1,066 research outputs found

    Early vocabulary development in deaf native signers: a British Sign Language adaptation of the communicative development inventories

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    Background: There is a dearth of assessments of sign language development in young deaf children. This study gathered age-related scores from a sample of deaf native signing children using an adapted version of the MacArthur-Bates CDI (Fenson et al., 1994). Method: Parental reports on children’s receptive and expressive signing were collected longitudinally on 29 deaf native British Sign Language (BSL) users, aged 8–36 months, yielding 146 datasets. Results: A smooth upward growth curve was obtained for early vocabulary development and percentile scores were derived. In the main, receptive scores were in advance of expressive scores. No gender bias was observed. Correlational analysis identified factors associated with vocabulary development, including parental education and mothers’ training in BSL. Individual children’s profiles showed a range of development and some evidence of a growth spurt. Clinical and research issues relating to the measure are discussed. Conclusions: The study has developed a valid, reliable measure of vocabulary development in BSL. Further research is needed to investigate the relationship between vocabulary acquisition in native and non-native signers

    El uso de las Tic como factor de generación de aprendizajes significativos de la historia y las ciencias sociales, con estudiantes del segundo año de BGU, en la Unidad Educativa "Eloy Alfaro” de Santo Domingo

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    La necesidad de incorporar de manera responsable y significativa, las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la Unidad Educativa “Eloy Alfaro” de Santo Domingo, ha sido el motivo de la realización de este trabajo de investigación, considerando el valor que representan las herramientas tecnológicas, como facilitadoras de la tarea pedagógica. La investigación para obtener los resultados del presente trabajo fue cualitativa-inductiva, utilizándose para ello una encuesta, como técnica de recolección de información, lo que permitió comprender que, el alumnado de la Unidad Educativa motivo de la investigación, siente la necesidad de integrar las TIC, a su formación académica. Con la aparición de la tecnología el rol de los docentes se ha modificado de manera radical, en la necesidad de actualizarse en los nuevos saberes y de esta forma establecer una relación simbiótica con el alumnado, que en este se despierte la curiosidad por aprender usando las TIC; hay una ventana de oportunidades que ofrecen los avances tecnológicos, tales como la elaboración de material didáctico digitalizado, almacenar información concreta en los denominados blogs, el trabajo colaborativo por medio de wikis, foros de discusión on-line, video conferencias y más adelantos que se presenten con la evolución de las TIC. Consecuentemente esto permitirá el avance de la creatividad, la innovación, el realizar actividades educativas en equipo, logrando que en el estudiante se desarrolle la capacidad de apropiación del conocimiento, con los instrumentos que le atraen a su interés y de mayor eficacia formativa. Si bien las tecnologías hoy son parte de la vida cotidiana de la sociedad, es necesario aprovechar su potencial en cada contexto educativo, pretender incorporar las nuevas estrategias didácticas de aprendizaje en mejorar el conocimiento, no es por el simple hecho de tenerle al alumno en contacto con herramientas digitales, es una necesidad de enseñar las destrezas con criterio de desempeño, de la asignatura aludida como una herramientas de cambio, que está formalmente planteado en el objetivo de la propuesta. Concretamente este trabajo lo que pretende es aplicar una nueva didáctica de enseñanza, con contenidos de interés, para la asignatura de Historia y Ciencias Sociales del Segundo Año de BGU y así sacarle el mejor partido posible, al empleo de las TIC en la Unidad Educativa “Eloy Alfaro” de Santo Domingo

    Analisis Budaya Literasi dalam Mengembangkan Minat Membaca di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 154500 Aek Tolang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengembangan budaya baca tulis di SDN 154500 Aek Tolang Pandan Kab.Tapanuli Tengah. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah peraturan menteri pendidikan dan kebudayaan nomor 23 tahun 2015 tentang penanaman budi pekerti serta pelaksanaan budaya literasi selama 15 menit sebelum memulai proses belajar mengajar, dimana penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi terhadap guru dan siswa. Selain itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kreativitas siswa dalam perspektif membaca apakah ada peningkatan

    Evaluación del estado post-operatorio, clínico y radiografico de molares temporales que recibieron tratamiento de pulpotomia con sulfato ferrico al 20

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    Tesis (Cirujano Dentista)--Universidad Americana, ManaguaEste estudio pretende comprobar la eficacia clínica y radiográfica del uso de sulfato férrico al 20%, con el fin de recaudar información que será procesada y evaluada, para corroborar el éxito de los tratamientos de pulpotomía en molares temporales realizados por los estudiantes de odontología durante el primer semestre de V año de la Universidad Americana. Analizando la anatomía, diagnóstico y tratamientos intrapulpares

    Wide Maritime Area Airborne Surveillance (WIMAAS) WP5 Final Report

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    This report of WIMA2S Work Package 5 (WP5), describes the definition, planning, execution and evaluation of the WIMA2S UAS flight experiment. The main aim of the WIMA2S project consists of developing key technologies to prepare the future for the operational use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), innovative mission aircraft and space assets, as key building blocks integrated in a System of Systems approach. WIMA2S takes into account the current operational user requirements and the needs to develop strong European capabilities in the fields of maritime policy, integrated border management and security R&T, identified as top priorities by the EU. The main objectives of WP5 comprised the definition and performance of a UAS flight experiment based on one of the maritime surveillance scenarios elaborated in task WP2.2, the illustration of a complete information flow of the planning of a multi-sensor/multi-platform surveillance mission and the remote control concept for mission system. The UAS flight experiment has successfully illustrated the remote control of a maritime surveillance system using different scenarios derived from the end-users requirements/needs identified in WP2. The experiment was carried out at El Arenosillo airbase, in Huelva, Spain in close cooperation with Guardia Civil, INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) and ISDEFE (Ingeniería de Sistemas para la Defensa de España). The UAS flight experiment comprised the following sequence of events. The Command and Control Centre at INTA airbase tasked the UAS for a routine maritime surveillance flight. During the UAS flight, Guardia Civil deployed a small rubber boat. The boat was detected by the Huelva SIVE station through its coastal radar and camera. The Guardia Civil classified the non-identified target as a potential non-cooperative target and tasked the UAS for an investigation flight. The UAS flew to the area where the non-cooperative target was detected by the SIVE station and detected and classified the non-identified target as a small rubber boat (Tiger type) and sent the video of the target to the Command and Control Centre via Satellite communications. The UAS tracked the target for a while to collect additional information and try to identify it. A complete information flow of the planning of a multi-sensor/multi-platform surveillance mission has also been illustrated. All WP5 objectives have been fully achieved according to the planned.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Specificity of the innate immune responses to different classes of non-tuberculous mycobacteria

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    Mycobacterium avium is the most common nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) species causing infectious disease. Here, we characterized a M. avium infection model in zebrafish larvae, and compared it to M. marinum infection, a model of tuberculosis. M. avium bacteria are efficiently phagocytosed and frequently induce granuloma-like structures in zebrafish larvae. Although macrophages can respond to both mycobacterial infections, their migration speed is faster in infections caused by M. marinum. Tlr2 is conservatively involved in most aspects of the defense against both mycobacterial infections. However, Tlr2 has a function in the migration speed of macrophages and neutrophils to infection sites with M. marinum that is not observed with M. avium. Using RNAseq analysis, we found a distinct transcriptome response in cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction for M. avium and M. marinum infection. In addition, we found differences in gene expression in metabolic pathways, phagosome formation, matrix remodeling, and apoptosis in response to these mycobacterial infections. In conclusion, we characterized a new M. avium infection model in zebrafish that can be further used in studying pathological mechanisms for NTM-caused diseases

    Satori 2022

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    The Satori is a student literary publication that expresses the artistic spirit of the students of Winona State University. Student poetry, prose, and graphic art are published in the Satori every spring since 1970. The Satori 2022 editors are Matthew Pearson, Jasmyne Taylor, and Emily Venne. the Satori 2022 faculty advisor is Dr. Jim Armstrong, Professor of English.https://openriver.winona.edu/satori/1009/thumbnail.jp

    Identification of some Amazonian species of Culex (Culex) and Culex (Melanoconion) by morphotyping and barcoding

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    Os mosquitos Culex spp. apresentam características idiossincráticas e sua baixa variabilidade dificulta sua identificação. O objetivo do nosso estudo foi analisar a região 5 'do gene da subunidade I do citocromo oxidase (coI) para a identificação taxonômica de espécies de Culex que foram previamente diagnosticadas em subgêneros Culex e Melanoconion em condições de campo. Dez sequências de espécimes foram analisadas pelo Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD). Todas as sequências apresentaram 94-99% de identidade quando comparadas com outras sequências de espécies de Culex disponíveis no GenBank. Cinco partições iniciais suportaram 80-88 grupos de espécies. Entre eles, oito conjuntos continham os espécimes do presente estudo. Das 10 sequências de mosquitos, cinco não formaram nenhum cluster consistente, e as demais apresentaram alguma consistência no diagnóstico taxonômico nas condições de campo. Nossos resultados sugerem que algumas sequências do gene coI de espécimes podem pertencer a espécies do subgênero Melanoconion, cuja sequência 5' coI é desconhecida ou inédita no GenBank.Culex spp. mosquitoes have idiosyncratic characteristics and its low variability makes difficult their identification. The aim of our study was to analyze the 5' region of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene (coI) for the taxonomic identification of Culex species which were previously morphotyped and diagnosed in Culex and Melanoconion subgenera at the field conditions. Ten specimen sequences were analyzed by the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD). All sequences showed 94-99% identity when compared to other Culex species sequences available from GenBank. Five initial partitions supported 80-88 species groups. Among them, eight sets contained the specimens of the present study. Of the 10 mosquito sequences, five did not form any consistent cluster, and the remaining showed some consistency in the taxonomic diagnosis at the field conditions. Our results suggest that some coI gene sequences of specimens may belong to species of the subgenus Melanoconion, whose 5’ coI sequence is unknown or unpublished in GenBank