19 research outputs found

    Improving sentiment analysis via sentence type classification using BiLSTM-CRF and CNN

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    Different types of sentences express sentiment in very different ways. Traditional sentence-level sentiment classification research focuses on one-technique-fits-all solution or only centers on one special type of sentences. In this paper, we propose a divide-and-conquer approach which first classifies sentences into different types, then performs sentiment analysis separately on sentences from each type. Specifically, we find that sentences tend to be more complex if they contain more sentiment targets. Thus, we propose to first apply a neural network based sequence model to classify opinionated sentences into three types according to the number of targets appeared in a sentence. Each group of sentences is then fed into a one-dimensional convolutional neural network separately for sentiment classification. Our approach has been evaluated on four sentiment classification datasets and compared with a wide range of baselines. Experimental results show that: (1) sentence type classification can improve the performance of sentence-level sentiment analysis; (2) the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results on several benchmarking datasets


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    COVID-19 je donio brojne promjene, kako u svakodnevnom tako i u akademskom životu. Nastava tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture (TZK), kao i nastava ostalih predmeta, morala se provoditi u ograničenim uvjetima, što je utjecalo na kvalitetu izvedbe same nastave. Ovo istraživanje ispitalo je koliko se nastava razlikovala prije i tijekom pandemije u hrvatskim i njemačkim školama, kao i interes učenika prema predmetu i sadržajima TZK. Na uzorku od 139 učenika (78 u hrvatskim i 61 u njemačkim školama), putem anketnog upitnika, dobiveni su rezultati koji pokazuju da postoje razlike kako u nastavi tako i u interesima učenika. U njemačkim školama, maske su bile obavezne tijekom nastave TZK, dok u Hrvatskoj nisu ili su se samo trebale nositi pri ulasku u dvoranu. Sportska pomagala su se koristila u svim školama; međutim, samo u hrvatskim školama ista su se morala dezinficirati prije i/ili nakon upotrebe. Utvrđeno je da učenici hrvatskih škola imaju veći interes za predmetom i da najviše preferiraju ekipne igre, dok njemački učenici izjavljuju da im je svejedno kojom se aktivnošću bave, bitno im je samo da su tjelesno aktivni. Učenici svih škola najviše se vole baviti odbojkom i košarkom, a najmanje atletikom i gimnastikom. Od najdražih aktivnosti na satu, svima su najdraže sportske igre, a najmanje istezanja. Sportske igre su omiljena aktivnost učenika zbog svojeg kompetitivnog i društvenog karaktera, što je u skladu s prirodnim sklonostima djece i mladih.COVID-19 has brought numerous changes to both everyday and academic life. Physical and health education, as well as other subjects, had to be conducted under restricted conditions, affecting the quality of the teaching itself. This study investigated the differences in teaching before and during the pandemic in Croatian and German schools, as well as students' interest in the subject and its content. Based on a sample of 139 students (78 from Croatian schools and 61 from German schools), survey results indicate disparities in both teaching methods and student interests. In German schools, face masks were mandatory during physical education classes, whereas in Croatia, they were either not required or only had to be worn upon entering the hall. Sports equipment was utilized in all schools; however, only in Croatian schools did it need to be disinfected before and/or after use. The study found that Croatian students had a greater interest in the subject and preferred team games, while German students indicated that the type of activity didn't matter to them as long as they were physically active. Students from all schools most enjoyed volleyball and basketball and were least interested in athletics and gymnastics. Team sports were the most preferred activities during classes, and stretching was the least favored. Team sports are students' favorite activities for good reason: they offer competitive and social aspects, which align with the natural tendencies of children and adolescents

    Aspects of Sentiment Analysis

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    Analýza sentimentu je podúloha zpracování přirozeného jazyka, která se obecně zabývá automatickou extrakcí a analýzou pocitů, názorů, emocí a přesvědčení vyjádřených v psaném textu. Analýza sentimentu se stala hlavní oblastí výzkumu již od počátku nového tisíciletí. Dopad analýzy sentimentu lze pozorovat v mnoha praktických aplikacích, od analýzy recenzí produktů až po předpovědi prodeje a akciových trhů pomocí monitorování sociálních médií. Abychom správně identifikovali sentiment obsažený v textu, musíme dostatečně pochopit význam (sémantiku) textu. Sémantika věty s obrazným vyjádřením však může být zcela odlišná od téže věty s doslovným významem. Nesprávná interpretace obrazných vyjádření, jako je ironie, sarkasmus a metafora, představuje závažný problém v oblasti analýzy sentimentu. Náš výzkum zahrnuje tvorbu datových zdrojů jak pro analýzu sentimentu na úrovni dokumentů, tak pro aspektově orientovanou analýzu sentimentu, dále pak experimenty s předzpracováním dat, výběrem příznaků, různými příznaky například s využitím sémantických modelů, neuronovými sítěmi, klasifikátory a průkopnický výzkum detekce sarkasmu v češtině. V práci zkoumáme také dopad použití obrazných vyjádření na analýzu sentimentu.NeobhájenoSentiment analysis is a sub-field of natural language processing. Generally, it deals with an automatic extraction and analysis of sentiments, opinions, emotions, and beliefs expressed in written text. Sentiment analysis has become a mainstream research field since the early 2000s. Its impact can be seen in many practical applications, ranging from analysing product reviews to predicting sales and stock markets using social media monitoring. In order to correctly identify the sentiment hidden in a text, we need to sufficiently understand the meaning (semantics) of the text. However, the semantics of a sentence with figurative language can be quite different from the same sentence with literal meaning. Misinterpreting figurative language such as irony, sarcasm, and metaphor represents a significant challenge in sentiment analysis. This thesis studies document-level sentiment analysis, aspect-based sentiment analysis, sarcasm detection, and the impact of figurative language on sentiment analysis. We place special emphasis on the Czech language. Our research includes the creation of data resources for both document-level and aspect-based sentiment analysis, experiments with data preprocessing, feature selection, various features e.g. using semantic models, neural networks, classifiers, and pioneer research into sarcasm detection in Czech. We also explore the impact of figurative language on sentiment analysis

    Challenges of starting, developing and achieving sustainability of start-up projects in Croatia

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    U ovome su radu opisani i analizirani izazovi pokretanja, razvoja i ostvarivanja dugoročne održivosti start-up projekata. Sve lošija gospodarska situacija, nedostatak odgovarajućih potpora, nemogućnost pravovremenom pristupu potrebnim informacijama te kompliciranost administrativnih zahtjeva predstavljaju problem osobama koje razmišljaju o potencijalnome ulasku u poduzetništvo. Metode istraživanja korištene u radu jesu metoda sekundarne analize javno dostupnih podataka, metoda intervjua i metoda ankete. Metodom analize podataka obrađeno je pet primjera dobre prakse, odnosno pet uspješnih poduzeća koji djeluju na području Republike Hrvatske. Temeljem analize utvrđene su sljedeće dodirne točke uspješnih poduzeća: konstantno unaprjeđivanje proizvoda i inovativnost, sposobnost prilagodbe promjenama, briga o zaposlenicima i konstantno ulaganje u njih. Metodom intervjua na temelju ispitivanja pet poduzetnika dobiven je profil uspješnoga poduzetnika. Vjera u sebe, upornost, sposobnost prilagodbe, temeljitost, sklonost razumnome prihvaćanju rizika i samostalnost zajedničke su karakterne crte svim intervjuiranim poduzetnicima. Rezultatima ankete utvrđene su smjernice za uspješno pokretanje i vođenje start-upa: definiranje tržišno atraktivnog proizvoda, razvoj i očuvanje kvalitetnih poslovnih odnosa s kupcima i dobavljačima, konstantno ulaganje u poslovni razvoj i edukaciju vlasnika i djelatnika. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na elemente koji start-up projekt čine uspješnim, a to su motiviranost pokretača projekta (poduzetnika), sklonost poduzetnika kontinuiranome usavršavanju, inoviranju proizvoda i poslovnih procesa, financijska pismenost poduzetnika i sposobnost upravljanja financijama projekta, razvoj menadžerskih vještina poduzetnika te poznavanje potreba tržišta i razumijevanje ponašanja potrošača i konkurenata.This paper describes and analyzes the challenges of starting, developing and achieving long-term sustainability of start-up projects. Down-turn in economic cycles, the lack of adequate support, the inability to provide necessary information and the complexity of administrative requirements pose a problem to potential entrepreneurs. The research methods that have been used in this paper are: secondary analysis of publicly available data, interviewing and survey methods. According to the method of data analysis, the research was made for five successful companies in Croatia that represent examples of good practice. Based on this analysis, author defined common characteristics of successful businesses: constant improvement of product and innovation of business processes, ability to adapt to changes and good human resource management. Afterinterviewing five successful entrepreneurs, author defined components of profile of a successful entrepreneur: faith in oneself, perseverance, ability to adjust, thoroughness, risk preference and self-reliance. Based on the results of the survey, author determined the guidelines for successful starting and managing start-up projects: defining a market-attractive product, developing and maintaining quality business relationships with customers and suppliers, constant investing in business development and constant education of owners and employees. There were found several important notions during the analysis. The elements that make the start-up project successful are: motivation of entrepreneur, the tendency of entrepreneur to continuously business improvement, innovation of products and business processes, financial literacy of entrepreneur, the development of entrepreneurial managerial skills, knowledge of market needs and understanding of consumer and competitors’ behavior

