744 research outputs found
El templo de Santa María de Gracia de Cartagena : un proyecto inacabado.
[ESP] Este templo es un buen ejemplo de una situación en la que, a causa de los problemas financieros
ocasionados por la confrontación de dos ideas diferentes, el proyecto para la construcción de un
templo [en Cartagena] no llega a ser completamente desarrollado, a pesar de estar favorecido inicialmente,
aunque con ciertas reservas, por el propio Cardenal Belluga. Por un lado, estaban los que
albergaban la esperanza de conseguir fines que no tenían que ver con la materialidad de la construcción
del templo, sino con su uso como catedral, para permitir así a recuperar la sede episcopal
que se había perdido hacia el final del siglo XIII; mientras que, por otro, estaba la oposición de un
grupo que deseaba embramiento del Obispado de Orihuela. El resultado final del proyecto, que fue
encargado a un arquitecto desconocido, fue una iglesia de grandes proporciones, aunque aquejada
en su construcción de la falta de medios y dificultada por los enfrentamientos abiertamente hostiles
que tuvieron lugar. Todos estos factores contribuyeron a obstaculizar la realización de planes coherentes
en el diseño, proporciones y espacio del edificio, dando así lugar a la consiguiente falta de
personalidad que hoy cabe apreciar en el antiguo templo de Santa María de Gracia. [ENG] This temple is a prime example of a situation in which, due to financial problems caused by the
confrontation of two different and contrasting ideas, a project for the construction of a building was
never fully developed, despite being originally favoured by Cardinal Belluga himself, albeit with certain
reservations. On the one hand there were those who nursed the hope of achieving ends that had
nothing to do with the material construction of a temple. i. e. the use of the cathedral floor to thus
enable them to recover the episcopal seat that had been lost towards the end of XIII century, whereas
on the other hand there was the opposition of a chapter who wished to maintain the then present
system of economic, financial and ecclesiastical control, justifying the need for a diocesan unity which
had been interrupted centuries before whit the dismemberment of the Bishopric of Orihuela. The final
result ofsuch projects, left in the charge of an unknown architect who took into the Kingdom, was
a church of large proportions, but with obvious finance and sponsorship, and of the openly hostile
confrontations that took place. All of these factors helped to hinder the carrying out of of coherent
plans regarding desing, proportions and space, so creating the consequent lack of personality that
today can be seen in the old temple of Santa Maria de Gracia
Application of the Theory of Abuse of Rights in the Colombian Jurisprudence
El objetivo general del presente trabajo es establecer, de forma general, el tratamiento y aplicación que se le ha dado al principio del abuso del derecho por parte de la jurisprudencia colombiana. Ello con el fin de comprender, qué son los principios generales del derecho y cómo estos se han materializado en la realidad jurídica colombiana en diversas situaciones, como ocurre con los embargos excesivos, en los denuncios penales, en el ejercicio del derecho de acción, en la tutela, en la acción pública de inconstitucionalidad, en los estados de emergencia y en las relaciones contractuales.The general purpose of this article is to settle, in a general way, both treatment and application given to the principle of abuse of rights by the Colombian jurisprudence. This is intended to understand which the general principles of law are and how they have been materialized in the Colombian juridical system in several situations, just as it occurs with abusive seizures, criminal reports, exercise of right of action, “tutela” (action for protection of fundamental rights, public action of unconstitutionality, states of emergency, and contractual relationships
The taming of the duel: masculinity, honour and ritual violence in London, 1660–1800
Over the course of the ‘long’ eighteenth century the nature and significance of duels fought in the London area changed dramatically. Pistols replaced swords, seconds took on a new role as mediators, and new conventions reduced the violence. Consequently, injuries and fatalities decreased significantly. The purpose of fighting duels also shifted from the defeat of one's antagonist to a demonstration of courage. Although duels continued to occur, growing opposition meant that the audience of people who supported duelling became increasingly limited and duels took place in places far from public view. At the same time, both the press and the courts provided alternative strategies for defending reputations. These changes cannot be attributed to technological developments, official attempts to prevent duelling, or the embourgeoisement of the duel. Rather, they resulted from a series of interlinked cultural changes, including an increasing intolerance of violence, new internalized understandings of elite honour, and the adoption of ‘polite’ and sentimental norms governing masculine conduct. These eighteenth-century changes shed new light on the reasons for the final end of duelling in England in 1852
