337 research outputs found

    Particle diffusion model applied to the swarm robots navigation

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    The robots today become very powerful tools that support many human tasks. However, the trend of development has often been separated from its application. The use of swarm robots to search in collapsed environments today becomes in a real alternative solution to support rescue efforts in landslide and other disasters. However, these environments have special features (unknown and dynamic) under which rapid responses are required (little processing time) with a major limitation of sensors (problems for the use of cameras and GPS’s for example) and communication. In this paper, we analyze an alternative of navigation for swarm robots with very limited capabilities (very limited processing power, communication and sensing). Our minimalist approach seeks to solve the problem without requiring system identification, geometric map building, localization, or state estimation. Instead, we propose a strategy based on Brownian motion, in which each robot is modeled as a particle whose motion is influenced by landmarks installed in the environment. The degree of influence on the robot corresponds to the design of the navigation route. Under this scheme, the robots perform minimal processing, and the parallel navigation increases confidence in the search process. The proposed navigation scheme is analyzed and then evaluated by simulation

    Pore water chemistry of a Paleogene continental mudrock in Spain and a Jurassic marine mudrock in Switzerland: Sampling methods and geochemical interpretation

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    Este trabajo resume una serie de metodologías y aproximaciones desarrolladas en CIEMAT durante los últimos 10 años con el objetivo de obtener información del agua intersticial de dos formaciones arcillosas: la Opalinus Clay procedente de Suiza y una formación de edad Oligoceno Mioceno española. Ambas tienen características bastante diferentes tanto desde el punto de vista de la metodología aplicada para su estudio como del origen sedimentario en sí mismo de las dos formaciones. La arcilla Suiza se estudió a través de la participación en el experimento DI-B en el laboratorio subterráneo de Mont Terri, en Suiza, uno de cuyos objetivos fue el muestreo y análisis in situ del agua intersticial de la arcilla. Las muestras de agua se recogieron después de desarrollar equipos y metodologías para conseguir una alteración mínima de los parámetros críticos del agua de la arcilla: pH, Eh, pCO2, Fe(II) y alcalinidad. La modelización geoquímica se utilizó como herramienta para interpretar y entender los principales procesos geoquímicos que controlan la química del agua y el estado actual del sistema. En relación con la arcilla española, el artículo muestra el desarrollo de una metodología integrada para caracterizar el agua intersticial de la formación arcillosa a partir de muestras de testigos correspondientes a un sondeo, denominados S1. El estudio trata de integrar todos los datos disponibles sobre la composición del agua intersticial obtenida mediante la técnica de compresión bajo presión (squeezing) y mediante extractos acuosos, con la caracterización mineralógica y geoquímica de los testigos. La modelización geoquímica se utilizó con dos objetivos principales: para valorar la consistencia de los datos analíticos del agua intersticial y para determinar la importancia relativa de los principales procesos que gobiernan la química del agua intersticial. Específicamente, la modelización se utilizó para simular los procesos que controlan la evolución redox del sistema. Se consideró equilibrio para los minerales reactivos como la calcita, dolomita, yeso y ferrihidrita. Además, se trató la degradación de la materia orgánica y la disolución oxidativa de la pirita desde un punto de vista cinético

    Níveis de ansiedade e depressão numa mostra de pessoas aposentadas do sul e oeste de Porto Rico e a crise econômica atual

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    Objective: To explore the levels of anxiety and depression in a sample of retired Puerto Ricans as well as their economic situation and how they have faced the crisis that has plagued the country for the past 7-8 years. Method: Research with mixed approach (quantitative / qualitative). First, it was conducted a structured interview with 201 retired people from the south and west of Puerto Rico, selected because of their availability. On the other hand, they were given the tests of anxiety and depression by Beck. Results: Around the levels of anxiety and depression, 65.1% of participants had moderate to severe levels of anxiety while 19.1% had moderate to severe levels of depression. Finally, two multiple regression models that are inspected, the researchers found that a model consisting of the variables of occupation, financial situation before retiring, perceived effects of economic conditions and levels of depression, it showed to be statistically significant and explain 96% of the variance (p = .002). Moreover, the variables included in the prediction model, we found that the variable "perceived effects of the economic situation" was the best predictor (p = .000). Conclusions: Retirement instead of being a time of relaxation and enjoyment has been a period marked by economic hardship and emotional disturbances, particularly anxiety. Added to this, the elderly also face the ravages of the economic crisis and the fiscal impact of retirement in their daily lives.Objetivo: Explorar los niveles de ansiedad y depresión de una muestra de retirados puertorriqueños así como su situación económica y cómo han encarado la crisis que ha aquejado al país por los pasados 7-8 años. Método: Investigación con enfoque mixto (cuantitativa/cualitativa). En primer lugar, se llevó a cabo una entrevista estructurada a 201 personas retiradas del sur y oeste de Puerto Rico, seleccionadas por disponibilidad. De otra parte, se les administraron las escalas de ansiedad y depresión de Beck. Resultados: En torno a los niveles de ansiedad y depresión, el 65.1%de los participantes presentó niveles de moderados a severos de ansiedad mientras que el 19.1% presentó niveles de moderados a severos de depresión. Por último, de dos modelos de regresión múltiple sometidos a comprobación, los investigadores encontraron que un modelo compuesto por las variables ocupación, situación económica antes de retirarse, efectos percibidos de la situación económica y niveles de depresión, mostró ser estadísticamente significativo y explicar un 96 % de la varianza (p = .002). Más aún, de las variables incluidas en el modelo de predicción, se encontró que la variable “efectos percibidos de la situación económica” fue el mejor predictor (p = .000). Conclusiones: La jubilación en lugar de ser una época de descanso y disfrute, ha representado un período marcado por la estrechez económica y alteraciones emocionales, particularmente la ansiedad. Sumado a esto, las personas mayores también enfrentan los estragos de la crisis económica y el impacto fiscal que tiene la jubilación en su vida diaria.Objetivo: Explorar os níveis de ansiedade e depressão de uma mostra de retirados porto-riquenhos bem como sua situação econômica e como encararam a crise que tem atingido ao país pelos passados 7-8 anos. Método: Investigação com enfoque misto (quantitativa/qualitativa). Em primeiro lugar, levou-se a cabo uma entrevista estruturada a 201 pessoas retiradas do sul e oeste de Porto Rico, selecionadas por disponibilidade. De outra parte, se lhes administraram as escalas de ansiedade e depressão de Beck. Resultados: Em torno dos níveis de ansiedade e depressão, 65.1% dos participantes apresentou níveis de moderados a severos de ansiedade enquanto 19.1% apresentou níveis de moderados a severos de depressão. Por último, de dois modelos de regressão múltipla submetidos a comprovação, os pesquisadores encontraram que um modelo composto pelas variáveis ocupação, situação econômica antes de retirar-se, efeitos percebidos da situação econômica e níveis de depressão, mostrou ser estatisticamente significativo e explicar um 96 % da variância (p = .002). Mais ainda, das variáveis inclusas no modelo de predição, encontrou-se que a variável “efeitos percebidos da situação econômica” foi o melhor predito (p = .000). Conclusões: A aposentadoria em lugar de ser uma época de descanso e desfrute, representou um período marcado pela estreiteza econômica e alterações emocionais, particularmente a ansiedade. Somado a isto, as pessoas maiores também enfrentam os estragos da crise econômica e o impacto fiscal que tem a aposentadoria em sua vida diária

    Lockdown measures and relative changes in the age-specific incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in Spain

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    During the first months of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in 2020, Spain implemented an initial lockdown period on March 15 followed by a strengthened lockdown period on March 30 when only essential workers continued to commute to work. However, little is known about the epidemic dynamics in different age groups during these periods. We used the daily number of COVID-19 cases (by date of symptom onset) reported to the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network (RENAVE) among individuals aged 15-19y through 65-69y. For each age group g, we computed the proportion PrE(g) of individuals in age group g among all reported cases aged 15-69y during the pre-lockdown period (March 1-10, 2020) and the corresponding proportion PrL(g) during two lockdown periods (initial: 25 March-3 April; strengthened: 8-17 April, 2020). For each lockdown period, we computed the proportion ratios PR(g)= PrL(g)/PrE(g). For each pair of age groups g1,g, PR(g)>PR(g) implies a relative increase in the incidence of detected SARS-CoV-2 infection in the age group g compared with g for the lockdown period vs. the pre-lockdown period. For the initial lockdown period, the highest PR values were in age groups 50-54y (PR=1.21; 95% CI: 1.12,1.30) and 55-59y (PR=1.19; 1.11,1.27). For the second lockdown period, the highest PR values were in age groups 15-19y (PR=1.26; 0.95,1.68) and 50-54y (PR=1.20; 1.09,1.31). Our results suggest that different outbreak control measures led to different changes in the relative incidence by age group. During the initial lockdown period, when non-essential work was allowed, individuals aged 40-64y, particularly those aged 50-59y, had a higher relative incidence compared with the pre-lockdown period. Younger adults/older adolescents had an increased relative incidence during the later, strengthened lockdown. The role of different age groups during the epidemic should be considered when implementing future mitigation efforts

    Interleukin-10 Production by T and B Cells Is a Key Factor to Promote Systemic Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Infection in Mice

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    Indexción: Scopus.Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is a Gram-negative bacterium that produces disease in numerous hosts. In mice, oral inoculation is followed by intestinal colonization and subsequent systemic dissemination, which leads to severe pathogenesis without the activation of an efficient anti-Salmonella immune response. This feature suggests that the infection caused by S. Typhimurium may promote the production of anti-inflammatory molecules by the host that prevent efficient T cell activation and bacterial clearance. In this study, we describe the contribution of immune cells producing the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) to the systemic infection caused by S. Typhimurium in mice. We observed that the production of IL-10 was required by S. Typhimurium to cause a systemic disease, since mice lacking IL-10 (IL-10-/-) were significantly more resistant to die after an infection as compared to wild-type (WT) mice. IL-10-/- mice had reduced bacterial loads in internal organs and increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in serum at 5 days of infection. Importantly, WT mice showed high bacterial loads in tissues and no increase of cytokines in serum after 5 days of S. Typhimurium infection, except for IL-10. In WT mice, we observed a peak of il-10 messenger RNA production in ileum, spleen, and liver after 5 days of infection. Importantly, the adoptive transfer of T or B cells from WT mice restored the susceptibility of IL-10-/- mice to systemic S. Typhimurium infection, suggesting that the generation of regulatory cells in vivo is required to sustain a systemic infection by S. Typhimurium. These findings support the notion that IL-10 production from lymphoid cells is a key process in the infective cycle of S. Typhimurium in mice due to generation of a tolerogenic immune response that prevents bacterial clearance and supports systemic dissemination

    Inventario de Daños y Efectos Geológicos Co y/o Post-Sísmicos del Sismo Ocurrido el 18 de mayo de 1875, en la Frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela

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    On the border between Colombia and Venezuela, have occurred seismic events with important records of damage in both countries. In this paper, we study the historical earthquake that took place on May 18, 1875 between 11.15 and 11.30 in the morning (the time was the same for communities in both countries since there was no time zone difference), which is catalogued as a border earthquake due to the report of damages in the cities of both nations. The community of San José de Cúcuta, current capital of the Northern State of Santander, Colombia, registered the greatest number of deaths and damage to buildings. An inventory of the geological damage and co -seismic and postseismic effects was created based on information of previous studies and data obtained from archival primary sources from Colombia and Venezuela. The result is a bi-national database, which includes the summaries of historical descriptions with the effects in the persons and objects, the geological damages and effects observed during the seismic event. These data has led to the creation of a table of MM and EMS-98 intensities, which enables the identification and delimitation of the regions of greater damages. The maximum level intensity is I=10 in the cities of San José de Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario, Pueblo de Cúcuta (San Luis) in Colombia and San Antonio, San Juan de Ureña in Venezuela. Moreover, we formulated a table of intensities using the ESI-2007 INQUA scale, based on the information of geological observations described in historical documents. These data are related to the epicentral zone with an approximate radius of 30 km.Published105-2635T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismicaN/A or not JC

    Regioselective magnesiation of N-heterocyclic molecules: securing insecure cyclic anions by a β-diketiminate-magnesium clamp

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    Using a specially designed magnesium metallating manifold, combining kinetically activated TMP amide base with a sterically amplified β-diketiminate ligand, this study has established a new regioselective strategy for magnesiation of challenging N-heterocyclic molecules. The broad scope of the approach is illustrated through reactions of pyrazine, triazoles and substituted pyridines through isolation and structural elucidation of their magnesiated intermediates

    Acute effects of dynamic Tape® application on vertical jump performance : A case report

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    Actualmente, no existe un consenso sobre los beneficios de los diferentes tipos de cintas neuromusculares sobre el rendimiento muscular. A diferencia del vendaje neuromuscular y las cintas rígidas, el Dynamic Tape® tiene una composición y propiedades diferentes con efectos desconocidos sobre el rendimiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue reportar los efectos agudos del tape dinámico® sobre el rendimiento del salto vertical. Materiales y métodos: Utilizando una metodología test-retest, se realizó un estudio de caso con dos mujeres de 21 años, saludables y físicamente activas. Se evaluó el tiempo de vuelo, la altura del salto y la potencia muscular a través de salto desde sentadilla y salto con contra movimiento en plataforma de contacto, antes y después de la aplicación del tape dinámico® en cuádriceps y en gastrocnemios. Resultados: Se encontraron mejoras en el salto desde sentadilla de hasta 10.8% en el tiempo de vuelo, 22.6% en la altura del salto y 8.9% en la potencia muscular después de la aplicación del tape dinámico®. Conclusiones: Este estudio preliminar y exploratorio mostró que la utilización del tape dinámico® podría mejorar el rendimiento del salto vertical; sin embargo, se necesitan más investigaciones sobre este tipo de vendaje.Different types of neuromuscular tapes have led to no consensus about its benefits on muscle performance. Unlike kinesiology and rigid tapes, Dynamic Tape® has different composition and properties with unknown effects on performance. The aim of this exploratory-type case study was to report the acute effects of dynamic tape® application on vertical jump performance. Material and methods: Using a test-retest methodology, a case study was carried out in two 21-year-old, healthy and physically active women. Flight time, jump height and muscle power were evaluated by squat jump and countermovement jump tests using a contact mat, before and after the application of dynamic tape® on quadriceps and gastrocnemius muscles. Single and double taping were also used in different combinations. Results: Improvements of up to 10.8% on flight time, 22.6% on jump height and 8.9% on muscle power were observed for squat jump after the application of dynamic tape®. Conclusions: This preliminary and exploratory case study showed that using dynamic tape® might improve vertical jump performance; however, further research is necessary in this relatively novel type of tape

    BVRI Light Curves for 29 Type Ia Supernovae

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    BVRI light curves are presented for 27 Type Ia supernovae discovered during the course of the Calan/Tololo Survey and for two other SNe Ia observed during the same period. Estimates of the maximum light magnitudes in the B, V, and I bands and the initial decline rate parameter m15(B) are also given.Comment: 17 pages, figures and tables are not included (contact first author if needed), to appear in the Astronomical Journa