2,647 research outputs found

    Propuestas para la escucha musical activa en la ESO

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    En este trabajo se plantea una propuesta de innovación en base a la creación de un conjunto de actividades para el desarrollo de la escucha activa en las aulas de secundaria. Se trata de la creación de 20 actividades, agrupadas en tres bloques de interés (limpieza de oídos; contextos musicales; la escucha activa aplicada en la música), que pretenden dar un enfoque basado en metodologías activas e innovadoras al desarrollo de esta competencia. Las actividades desarrolladas han sido creadas con el fin de servir de apoyo e inspirar a los docentes de Música de la ESO para trabajar la escucha activa. Para ello, se utiliza como fuente de recursos y temática principal el folklore canario, el cual debe de tener un importante peso en las enseñanzas musicales actuales del archipiélago canario. Palabras clave: Escucha activa, Música, Música en ESO, folklore musical de las Islas Canarias.In this work, an innovation proposal is proposed based on the creation of a set of activities for the development of active listening in secondary school classrooms. It involves the creation of 20 activities, grouped into three blocks of interest (Ear cleaning, musical context and active listening applied to music), which aim to provide an approach based on active and innovative methodologies to the development of this competence. The activities developed have been created in order to support and inspire ESO Music teachers to work on active listening. For this, Canarian folklore is used as a source of resources and main theme, which must have an important weight in the current musical teachings of the Canary Islands Keywords: Active listening, Music, Music in ESO, musical folklore of Canary Islands

    Improving automatic detection of obstructive sleep apnea through nonlinear analysis of sustained speech

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    We present a novel approach for the detection of severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) based on patients' voices introducing nonlinear measures to describe sustained speech dynamics. Nonlinear features were combined with state-of-the-art speech recognition systems using statistical modeling techniques (Gaussian mixture models, GMMs) over cepstral parameterization (MFCC) for both continuous and sustained speech. Tests were performed on a database including speech records from both severe OSA and control speakers. A 10 % relative reduction in classification error was obtained for sustained speech when combining MFCC-GMM and nonlinear features, and 33 % when fusing nonlinear features with both sustained and continuous MFCC-GMM. Accuracy reached 88.5 % allowing the system to be used in OSA early detection. Tests showed that nonlinear features and MFCCs are lightly correlated on sustained speech, but uncorrelated on continuous speech. Results also suggest the existence of nonlinear effects in OSA patients' voices, which should be found in continuous speech

    La cultura como motor de desarrollo turístico: Inventario del patrimonio y diseño de la ruta turística “Morón Oculto”

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    En esta comunicación planteamos que el desarrollo turístico no debería concebirse al margen de la cultura, ya que esta es el principal mecanismo para el desarrollo social y económico de los pueblos. De acuerdo con lo anterior, en este estudio se desarrolla un inventario patrimonial de Morón de la Frontera, teniendo presente los valores históricos, artísticos y etnológicos, y atendiendo a sus dimensiones materiales e inmateriales. Este inventario es el instrumento para el diseño de una ruta turística que trata de articular los distintos elementos patrimoniales de la localidad. Las arraigadas leyendas locales constituirán el hilo conductor de este itinerario que transitará por los hitos patrimoniales más significativos de Morón de la Frontera.In this paper we propose that tourism development should not be seen outside the culture, as this is the main mechanism for social and economic development of peoples. According to the above, in this study a heritage inventory of Morón de la Frontera is developed, taking into account the historical, artistic and ethnological values , and serving their tangible and intangible dimensions. This inventory is the instrument for designing a tourist route that tries to articulate the various assets of the locality. Entrenched local legends constitute the theme of this itinerary that will transit the most significant heritage landmarks of Morón de la Frontera

    Wavelet-based 2D fusing of ultrasonic pulse-echo traces measured from two arrays radiating orthogonal beams

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    Ultrasonic measurements using orthogonal collimated beams provide both complementary and redundant information about internal parts of pieces or structures being tested, which must be fused. In this paper, a new wavelet-based digital-processing technique which fuses ultrasonic pulse-echo traces obtained from several transducers located in two perpendicularly coupled arrays is proposed. This is applied to accurately visualize the location of a small internal reflector by means of two-dimensional (2D) displays. A-scans are processed in a wavelet domain and fused in a common 2D pattern. A mathematical expression of the resulting 2D signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived, and its accuracy is confirmed using benchmark tests performed with simulated registers and real measurements acquired using a multi-channel laboratory prototype. The measurement system consists of two properly coupled perpendicular arrays comprising four square pulsed transducers and electronic driving circuitry. This technique improves the 2D-SNR by a factor of twice the number of bands. In addition, good reflector location is obtained, since submillimeter 2D resolution is achieved, despite only requiring eight ultrasonic channels. This good performance is confirmed by comparing the new wavelet fusing method with the two previously described techniques. © 2011 IOP Publishing Ltd.This work was supported by the National Plan of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (R&D Project DPI2008-05213).Rodríguez-Hernández, MA.; Ramos, A.; San Emeterio Prieto, JL. (2011). Wavelet-based 2D fusing of ultrasonic pulse-echo traces measured from two arrays radiating orthogonal beams. Measurement Science and Technology. 22(10). https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-0233/22/10/105701S221

    High-order harmonic propagation in gases within the discrete dipole approximation.

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    [EN]We present an efficient approach for computing high-order harmonic propagation based on the discrete dipole approximation. In contrast with other approaches, our strategy is based on computing the total field as the superposition of the driving field with the field radiated by the elemental emitters of the sample. In this way we avoid the numerical integration of the wave equation, as Maxwell’s equations have an analytical solution for an elementary (pointlike) emitter. The present strategy is valid for low-pressure gases interacting with strong fields near the saturation threshold (i.e., partially ionized), which is a common situation in the experiments of high-order harmonic generation. We use this tool to study the dependence of phase matching of high-order harmonics with the relative position between the beam focus and the gas jet

    FedRDF: A Robust and Dynamic Aggregation Function against Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning

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    Federated Learning (FL) represents a promising approach to typical privacy concerns associated with centralized Machine Learning (ML) deployments. Despite its well-known advantages, FL is vulnerable to security attacks such as Byzantine behaviors and poisoning attacks, which can significantly degrade model performance and hinder convergence. The effectiveness of existing approaches to mitigate complex attacks, such as median, trimmed mean, or Krum aggregation functions, has been only partially demonstrated in the case of specific attacks. Our study introduces a novel robust aggregation mechanism utilizing the Fourier Transform (FT), which is able to effectively handling sophisticated attacks without prior knowledge of the number of attackers. Employing this data technique, weights generated by FL clients are projected into the frequency domain to ascertain their density function, selecting the one exhibiting the highest frequency. Consequently, malicious clients' weights are excluded. Our proposed approach was tested against various model poisoning attacks, demonstrating superior performance over state-of-the-art aggregation methods.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, and 6 table

    A fast non-decoupled algorithm to solve the load flow problem in meshed distribution networks

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    The purpose of this work is to compare the classical methods of power flow resolution (Newton–Raphson and Gauss–Seidel) with a more recent algorithm known as Alternating Search Direction (ASD), for which its equations, the steps to follow and the parameters to consider are described. In addition, a series of tests are carried out in different distribution networks where the reduction of execution time, accuracy, and robustness of the presented algorithm is demonstrated, taking as a reference the behavior of the well-known Newton–Raphson algorithm. Finally, the advantage of selecting certain parameters in the ASD algorithm is studied

    Smart Footwear Insole for Recognition of Foot Pronation and Supination Using Neural Networks

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    Abnormal foot postures during gait are common sources of pain and pathologies of the lower limbs. Measurements of foot plantar pressures in both dynamic and static conditions can detect these abnormal foot postures and prevent possible pathologies. In this work, a plantar pressure measurement system is developed to identify areas with higher or lower pressure load. This system is composed of an embedded system placed in the insole and a user application. The instrumented insole consists of a low-power microcontroller, seven pressure sensors and a low-energy bluetooth module. The user application receives and shows the insole pressure information in real-time and, finally, provides information about the foot posture. In order to identify the different pressure states and obtain the final information of the study with greater accuracy, a Deep Learning neural network system has been integrated into the user application. The neural network can be trained using a stored dataset in order to obtain the classification results in real-time. Results prove that this system provides an accuracy over 90% using a training dataset of 3000+ steps from 6 different users.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Validation of the Satisfaction Scale of Basic Psychological Needs in Physical Education with the Incorporation of the Novelty in the Spanish Context

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    The purpose of the study was to validate to the physical education context, the Spanish version of the Scale of the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs toward the Physical Education classes of Menéndez and Fernández-Rio, with the incorporation of the novelty, since they contemplated its inclusion. In this study, 1444 students participated (mean = 15.34, standard deviation = 1.12) from several schools in Almeria. To analyze the psychometric properties of the scale, several analyses were carried out. The results offered support for both the four-factor structure and the higher-order model called satisfaction. The analysis of invariance with respect to gender showed that the factor structure of the questionnaire was invariant. The Cronbach alpha values were higher than 0.70 in the subscales. The results of this study demonstrated the reliability and validity of the Scale of the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs, with the incorporation of novelty in the Spanish context of Physical Education

    SAGT: Aplicación informática para análisis de generalizabilidad

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    Se presenta un nuevo software para realizar análisis de generalizabilidad. Las características del mismo superan las limitaciones de programas anteriores (GENOVA, TG o EduG), tanto a nivel de tratamiento numérico como gráfico y en la importación/exportación de datos. El entorno del programa es más amigable. Para demostrar su eficacia se utiliza en el análisis de datos y valoración de resultados de un programa de intervención para la reducción de discriminación de género en las clases de educación física (EF). Se utiliza un diseño observacional y un diseño de generalizabilidad ortogonal con 6 facetas parcialmente anidado. El programa se desarrolla durante seis meses. La muestra está compuesta por 100 alumnos (51 chicas y 49 chicos) con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y los 12 años que cursaban 5º de Educación Primaria y se encontraban distribuidos en cuatro grupos. Los resultados del anàlisis de generalizabilidad señalan que la herramienta de observación es fiable, válida y precisa y que los observadores son altamente fiables (k = 0.73-0.81, G = 1). El ANOVA realizado señala que el programa de intervención ha sido eficaz. Además, se ha demostrado la eficacia y usabilidad del programa SAGT