32 research outputs found

    The effect of the gas phase chemistry on the catalytic oxidation of ammonia over platinum

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    Catalytic oxidation of ammonia (NH3) by the Ostwald process for obtaining nitric oxide (NO) and the subsequent production of nitric acid, has been widely studied and implemented. This process is carried out over Platinum (Pt), in which the formation of NO is favored. However, it is remarkable the need to identify possible gas phase reactions that may occur by means of which is increased or inhibited the NO formation. Chemical processes in the gas phase, who implies the species included in the Ostwald process, for instance the homogeneous oxidation of NH3 or the selective non – catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOX) by NH3, have been reported and implemented. One of the key features of these homogeneous schemes is its reliance on the characteristics of each process variables. Therefore, it is of interest, determining the occurrence of such reactions in the gas phase of Ostwald process for NH3 oxidation. Due to the complexity of the chemical mechanisms of the processes in the gas phase, reduction, and eventual implementation through computational simulation tools is necessary. While catalytic reactions favor the NO formation, the gas phase reactions promote the N2 and N2O formation due to NO reduction. This simulation, will allow to establish the route by which these sub products are formed, reducing the process efficiency, and increasing the environmental impact of the Oswald process. Comparison of results when the pure catalytic process and the coupled catalytic and gas phase processes are simulated, allow to define the effect of the gas phase chemistry over the overall process

    Vitamin D deficiency at pediatric intensive care admission

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    AbstractObjectiveto assess whether 25hydroxivitaminD or 25(OH)vitD deficiency has a high prevalence at pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission, and whether it is associated with increased prediction of mortality risk scores.Methodprospective observational study comparing 25(OH)vitD levels measured in 156 patients during the 12hours after critical care admission with the 25(OH)vitD levels of 289 healthy children. 25(OH)vitD levels were also compared between PICU patients with pediatric risk of mortality III (PRISM III) or pediatric index of mortality 2 (PIM 2) > p75 [(group A; n=33) vs. the others (group B; n=123)]. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as < 20ng/mL levels.Resultsmedian (p25‐p75) 25(OH)vitD level was 26.0ng/mL (19.2‐35.8) in PICU patients vs. 30.5ng/mL (23.2‐38.6) in healthy children (p=0.007). The prevalence of 25(OH)vitD < 20ng/mL was 29.5% (95% CI: 22.0‐37.0) vs. 15.6% (95% CI: 12.2‐20.0) (p=0.01). Pediatric intensive care patients presented an odds ratio (OR) for hypovitaminosis D of 2.26 (CI 95%: 1.41‐3.61). 25(OH)vitD levels were 25.4ng/mL (CI 95%: 15.5‐36.0) in group A vs. 26.6ng/mL (CI 95%: 19.3‐35.5) in group B (p=0.800).Conclusionshypovitaminosis D incidence was high in PICU patients. Hypovitaminosis D was not associated with higher prediction of risk mortality scores

    Thoughts on the applicability of "theory of mediate authorship in organized power structures" in Colombia

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    En este artículo sostenemos que la masacre de Machuca ocurrida en 1998 abre cabida a la “Teoría de la Autoría Mediata en Estructuras Organizadas de Poder” en el ámbito jurídico Colombiano. El problema a tratar, radica en torno al análisis de la aplicabilidad de la teoría, habida cuenta que el artículo 29 del Código Penal colombiano limita la responsabilidad a quien realice “la conducta punible por si mismo o utilizando a otro como instrumento”. Para probar la viabilidad de la aplicación de la teoría en el caso colombiano el artículo se divide en tres partes: En la primera se plantea la teoría de Roxin sobre la autoría mediata en virtud de estructuras de poder; En la segunda parte se hará una aproximación a problemas que se han presentado en la aplicación de esta teoría por los tribunales internos que han hecho uso de ella, y veremos como el Estatuto de Roma pone fin a algunas discusiones doctrinales sobre la teoría. Finalmente, se analizará el Artículo 29 del Código Penal colombiano que nos permite afirmar que debe hacerse una interpretación amplia de dicha norma que permita la aplicación de la teoría en cuestión, como se muestra por el concepto del procurador en el caso Machuca.The Machuca massacre gives room to the discussion of the theory of the “control of the act in an organized system of power” in Colombia. The problem relies in analyzing the applicability of the theory taking into account that the article 29 of the Colombian Penal Code sets out boundaries to the attribution of liability by stating that only those who commit acts by themselves or using other as an instrument can be held responsible for a felony. In order to evidence that this theory can be use in Colombia this article will be divided in three main parts: The first one will present the theory of Claus Roxin; the second part will address some problems of the application of this theory by national tribunals, and will analyze how does the Rome Statute face this discussion; In the third section we will focus on the Colombian Penal Code, to conclude that this theory could be applied in Machuca case

