10 research outputs found

    Oxidación y caracterización fisicoquímica de almidón de sagú “Marantha Arundinacea” para la elaboración de bioplástico

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    Excessive use of petroleum-based materials such as fuels, lubricants, dyes, solvents, asphalt, textile fibers and plastics has generated over time a serious environmental problem, due to long periods of degradation of these materials. That is why today’s research focuses on plastics because they have little life, these wastes end up being deposited in landfills, oceans, lakes and other water sources causing pollution of this vital resource for life, all this, kills animal species and ecosystem´s destabilization. Science has proposed solutions such as recycling, the use of materials made of paper, and the development of biodegradable materials, one of those is sagu starch which is an alternative of raw material for the production of biodegradable plastics. This research was aiming to develop a bioplastic using oxidized sago starch. In this study, we performed a physicochemical characterization of native starch, oxidized starch, and bioplastic made from starch. The analyzes performed were: percentage of carbonyl and carboxil groups, transparent gels. It was also applied a scanning electron microscopy where an irregular appearance of the starch granules size was observed. In addition, EDS microscopy allowed us to observe the simple chemistry of the granules, where the oxidized starches have a higher percentage of oxygen than native starch. In the analysis of X ray diffraction, it was observed the patterns of diffraction and the semicrystalline character of the starch. The FT-IR spectrum shows the characteristics of native and oxidized starches bands. On the other hand, the solubility tests and transparency show an advantage of bioplastic made with oxidized starch.Keywords: Starch, Sagu, Oxidized starch, Bioplastics.El uso excesivo de materiales derivados del petróleo como: combustibles, lubricantes, colorantes, disolventes, asfaltos, fibras textiles y plásticos ha generado a través del tiempo un grave problema ambiental, debido, a los largos periodos de degradación de estos materiales. Es por esto que hoy en día la investigación se centra en los plásticos ya que poseen poca vida útil, estos residuos terminan depositándose en rellenos sanitarios, océanos, lagos y demás fuentes hídricas generando la contaminación de este recurso vital para la vida, todo esto, provoca la muerte de especies animales y la desestabilización del ecosistema. La ciencia ha planteado soluciones tales como: reciclar, uso de papel y el desarrollo de materiales biodegradables siendo el almidón de sagú una alternativa como materia prima para la elaboración de este tipo de materiales. Esta investigación fue orientada a la elaboración de bioplástico utilizando como base almidón de sagú oxidado. Los estudios consisten en una caracterización fisicoquímica al almidón nativo, almidón oxidado y al bioplástico elaborado a base de almidón. Los análisis realizados fueron: porcentaje de grupos carbonilo y de grupos carboxilo, transparencia de los geles, microscopia electrónica de barrido donde se observó la apariencia irregular y los tamaños de los gránulos de almidón, además, el microscopio con EDS permitió observar las composiciones químicas simples de los gránulos, donde, los almidones oxidados tienen mayor porcentaje de oxigeno que el almidón nativo. En los análisis de difracción de rayos X se observa los patrones de difracción y el carácter semicristalino del almidón. El espectro de FT-IR muestra las bandas propias de los almidones nativos y oxidados. Por otra parte, las pruebas de solubilidad, transparencia muestran una ventaja del bioplástico elaborado con almidón oxidado.Palabras clave: Almidón, sagú, Almidón oxidado, Bioplástico

    Oxidación y caracterización fisicoquímica de almidón de sagú “Marantha Arundinacea” para la elaboración de bioplástico

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    El uso excesivo de materiales derivados del petróleo como: combustibles, lubricantes, colorantes, disolventes, asfaltos, fibras textiles y plásticos ha generado a través del tiempo un grave problema ambiental, debido, a los largos periodos de degradación de estos materiales. Es por esto que hoy en día la investigación se centra en los plásticos ya que poseen poca vida útil, estos residuos terminan depositándose en rellenos sanitarios, océanos, lagos y demás fuentes hídricas generando la contaminación de este recurso vital para la vida, todo esto, provoca la muerte de especies animales y la desestabilización del ecosistema. La ciencia ha planteado soluciones tales como: reciclar, uso de papel y el desarrollo de materiales biodegradables siendo el almidón de sagú una alternativa como materia prima para la elaboración de este tipo de materiales. Esta investigación fue orientada a la elaboración de bioplástico utilizando como base almidón de sagú oxidado. Los estudios consisten en una caracterización fisicoquímica al almidón nativo, almidón oxidado y al bioplástico elaborado a base de almidón. Los análisis realizados fueron: porcentaje de grupos carbonilo y de grupos carboxilo, transparencia de los geles, microscopia electrónica de barrido donde se observó la apariencia irregular y los tamaños de los gránulos de almidón, además, el microscopio con EDS permitió observar las composiciones químicas simples de los gránulos, donde, los almidones oxidados tienen mayor porcentaje de oxigeno que el almidón nativo. En los análisis de difracción de rayos X se observa los patrones de difracción y el carácter semicristalino del almidón. El espectro de FT-IR muestra las bandas propias de los almidones nativos y oxidados. Por otra parte, las pruebas de solubilidad, transparencia muestran una ventaja del bioplástico elaborado con almidón oxidado

