140 research outputs found

    Формирование национальной системы РФ по пластиковым картам

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    The article is devoted to the formation of national system of bank cards in Russian Federation, it's structure and qualities

    Attacks Against White-Box ECDSA and Discussion of Countermeasures

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    This paper deals with white-box implementations of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA): First, we consider attack paths to break such implementations. In particular, we provide a systematic overview of various fault attacks, to which ECDSA white-box implementations are especially susceptible. Then, we propose different mathematical countermeasures, mainly based on masking/blinding of sensitive variables, in order to prevent or at least make such attacks more difficult. We also briefly mention some typical implementational countermeasures and their challenges in the ECDSA white-box scenario. Our work has been initiated by the CHES challenge WhibOx Contest 2021, which consisted of designing and breaking white-box ECDSA implementations, so called challenges. We illustrate our results and findings by means of the submitted challenges and provide a comprehensive overview which challenge could be solved in which way. Furthermore, we analyze selected challenges in more details

    Navigating the garden of forking paths for data exclusions in fear conditioning research

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    In this report, we illustrate the considerable impact of researcher degrees of freedom with respect to exclusion of participants in paradimgs with a learning element. We illustrate this empirically through case examples from human fear conditioning research where the exclusion of ‘non-learners’ and ‘non-responders’ is common-despite a lack of consensus on how to define these groups. We illustrate the substantial heterogeneity in exclusion criteria based on a systematic literature search and highlight potential problems and pitfalls of different definitions through case examples based on re-analyses of existing data sets. Based on this, we propose a consensus on evidence-based rather than idiosyncratic criteria including clear guidelines on reporting details. Taken together, we illustrate how flexibility in data collection and analysis can be avoided, which will benefit the robustness and replicability of research findings and can be expected to be applicable to other fields of research that involve a learning element

    Robust segmentation of intraretinal layers in the normal human fovea using a novel statistical model based on texture and shape analysis

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    A novel statistical model based on texture and shape for fully automatic intraretinal layer segmentation of normal retinal tomograms obtained by a commercial 800nm optical coherence tomography (OCT) system is developed. While existing algorithms often fail dramatically due to strong speckle noise, non-optimal imaging conditions, shadows and other artefacts, the novel algorithm’s accuracy only slowly deteriorates when progressively increasing segmentation task difficulty. Evaluation against a large set of manual segmentations shows unprecedented robustness, even in the presence of additional strong speckle noise, with dynamic range tested down to 12dB, enabling segmentation of almost all intraretinal layers in cases previously inaccessible to the existing algorithms. For the first time, an error measure is computed from a large, representative manually segmented data set (466 B-scans from 17 eyes, segmented twice by different operators) and compared to the automatic segmentation with a difference of only 2.6% against the inter-observer variability

    Integrated adaptive optics optical coherence tomography and adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope system for simultaneous cellular resolution in vivo retinal imaging

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    We describe an ultrahigh-resolution (UHR) retinal imaging system that combines adaptive optics Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (AO-OCT) with an adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope (AO-SLO) to allow simultaneous data acquisition by the two modalities. The AO-SLO subsystem was integrated into the previously described AO-UHR OCT instrument with minimal changes to the latter. This was done in order to ensure optimal performance and image quality of the AO- UHR OCT. In this design both imaging modalities share most of the optical components including a common AO-subsystem and vertical scanner. One of the benefits of combining Fd-OCT with SLO includes automatic co-registration between two acquisition channels for direct comparison between retinal structures imaged by both modalities (e.g., photoreceptor mosaics or microvasculature maps). Because of differences in the detection scheme of the two systems, this dual imaging modality instrument can provide insight into retinal morphology and potentially function, that could not be accessed easily by a single system. In this paper we describe details of the components and parameters of the combined instrument, including incorporation of a novel membrane magnetic deformable mirror with increased stroke and actuator count used as a single wavefront corrector. We also discuss laser safety calculations for this multimodal system. Finally, retinal images acquired in vivo with this system are presented

    Three-Dimensional 1060-nm OCT: Choroidal thickness maps in normal subjects and improved posterior segment visualization in cataract patients

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    Purpose. To evaluate the performance and potential clinical role of three-dimensional (3D) 1060-nm OCT by generating choroidal thickness (ChT) maps in patients of different ages with different degrees of ametropia and axial lengths and to investigate the effect of cataract grade on OCT retinal imaging quality. Methods. Axial lengths (ALs) and 45° fundus photographs were acquired from 64 eyes (34 healthy subjects, 19 to 80 years, ametropia +3 to −10 D). 3D 1060-nm OCT was performed over a 36° × 36° field of view with ∼7-μm axial resolution and up to 70 frames/s (512 A-scans/frame). ChT maps between retinal pigment epithelium and the choroidal–scleral interface, were generated and statistically analyzed. A further 30 eyes (19 subjects), with cataracts assessed with the LOCS III scale, were imaged with 3D 1060-nm OCT and 800-nm OCT, and visualization of the posterior segment was compared qualitatively. Results. In 64 eyes, ChT maps displayed a thickness decrease with increasing AL. Subfoveal ChT was 315 ± 106 μm (mean ± SD), negatively correlated with AL (R2 = −0.47, P 24.5 mm showed a larger variation and a thicker ChT superiorly than inferiorly. Reduced signal strength in cataractous eyes was found in 65% of the 800-nm OCT images, but in only 10% of the 1060-nm OCT images. Conclusions. The imaging performance of 3D 1060-nm OCT is unique, producing maps that show the variation in ChT over the entire field of view, in relation to axial length. This imaging system has the potential of visualizing a novel clinical diagnostic biomarker. Compared with 800-nm OCT, it provides superior visualization of the posterior pole in cataractous eyes