obligatory Education (CEOS) of the Canary Islands, Spain. As atool to obtain data, an 82 item questionnaire was created. This questionnaire was run in 87 schools distributed in the seven Canary Islands. The schools were selected using a random layered sampling. The questionnaires were completed by the members of each Orientation Department or Directing Board. When analyzing the results, it could be perceived that many aspects should be improved in order to guarantee an efficient resit of the general students’ capacities and their key competences when promoting to the next academic year with failed subjects from previous years

    Extractos de neem en el comportamiento de Aphis nerii y la transmisión del virus de la mancha anular del papayo

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    The effect of neem extracts on feeding behavior of Aphis nerii, as well as Papaya Ringspot Virus (PRSV-p) transmission, was determined. We evaluated papaya seedlings sprayed under laboratory conditions with a 10% aqueous extract of unpeeled neem seed and with a water control. Two time periods, exploratory (0 to 3 min) and feeding (>3 to 20 min), were used to evaluate aphid feeding behavior. Aphid mortality was determined 24 h after spraying. Viral transmission was measured by ELISA tests. No significant differences (p > 0.05) were obtained in the exploratory feeding behavior. However, significantly more aphids (p < 0.05) stopped feeding on neemsprayed plants from the >3 to 20 min period. Also, higher (p < 0.05) aphid mortality (37% vs. 10%) was found in neem-sprayed plants. However, no significant differences (p > 0.05) were found in PRSV-p transmission, thus indicating that neem seed aqueous extracts did not prevent viral transmission.Se determinó el efecto de extractos de neem en el comportamiento de alimentación y la transmisión del Virus de la Mancha Anular del Papayo (PRSV-p) por Aphis nerii. Se evaluó un extracto acuoso al 10% de semillas de neem sin escarificar, y un testigo con agua, asperjados en plantas de papayo en el laboratorio. El comportamiento de alimentación del áfido se estudió en dos fases: exploratoria (0 hasta 3 min) y de alimentación (>3 hasta 20 min). Se determinó la mortalidad de áfidos a las 24 h. El análisis de la transmisión del virus se realizó con base en pruebas de ELISA. No se detectaron diferencias significativas (p > 0.05) en cuanto al comportamiento de alimentación para la fase exploratoria, lo que indica que el neem no afecta la búsqueda y el probado inicial del áfido sobre la planta. En cambio, un número significativamente mayor de áfidos (p < 0.05) dejó de alimentarse en la fase >3 hasta 20 min. Además, la mortalidad de áfidos es mayor (p < 0.05) en el tratamiento con plantas asperjadas con neem (37% vs. 10%). No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p > 0.05) en la transmisión del PRSV-p por Aphis nerii, lo que indica que los extractos acuosos de semillas de neem no impiden la transmisión del virus

    Áreas potenciales para plantaciones de Agave angustifolia Haw en Guerrero, México

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    Objective: To determine optimum and suboptimal areas for the establishment of plantations of Agave angustifolia Haw. in the state of Guerrero. Design/methodology/approach: A collection of 139 specimens of A. angustifolia was carried out, obtaining for each specimen phenotypic, agroclimatic and agroecological data. The information of 30 specimens of herbarium was consulted. Interviews were conducted with the representatives of the state council of mezcal in Guerrero, the company Sanzekan Tinemi and Mezcalli del Sur, to complement the information of the areas. A database was created where the information of each copy was included, as well as the information obtained from the interviews. Criteria for selecting potential areas of A. angustifoliawere defined, after which a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) was constructed, generating mapping areas with agroclimatic and agro potential, wherein the optimal suboptimal and marginal areas for the establishment of A. angustifolia were delineated. For the validation of the information, field visits were made to specific sites to verify the agroecological conditions of the potential areas obtained in this research. Results: There are approximately 1,020,998.27 ha with optimum aptitude and 618,015.87 ha with suboptimal aptitude. Limitations on study/implications: We suggest to incorporate information referring to the physiology, productivity and genetic diversity of the native populations of A. angustifolia. Findings/conclusions: The regions with the highest and suboptimal potential for the plantations of A. angustifolia are Norte, Tierra Caliente and Centro, where the largest production of mezcal in the state occurs.  Objetivo: Determinar áreas optimas y subóptimas para establecer plantaciones de Agave angustifolia Haw. en el estado de Guerrero, México. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se recolectaron 139 ejemplares de A. angustifolia, para cada ejemplar se registraron datos fenotípicos, agroclimáticos y agroecológicos. Se consultó la información de 30 ejemplares de herbario; además se entrevistaron a los representantes del Consejo Estatal del Mezcal en Guerrero, la empresa Sanzekan Tinemi y la empresa Mezcalli del Sur, para complementar la información de las áreas. Se generó una base de datos donde se incluyó la información de cada ejemplar, así como la obtenida de entrevistas. Se definieron criterios para la selección de áreas potenciales de A. angustifolia, después de lo cual se construyó un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG),generando la cartografía de las áreas con potencial agroclimático y agroecológico, donde se delimitaron las áreas optimas, subóptimas y marginales, para el establecimiento de A. angustifolia. Para la validación de la información, se realizaron visitas de campo a sitios específicos para verificar las condiciones agroecológicas de las áreas potenciales obtenidas en el presente trabajo. Resultados: Los resultados indican que existen aproximadamente 1,020,998.27 ha con aptitud óptima y 618,015.87 ha con aptitud subóptima. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: se sugiere incorporar información referente a la fisiología, productividad y diversidad genética de las poblaciones nativas de A. angustifolia. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Las regiones con mayor potencial optimo y subóptimo para las plantaciones de A. angustifolia son Norte, Tierra Caliente y Centro, donde además se presenta la mayor producción de mezcal en el estado

    Coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari) trapping in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) with artisan traps at el Paraíso, Guerrero, Mexico

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    Objective: Evaluate three proportions of alcohol in traps with one and three windows and two different colors to capture Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari in the Paradise, Guerrero. Design/methodology/approach: 3 mixtures of ethyl:methyl alcohol was evaluated in different proportions (1:0, 0:1 and 1:1), in addition, traps were used in green and transparent colors, designed with one and three windows. A complete factorial design was used, the distribution of treatments was done in complete blocks at random with four repetitions. The variables evaluated were the number of bits captured, water loss, evaporation of the attractant and percentage of damaged fruits. Evaluations were conducted in March–July 2007. Results: There were differences between the treatments (p <0.05). Mix with 1: 1 was the best treatment, recorded an average catch of 980 trap insects week-1. In water loss the traps with a window were better than those designed with three, they recorded an average loss of 1,129.79 mL. The transparent color in traps is more efficient to prevent water loss, recorded an average loss of 905 mL. Limitations on study/implications: The design and color of the trap do not influence the capture efficiency and evaporation of the attractant. Findings/conclusions: The use of handcrafted traps of transparent color, with a window and with ratio of 1:1 ethyl and methyl alcohol, are very efficient in the trap for the control of H. hampeiObjective: To evaluate three proportions of alcohol in traps with one and three windows and two different colors to capture Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari in Coffea arabica L. plants. Design/methodology/approach: The experiment followed a completely randomized design with a complete factorial arrangement and four replications. From March to July 2007, three mixtures of ethyl: methyl alcohol were evaluated in different proportions (1: 0, 0: 1 and 1: 1). In addition, green and transparent traps were used, designed with a single or three windows. The number of captured coffee berry borers, water loss, attractant evaporation and damaged fruits percentage was evaluated. The data were analyzed through an analysis of variance and a test of means differences (Tukey, p ? 0.05). Results: The mixture of ethyl: methyl alcohol 1: 1 was the best, with an average catch of 980 trapped - insects week-1. The single window of transparent color traps was the most efficient to avoid water loss, with an average loss of 1,129.79 mL and 905 mL respectively. Limitations on study/implications: The design and color of the traps did not influence the capture efficiency and the evaporation of the attractant during the evaluated months. Therefore, it should be further evaluated during other important phenological stages for the crop. Findings/conclusions: Transparent color traps with a window and 1: 1 ethyl: methyl alcohol were efficient for capturing H. hampei and lowering their population

    Morbilidad materna neonatal relacionado con la depresión y calidad de vida posparto

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    Introduction: Neonatal maternal morbidity and postpartum depression with quality of life are not only a medical, social and psychological problem that affects women during the postpartum period, but also leaves sequelae of permanent damage to the mother's health. Objective: To determine the relationship between neonatal maternal morbidity with depression and postpartum quality of life in women cared for in the Micro Maternal and Child Network of Cachicadán, 2017. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive investigation was carried out in 72 puerperal women. Data on neonatal maternal morbidity were collected from Perinatal Medical Records and two questionnaires were applied: Edinburgh Scale and the SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire. Result: It was found that maternal morbidity is: hemorrhages (mostly Uterine Atonía with 36.1%), infections (mainly Urinary Tract with 61.1%), perineum injuries (mainly Tear I with 41.7%), pain (mainly intense with 97.2%), use of analgesia (5.6%) and visits to the emergency room after maternal discharge (80.6%). Neonatal morbidity is: respiratory distress (2.8%), infections at 48 hours (2.8%), admission to the neonatal unit (2.8%), low birth weight (8.3%), post-term gestational age (16.7%) and visits to the emergency room after discharge (80.6%). Conclusion: that postpartum depression (mostly Moderate with 58.3%) is related to perineal injuries and visits to the emergency room after maternal discharge (p <0.05) and with the gestational age of the newborn. Postpartum Quality of Life (mostly Regular with 55.6%) is not related to any postpartum maternal morbidity (p> 0.05) and is related to the gestational age of the neonate (p <0.05). Key words: Neonatal maternal morbidity, postpartum depression and postpartum quality of life.Introducción: La morbilidad materna neonatal y la depresión posparto con la calidad de vida no solo un problema medico social y psicológico que afecta a la mujer durante el posparto, sino que deja secuelas de daño permanente en la salud de la madre. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre l_a morbilidad materna neonatal con la depresión y calidad de vida posparto en mujeres atendidas en la Micro Red Materno Infantil de Cachicadán, 2017. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal en 72 puérperas. Se recolectaron datos sobre la morbilidad materna neonatal de Historias Clínicas Perinatales y se aplicaron dos cuestionarios: Escala de Edimburgo y el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida SF-36. Resultado: Se encontró que la morbilidad materna es: hemorragias (mayormente Atonía Uterina con 36,1%), infecciones (principalmente del Tracto Urinario con 61,1%), lesiones de periné (principalmente Desgarro I con 41,7%), dolor (principalmente intenso con 97,2%), uso analgesia (5,6%) y visitas a urgencias tras el alta materna (80,6%). La morbilidad neonatal es: distrés respiratorio (2,8%), infecciones a las 48 horas (2,8%), ingreso a la unidad de neonatos (2,8%), bajo peso al nacer (8,3%), edad gestacional pos término (16,7%) y visitas a urgencias tras el alta (80,6%). Conclusión: que la depresión posparto (mayormente Moderada con 58,3%) se relaciona con las lesiones de periné y las visitas a urgencias tras el alta materna (p<0,05) y con la edad gestacional del neonato. La Calidad de Vida posparto (mayormente Regular con 55,6%) no se relaciona con ninguna morbilidad materna posparto (p>0,05) y si con la edad gestacional del neonato (p<0,05)