116 research outputs found


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    El beneficio es que las personas conozcan un poco de los lugares turísticos de los diferentes países del mundo y que hay lugares muy lindos a donde pueden viajar, y disfrutar de los distintos climas que la naturaleza nos brinda Está enfocado a todas las personas que les guste viajar y conocer del mundo y sus culturas, con esto se espera que les pueda ayudar para ser ubicados cuando lleguen a otros lugares del mundo su programación está en Microsoft visual basic 2008; el cual ilustra un planisferio los países del mundo, al seleccionar un país, el programa abrirá otra ventana proporcionando información del país seleccionado. La información que nos va a ofrecer va a ser: la extensión territorial, temperaturas aproximadas, cultura general (historia, costumbres y tradiciones), lugares turísticos, ubicación, idioma que se utiliza, número de habitantes aproximado

    ¿“Educación y Descanso” para los trabajadores españoles? Falangismo y turismo social durante el desarrollismo franquista

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    This article analyses the social tourism project set up by the Falange through the Obra Sindical de Educación y Descanso. Through the control of leisure, the Falangists tried to maintain their political presence in “developmentalist” Spain, which was irregularly incorporating itself into the defining dynamics of consumer societies. This research addresses the social tourism programs promoted by the OSED, questioning their functioning, and evaluating to what extent these initiatives served the party to control leisure and encourage a certain indoctrination of their beneficiaries, while at the same time contributing to the expansion of the regime's image as a “welfare dictatorship”. To this end, archival documents are used to combine the proposals drawn up by the Party with the responses “from below” to these offers, to analyze the constant dialectic between the state and the population. Este artículo analiza el proyecto de turismo social puesto en marcha por Falange a través de la Obra Sindical de Educación y Descanso. A través del control del ocio, los falangistas intentaron mantener su presencia política en la España “desarrollista”, que se incorporaba de forma irregular a las dinámicas definitorias de las sociedades de consumo. En esta investigación se abordan los programas de turismo social impulsados desde la OSED, cuestionando el funcionamiento de estos y evaluando hasta qué punto estas iniciativas sirvieron al partido para controlar el ocio y fomentar un cierto adoctrinamiento de sus beneficiarios, a la vez que contribuir a la expansión de la imagen del régimen como “dictadura del bienestar”. Para ello, mediante los documentos de archivo, se combinan las propuestas elaboradas por el partido y las respuestas que “desde abajo” se realizaron a tales ofertas, intentando desentrañar la constante dialéctica entre el Estado y la población

    Normalización de los Potenciales Evocados Auditivos del Tronco Cerebral I: Resultados en una muestra de adultos normoyentes

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    This article is the first in a series of studies aimed at describing the characteristics of the Auditory-Evoked Brainstem Responses of the  (ABR) in both normal hearing and hard of hearing subjects. In interpreting these electrophysiological recordings, it is necessary to know the normality values of the latency and amplitude of the main components and their relationship with the different intensities, as well as the values of the interwave intervals and the possible interaural differences. These normality values vary depending on multiple factors such as gender, age, stimulation and recording parameters or the conditions in which the ABR are carried out. In this first work, the latency normality values of the components of the ABR are described using the stimulation and recording parameters of our laboratory in a sample of normal hearing adult subjects.Este artículo es el primero de una serie de estudios que tienen por objeto describir las características de los Potenciales Evocados Auditivos del Tronco Cerebral (PEATC) tanto en sujetos normoyentes como hipoacúsicos. En la interpretación de estos registros electrofisiológicos es necesario conocer los valores de normalidad de la latencia y amplitud de los principales componentes y su relación con la distintas intensidades así como los valores de los intervalos interondas y las posibles diferencias interaurales. Estos valores de normalidad varían en función de múltiples factores como el sexo, la edad, los parámetros de estimulación y de registro o las condiciones en las cuales se llevan a cabo los PEATC. En este primer trabajo se describen los valores de normalidad de latencia de los componentes de los PEATC utilizando para ello los parámetros de estimulación y de registro propios de nuestro laboratorio en una muestra de sujetos adultos normoyentes

    Importancia de las habilidades blandas para la reducción del estrés estudiantil: una revisión sistemática

