829 research outputs found

    Stressors, job resources, fear of contagion, and secondary traumatic stress among nursing home workers in face of the COVID-19: the case of Spain

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    This study aimed to analyze the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing home workers, as well as the influence of certain related stressors and job resources. Two-hundred twenty-eight nursing home workers in Spain participated in this cross-sectional study. High levels of workload, social pressure from work, contact with suffering, and fear of contagion were found. In nursing homes where cases of COVID-19 had been detected, workers experienced higher levels of secondary traumatic stress. Social pressure from work, high doses of exposure to suffering, lack of personnel and personal protective equipment, and minimal supervisor support were significant in explaining traumatic stress. Supervisor and coworker support moderated some of these relationships. The results are discussed in terms of the need to implement urgent psychosocial protection strategies and to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) to help prevent future psychological disorders in this worker population

    16 Years (2006–2021) of Surface Ozone Measurements in Córdoba (Southern Spain): Trends and the Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown

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    Surface ozone concentrations (O3) during the period 2006–2021 are analysed at Córdoba city (southern Iberian Peninsula) in suburban and urban sampling sites. The aims are to present the levels and temporal variations, to explore trends and to quantity the variation in O3 concentrations in the context of the COVID-19 lockdown. The O3 means are higher in the suburban station (62 µg m−3 and 51.3 µg m−3), being the information level threshold only exceeded twice during this period. The daily evolution shows a maximum at about 17:00 UTC, whereas the minimum is reached at about 9:00 UTC, with higher levels in the suburban station. The seasonal evolution of this daily cycle also presents monthly differences in shape and intensity between stations. The trends are analysed by means of daily averages and daily 5th and 95th percentiles, and they show a similar increase in all of these parameters, with special emphasis on the daily P95 concentrations, with 0.27 µg m−3 year−1 and 0.24 µg m−3 year−1. Finally, the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown shows a decline in O3 concentrations over 10%

    Tasas de interés pasivas y activas de tarjetas de crédito de instituciones financieras mexicanas y de otros países. Un análisis comparativo

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    1 archivo PDF (18 páginas). magyefsEste artículo tiene como objetivo comparar las tasas de interés activas de Instituciones Financieras en México y otros países, particularmente las referidas a tarjetas de crédito, buscando probar la hipótesis que México está entre los países cuyos bancos comerciales cobran las tasas de interés activas más altas en tarjeta de crédito, destacando las Instituciones Financieras con participación mayoritariamente mexicana. Se realizó un análisis multivariante que consiste en comparar: 1) Las tasas de interés activas cobradas en México y otros países en el año 2013, 2) El número de tarjetas emitidas por los diferentes bancos comerciales en México en el año 2013, 3) El Índice de Capitalización Bancaria (ICAP), y la variable cuatro describe aquellas instituciones financieras con inversión mayoritariamente extranjera en México y aquellas instituciones bancarias con inversión mayoritariamente mexicana en el mercado doméstico. ABSTRACT: Deposit and lending rates for interest credit cards of Mexican financial Institutions and other countries. A comparative analysis. This article aims to compare the lending rates of financial institutions in Mexico and other countries, particularly those related to credit cards, seeking to test the hypothesis that Mexico is among the countries whose commercial banks charge interest rates higher in active credit card, highlighting financial institutions with majority Mexican ownership. A multivariate analysis was performed to compare: 1) the lending rates charged in Mexico and other countries in 2013, 2) The number of cards issued by different commercial banks in Mexico in 2013, 3) Bank Capitalization Ratio (BCR) and variable four describes those financial institutions with majority foreign investment in Mexico and those banks with majority investment in the Mexican domestic market. PALABRAS CLAVE: tasas de interés activas, tarjetas de crédito, bancos comerciales. KEYWORDS: rates for interest, credit cards, commercial banks

    Método para la formación de Stakeholder en proyectos de ingeniería usando la metodología PMI y técnicas de inteligencia artificial

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    En este artículo de investigación se presenta un método para la formación de interesados (stakeholder) en la ejecución de proyectos de ingeniería. El método integra investigaciones recientes en las áreas de la educación en ingeniería y técnicas de inteligencia artificial. El método es modelado a través de un sistema tutorial inteligente, el cual permite hacer un seguimiento cognitivo del interesado y del desarrollo del proyecto. También se utiliza el razonamiento basado en casos para ofrecer alternativas de solución cuando el stakeholder encuentra dificultades en la adquisición de los conocimientos

    Estadística en 2º de e.s.o. Una propuesta didáctica

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    Se presenta una propuesta didáctica de estadística en 2º de ESO. En ella se habla de las técnicas, tecnologías y campos de problemas necesarios para ponerla en práctica

    Characterization of retinal cells derived from iPSCs of a patient with PRPF31 associated retinitis pigmentosa

