151 research outputs found

    Introducing innovation in social networks: A cost-benefit analysis of entry point selection

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    Social networks have been growing and evolving from mere means of communication into the biggest potential global market and access platform to hundreds of millions of customers ever built. However, although companies and organisations can have access to millions of potential customers almost in an instant, being able to identify the best initial entry points for introducing innovation (be it a service or product) is key to aiding its acceptance and enhancing its prospects of further diffusion into the market. In this paper, by using the economic model of return to scale, we investigate a mechanism for identifying these potential best initial entry points for introducing innovation in social networks in terms of its efficiency and a cost-benefits analysis. We present a set of experiments based on two real social network datasets and also a synthetic one that shows the effects of deploying our mechanism

    A review of the role of sensors in mobile context-aware recommendation systems

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    Recommendation systems are specialized in offering suggestions about specific items of different types (e.g., books, movies, restaurants, and hotels) that could be interesting for the user. They have attracted considerable research attention due to their benefits and also their commercial interest. Particularly, in recent years, the concept of context-aware recommendation system has appeared to emphasize the importance of considering the context of the situations in which the user is involved in order to provide more accurate recommendations. The detection of the context requires the use of sensors of different types, which measure different context variables. Despite the relevant role played by sensors in the development of context-aware recommendation systems, sensors and recommendation approaches are two fields usually studied independently. In this paper, we provide a survey on the use of sensors for recommendation systems. Our contribution can be seen from a double perspective. On the one hand, we overview existing techniques used to detect context factors that could be relevant for recommendation. On the other hand, we illustrate the interest of sensors by considering different recommendation use cases and scenarios

    Distribución espacial de Vanilla bahiana (Orchidaceae) en dos fitofisonomías de restinga. ¿El patrón espacial varía?

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    Vanilla bahiana is an orchid restricted to Brazil, extremely ornamental, threatened with extinction and with economic potential. We evaluated the spatial distribution pattern of V. bahiana in shrub and restinga forest formations in a conservation unit in Northeast Brazil. The Morisita’s index of dispersion, the Morisita’s standardized index of dispersion and the TTLQV method were used, and 1920 m2 were sampled, through the demarcation of six transects of 40 × 4 m per phytophysionomy. Each transect was subdivided into 10 plots of 4 × 4 m. In the shrub formation, we observed 49 individuals of V. bahiana and a greater abundance at the edges of the transects (plots 1 and 2). In the restinga forest, we recognized 47 individuals of V. bahiana and a distribution more homogeneous way along the transects. We found an aggregate pattern for the species in the shrub formation and a random pattern in the restinga forest. The different patterns could be explained by differences in luminosity, but they could also be associated with the dispersal of seeds or the presence of fungi of different species. Future studies with spatial distribution in Orchidaceae should be multidisciplinary in order to investigate the main causes of the patterns on local scales. Specifically, understanding the relationships between Vanilla species and mycorrhizal fungi may have positive impacts on the cultivation and commercialization of vanilla.Vanilla bahiana es una orquídea hemiepífita restringida a Brasil, extremadamente ornamental, amenazada de extinción y con potencial económico. Se evaluó el patrón de distribución espacial de V. bahiana en las fitofisionomías arbustiva y de bosque en un fragmento de llanuras costeras (restinga), en una unidad de conservación en el Noreste de Brasil. Para ello, se utilizó el índice de Morisita, el índice de Morisita estandarizado y el método TTLQV, y se muestrearon 1920 m2, a través de la demarcación de seis transectos de 40 × 4 m por fitofisionomía. Cada transecto se subdividió en 10 parcelas de 4 × 4 m. En la formación arbustiva, se observaron 49 individuos of V. bahiana y mayor abundancia en los bordes de los transectos (parcelas 1 y 2). En el bosque de restinga se contaron 47 individuos of V. bahiana, pero distribuidos de manera más homogéna en los transectos. Se encontró un patrón agregado para la especie en la formación arbustiva y un patrón aleatorio en el bosque de restinga. Los diferentes patrones podrían explicarse por las diferencias de luminosidad, pero también podrían estar asociados con la dispersión de semillas o la presencia de hongos de diferentes especies. Futuros estudios con distribución espacial de Orchidaceae deberían ser pluridisciplinares con la finalidad de investigar las causas principales de los patrones en escalas locales. Específicamente, comprender las relaciones entre especies de Vanilla y los hongos micorrícicos puede generar impactos positivos sobre el cultivo y la comercialización de vainilla

    Cryptococcosis by Cryptococcus gattii in immunocompetent goats in Spain and review of the literature

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    Cryptococcus neoformans  has been described for years as a species causing spontaneous mycosis in a great variety of animals. The new species C. gattii has been described as an agent of animal cryptococcosis mainly in Australia, but it has been found also in many parts of the world. The main group of animals suffering those natural infections are mammals, but also birds, reptiles and some invertebrates have suffered cryptococcosis. Usually the infections are sporadic and occasional, but some epidemic outbreaks have been reported affecting a high number of animals. In 1998 the isolation of C. gattii was reported by the first time in Europe in 5 epidemic outbreaks of cryptococcosis in goats grazing freely in west Spain grasslands. In all outbreaks, mycological studies were possible from samples obtained on necropsy of some animals dead during the epidemic. Animals belonged to various milking breeds and were grazing with variable status of health and husbandry. Goats affected by cryptococcosis showed similar respiratory symptoms, consisting in mucopurulent nasal discharge, cough, dyspnea and progressive cachexia, causing death in a period of 2 to 4 weeks. In three outbreaks many animals also showed ataxia, midriasis, blindness and progressive paralysis. Clinical prevalence varied from 2 to 12% in the different outbreaks. It is evident that in spite of the great amplitude of geographical distribution observed for C. gattii, this species has a limited presence, possibly restricted to determined habitats, as that of infection of goats flocks in Spain. Veterinarians must be concerned about Cryptococcosis in grazing animals. This finding introduced new elements connected to the epidemiology and ecology of Cryptococcus gattii

    Collision of protostellar jets in the star-forming region IC 1396N: Analysis of knot proper motions

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    Context. The bright-rimmed cloud IC 1396N is believed to host one of the few known cases where two bipolar CO outflows driven by young stellar objects collide. The CO outflows are traced by chains of knots of H2 emission, with enhanced emission at the position of the possible collision. Aims. The aim of this work is to use the proper motions of the H2 knots to confirm the collision scenario. Methods. A second-epoch H2 image was obtained, and the proper motions of the knots were determined with a time baseline of ∼11 yr. We also performed differential photometry on the images to check the flux variability of the knots. Results. For each outflow (N and S), we classified the knots as pre-collision or post-collision. The axes of the pre-collision knots, the position of the possible collision point, and the axes of the post-collision knots were estimated. The difference between the proper motion direction of the post-collision knots and the position angle from the collision point was also calculated. For some of the knots, we obtained the 3D velocity using the radial velocity derived from H2 spectra. Conclusions. The velocity pattern of the H2 knots in the area of interaction (post-collision knots) shows a deviation from that of the pre-collision knots, consistent with being a consequence of the interaction between the two outflows. This favours the interpretation of the IC 1396N outflows as a true collision between two protostellar jets instead of a projection effect

    PRGdb 2.0 : towards a community-based database model for the analysis of R-genes in plants

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    The Plant Resistance Genes database (PRGdb; http://prgdb.org) is a comprehensive resource on resistance genes (R-genes), a major class of genes in plant genomes that convey disease resistance against pathogens. Initiated in 2009, the database has grown more than 6-fold to recently include annotation derived from recent plant genome sequencing projects. Release 2.0 currently hosts useful biological information on a set of 112 known and 104 310 putative R-genes present in 233 plant species and conferring resistance to 122 different pathogens. Moreover, the website has been completely redesigned with the implementation of Semantic MediaWiki technologies, which makes our repository freely accessed and easily edited by any scientists. To this purpose, we encourage plant biologist experts to join our annotation effort and share their knowledge on resistance-gene biology with the rest of the scientific community

    New alkaloid antibiotics that target the DNA topoisomerase I of Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae has two type II DNA-topoisomerases (DNA-gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV) and a single type I enzyme (DNA-topoisomerase I, TopA), as demonstrated here. Although fluoroquinolones target type II enzymes, antibiotics efficiently targeting TopA have not yet been reported. Eighteen alkaloids (seven aporphine and 11 phenanthrenes) were semisynthesized from boldine and used to test inhibition both of TopA activity and of cell growth. Two phenanthrenes (seconeolitsine and N-methyl-seconeolitsine) effectively inhibited both TopA activity and cell growth at equivalent concentrations (∼17 μM). Evidence for in vivo TopA targeting by seconeolitsine was provided by the protection of growth inhibition in a S. pneumoniae culture in which the enzyme was overproduced. Additionally, hypernegative supercoiling was observed in an internal plasmid after drug treatment. Furthermore, a model of pneumococcal TopA was made based on the crystal structure of Escherichia coli TopA. Docking calculations indicated strong interactions of the alkaloids with the nucleotide-binding site in the closed protein conformation, which correlated with their inhibitory effect. Finally, although seconeolitsine and N-methyl-seconeolitsine inhibited TopA and bacterial growth, they did not affect human cell viability. Therefore, these new alkaloids can be envisaged as new therapeutic candidates for the treatment of S. pneumoniae infections resistant to other antibiotics.The work was supported by Comunidad de Madrid Grant CM-BIO0260-2006, COMBACT (to J. H. and A. G. C.); Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grants BIO2008-02154 (to A. G. C.), BFU2008-01711 (to J. A. H.), and SAF2008-03477 (to M. J. S.); and Spanish Ministry of Health, Carlos III Health Institute Grants RIER, RD08/0075/0016 (to M. J. S.).S

    Critical Micronutrients in Pregnancy, Lactation, and Infancy: Considerations on Vitamin D, Folic Acid, and Iron, and Priorities for Future Research

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    The Early Nutrition Academy and the European Commission-funded EURRECA Network of Excellence jointly sponsored a scientific workshop on critical micronutrients in pregnancy, lactation, and infancy. Current knowledge and unresolved questions on the supply of vitamin D, folic acid, and iron for pregnant women, lactating women, and infants, and their health effects were discussed. The question was addressed of whether, and under which circumstances, supplementation with these micronutrients in addition to usual dietary intakes is advisable. The workshop participants concluded that public health strategies for improving supplementation with these micronutrients in pregnancy, lactation, and infancy are required. Further research priorities should focus on adequately powered human intervention trials to obtain a stronger evidence base for the amounts of vitamin D, folic acid, and iron that have optimal effects on health. The conclusions of the workshop should help to inform the scientific community as well as public health policy strategies. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Characterization of Salinivibrio socompensis sp. nov., A new halophilic bacterium isolated from the high-altitude hypersaline lake Socompa, Argentina

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    The genus Salinivibrio belongs to the family Vibrionaceae and includes Gram-stain-negative, motile by a polar flagellum, and facultatively anaerobic curved rods. They are halophilic bacteria commonly found in hypersaline aquatic habitats and salted foods. This genus includes five species and two subspecies. A presumed novel species, strain S35T, was previously isolated from the high-altitude volcanic, alkaline, and saline lake Socompa (Argentinean Andes). In this study we carried out a complete taxonomic characterization of strain S35T, including the 16S rRNA gene sequence and core-genome analysis, the average nucleotide identity (ANIb, ANIm, and orthoANI), and in silico DNA?DNA hybridization (GGDC), as well as the phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characterization. It grew at 3%?20% (w/v) NaCl, pH 6?10, and 10?42 °C, with optimum growth at 7.0%?7.5% (w/v) NaCl, pH 8.0, and 37 °C, respectively. Strain S35T was oxidase- and catalase-positive, able to produce acid from D-glucose and other carbohydrates. Hydrolysis of DNA, methyl red test, and nitrate and nitrite reduction were positive. Its main fatty acids were C16:0, C16:1 ω7c and C16:1 ω6c, and C18:1 ω7c and/or C18:1 ω6c. ANI, GGDC, and core-genome analysis determined that strain S35T constitutes a novel species of the genus Salinivibrio, for which the name Salinivibrio socompensis sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is S35T (= CECT 9634T = BNM 0535T)Fil: Galisteo, Cristina. Universidad de Sevilla; EspañaFil: Sánchez Porro,Cristina. Universidad de Sevilla; EspañaFil: de la Haba, Rafael R.. Universidad de Sevilla; EspañaFil: López Hermoso, Clara. Universidad de Sevilla; EspañaFil: Fernández, Ana Belén. Universidad de Sevilla; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Farias, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Ventosa, Antonio. Department Of Microbiology And Parasitology, Faculty Of; Españ