    Aspects of sentiment analysis: technical report no. DCSE/TR-2015-04

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    This report introduces the task of sentiment analysis, describes the core problems and presents the formal definition of sentiment analysis. The basic machine learning algorithms for text classification are described as well as the most commonly used features for sentiment analysis. Brief overview of distributional semantics is presented. Related work and the state-of-the-art approaches to sentiment analysis are thoroughly described and sorted by the granularity level of sentiment analysis. Great emphasis is on the sentiment analysis in the Czech environment


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    COVID-19 je donio brojne promjene, kako u svakodnevnom tako i u akademskom životu. Nastava tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture (TZK), kao i nastava ostalih predmeta, morala se provoditi u ograničenim uvjetima, što je utjecalo na kvalitetu izvedbe same nastave. Ovo istraživanje ispitalo je koliko se nastava razlikovala prije i tijekom pandemije u hrvatskim i njemačkim školama, kao i interes učenika prema predmetu i sadržajima TZK. Na uzorku od 139 učenika (78 u hrvatskim i 61 u njemačkim školama), putem anketnog upitnika, dobiveni su rezultati koji pokazuju da postoje razlike kako u nastavi tako i u interesima učenika. U njemačkim školama, maske su bile obavezne tijekom nastave TZK, dok u Hrvatskoj nisu ili su se samo trebale nositi pri ulasku u dvoranu. Sportska pomagala su se koristila u svim školama; međutim, samo u hrvatskim školama ista su se morala dezinficirati prije i/ili nakon upotrebe. Utvrđeno je da učenici hrvatskih škola imaju veći interes za predmetom i da najviše preferiraju ekipne igre, dok njemački učenici izjavljuju da im je svejedno kojom se aktivnošću bave, bitno im je samo da su tjelesno aktivni. Učenici svih škola najviše se vole baviti odbojkom i košarkom, a najmanje atletikom i gimnastikom. Od najdražih aktivnosti na satu, svima su najdraže sportske igre, a najmanje istezanja. Sportske igre su omiljena aktivnost učenika zbog svojeg kompetitivnog i društvenog karaktera, što je u skladu s prirodnim sklonostima djece i mladih.COVID-19 has brought numerous changes to both everyday and academic life. Physical and health education, as well as other subjects, had to be conducted under restricted conditions, affecting the quality of the teaching itself. This study investigated the differences in teaching before and during the pandemic in Croatian and German schools, as well as students' interest in the subject and its content. Based on a sample of 139 students (78 from Croatian schools and 61 from German schools), survey results indicate disparities in both teaching methods and student interests. In German schools, face masks were mandatory during physical education classes, whereas in Croatia, they were either not required or only had to be worn upon entering the hall. Sports equipment was utilized in all schools; however, only in Croatian schools did it need to be disinfected before and/or after use. The study found that Croatian students had a greater interest in the subject and preferred team games, while German students indicated that the type of activity didn't matter to them as long as they were physically active. Students from all schools most enjoyed volleyball and basketball and were least interested in athletics and gymnastics. Team sports were the most preferred activities during classes, and stretching was the least favored. Team sports are students' favorite activities for good reason: they offer competitive and social aspects, which align with the natural tendencies of children and adolescents


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    COVID-19 je donio brojne promjene, kako u svakodnevnom tako i u akademskom životu. Nastava tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture (TZK), kao i nastava ostalih predmeta, morala se provoditi u ograničenim uvjetima, što je utjecalo na kvalitetu izvedbe same nastave. Ovo istraživanje ispitalo je koliko se nastava razlikovala prije i tijekom pandemije u hrvatskim i njemačkim školama, kao i interes učenika prema predmetu i sadržajima TZK. Na uzorku od 139 učenika (78 u hrvatskim i 61 u njemačkim školama), putem anketnog upitnika, dobiveni su rezultati koji pokazuju da postoje razlike kako u nastavi tako i u interesima učenika. U njemačkim školama, maske su bile obavezne tijekom nastave TZK, dok u Hrvatskoj nisu ili su se samo trebale nositi pri ulasku u dvoranu. Sportska pomagala su se koristila u svim školama; međutim, samo u hrvatskim školama ista su se morala dezinficirati prije i/ili nakon upotrebe. Utvrđeno je da učenici hrvatskih škola imaju veći interes za predmetom i da najviše preferiraju ekipne igre, dok njemački učenici izjavljuju da im je svejedno kojom se aktivnošću bave, bitno im je samo da su tjelesno aktivni. Učenici svih škola najviše se vole baviti odbojkom i košarkom, a najmanje atletikom i gimnastikom. Od najdražih aktivnosti na satu, svima su najdraže sportske igre, a najmanje istezanja. Sportske igre su omiljena aktivnost učenika zbog svojeg kompetitivnog i društvenog karaktera, što je u skladu s prirodnim sklonostima djece i mladih.COVID-19 has brought numerous changes to both everyday and academic life. Physical and health education, as well as other subjects, had to be conducted under restricted conditions, affecting the quality of the teaching itself. This study investigated the differences in teaching before and during the pandemic in Croatian and German schools, as well as students' interest in the subject and its content. Based on a sample of 139 students (78 from Croatian schools and 61 from German schools), survey results indicate disparities in both teaching methods and student interests. In German schools, face masks were mandatory during physical education classes, whereas in Croatia, they were either not required or only had to be worn upon entering the hall. Sports equipment was utilized in all schools; however, only in Croatian schools did it need to be disinfected before and/or after use. The study found that Croatian students had a greater interest in the subject and preferred team games, while German students indicated that the type of activity didn't matter to them as long as they were physically active. Students from all schools most enjoyed volleyball and basketball and were least interested in athletics and gymnastics. Team sports were the most preferred activities during classes, and stretching was the least favored. Team sports are students' favorite activities for good reason: they offer competitive and social aspects, which align with the natural tendencies of children and adolescents

    Challenges of starting, developing and achieving sustainability of start-up projects in Croatia

