862 research outputs found

    From ‘War Culture’ to ‘Culture of Victory’: The Victors and the Construction of Franco’s Dictatorship (1936-1951)

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    El presente artículo examina el papel de la experiencia de guerra en la conformación de la dictadura franquista a través del análisis de las actitudes y comportamientos de los vencedores y apoyos sociales del régimen durante la propia Guerra Civil y la posguerra. En concreto, se trata de examinar el modo en que la contienda –ya fuera en el frente o en la retaguardia– influyó a un amplio conjunto de individuos que acabaron por convertirse en los mayores defensores de una cultura cimentada sobre la victoria armada. Para ello, partiendo desde una perspectiva centrada en el plano local, se exploran las diferentes vías (sistema de recompensas, participación en las instituciones del régimen, colaboración en la persecución del enemigo o perpetuación de la memoria de los vencedores) a través de las cuales contribuyeron a la consolidación de la dictadura, al tiempo que propiciaron la exclusión social de los perdedores de la guerra.This article explores the role of war experience in the construction of Franco’s dictatorship by analyzing the attitudes and behavior of the victors and the regime’s grassroots during the Spanish Civil War and the postwar period. It aims in particular at examining the way in which the war –both on the frontline and at the rearguard– affected many individuals who eventually became the strongest supporters of a culture based on military victory. With a view to that, and departing from a local perspective, it explores the different ways (rewards system, engagement in the regime institutions, collaboration in enemy repression, and establishment of an everlasting victors’ memory) in which both dictatorship and social exclusion of the vanquished were firmly laid down

    Understanding and characterizing nestedness in mutualistic bipartite networks

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    In this work we present a dynamical model that succesfully describes the organization of mutualistic ecological systems. The main characteristic of these systems is the nested structure of the bipartite adjacency matrix describing their interactions. We introduce a nestedness coefficient, as an alternative to the Atmar and Patterson temperature, commonly used to measure the nestedness degree of the network. This coefficient has the advantage of being based on the robustness of the ecological system and it is not only describing the ordering of the bipartite matrix but it is also able to tell the difference, if any, between the degree of organization of each guild.Comment: oral talk in Computer Physics Conference CCP2008, Brazi

    ‘Everyday Life’ and the History of Dictatorship in Southern Europe

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    Dictatorships are of course put into effect from ‘on high’, by the dictators themselves and the loyal individuals who support and enable them. However, in addition to being decreed and imposed ‘from above’, dictatorships are also effectively enacted ‘from below’, in the local spaces and everyday cultures inhabited and performed day-by-day by the people who live through them. Local representatives of the dictatorial state – party officials, civil servants, police officers, and so on – and those with semi-official positions of trust – for example, doctors, midwives, university professors, teachers and journalists – are charged with putting into practice the intended aims of the dictator, but in the process of doing so must absorb and interpret these aims, leading to their potential distortion or modification. Crucially, dictatorships are experienced subjectively by the individuals who live within their borders, who also, through their agency, actions, practices and attitudes, have some capacity – albeit heavily circumscribed in many ways – to contribute to the making – and potentially to the unmaking – of dictatorship. The basic ‘unit of experience’ of dictatorship, therefore, is locally and subjectively bound

    Beyond the Cemetery Walls: Cultural and Socioeconomic Repression in Francoist Spain (1936-1951)

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    El presente artículo pretende abordar de manera conjunta los perfiles de la represión franquista. El franquismo, como otros regímenes dictatoriales de la Europa de entreguerras, no puede entenderse sin el control social y la represión que ejercieron contra los sectores más desafectos de las sociedades sobre las que se construyeron. Por ello, para comprender los asesinatos cometidos en las tapias de los cementerios debemos mirar más allá. Así, se concibe la represión física, cultural y socioeconómica de manera integrada y complementaria, contribuyendo a ofrecer una explicación más sólida y compleja de la represión franquista. Para tal fin, se analizan en detalle la represión cultural y socioeconómica durante los años del primer franquismo.This article aims to deal with jointly the conception of Francoist repression. Like other dictatorial regimes of interwar Europe, Francoism cannot be understood without the social control and the repression exerted over the disaffected sectors of the society they established over. Thus, to understand the killings committed in the cemetery walls we should see beyond physical repression. Thereby, physical, cultural and socioeconomic repression are conceived in an integrated and complementary way, offering a more solid and complex explanation of Francoist repression. To this end, cultural and socioeconomic repression are analysed in the first years of Francoism

    Modelo de gestión de costos para proyectos en empresas de servicio en tecnologías de información.

