2,642 research outputs found

    Biometric Fuzzy Extractor Scheme for Iris Templates

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    In: The 2009 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'09), The 2009 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'09), Vol II, Proceedings 563--569. H.R. Arabnia and K. Daimi (Eds.), Las Vegas (USA), July, 2009Biometric recognition offers a reliable and natural solution to the problem of user authentication by means of her physical and behavioral traits. An iris template protection scheme which associates and retrieves a secret value with a high level of security, is proposed. The security is guaranteed thanks to the requirements of fuzzy extractors. The implementation of the scheme is done in Java and experimental results are performed to calculate its False Acceptance Rate and its False Rejection Rate.This work has been partially supported by Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (Spain), in collaboration with CDTI and Telefónica I+D under the project SEGUR@ (CENIT-2007 2004).Peer reviewe

    SmartCAMPP - Smartphone-based Continuous Authentication leveraging Motion sensors with Privacy Preservation

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    Continuous Authentication (Ca) Approaches Are Attracting Attention Due To The Explosion Of Available Sensors From Iot Devices Such As Smartphones. However, A Critical Privacy Concern Arises When Ca Data Is Outsourced. Data From Motion Sensors May Reveal Users&#34 Private Issues. Despite The Need For Ca In Smartphones, No Previous Work Has Explored How To Tackle This Matter Leveraging Motion Sensors In A Privacy-Preserving Way. In This Work, A Mechanism Dubbed Smartcampp Is Proposed To Achieve Ca Based On Gyroscope And Accelerometer Data. Format-Preserving Encryption Techniques Are Applied To Privately Outsource Them. Our Results Show The Suitability Of The Proposed Scheme, Featuring Of Accuracy While Taking 5.12 Ms. Of Computation For Authenticating Each User. Interestingly, The Use Of Cryptography Does Not Lead To A Significant Impact As Compared To A Non-Privacy-Preserving MechanismThis work was partially supported by Spanish MINECO, AEI and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through grants TIN2017-84844-C2-1-R (COPCIS) and PID2019-111429RBC21 (ODIO); by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) through grant P2018/TCS-4566-CM (CYNAMON), co-funded with ERDF, and also jointly with Univ. Carlos III de Madrid, grant CAVTIONS-CM-UC3M. Lorena González and José María de Fuentes would like to thank the Excellence Program for University Researchers. Luis Hernández-Álvarez would like to thank CSIC Project 202050E304 (CASDiM)

    meta-evaluation in physical education teachers

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    Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación más amplia sobre las concepciones y la acción evaluativa de seis docentes de educación física de Medellín (Colombia). El objetivo específico que se presenta fue: Analizar las reflexiones que pueden surgir en el profesorado una vez finalizado el proceso evaluativo en una unidad didáctica, es decir, la evaluación de la propia evaluación (metaevaluación). El diseño utilizado fue cualitativo, específicamente un estudio de caso múltiple. Se utilizaron como estrategias de recolección de información las entrevistas semi-estructuradas y, cuando fue posible por su existencia, el análisis documental. La investigación permite concluir que, finalizar una unidad didáctica no conlleva necesariamente a una reflexión del profesorado sobre la evaluación realizada. Los pocos cuestionamientos mencionados en sus discursos, se refieren a breves reflexiones sobre los instrumentos o procedimientos realizados, pero no hay una reflexión profunda sobre los propósitos formativos que tiene la evaluación y sobre sus aportes a una enseñanza de calidadThis article presents the results of a broader research on the conceptions and evaluative action of six physical education teachers in high school in Medellin (Colombia). This paper presents the findings on one of its objectives: Analyze the reflections that can arise in the teaching staff once the assessment process is completed in a didactic unit, that is, the assessment of the assessment-self (meta-evaluation). The design used was qualitative, specifically a multiple case study. The strategies used were semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. The research allows us to conclude that the moment after the didactic, does not suggest a reflection in the teachers about the assessment. The few questions mentioned in his discourse refer to the instruments or procedures performed, but there is no analysis of the purposes of the assessment and its contributions to qualit


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    The aim of this paper is to analyze a competitiveness strategy based on sustainability to lead the way to a model ofresponsible and competitive development. The analysis takes as its starting point the assumption that the maturity of asustainable business strategy positively affects competitiveness. The used method is the critical analysis. Amongother results of this analysis concludes that the current business strategy seeks a system ecologically appropriate,economically viable and socially fair to reach sustainable equilibrium. This strategy based on sustainability must bepromoted by the institutions and strengthened by the capabilities and resources that each company counts on todevelop advantages to foster the overall development and achieve the maximization of benefits from the tangible andintangible perspectives