    Genomic investigations of unexplained acute hepatitis in children

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    Since its first identification in Scotland, over 1,000 cases of unexplained paediatric hepatitis in children have been reported worldwide, including 278 cases in the UK1. Here we report an investigation of 38 cases, 66 age-matched immunocompetent controls and 21 immunocompromised comparator participants, using a combination of genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and immunohistochemical methods. We detected high levels of adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) DNA in the liver, blood, plasma or stool from 27 of 28 cases. We found low levels of adenovirus (HAdV) and human herpesvirus 6B (HHV-6B) in 23 of 31 and 16 of 23, respectively, of the cases tested. By contrast, AAV2 was infrequently detected and at low titre in the blood or the liver from control children with HAdV, even when profoundly immunosuppressed. AAV2, HAdV and HHV-6 phylogeny excluded the emergence of novel strains in cases. Histological analyses of explanted livers showed enrichment for T cells and B lineage cells. Proteomic comparison of liver tissue from cases and healthy controls identified increased expression of HLA class 2, immunoglobulin variable regions and complement proteins. HAdV and AAV2 proteins were not detected in the livers. Instead, we identified AAV2 DNA complexes reflecting both HAdV-mediated and HHV-6B-mediated replication. We hypothesize that high levels of abnormal AAV2 replication products aided by HAdV and, in severe cases, HHV-6B may have triggered immune-mediated hepatic disease in genetically and immunologically predisposed children

    Oxidación y caracterización fisicoquímica de almidón de sagú “Marantha Arundinacea” para la elaboración de bioplástico

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    Excessive use of petroleum-based materials such as fuels, lubricants, dyes, solvents, asphalt, textile fibers and plastics has generated over time a serious environmental problem, due to long periods of degradation of these materials. That is why today’s research focuses on plastics because they have little life, these wastes end up being deposited in landfills, oceans, lakes and other water sources causing pollution of this vital resource for life, all this, kills animal species and ecosystem´s destabilization. Science has proposed solutions such as recycling, the use of materials made of paper, and the development of biodegradable materials, one of those is sagu starch which is an alternative of raw material for the production of biodegradable plastics. This research was aiming to develop a bioplastic using oxidized sago starch. In this study, we performed a physicochemical characterization of native starch, oxidized starch, and bioplastic made from starch. The analyzes performed were: percentage of carbonyl and carboxil groups, transparent gels. It was also applied a scanning electron microscopy where an irregular appearance of the starch granules size was observed. In addition, EDS microscopy allowed us to observe the simple chemistry of the granules, where the oxidized starches have a higher percentage of oxygen than native starch. In the analysis of X ray diffraction, it was observed the patterns of diffraction and the semicrystalline character of the starch. The FT-IR spectrum shows the characteristics of native and oxidized starches bands. On the other hand, the solubility tests and transparency show an advantage of bioplastic made with oxidized starchEl uso excesivo de materiales derivados del petróleo como: combustibles, lubricantes, colorantes, disolventes, asfaltos, fibras textiles y plásticos ha generado a través del tiempo un grave problema ambiental, debido, a los largos periodos de degradación de estos materiales. Es por esto que hoy en día la investigación se centra en los plásticos ya que poseen poca vida útil, estos residuos terminan depositándose en rellenos sanitarios, océanos, lagos y demás fuentes hídricas generando la contaminación de este recurso vital para la vida, todo esto, provoca la muerte de especies animales y la desestabilización del ecosistema. La ciencia ha planteado soluciones tales como: reciclar, uso de papel y el desarrollo de materiales biodegradables siendo el almidón de sagú una alternativa como materia prima para la elaboración de este tipo de materiales. Esta investigación fue orientada a la elaboración de bioplástico utilizando como base almidón de sagú oxidado. Los estudios consisten en una caracterización fisicoquímica al almidón nativo, almidón oxidado y al bioplástico elaborado a base de almidón. Los análisis realizados fueron: porcentaje de grupos carbonilo y de grupos carboxilo, transparencia de los geles, microscopia electrónica de barrido donde se observó la apariencia irregular y los tamaños de los gránulos de almidón, además, el microscopio con EDS permitió observar las composiciones químicas simples de los gránulos, donde, los almidones oxidados tienen mayor porcentaje de oxigeno que el almidón nativo. En los análisis de difracción de rayos X se observa los patrones de difracción y el carácter semicristalino del almidón. El espectro de FT-IR muestra las bandas propias de los almidones nativos y oxidados. Por otra parte, las pruebas de solubilidad, transparencia muestran una ventaja del bioplástico elaborado con almidón oxidad