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Maestría en Gerencia de Proyectos Empresariales) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, Escuela de Ingeniería en Computación, 2011.Currently, most information technology service companies develop solutions to solve problems and meet the needs of customers through project implementation. Project management has gradually evolved in a positive way in different areas. However, the cost management issue still has many flaws that require not only a process visualization of the costs, but a systemic visualization, taking into account interactions with other areas of organizational support. This study offers an alternative solution to the cost management deficiency, through a model that considers the costs of the processes involved and additionally takes into account the unique characteristics specific to the organization. Finally, it provides a support tool, which in its first version can be used to track and follow up costs, ensuring that they align with the terms of the proposed model.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

    La inversión neta de capital empresarial (INCE) en el departamento del Atlántico 2000-2009

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    La inversión neta de capital empresarial (INCE) en el departamento del Atlántico, reportó un crecimiento real promedio del 8,2%, en el periodo 2000-2009, siendo inferior al alcanzado entre 1990 y 1999. Según sus principales componentes, el capital constituido creció a un ritmo real promedio del 9,5%, superior al reportado por el reformado (7,6%) y el liquidado (6,6%), destacándose la caída en el crecimiento de este último componente, toda vez que en la década pasada aumentó en 52,2% promedio anual. Por otra parte, la INCE en el Atlántico continúa concentrada en las sociedades anónimas, las cuales reportaron una participación promedio anual del 61,9% dentro del monto global. Sin embargo, su ritmo de crecimiento real promedio, 2000-2009, fue negativo (-2,2%); por el contrario, el de las organizaciones limitadas fue positivo (36,4%). Finalmente, cabe mencionar que la INCE está concentrada en el sector comercio, alcanzando una participación promedio anual del 21,8%; sin embargo, el sector que registró mayor crecimiento real promedio en la INCE, en el periodo 2000-2009, fue el de electricidad-gas-agua (76,4%).The net capital investment companies (INCE) in the Department del Atlantico reported an average real growth of 8.2% in the period 2000- 2009, lower than the one achieved between 1990 and 1999. According to its major components, the constituted capital grew at a real rate average of 9.5%, higher than the one reported by the reformed one (7.6%) and the wound up one (6.6%), highlighting the decline in the growth of the latter component, since that in the past decade it increased by 52.2% per year. Moreover, INCE in the Department del Atláatico continues to be concentrated in corporations, which reported an annual average share of 61.9% in aggregate. However, their average real growth rate, 2000-2009, was negative (-2.2%), on the contrary, the one in the restricted organizations was positive (36.4%). Finally, it is noteworthy that INCE is concentrated in the commercial sector, achieving an annual average share of 21.8%, However, the sector which produces the highest average real growth in INCE, in the period 2000-2009, was the power – gas – water one (76.4%)

    The difficult adaptation to changes: the Church, Falange and the Spanish society during the “Second Francoism” (1960-1975)

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    Este artículo analiza el proceso de adaptación tanto del régimen como del conjunto de la sociedad a las profundas transformaciones que caracterizaron el “segundo franquismo”. Para ello, apoyándose en fuentes archivísticas de diversa procedencia, prensa y bibliografía relevante, esta investigación adopta una perspectiva centrada en las provincias con el objetivo de evaluar tanto el alcance real de los proyectos del régimen para garantizar su supervivencia, como los cambios en las actitudes y comportamientos de la sociedad española. Los dos primeros apartados examinan la capacidad de las culturas nacionalcatólica y falangista para adecuarse a un nuevo contexto. El tercero, en cambio, explora las heterogéneas y contradictorias respuestas de la sociedad española ante los cambios en los discursos y políticas oficiales. Con ello, se trata de ofrecer una visión más profunda y compleja de la relación entre el Estado y la sociedad en los últimos años de la dictadura franquista.This article analyses the process of adaptation of both the regime and the society to the deep transformations which characterized the so called ‘Second Francoism’. To do that, relying on different archival sources, newspapers and relevant literature, this research uses a perspective focused on the provinces to assess both the real scope of Francoist projects to survive and the changing attitudes and behaviour of Spaniards. Sections one and two explores the ability of National-Catholic and Falangist political cultures to adapt themselves to a new environment. Finally, the article explores the Spanish society’s heterogeneous and contradictory responses towards the regime’s discourses and policies. This research aims to provide a deeper and more complex understanding of the relationship between State and people during the last years of Francoist dictatorship