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    U ovome su radu opisani i analizirani izazovi pokretanja, razvoja i ostvarivanja dugoročne održivosti start-up projekata. Sve lošija gospodarska situacija, nedostatak odgovarajućih potpora, nemogućnost pravovremenom pristupu potrebnim informacijama te kompliciranost administrativnih zahtjeva predstavljaju problem osobama koje razmišljaju o potencijalnome ulasku u poduzetništvo. Metode istraživanja korištene u radu jesu metoda sekundarne analize javno dostupnih podataka, metoda intervjua i metoda ankete. Metodom analize podataka obrađeno je pet primjera dobre prakse, odnosno pet uspješnih poduzeća koji djeluju na području Republike Hrvatske. Temeljem analize utvrđene su sljedeće dodirne točke uspješnih poduzeća: konstantno unaprjeđivanje proizvoda i inovativnost, sposobnost prilagodbe promjenama, briga o zaposlenicima i konstantno ulaganje u njih. Metodom intervjua na temelju ispitivanja pet poduzetnika dobiven je profil uspješnoga poduzetnika. Vjera u sebe, upornost, sposobnost prilagodbe, temeljitost, sklonost razumnome prihvaćanju rizika i samostalnost zajedničke su karakterne crte svim intervjuiranim poduzetnicima. Rezultatima ankete utvrđene su smjernice za uspješno pokretanje i vođenje start-upa: definiranje tržišno atraktivnog proizvoda, razvoj i očuvanje kvalitetnih poslovnih odnosa s kupcima i dobavljačima, konstantno ulaganje u poslovni razvoj i edukaciju vlasnika i djelatnika. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na elemente koji start-up projekt čine uspješnim, a to su motiviranost pokretača projekta (poduzetnika), sklonost poduzetnika kontinuiranome usavršavanju, inoviranju proizvoda i poslovnih procesa, financijska pismenost poduzetnika i sposobnost upravljanja financijama projekta, razvoj menadžerskih vještina poduzetnika te poznavanje potreba tržišta i razumijevanje ponašanja potrošača i konkurenata.This paper describes and analyzes the challenges of starting, developing and achieving long-term sustainability of start-up projects. Down-turn in economic cycles, the lack of adequate support, the inability to provide necessary information and the complexity of administrative requirements pose a problem to potential entrepreneurs. The research methods that have been used in this paper are: secondary analysis of publicly available data, interviewing and survey methods. According to the method of data analysis, the research was made for five successful companies in Croatia that represent examples of good practice. Based on this analysis, author defined common characteristics of successful businesses: constant improvement of product and innovation of business processes, ability to adapt to changes and good human resource management. Afterinterviewing five successful entrepreneurs, author defined components of profile of a successful entrepreneur: faith in oneself, perseverance, ability to adjust, thoroughness, risk preference and self-reliance. Based on the results of the survey, author determined the guidelines for successful starting and managing start-up projects: defining a market-attractive product, developing and maintaining quality business relationships with customers and suppliers, constant investing in business development and constant education of owners and employees. There were found several important notions during the analysis. The elements that make the start-up project successful are: motivation of entrepreneur, the tendency of entrepreneur to continuously business improvement, innovation of products and business processes, financial literacy of entrepreneur, the development of entrepreneurial managerial skills, knowledge of market needs and understanding of consumer and competitors’ behavior

    Using traps of terrestrial insects in culture of rheophilic fish fingerling

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    Food is one of the most important items in fish culture economy. Juvenile fish prove the fastest growth rates and that is the reason why their appropriate nourishment is so important. Surface drift of terrestrial insects provides an excellent food for rheophilic fish species . Reophilic fishes are able to utilise also plants and particularly algae too. Terrestrial insects can be attracted to water surface by various ways. Is it a light trap during the night. The installation of colour traps is another possibility of insect enticement, for example when located several centimetres bellow the water. We can use various coloured traps {--} yellow, red, blue and other. Light is very attractive for night insects, killing them by electricity. Insects which fall down to water provide an excellent complementary food sources. The experiments were performed with young chub (Leuciscus cephalus). Coloured traps (yellow and red), raffia mats supproting algal growth and electric insect killer were tested. No-trap tanks served as a control. The experiment was run for two growing seasons.. As compared to control, the variants provided with coloured traps proved significantly better results regarding fish growth and condition. However, the best results were achieved using the light trap. Basing on the study results, it can be concluded, that the traps can contribute to successful breeding of juveniles of reophilic fish