    Revisión general de la producción elevada de agua en la industria del petróleo

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    This article makes a detailed review of the characteristics and generalities of the high water production in the operations of the oil industry, relating production volumes to the technical problems that may be Generating such fluid excesses, methods of identification and diagnosis of a high water cut, methodologies used by the mechanical and chemical industry to mitigate the excessive volumes of the water resource; To finally address the issue of the final disposition and use of the oil industry’s production waters, taking into account figures and percentages.En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión detallada sobre las características y generalidades de la producción elevada de agua en las operaciones de la industria petrolera, relacionando volúmenes de producción con los problemas técnicos que pueden estar generando dichos excesos de fluido, métodos de identificación y diagnóstico de un alto corte de agua, metodologías utilizadas por la industria tanto mecánicas y químicas para mitigar los volúmenes excesivos del recurso hídrico; para finalmente abordar el tema de la disposición final y uso de las aguas de producción de la industria del petróleo, teniendo en cuenta cifras y porcentajes

    Clinical spectrum of individuals with pathogenic NF1 missense variants affecting p.Met1149, p.Arg1276, and p.Lys1423: genotype-phenotype study in neurofibromatosis type 1

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    We report 281 individuals carrying a pathogenic recurrent NF1 missense variant at p.Met1149, p.Arg1276, or p.Lys1423, representing three nontruncating NF1 hotspots in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) cohort, together identified in 1.8% of unrelated NF1 individuals. About 25% (95% confidence interval: 20.5-31.2%) of individuals heterozygous for a pathogenic NF1 p.Met1149, p.Arg1276, or p.Lys1423 missense variant had a Noonan-like phenotype, which is significantly more compared with the "classic" NF1-affected cohorts (all p < .0001). Furthermore, p.Arg1276 and p.Lys1423 pathogenic missense variants were associated with a high prevalence of cardiovascular abnormalities, including pulmonic stenosis (all p < .0001), while p.Arg1276 variants had a high prevalence of symptomatic spinal neurofibromas (p < .0001) compared with "classic" NF1-affected cohorts. However, p.Met1149-positive individuals had a mild phenotype, characterized mainly by pigmentary manifestations without externally visible plexiform neurofibromas, symptomatic spinal neurofibromas or symptomatic optic pathway gliomas. As up to 0.4% of unrelated individuals in the UAB cohort carries a p.Met1149 missense variant, this finding will contribute to more accurate stratification of a significant number of NF1 individuals. Although clinically relevant genotype-phenotype correlations are rare in NF1, each affecting only a small percentage of individuals, together they impact counseling and management of a significant number of the NF1 population

    Clinical spectrum of individuals with pathogenic NF1 missense variants affecting p.Met1149, p.Arg1276, and p.Lys1423: genotype-phenotype study in neurofibromatosis type 1.

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    We report 281 individuals carrying a pathogenic recurrent NF1 missense variant at p.Met1149, p.Arg1276, or p.Lys1423, representing three nontruncating NF1 hotspots in the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) cohort, together identified in 1.8% of unrelated NF1 individuals. About 25% (95% confidence interval: 20.5-31.2%) of individuals heterozygous for a pathogenic NF1 p.Met1149, p.Arg1276, or p.Lys1423 missense variant had a Noonan-like phenotype, which is significantly more compared with the "classic" NF1-affected cohorts (all p < .0001). Furthermore, p.Arg1276 and p.Lys1423 pathogenic missense variants were associated with a high prevalence of cardiovascular abnormalities, including pulmonic stenosis (all p < .0001), while p.Arg1276 variants had a high prevalence of symptomatic spinal neurofibromas (p < .0001) compared with "classic" NF1-affected cohorts. However, p.Met1149-positive individuals had a mild phenotype, characterized mainly by pigmentary manifestations without externally visible plexiform neurofibromas, symptomatic spinal neurofibromas or symptomatic optic pathway gliomas. As up to 0.4% of unrelated individuals in the UAB cohort carries a p.Met1149 missense variant, this finding will contribute to more accurate stratification of a significant number of NF1 individuals. Although clinically relevant genotype-phenotype correlations are rare in NF1, each affecting only a small percentage of individuals, together they impact counseling and management of a significant number of the NF1 population