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    Motivation: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of hereditary retinal dystrophies caused by mutations in different genes with a prevalence of 1 in 4000. It is an untreatable disease with a variable clinical evolution in which patients develop severe visual impairment or total blindness. Mutations in pre-mRNA splicing PRPF31 gene have been described as the second most common cause of autosomal dominant RP. Previous studies relate mutations in PRPF31 with dysfunction and degeneration of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). Thanks to the ability to obtain and differentiate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), retinal models can be generated to study the disease mechanism and to evaluate new therapies. This work is based on a personalized cellular model obtained by differentiating RPE from iPSCs of a patient with PRPF31 c.165G mutation, which will be used to study the mechanism of the disease. Methods: iPSCs and previously differentiated RPE cells have been cultured and imaged. The characterization of the RNA level expression of specific genes of both cell types has been performed by RT-PCR. Expression at the protein level has been analyzed by Western blot. At the physiological level, the ability of the cellular model to establish an epithelial barrier has been evaluated by transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). Results: Phase contrast images showed a characteristic and distintive morphology of iPSC and RPE cells. RT-PCR showed the silencing of pluripotency genes such as NANOG in RPE cells, as well as the exclusive expression of specific genes such as CRALBP and RPE65 in RPE. In the comparative study of the cellular models of patient and healthy control, it was observed a variation in the expression levels of the PRPF31 and RPE65 genes. In Western blot, the PRPF31 protein detected in the patient's RPE showed a different band pattern compared with healthy control and iPSCs. Finally, TER showed a similar maturation of the two cell models compared, indicating that PRPF31 c.165G mutation does not affect the cells adhesions. Conclusions: The cellular model of RPE with PRPF31 c.165G mutation has been correctly differentiated, allowing the study of the consequences at the cellular level of this genetic defect. The decrease found in RPE65 gene expression suggests that this could be the mechanism by wich PRPF31 c.165G mutation causes RP, because RPE65 insufficiency is a known cause of blindness

    Percepción de la Ciudadanía Acerca de los Equipos Comunitarios de Salud Familiar Urbanos del Municipio de San Salvador, Julio a Diciembre de 2015.

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    Título: Percepción de la Ciudadanía Acerca de los Equipos Comunitarios de Salud Familiar Urbanos del Municipio de San Salvador, Julio a Diciembre de 2015. Propósito: Contribuir al análisis de un modelo de atención incluyente para las grandes ciudades del país, que se ajuste a la realidad y contexto actual de la sociedad salvadoreña. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo. Se seleccionaron a 35 ciudadanos usuarios de los Equipos Comunitarios de Salud Familiar (ECOSF) urbanos, mayores de 15 años, líderes comunitarios activos, representantes en comités del Foro Nacional de Salud y del comité de salud, residentes del área geográfica de influencia de los ECOSF seleccionados por más de un año, que estuvieran adscritos al modelo mediante una ficha familiar y que tuvieran disponibilidad de participar en este estudio. Resultados: Existe una buena percepción por parte de la ciudadanía en cuanto a la oferta y el acceso a los servicios, así como un buen trato que dan los ECOSF Urbanos en el municipio de San Salvador. El ECOSF se constituye en una reivindicación social por cuanto incluye a las personas excluidas, a aquellas que se encuentran viviendo en las ciudades ocultas de las grandes urbes. La integración del ECOSF en la dinámica comunitaria lo ubica en una situación que garantiza una mayor contraloría social. Conclusiones: La población acepta y hace uso de los ECOSF urbanos, sin embargo, el modelo no logra dar respuesta al abordaje de la determinación social de la salud, la intersectorialidad y la participación social que el proceso de Reforma de Salud ha planteado como eje de cambio social. Recomendaciones: Debe de realizarse un replanteamiento táctico desde el MINSAL en relación a los ECOSF urbanos para lograr mejores resultados en su desempeño y rol comunitario

    Medication Review with Follow-Up for End-Stage Renal Disease: Drug-Related Problems and Negative Outcomes Associated with Medication—A Systematic Review

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    Financial support received as a Doctoral Grant [reference number OAICE-143-2020] from the Office of International Affairs and External Cooperation, University of Costa Rica.Background: This article reviews the available scientific literature on drug-related problems and negative outcomes associated with medications identified by medication review with follow-up for end-stage renal disease and discussed with the physicians. Methods: A systematic review was conducted of the scientific literature retrieved from the following databases: MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, SCOPUS, Cochrane Library: The Cochrane Central Register and Control Trials (CENTRAL) and Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe (LILACS), Medicina en Español (MEDES), and the SciELO bibliographic database (a collection of scientific journals). The following terms were used as descriptors and searched in free text: “end-stage renal disease”, “medication review”, “drug-related problems”, and “negative outcomes associated with medication”. The following limits were applied: “humans” and “adults (more than 18 years)”. Results: A total of 59 references were recovered and, after applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, 16 articles were selected. Of these selected articles, 15 provided information on drug-related problems and only 1 on negative outcomes associated with medications. Conclusions: It can be concluded that drug-related problems and negative outcomes associated with medications affect patients with end-stage renal disease, mainly those receiving renal replacement therapy. More evidence is needed, especially on negative outcomes associated with medication.Office of International Affairs and External Cooperation, University of Costa Rica OAICE-143-202