67 research outputs found

    Percepción De Estrés Y Prácticas Parentales En Estudiantes De Psicología De Nuevo Ingreso

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    The entrance to the university life causes changes and demands that generate high stress and difficulties for the adaptation. There is evidence that parental overinvolvement, specifically psychological control (induction of guilt or disqualification), causes problems in the psychosocial adjustment of children and adolescents. Few studies address the impact of parental practices on the adaptive processes of young adults. The aim of the present study was to describe, compare by sexes, and associate the perception of stress and prevailing parental practices among college admission students of psychology career. A non-experimental transectional, comparativecorrelational study was performed 127 students (70.08% female, 29.92% male) with an average age of 19 from a public university in Hidalgo, Mexico participated. The Scale of Parental Practices for Adolescents (Andrade & Betancourt, 2008) and the Stress Perception Scale (González & Landero, 2007) were applied. No differences were found between men and women in the perception of stress, but in parental practices of maternal communication, maternal knowledge about son activities and induction of guilt, devaluation and excessive maternal criticism were found differences. Likewise, correlations between stress and the dimensions of maternal-filial respect, maternal imposition, induction of guilt, devaluation and excessive criticism, paternal-filial respect and paternal imposition on women were found; and between paternal and filial stress and respect in males. It is suggested that the role of parents in child rearing has a greater impact on the adaptive behavior of women in university life

    Comparing the efficiency of monofilament and traditional nets for capturing bats

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    Traditional mist nets used for capturing bats have several drawbacks, particularly that they are inefficient at sampling many insectivorous species. One possible alternative is to use monofilament nets, whose netting is made of single strands of yarn instead of several as regular nets, making them less detectable. To date, no study has quantified the capture efficiency of monofilament nets compared to regular mist nets for the study of bats. Here we compare capture efficiency of monofilament and regular mist nets, focusing on bat abundance and species diversity at a lowland tropical forest in southwestern Costa Rica. During our sampling period, we captured 90 individuals and 14 species in regular nets and 125 individuals and 20 species in monofilament nets. The use of monofilament nets increased overall capture rates, but most notably for insectivorous species. Species accumulation curves indicate that samples based on regular nets are significantly underestimating species diversity, most notably as these nets fail at sampling rare species. We show that incorporating monofilament nets into bat studies offers an opportunity to expand records of different guilds and rare bat species and to improve our understanding of poorly-known bat assemblages while using a popular, relatively cheap and portable sampling method.UCR::Sedes Regionales::Sede del SurUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Suicide mortality risk and protective factors

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    Introduction: suicide is a universal problem with many causes. Gender, culture, ethnicity, family history, emotional disorders, violence, child abuse and unfavorable socioeconomic conditions are determining to consider in its epidemiology, existing risk and protective factors related to this behavior.  Objective: update aspects of suicide mortality and identify risk and protective factors involved in this intentionally self-inflicted injury. Material and Methods: a literature review was conducted in different databases of the Virtual Health Library, using the bases of SciELO, Ebsco, Cuban medical journals and other data were obtained 89 publications and 29 articles were included according to their importance, relevance and timeliness in the last five years. Results: the World Health Organization in its report in 2014 reported that the regions of low and middle income accounted for 75.5% of suicide mortality in the world, accounting for 50% of all violent deaths recorded between men and 71% among women. In Cuba is the ninth leading cause of death and the third in the group 10-19 years, increasing rates from 60 years of age. There are risks and protective factors at the individual, family, community, and institutional that are directly related to this conduct. Conclusions: early identification of risk factors and strengthening protective factors has a positive impact on suicide prevention strategies.Key words: intentionally self-inflicted injuries, suicidal behavior, risk and protective factors for suicide.</p