    Assessment action of physical education teachers: A multi-case study

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    La acción evaluativa se asume como todas las actividades que realiza el docente en la fase interactiva de la enseñanza, que están enfocadas en la evaluación y reflejan su pensamiento práctico. Si bien se entiende que esa acción evaluativa constituye una globalidad, analizar cada uno de los elementos que componen la evaluación (momentos, actores, instrumentos y contenidos) permite identificar mejor las tramas y relaciones de esta acción global. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la acción evaluativa durante una unidad didáctica de un grupo de profesores de educación física de educación secundaria y media de Medellín (Colombia). La investigación se realizó mediante un diseño cualitativo, específicamente con un enfoque metodológico de estudio de caso múltiple. La recolección de la información se realizó por medio de la observación a través de la grabación en audio y video de todas las sesiones de clase de cada docente (51 en total) y el análisis documental. Entre los principales hallazgos se encuentran que la tradición sumativa y acreditadora de la evaluación influye fuertemente en la acción evaluativa del profesorado. Esta postura se ve reflejada en la recolección de información asistemática, la carencia de instrumentos y criterios concretos y, especialmente, en el protagonismo otorgando a la calificación y cómo ella permea todo el proceso evaluativoThe assessment action is assumed as all the activities carried out by the teacher in the interactive phase of teaching, focused on the assessment and reflect the practical thinking of teacher. Although it is understood that this assessment action constitutes a totality, analyzing each of the elements that makeup the assessment (moments, actors, instruments and contents) allows to identify the plots and relationships of a better way. The objective of this study was to analyze the assessment action during a didactic unit of a group of Physical Education teachers of middle and high school of Medellin (Colombia). The research was conducted through a qualitative design, specifically with a methodological approach of multiple case study. The information was collected through observation using audio and video recording of all class sessions of every teacher (a total of) and documentary analysis. Among the main findings are that the summative and accrediting tradition of the assessment strongly influences the assessment action of the teachers. This position is reflected in the collection of unsystematic information, the lack of specific instruments and criteria, especially, in the leading role in awarding the grade and how it permeates the entire assessment proces

    Sustainability as a model of responsible development and competitive

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    [Resumo] O obxectivo do presente artigo é analizar mediante o método analítico a estratexia da competitividade en función da estratexia da sustentabilidad para dar a pauta a un modelo de desenvolvemento responsable e competitivo. Tendo como punto de partida a seguinte afirmación: A madurez dunha estratexia sustentable nas empresas afecta positivamente á competitividade. Entre os resultados do presente establécese que a estratexia empresarial actual busca un sistema ecoloxicamente adecuado, economicamente viable e socialmente xusto para chegar ao equilibrio sustentable, impulsado polas institucións e fortalecido das capacidades e recursos cos que conta cada empresa para desenvolver vantaxes que impulsen o desenvolvemento global e logren a maximización de beneficios desde unha prespectiva tanxible e intanxible.[Abstract] The aim of this paper is analyzed by the analytical method competitiveness strategy based on sustainability strategy to lead the way to a model of responsible development and competitive. Taking as its starting point the following statement: The maturity of a sustainable business strategy positively affects competitiveness. The results of this states that the current business strategy seeks an ecologically appropriate, economically viable and socially just to reach sustainable equilibrium promoted by the institutions and strengthened the capabilities and resources that each company has to develop benefits promote the overall development and achieve the maximization of benefits from a perspective tangible and intangible.

    New Genotypes of Long and Thin Grain Rice and Technology for Production in Mexico: Michoacán State as an Example

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    In Mexico, the national demand for rice exceeds four times the consumption of the grain produced internally, which has caused growing volumes of imported rice. Long and thin-type rice is the one with the highest consumption. Faced with this problem, a strategy was implemented based on the evaluation, validation, and release of rice materials. Since Michoacán State is involved in rice production, evaluations have allowed the selection of materials, which has resulted in the current availability of a number of advanced experimental lines. Also, the technology that has traditionally been used in the cultivation had changed, so that continuous improvement programs have been developed represented by the system of cultivation in direct sowing in furrows and continuous irrigation. The new varieties do not require continuous flooding, which allows for a greater efficiency in the use of water and soil resources. Studies on rice nutrition in Mexico are still scarce, especially under irrigated conditions. The current has focused on the nitrogen fertilization of this crop since the exploration of the efficient management of soil nutrition is a vitally important issue. Other aspects integrated to the rice technology are the use of a low seed rate and weed management using a new generation of herbicides

    A New Edit Distance for Fuzzy Hashing Applications

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    7 páginas, 5 tablas, 2 algoritmos. Comunicación presentada en: The 2015 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'15). The 2015 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'15), Las Vegas, USA, July 27 - 30Similarity preserving hashing applications, also known as fuzzy hashing functions, help to analyse the content of digital devices by performing a resemblance comparison between different files. In practice, the similarity matching procedure is a two-step process, where first a signature associated to the files under comparison is generated, and then a comparison of the signatures themselves is performed. Even though ssdeep is the best-known application in this field, the edit distance algorithm that ssdeep uses for performing the signature comparison is not well-suited for certain scenarios. In this contribution we present a new edit distance algorithm that better reflects the similarity of two strings, and that can be used by fuzzy hashing applications in order to improve their results.This work has been partially supported by Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) under the project S2013/ICE-3095-CM (CIBERDINE) and by Ministerio de Economía y Com- petitividad (Spain) under the grant TIN2014-55325-C2-1-R (ProCriCiS).Peer reviewe

    A Comparison of the Standardized Versions of ECIES

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    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) can be used as a tool for encrypting data, creating digital signatures or performing key exchanges. In relation to encryption, the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES) is the best known scheme based on ECC, and as such it has been included in several cryptographic standards. In the present work, we provide an extensive review and comparison of the versions of ECIES included in documents from ANSI, IEEE, ISO/IEC, and SECG, highlighting the main differences between them that can prevent implementations of ECIES from being fully interoperable.This work has been partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain), under the grant TEC2009-13964-C04-02, and Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio (Spain), in collaboration with CDTI and Telefónica I+D, under the project Segur@ CENIT-2007 2004.Peer reviewe