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    Given the current need to provide students with all the tools to develop in the professional world, research on soft skills and student stress becomes relevant. In this sense, the present investigation had the objective of determining how soft skills influence the reduction of student stress; Thus, the methodology used was the systematic review of the literature (SLR), in addition the systematic search has been developed under the parameters of the PRISMA flowchart. Finally, the study found that there are various investigations that prove that student stress decreases due to the implementation of soft skills within the classroom.Dada la necesidad actual de proveer a los discentes con todas las herramientas para desarrollarse en el mundo profesional, se hace relevante la investigación en torno a las habilidades blandas y el estrés estudiantil. En ese sentido, la presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo determinar de qué modo las habilidades blandas influyen en la reducción del estrés estudiantil; así, la metodología empleada fue la revisión sistemática de la literatura (SLR), además la búsqueda sistemática se ha desarrollado bajo los parámetros del diagrama de flujo PRISMA. Finalmente, el estudio halló que existen diversas investigaciones que prueban que el estrés estudiantil disminuye a causa de la implementación de las habilidades blandas al interior de las aulas

    Monitoring the phenolic ripening of red grapes using a multisensor system based on metal-oxide nanoparticles

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    Producción CientíficaThe maturity of grapes is usually monitored by means of the sugar concentration. However, the assessment of other parameters such as the phenolic content is also important because the phenolic maturity has an important impact on the organoleptic characteristics of wines. In this work, voltammetric sensors able to detect phenols in red grapes have been developed. They are based on metal oxide nanoparticles (CeO2, NiO, and TiO2,) whose excellent electrocatalytic properties toward phenols allows obtaining sensors with detection limits in the range of 10−8 M and coefficients of variation lower than 7%. An electronic tongue constructed using a combination of the nanoparticle-based sensors is capable to monitor the phenolic maturity of red grapes from véraison to maturity. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be successfully used to discriminate samples according to the ripeness. Regression models performed using Partial Least Squares (PLS-1) have established good correlations between voltammetric data obtained with the electrochemical sensors and the Total Polyphenolic Index, the Brix degree and the Total Acidity, with correlation coefficients close to 1 and low number of latent variables. An advantage of this system is that the electronic tongue can be used for the simultaneous assessment of these three parameters which are the main factors used to monitor the maturity of grapes. Thus the electronic tongue based on metal oxide nanoparticles can be a valuable tool to monitor ripeness. These results demonstrate the exciting possible applications of metal oxide nanoparticles in the field of electronic tongues.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project AGL2015-67482- R)Junta de Castilla y Leon - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (project VA011U16)Junta de Castilla y León (grant BOCYL-D-24112015-9

    BADERI: an online database to coordinate handsearching activities of controlled clinical trials for their potential inclusion in systematic reviews

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    Background: Systematic reviews provide the best evidence on the effect of health care interventions. They rely on comprehensive access to the available scientific literature. Electronic search strategies alone may not suffice, requiring the implementation of a handsearching approach. We have developed a database to provide an Internet-based platform from which handsearching activities can be coordinated, including a procedure to streamline the submission of these references into CENTRAL, the Cochrane Collaboration Central Register of Controlled Trials. Methods: We developed a database and a descriptive analysis. Through brainstorming and discussion among stakeholders involved in handsearching projects, we designed a database that met identified needs that had to be addressed in order to ensure the viability of handsearching activities. Three handsearching teams pilot tested the proposed database. Once the final version of the database was approved, we proceeded to train the staff involved in handsearching. Results: The proposed database is called BADERI (Database of Iberoamerican Clinical Trials and Journals, by its initials in Spanish). BADERI was officially launched in October 2015, and it can be accessed at www.baderi.com/login.php free of cost. BADERI has an administration subsection, from which the roles of users are managed; a references subsection, where information associated to identified controlled clinical trials (CCTs) can be entered; a reports subsection, from which reports can be generated to track and analyse the results of handsearching activities; and a built-in free text search engine. BADERI allows all references to be exported in ProCite files that can be directly uploaded into CENTRAL. To date, 6284 references to CCTs have been uploaded to BADERI and sent to CENTRAL. The identified CCTs were published in a total of 420 journals related to 46 medical specialties. The year of publication ranged between 1957 and 2016. Conclusions: BADERI allows the efficient management of handsearching activities across different countries and institutions. References to all CCTs available in BADERI can be readily submitted to CENTRAL for their potential inclusion in systematic reviews

    Clustering approach applied on an artificial neural network model to predict PM10 in mega cities of México

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    A cluster-based artificial neural network model called CLASO (Classification-Assemblage-Association) has been proposed to predict the maximum of the 24-h moving average of PM10 concentration on the next day in the three largest metropolitan areas of Mexico. The model is a self-organised, real-time learning neural network, which builds its topology via a process of pattern classification by using an historical database. This process is based on a supervised clustering technique, assigning a class to each centroid of the hidden layer, employing the Euclidean distance as a hierarchical criterion. A set of ARIMA models was compared with CLASO model in the forecast performance of the 24-h average PM10 concentration on the next day. In general, CLASO model produced more accurate predictions of the maximum of the 24-h moving average of PM10 concentration than the ARIMA models, although the latter showed a minor tendency to underpredict the results. The CLASO model solely requires to be built a historical database of the air quality parameter, an initial radius of classification and the learning factor. CLASO has demonstrated acceptable predictions of 24-h average PM10 concentration by using exclusively regressive PM10 concentrations. The forecasting capabilities of the model were found to be satisfactory compared to the classical models, demonstrating its potential application to the other major pollutants used in the Mexican air quality index

    Deficiencia, discapacidad y minusvalía auditiva

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    Hearing impairment, disability and handicap are terms that encompass all the characteristics that can define a hearing loss such as the physical, psychological or social state of a patient with hearing loss. The term hearing impairment designates the change or deviation outside the ranges of normality that arises in the auditory structures or functions. Hearing impairment is related to the restrictions imposed by the impairment in the ability to carry out activities within the range of what is considered normal. Finally, hearing impairment is the handicap imposed by hearing impairment that affects communication skills in daily life. When faced with a hearing-impaired patient, the defect, disability and handicap that occur must be defined in the most exact way in order to plan the audiological rehabilitation in the most correct way.Deficiencia, discapacidad y minusvalía auditiva son términos que engloban todas las características que pueden definir una pérdida auditiva como el estado físico, psicológico o social de un paciente hipoacúsico. El término deficiencia auditiva designa el cambio o desviación fuera de los rangos de normalidad que surge en las estructuras o funciones auditivas. La discapacidad auditiva se relaciona con las restricciones impuestas por la deficiencia en la capacidad para llevar acabo actividades dentro del margen de lo que se considera normal. Por último minusvalía auditiva es la desventaja impuesta por la deficiencia auditiva y que afecta a las habilidades comunicativas en la vida diaria. Ante un paciente hipoacúsico se ha de definir de la forma más exacta el defecto, la discapacidad y la minusvalía que se producen para planificar de la forma más acertada la rehabilitación audiológica

    The advantages of disposable screen-printed biosensors in a bioelectronic tongue for the analysis of grapes

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    Producción CientíficaDisposable screen-printed sensors have been modified with enzymes and used to form a bioelectronic tongue dedicated to the discrimination between different grape varieties. The multisensory system combined serigraphied electrodes modified with carbon, platinum, gold, graphene, Prussian blue and nickel oxide nanoparticles (M-SPE) covered with glucose oxidase (M-GOX-SPE) or tyrosinase (M-Tyr-SPE). The M-GOX-SPE and M-Tyr-SPE sensors produced a variety of responses due to the different behavior of the electron mediators of the six screen-printed materials used for the electro-catalysis of the glucose and phenols by means of glucose oxidase and tyrosinase. This variety of responses, together with the capability of the sensors to detect glucose or phenols, allowed the bioelectronic tongue developed here to discriminate between the juices obtained from different varieties of grape. Partial least-squares (PLS-1) multivariate calibration of electrochemical data has been successfully applied to the simultaneous determination of glucose and polyphenols in musts. The discrimination capability shown by this array of cheap and single-use sensors was similar to that found in other complex bioelectronic tongues. The lower price, ease of use and portability of the modified screen-printed electrode system makes the bioelectronic tongue developed here an alternative tool that can be used in situ in the vineyard block.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad – FEDER (Grant CICYT AGL2012-33535)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA-032U13)University of Valladolid (PIF-UVa