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    El artículo aborda los fundamentos didácticos del modelo diseñado por sus autores para los estudios comparados en el análisis literario. Se han seleccionado dos poemas para a través de ellos ejemplificar la aplicación en la práctica de las direcciones y acciones que propone el modelo elaborado, asimismo se produce el acercamiento artístico al quehacer literario de los autores seleccionados. El estudio del texto literario es importante porque permite reconocer el papel que juega la literatura dentro de la formación, del desarrollo cultural de los estudiantes. Se hace necesaria la actualización de su didáctica para acercarse al fenómeno literario desde una perspectiva acorde a los procesos docentes y educativos de estos tiempos. PALABRAS CLAVE: educativas; direcciones; acciones; estudios comparados; didáctica. A PROPOSAL OF A LITERARY ANALYSIS BY OF MEANS OF A COMPARISON OF TWO LYRIC TEXTS ABSTRACT The article entitled “A proposal of a literary analysis by of means of a comparison of two lyric texts¨ deals with the didactical fundamentals of model designed by the authors to perform comparative studies in text analysis. A couple of poems has been selected and through them exemplify the practical usage of directions and actions which are proposed by the method in question, likewise producing the artistic approach to literary work of the selected authors. The study of literary text is important because it allows recognizing the role played by literature in the formation of cultural development of students. It is become necessary the updating of its didactics to come closer to the literary phenomenon from a perspective according with educational processes of these times. KEYWORDS: educational; directions and actions; studios comparators; didactics. &nbsp


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    The research “The aesthetic formation through the comparative study of two Martian texts” reflects the educational and ethics possibilities of the José Martí’s work across his esthetics and ideological conceptions, which permits the formation and consolidation of the education and the esthetic sensibilities. Two poems were selected from the “Versos Sencillos” collection, the numbers XXI and XXXI. This studio offers considerations related with the vision of the beauty and esthetic in the José Martí’s lyric, and his narrow entail with his human, patriotic and revolutionary vision. His literary work becomes expression of these values.&nbsp; El estudio titulado “La formación estética a través del estudio comparado de dos textos martianos”, reflexiona en torno a las posibilidades educativas y éticas de la obra martiana a través de sus concepciones estéticas e ideológicas, quienes permiten la formación y consolidación de la educación y el gusto estético. Para ello se ha apoyado en los fundamentos didácticos del modelo de estudios comparados para el análisis literario diseñado por los autores. En virtud de las ideas anteriores se han seleccionado dos poemas que forman parte de la colección poética “Versos Sencillos” del citado autor, el XXI y el XXXI; a través de ellos se ofrecen consideraciones relacionadas con la visión de lo bello, de lo estético en la lírica de José Martí y su estrecha vinculación con su posición humanista, patriótica y revolucionaria, de modo que su quehacer literario se torna expresión de estos valores y de aquellos relacionados con su calidad estética y artística de su quehacer literario

    Caracterización epidemiológica del intento suicida en Cuba entre 2015 y 2018

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    Introducción: El intento suicida se define como la acción mediante la cual, una persona se causa una lesión independiente de la letalidad del método y del conocimiento real de su intención. Objetivo: Caracterizar el intento suicida, según variables sociodemográficas en Cuba entre 2015 y 2018. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo. Universo de estudio fueron todos los registros de morbilidad por intento suicida, a traves de las tarjetas de enfermedad de declaración obligatoria y los certificados de defunción por suicidio desde el 1 de enero del 2015 hasta el 31 de diciembre del 2018 en las bases de datos de mortalidad de la Dirección de Registros Médicos y Estadísticas del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba. Las variables estudiadas fueron: sexo, edad y años. Se calcularon las tasas de morbilidad acumuladas, brutas, ajustadas y específicas por 100 000 habitantes. Se calculó el porcentaje según variables, la razón intento/suicidio, y por sexo, así como el porcentaje de cambio relativo de la serie. Resultados: Se reportaron 47 314 intentos. La relación intento/suicidio fue 7,9. Esta relación fue mayor en el sexo femenino con 27,0. La tasa de intento fue mayor en los adolescentes con 180,3 por 100 000 habitantes. Dentro de estos, el subgrupo de 15-19 años fue el de mayor riesgo. Conclusiones: El sexo femenino presentó el mayor riesgo y porcentaje en el intento suicida. Los ancianos realizan menos intentos que el resto de los grupos. Es necesario identificar de forma precoz los factores de riesgo del intento para trabajar en la prevención del suicidi

    Characterization of suicidal behavior in Cuba, 2011-2014

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    Introduction:  Suicidal behavior includes suicide attempt and consummated suicide.  A total of 804 000 deaths by suicide were registered in the world in 2012.  In Cuba, suicide is the ninth cause of death and the third one in the group of 10-19 years of age. Objective: To characterize suicidal behavior in Cuba from 2011 to 2014. Material and methods: The sampling universe was composed of all registries of morbidity by suicide attempt and the registries of mortality by suicide, taken from the database of the Direction of Registry and Statistics of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, from 2011 to 2014.  The variables were: sex, age for the attempt, skin color, occupation, and the method used for suicide. The accumulated morbidity and mortality rates were calculated by groups of ages per 100 000 inhabitants as well as the gross-, adequate-, -and sex-specific rates; the man-woman cause of mortality; and the attempt-suicide relationship.  The relative change (percentage) was calculated, as well as the percentages according to the variables. Results: A total of 53 764 suicide attempts were reported, for an accumulated rate of 126.2 per 100 000 inhabitants.  The female sex presented 37 617 (70 %). The attempt-suicide relationship was 9.1. A total of 5942 deaths by suicide were reported, for an accumulated rate of 14.8 per 100 000 inhabitants. The occupation that predominated was the retired one (29.8%), and the most used method was hanging (76.4%). Conclusions: Females are more affected by attempts whereas suicide is more common in males. The attempt-suicide relationship decreases as age increases.Keywords: suicide attempt, suicide, self-inflicted lesions, suicidal behavior.</p

    Adsorción de colorantes provenientes de los residuos acuosos de la industria textil con hidróxidos dobles laminares de MgFeAl

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    Actualmente, se buscan alternativa para la eliminación de colorantes de las aguas residuales industriales del sector textil y disminuir la contaminación del agua de manera que sea más sencillo reusar el recurso como agua de riego, u otras actividades en las que se requiera. En esta investigación es realiza la adsorción de colorantes típicos (azo) de los residuos acuosos de la industria textil (azul remozol brillantem orange II y negro reactivo 5) por medio de hidróxidos dobles laminares (HDL) a base de MgFeAl modificados con algún porcentaje hierro coordinado octaédricamente con flúor. Se comprobaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas del material sintetizado por las técnicas de caracterización de difracción de rayos X, espectroscopia por transformada de Fourier y análisis termogravimétrico. Finalmente, se logró el proceso de adsorción de los colorantes seguido por espectrometría ultravioleta visible (UV-vis), en diferentes proporciones para cada colorante.At present, they look for alternative for the elimination of colourings of the industrial wastes water of the textile sector and to diminish the water pollution so that it is simpler to re-use the resource like irrigation water, or other activities in which it is needed. In this investigation it is it realizes the adsorción of typical colourings (azo) of the watery residues of the textile industry (blue remozol brillantem orange II and black reagent 5) by means of double hydroxides you will laminate (HDL) by means of MgFeAl modified with some percentage coordinated iron octahedrally with fluorine. The properties were verified physicochemical of the material synthesized by the skills of characterization of diffraction of x-rays, spectroscopy for transformed of Fourier and analysis thermogravimetric. Finally, there was achieved the process of adsorción of the colourings continued by visible ultraviolet spectrometry (UV-vis), in different proportions for every coloring

    Encuentros sociales en el Trabajo Social

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    PublishedDesde distintas aproximaciones, los autores (as) de este libro realizan el abordaje de lo que implica hoy el trabajo comunitario, en medio de una complejidad teorética donde se destituyen las comprensiones consabidas del racionalismo, que instaló la relación Sujeto-Objeto como lugar dado de la investigación social y asignó a una y otra categoría, la Subjetividad o la Objetividad de la misma, el privilegio de la teoría o de la práctica como consecuencia de esta figura de la representación, que ocupó el debate por mucho tiempo hasta el declive de la modernidad, cuando la relación es desmontada para dejar aparecer afirmaciones como la de que “tanto el sujeto como el objeto se construyen”, dando a la objetividad un carácter subjetivo y una intencionalidad difícil de infravalorar cuando nos enfrentamos al trabajo social y comunitario. El Sujeto también se vino abajo en el andamiaje teórico y con él las ideas de individuo, conciencia, verdad, y otros tantos conceptos que cifraban la pertinencia de la investigación social, el análisis sociológico y el trabajo social