The Comparison Study of Short-Term Prediction Methods to Enhance the Model Predictive Controller Applied to Microgrid Energy Management
Electricity load forecasting, optimal power system operation and energy management play key roles that can bring significant operational advantages to microgrids. This paper studies how methods based on time series and neural networks can be used to predict energy demand and production, allowing them to be combined with model predictive control. Comparisons of different prediction methods and different optimum energy distribution scenarios are provided, permitting us to determine when short-term energy prediction models should be used. The proposed prediction models in addition to the model predictive control strategy appear as a promising solution to energy management in microgrids. The controller has the task of performing the management of electricity purchase and sale to the power grid, maximizing the use of renewable energy sources and managing the use of the energy storage system. Simulations were performed with different weather conditions of solar irradiation. The obtained results are encouraging for future practical implementation
Thermodynamics-informed neural networks for physically realistic mixed reality
The imminent impact of immersive technologies in society urges for active research in real-time and interactive physics simulation for virtual worlds to be realistic. In this context, realistic means to be compliant to the laws of physics. In this paper we present a method for computing the dynamic response of (possibly non-linear and dissipative) deformable objects induced by real-time user interactions in mixed reality using deep learning. The graph-based architecture of the method ensures the thermodynamic consistency of the predictions, whereas the visualization pipeline allows a natural and realistic user experience.
Two examples of virtual solids interacting with virtual or physical solids in mixed reality scenarios are provided to prove the performance of the method
Populismos de esquerda e direita? : mensurando o conceito nos manifestos partidários de Uribe (2002) e Correa (2006)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Bruno BolognesiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política. Defesa : Curitiba, 29/03/2018Inclui referências: p.91-94Resumo: O estudo tem como objetivo estudar os elementos ideológicos e populistas presentes nos manifestos partidários de duas lideranças políticas no contexto latino-americano da primeira década do século XXI: Álvaro Uribe e Rafael Correa, populistas de direita e de esquerda respectivamente. Emprega-se, a análise de conteúdo qualitativa e quantitativa dos manifestos destes atores políticos. O processo de codificação consistiu em dois momentos principais: a) a codificação do posicionamento ideológico que utiliza as categorias da escala RILE do Manifesto Research on Political Representation (MARPOR); e b) para os populismos, criaram-se 5 categorias: 1) Antagonismo, 2) Hegemonia, 3) mais poder ao povo, 4) Relação direta e 5) Desconcentração político-administrativa. Estas categorias foram produto da literatura sobre os populismos e do corpus da pesquisa. As evidências constatam o posicionamento ideológico-populista da hipótese, Álvaro Uribe como populista de direita e Rafael Correa como populista de esquerda, como esperado, existe distância ideológica entre ambas as lideranças, mas, uma proximidade nas porcentagens de populismo e com diversos matizes presentes, Álvaro Uribe com uma maior presença de argumento encaixados na categoria "Antagonismos" e Rafael Correa na categoria "Mais poder ao povo". A contribuição da pesquisa consiste nas categorias de mensuração dos populismos que precisam ser testadas em um maior número de casos de presença populista e tornarem-se replicáveis para pesquisas subsequentes. Palavras-chave Populismo; ideologia política; manifestos; análise de conteúdo; Álvaro Uribe; Rafael Correa.Abstract: The study focuses on the ideological and populist elements present in the manifestos of two political leaders in the Latin American context of the first decade of the 21st century: Álvaro Uribe and Rafael Correa, right-wing and left-wing populists respectively. The analysis of the qualitative and quantitative content of the manifestos of these political actors. The codification process consisted of two main moments: a) the codification of the ideological positioning that uses the categories of the RILE scale of the Manifesto Research on Political Representation (MARPOR); and b) for populism, 5 categories were created: 1) Antagonism, 2)Hegemony, 3) more power to the people, 4) Direct relation, and 5) Political-administrativedecentralization. These categories were product of the literature on the populisms and the corpus of the research. The evidence confirms the ideological-populist positioning of the hypothesis, Álvaro Uribe as a right-wing populist and Rafael Correa as a left-wing populist, as there is an ideological distance between both leaderships, but a proximity in the percentages of populism and with several nuances present, Álvaro Uribe with a greater presence of argument embedded in the category "Antagonisms" and Rafael Correa in the category "More power to the people". The contribution of research is the categories of populism measurement, which need to be tested in a greater number of populist cases and become replicable for subsequent research. Keywords Populism; political ideology; manifestos; content analysis; Álvaro Uribe; Rafael Corre
La mujer que incomodó. Simone de Beauvoir y El Segundo Sexo
Se trata de analizar la obra El segundo sexo de Simone de Beauvoir a partir del concepto de incomodidad. Conoceremos por medio de su desarrollo hermenéutico cómo la mujer ha sido determinada a ser lo otro del varón y esto la ha condicionado a situaciones que ella no eligió. El método utilizado por la filósofa es el psicoanálisis existencial para saber qué se ha dicho sobre la mujer y cómo se asume después de analizar lo que se ha montado sobre ésta, es decir, ¿qué es ser mujer? Esto nos llevará a conocer cómo una condición histórica se vuelve un destino impuesto, hasta el reconocimiento de una incomodidad que le abre a mirarse de forma distinta y a la autoafirmación como cuerpo diferenciado. El cuerpo y sus sensaciones propias serán el origen de la incomodidad, pero una incomodidad que busca apertura y que cuestiona de igual manera a los varones. Con esto podemos corroborar la importancia e influencia que tuvo y tiene el pensamiento genuino de la filósofa Simone de Beauvoir y facilitar a los que no están familiarizados con el feminismo un trabajo serio y profundo sobre la obra que tendrá una fuerte influencia en el feminismo posterior a El segundo sexo
This temple is a prime example of a situation in which, due to financial problems carrsed by the confrontation of two different and contrasting ideas, a project for the construction of a building was never fully developed, despite being originally favoured by Cardinal Belluga himself albeit with certain reservations. On the one hand there were those who nursed the hope of achieving ends that had nothing to do with the material construction of a temple. i..e. the use of the cathedral floor to this enable them to recover the episcopal seat that had been lost towards the end of XIII century, whereas on the other hand there was the oposition of a chapter who wished to maintain the then present system of economic, financial and ecclesiastical control, justifying the need for a diocesan unity which had been interrupted centuries before with the dismemberment of the Bishopric of Orihuela. The final result of such projects, left in tire charge of an unknown architect who took into account none what soeier of the usual basilican models that were to be found in the Kingdom. was a church of large proportions, but with obvious defects in its execution (consequences of the difficulties involved regarding finance and sponsorship, and of the openly hostile confrontations that took place). All of these factors helped to hinder the carrying out of coherent plans regarding desing, proportions and space, so creating the consequent lack of personality that today can be seen in the old temple of Santa Maria de Gracia.This temple is a prime example of a situation in which, due to financial problems carrsed by the confrontation of two different and contrasting ideas, a project for the construction of a building was never fully developed, despite being originally favoured by Cardinal Belluga himself albeit with certain reservations. On the one hand there were those who nursed the hope of achieving ends that had nothing to do with the material construction of a temple. i..e. the use of the cathedral floor to this enable them to recover the episcopal seat that had been lost towards the end of XIII century, whereas on the other hand there was the oposition of a chapter who wished to maintain the then present system of economic, financial and ecclesiastical control, justifying the need for a diocesan unity which had been interrupted centuries before with the dismemberment of the Bishopric of Orihuela. The final result of such projects, left in tire charge of an unknown architect who took into account none what soeier of the usual basilican models that were to be found in the Kingdom. was a church of large proportions, but with obvious defects in its execution (consequences of the difficulties involved regarding finance and sponsorship, and of the openly hostile confrontations that took place). All of these factors helped to hinder the carrying out of coherent plans regarding desing, proportions and space, so creating the consequent lack of personality that today can be seen in the old temple of Santa Maria de Gracia
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