    The surgical safety checklist and patient outcomes after surgery: a prospective observational cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis

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    © 2017 British Journal of Anaesthesia Background: The surgical safety checklist is widely used to improve the quality of perioperative care. However, clinicians continue to debate the clinical effectiveness of this tool. Methods: Prospective analysis of data from the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS), an international observational study of elective in-patient surgery, accompanied by a systematic review and meta-analysis of published literature. The exposure was surgical safety checklist use. The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality and the secondary outcome was postoperative complications. In the ISOS cohort, a multivariable multi-level generalized linear model was used to test associations. To further contextualise these findings, we included the results from the ISOS cohort in a meta-analysis. Results are reported as odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. Results: We included 44 814 patients from 497 hospitals in 27 countries in the ISOS analysis. There were 40 245 (89.8%) patients exposed to the checklist, whilst 7508 (16.8%) sustained ≥1 postoperative complications and 207 (0.5%) died before hospital discharge. Checklist exposure was associated with reduced mortality [odds ratio (OR) 0.49 (0.32–0.77); P\u3c0.01], but no difference in complication rates [OR 1.02 (0.88–1.19); P=0.75]. In a systematic review, we screened 3732 records and identified 11 eligible studies of 453 292 patients including the ISOS cohort. Checklist exposure was associated with both reduced postoperative mortality [OR 0.75 (0.62–0.92); P\u3c0.01; I2=87%] and reduced complication rates [OR 0.73 (0.61–0.88); P\u3c0.01; I2=89%). Conclusions: Patients exposed to a surgical safety checklist experience better postoperative outcomes, but this could simply reflect wider quality of care in hospitals where checklist use is routine

    Prospective observational cohort study on grading the severity of postoperative complications in global surgery research

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    Background The Clavien–Dindo classification is perhaps the most widely used approach for reporting postoperative complications in clinical trials. This system classifies complication severity by the treatment provided. However, it is unclear whether the Clavien–Dindo system can be used internationally in studies across differing healthcare systems in high- (HICs) and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods This was a secondary analysis of the International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS), a prospective observational cohort study of elective surgery in adults. Data collection occurred over a 7-day period. Severity of complications was graded using Clavien–Dindo and the simpler ISOS grading (mild, moderate or severe, based on guided investigator judgement). Severity grading was compared using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Data are presented as frequencies and ICC values (with 95 per cent c.i.). The analysis was stratified by income status of the country, comparing HICs with LMICs. Results A total of 44 814 patients were recruited from 474 hospitals in 27 countries (19 HICs and 8 LMICs). Some 7508 patients (16·8 per cent) experienced at least one postoperative complication, equivalent to 11 664 complications in total. Using the ISOS classification, 5504 of 11 664 complications (47·2 per cent) were graded as mild, 4244 (36·4 per cent) as moderate and 1916 (16·4 per cent) as severe. Using Clavien–Dindo, 6781 of 11 664 complications (58·1 per cent) were graded as I or II, 1740 (14·9 per cent) as III, 2408 (20·6 per cent) as IV and 735 (6·3 per cent) as V. Agreement between classification systems was poor overall (ICC 0·41, 95 per cent c.i. 0·20 to 0·55), and in LMICs (ICC 0·23, 0·05 to 0·38) and HICs (ICC 0·46, 0·25 to 0·59). Conclusion Caution is recommended when using a treatment approach to grade complications in global surgery studies, as this may introduce bias unintentionally

    Critical care admission following elective surgery was not associated with survival benefit: prospective analysis of data from 27 countries

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    This was an investigator initiated study funded by Nestle Health Sciences through an unrestricted research grant, and by a National Institute for Health Research (UK) Professorship held by RP. The study was sponsored by Queen Mary University of London