    Proactive esophageal cooling protects against thermal insults during high-power short-duration radiofrequency cardiac ablation

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    [EN] Background Proactive cooling with a novel cooling device has been shown to reduce endoscopically identified thermal injury during radiofrequency (RF) ablation for the treatment of atrial fibrillation using medium power settings. We aimed to evaluate the effects of proactive cooling during high-power short-duration (HPSD) ablation. Methods A computer model accounting for the left atrium (1.5 mm thickness) and esophagus including the active cooling device was created. We used the Arrhenius equation to estimate the esophageal thermal damage during 50 W/ 10 s and 90 W/ 4 s RF ablations. Results With proactive esophageal cooling in place, temperatures in the esophageal tissue were significantly reduced from control conditions without cooling, and the resulting percentage of damage to the esophageal wall was reduced around 50%, restricting damage to the epi-esophageal region and consequently sparing the remainder of the esophageal tissue, including the mucosal surface. Lesions in the atrial wall remained transmural despite cooling, and maximum width barely changed (<0.8 mm). Conclusions Proactive esophageal cooling significantly reduces temperatures and the resulting fraction of damage in the esophagus during HPSD ablation. These findings offer a mechanistic rationale explaining the high degree of safety encountered to date using proactive esophageal cooling, and further underscore the fact that temperature monitoring is inadequate to avoid thermal damage to the esophagus.Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R44HL158375 (the content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health) and by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades/Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 under grant RTI2018-094357-B-C21).Mercado Montoya, M.; Gomez Bustamante, T.; Berjano, E.; Mickelsen, SR.; Daniels, JD.; Hernández Arango, P.; Schieber, J.... (2022). Proactive esophageal cooling protects against thermal insults during high-power short-duration radiofrequency cardiac ablation. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 39(1):1202-1212. https://doi.org/10.1080/02656736.2022.21218601202121239

    Implementación de servicios de infraestructura IT a través de ZENTYAL Server 6.2

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    Se realiza la implementación de un servidor de control de dominio el cual se selecciona como producto a implementar el Zentyal 6.2. Cumpliendo con el requerimiento de solucionar necesidades específicas, como la administración, control de los equipos definidos en la infraestructura, dirigida a la implementación de servicios como DHCP, VPN, DNS, Firewall, Proxy no trasparente, permitiendo tener una infraestructura más completa, administrada y con un mayor control brindando una mayor seguridad.We built a server of domain control, that selects the product with the name of Zentyal 6.2. This product meets the requirements to solve some specific needs, like the administration, the definition and control of the equipments of the infrastructure and aims at the implementation of services such as DHCP, VPN, DNS, Firewall, No transparent Proxy, allowing to develop a complete infrastructure with greater control providing greater security

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Colombian consensus recommendations for diagnosis, management and treatment of the infection by SARS-COV-2/ COVID-19 in health care facilities - Recommendations from expert´s group based and informed on evidence

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    La Asociación Colombiana de Infectología (ACIN) y el Instituto de Evaluación de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Salud (IETS) conformó un grupo de trabajo para desarrollar recomendaciones informadas y basadas en evidencia, por consenso de expertos para la atención, diagnóstico y manejo de casos de Covid 19. Estas guías son dirigidas al personal de salud y buscar dar recomendaciones en los ámbitos de la atención en salud de los casos de Covid-19, en el contexto nacional de Colombia

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume