1,236 research outputs found

    La nota gastronómica y el artículo de costumbres

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    In the journalismrelated food habits article deserves special mention. It’s a genre whose characteristics shared commonalities with the origin of some culinary items still exist. However, the love of description together with the express mention of food, dishes, festivities and foodrelated will be present in many of these items, especially during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries professions. Gastronomy and food are so hollow in journalism, beyond the recipe, which is used for social criticism. In the same extract valuable information about inns, type of food, consumer, food processing, hygiene and treatment diners, making these items in a thematicculinary outpost whose emergence we experience today.En la relación periodismogastronomía el artículo de costumbres merece una mención especial. Es un género cuyas características comparte denominadores comunes con el origen de unos todavía inexistentes artículos gastronómicos. Sin embargo, la afición por la descripción junto con la mención expresa de alimentos, platos, festejos y profesiones ligadas a la alimentación van a estar presentes en muchos de estos artículos, sobre todo durante los siglos XVIII y XIX. Gastronomía y alimentación encuentran así hueco en el ámbito periodístico, más allá de la receta, del que se sirve para realizar crítica social. De los mismos extraemos valiosa información sobre fondas, tipología de alimentos, consumo, elaboración de platos, higiene y tratamiento al comensal, lo que convierte a estos artículos en una avanzadilla temáticogastronómica cuya eclosión experimentamos en la actualidad

    Planning Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments. La planificación del aprendizaje colaborativo en entornos virtuales

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    Collaborative learning has a strong presence in technologysupported education and, as a result, practices being developed in the form of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) are more and more common. Planning seems to be one of the critical issues when elaborating CSCL proposals, which necessarily take into account technological resources, methodology and group configuration as a means to boost exchange and learning in the community. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relevance of the CSCL planning phase and weigh up the significance of its key design components as well as examining group agreement typology and its usefulness in team building and performance. To do so, research was carried out using a nonexperimental quantitative methodology consisting of a questionnaire answered by 106 undergraduate students from 5 different CSCLbased subjects. Results prove the usefulness of the planning components and the drafting of group agreements and their influence on group building and interaction. In order to ensure the quality of learning, it is essential to plan CSCL initiatives properly and understand that organizational, pedagogical and technological decisions should converge around a single goal which is to sustain the cognitive and social aspects that configure individual and group learning

    Public participation and the role of social networks in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Spain

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    The Water Framework Directive establishes a common framework for EU water policy. One of its guiding principles is the promotion of public participation in water planning and management. In response to this requirement, River Basin Authorities are undertaking public participation and consultation processes as part of the elaboration of the Draft Basin Management Plans. This article describes and analyzes these processes, placing them in the context of wider public discussions and debates over water policy that have taken place in Spain over the past two decades. The paper argues that some of the strengths of Spanish WFD-related public participation processes derive from the significant improvement in the amount of information made available to the public, and from the relationships that are established between different stakeholder groups and between these and the water administration. On the other hand, the lack of credibility and legitimacy of some processes is related to the lack of political leadership and commitment to public participation, to insufficient inter-administrative cooperation, and to the persistence of parallel channels of communication between traditional water users and water managers. The paper also points to some potential areas of improvement such as the methodological design of public participation processes, a clarification of their impact on specific plans and proposals, and a search for tools to adequately inform and incorporate the wider public in water policy debates. Finally, the paper discusses the role that social networks, built around the ideas and goals of the New Water Culture, are playing in water policy debates by demanding more transparent and sustainable water policy decision making.Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua. Universidad de Zaragoza

    La "brecha digital" un reto para el desarrollo de la sociedad del conocimiento

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    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) dentro de la economía del conocimiento está generando importantes transformaciones en la economía actual y nuevas expectativas de desarrollo. Sin embargo, la oportunidad que las TIC ofrecen al crecimiento económico no parece materializarse para los países menos desarrollados, generando lo que se ha denominado brecha digital. El presente artículo trata de cuantificar el fenómeno en base a una clasificación de indicadores, determinando posibles variables explicativas. A partir de una serie de iniciativas internacionales (DOT Force, eEuropa, ONU…), el artículo finaliza con una serie de medidas a desarrollar para eliminar la brecha digital y para constituir una sociedad del conocimiento a nivel mundial. ________________________________________The development of the ICT into the knowledge based economy has created important transformations, opening new possibilities for economic growth. Nevertheless, the ICT does not seem to make new economic growth into the less development countries. This phenomena has been defined as digital divide. This article tries to measure the digital divide using one indicators classification, and obtening explicatives variables. From the international iniciatives, such as DOT Force, eEurope, or United Nations, the article offers some ideas and conclusions in order to eliminate the digital divide and produce the knowledge based society

    Relaciones dinámicas en el mercado internacional de carne de vacuno

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    El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar la integración del mercado internacional de carne de vacuno y los efectos de la política de subvenciones a la exportación de la Unión Europea sobre dicho mercado. Para ello, se analizan, en primer lugar, las relaciones dinámicas entre los precios mensuales de exportación de carne deı vacuno de Argentina y de importación de carne australiana en Estado Unidos durante el período 1977-1997. Dichas relaciones se representan mediante un modelo VAR con mecanismo de corrección del error. Posteriormente, se amplía el modelo anterior incluyendo las exportaciones de carne de vacuno de la Unión Europea. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, a pesar de la tradicional segmentación del mercado internacional de vacuno ocasionada por la fiebre aftosa, dicho mercado está integrado. La relación de cointegración entre los precios sólo puede establecerse después de considerar algunos fenómenos atípicos que afectan fundamentalmente a la economía argentina. Finalmente, se concluye que las exportaciones de la Unión Europea afectan a las relaciones dinámicas a largo plazo entre los precios de dicho mercado

    Building a New Water Culture in Spain

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    For over 100 years, water policy and man­ agement in Spain have been instruments of economic and social transformation. Sig­ nificant public and private investments in water supply infrastructures have equipped Spain with over 1,200 major dams, 20 major desalination plants ? with more under construction ? and several inter­basin water transfers. The system has been apparently very successful, with an increase in overall water availability, strong associated eco­ nomic development and few urban water supply shortages. This success has been supported by a widespread consensus among a strong and largely closed water policy community made up of water manag­ ers, irrigators, electric (hydropower) utilities and developers

    Instrumentos y medidas para transponer al ordenamiento jurídico interno el mandato de calidad de la traducción e interpretación de la directiva 2010/64/UE: el caso de España a través de un análisis comparativo transnacional

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    Este trabajo analiza algunas de las medidas adoptadas por varios Estados miembros de la Unión Europea para transponer a sus ordenamientos jurídicos internos la Directiva 2010/64/UE, así como el grado de consecución del objetivo de calidad pretendido por la norma europea en lo concerniente a la traducción e interpretación en el ámbito penal. Concretamente, se abordará el desarrollo de instrumentos tales como un registro profesional y la viabilidad de que su articulación permita aspirar a esa pretendida calidad. A través del estudio comparativo transnacional de los casos de Austria, Italia y Bélgica, que partían de situaciones diferentes y que han articulado soluciones también diferentes, analizaremos de forma crítica la situación concreta de España en lo que respecta al desarrollo del Registro Oficial previsto en la Ley Orgánica 5/2015. El objetivo es recopilar información contrastiva de interés que permita entender mejor la situación española.The aim of this article is twofold: to analyze some measures adopted by several EU Member States to transpose Directive 2010/64/EU into their internal legal system and to look at the degree of fulfilment of the mandate for quality in translation and interpreting in criminal proceedings contained therein. To that end the development of tools such as professional registers, and their role in the achievement of the intended quality, will be discussed. Lastly, the current situation of Spain vis a vis the configuration of the Official Register established under framework law 5/2015 will be approached from a critical standpoint and through the lens of a transnational case study. This study includes Austria, Italy and Belgium, whose starting points differed and who, therefore, have articulated different solutions that provide useful contrastive information to better understand the Spanish scenario

    Trabajo colaborativo en entornos e-learning y desarrollo de competencias transversales de trabajo en equipo: Análisis del caso del Máster en gestión de Proyectos en Cooperación Internacional, CSEU La Salle

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    Peer-reviewedEl trabajo colaborativo se presenta como estratégico en las propuestas que emergen del EEES, donde se evidencia su potencial para el aprendizaje de contenidos específicos, así como para el desarrollo de competencias transversales. Este estudio trata de analizar los resultados del trabajo colaborativo en el caso del Máster en Gestión de Proyectos en Cooperación Internacional, contextualizado en el Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle. Trata de relacionar las propuestas de redacción de acuerdos grupales y mediación del tutor de seguimiento con el desarrollo de competencias transversales de trabajo en equipo. La finalidad es ajustar un diseño de trabajo colaborativo que alcance los objetivos de aprendizaje que se persiguen: mejora del aprendizaje individual en contacto con el grupo, desarrollo de competencias transversales de trabajo en equipo y creación de vínculos en la comunidad virtual. La investigación triangula los resultados de un cuestionario realizado ad hoc, entrevistas con los alumnos del programa y un foro de discusión. El análisis de los datos recabados muestra que los alumnos perciben que el trabajo colaborativo ha mejorado su proceso de aprendizaje y les ha ayudado a desarrollar competencias de trabajo en equipo. Tanto la redacción de acuerdos grupales como la labor de mediación de la tutora parecen incidir de forma significativa en este resultado.Collaborative work is presented as strategic in the proposals emerging from the EEES, where its enormous potential for learning specific content and to develop transferable skills are evidenced. This study aims to analyze the results of collaborative work in the case of Masters in Project Management in International Cooperation., contextualized in the Centro Superior de Estudios Universitarios La Salle. It intends to relate the proposals of drafting of agreements and mediation of the tutor to the development of generic skills related to the ability to work in teams. The aim is to adjust a collaborative work design that reaches the learning objectives intended: improvement of individual learning in contact with the group, development of skills related to the ability to work in teams and engagement with the virtual community. The research triangulates the results of a questionnaire built ad hoc, interviews with students in the program and a discussion forum. The analysis of the data collected shows that students feel that collaborative work has improved the learning process and helped them to develop teamwork skills. Both agreements drafting and the mediation of the tutor seem to have a significant impact on this result

    The role of traditional restaurants in tourist destination loyalty

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect that visitor satisfaction with traditional restaurants has on perceptions of the local gastronomy, the overall image of a city and loyalty to that destination. Fieldwork has been carried out in Córdoba, a city in southern Spain famous for being a UNESCO World Heritage city and for its traditional gastronomy. The methodology used is based on structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). This paper makes a novel contribution in that no previous studies to date have explored satisfaction with traditional restaurants, with respect to the food, the service and the atmosphere. To achieve the proposed objective, a structured questionnaire has been used to find out the opinions of diners in renowned restaurants that base their cuisine on traditional dishes made with quality local ingredients. The results obtained confirm that a satisfactory experience with the food of a traditional restaurant has a positive effect on the image of the destination and the gastronomy of the place, as well as on visitors’ intentions to recommend and repeat the visit to said destination. Based on the analysis carried out, effective strategies are suggested to help manage these types of restaurants. The study provides theoretical and practical implications from a gastronomic perspective, which can enable tourism managers to employ new strategies to retain tourists visiting a city, based on increasing their post-experience satisfaction with restaurants featuring local cuisine

    Un caso de aprendizaje en streaming: cómo programar con el software Z-tree para diseñar experimentos sobre la toma de decisiones económicas

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    In this paper, we present a real in-streaming case of learning about how to program with the z-tree software to design experiments on economic decision making for the members of the NECE Research Unit in Business Sciences, in Portugal. This real case of in-streaming-learning was created to respond the need of a teaching method based on new technologies for people who could be in different parts of the world and with different time availability, but they also need to learn to program z-tree to use it in their experiments. Researchers and students learned the Ztree software applications in business research and economic decision making. Specifically, they learned: What is z-Tree software?; What is z-Tree software for?; What advantages does it have? and What applications can you obtain in business research?; How to get it for free?; Technical requirements; The structure of z-Tree software, and How is it to be programmed?; Then, we exposed a practical example for how to create a small experiment of economic decision-making, and, finally other more complex example (with interaction between experimental subjects). This learning has been valued positively, as very useful. The paper includes the web with the training in streaming on z-Tree.En este documento, presentamos un caso real de transmisión de información sobre cómo programar con el software z-tree para diseñar experimentos sobre la toma de decisiones económicas para los miembros de la Unidad de Investigación de NECE en Ciencias Empresariales, en Portugal. Este caso real de aprendizaje en streaming se creó para responder a la necesidad de un método de enseñanza basado en nuevas tecnologías para personas que podrían estar en diferentes partes del mundo y con diferente disponibilidad de tiempo, pero que también necesitan aprender a programar z- árbol para usarlo en sus experimentos. Investigadores y estudiantes aprendieron las aplicaciones de software Ztree en la investigación empresarial y la toma de decisiones económicas. Específicamente, aprendieron: ¿Qué es el software z-Tree ?; ¿Para qué sirve el software z-Tree ?; ¿Qué ventajas tiene? y ¿Qué aplicaciones puedes obtener en la investigación de negocios ?; ¿Cómo conseguirlo gratis ?; Requerimientos técnicos; La estructura del software z-Tree, y ¿Cómo se programa? Luego, expusimos un ejemplo práctico de cómo crear un pequeño experimento de toma de decisiones económicas y, finalmente, otro ejemplo más complejo (con interacción entre sujetos experimentales). Este aprendizaje ha sido valorado positivamente, como muy útil. El documento incluye la web con la capacitación en transmisión en z-Tree