66 research outputs found

    Disseny i validació d’un model predictiu de l’evolució de la borsa amb cadenes de Markov

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    Aquest treball tracta sobre les cadenes de Markov, més concretament aplicades a la borsa. En el primer punt es fa una breu introducció sobre què són i què fan els mercats financers, oferint algunes dades històriques i fent especial èmfasi en la modelització financera. El segon punt del treball tracta les cadenes de Markov, començant per explicar qui era Andréi Màrkov i què és un procés estocàstic. Posteriorment entra més en detall en les cadenes de Markov, explicant conceptes com la matriu de transició d’estats i posant algun exemple. S’expliquen algunes propietats importants, com la distribució límit, i es defineixen els diferents tipus de cadenes de Markov que es poden trobar. Finalment, estudiant el cas de quatre empreses de l’IBEX 35 es comprova que l’evolució del preu de les accions de la borsa pot ser tractada com una cadena de Markov, i s’apliquen conceptes tractats en el segon punt del treball, com per exemple la matriu de transició d’estats, per a realitzar una predicció del valor de les accions d’aquestes empreses a llarg termini

    Simulació CFD del procés de combustió Dual-Fuel en un motor de combustió interna (MCI) en transport heavy-duty

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    Es preveu que a causa de l'augment de restriccions d'emissions, en un futur no molt pròxim, es prohibirà la circulació de vehicles propulsats per combustibles com gasoil i gasolina. Com a solució d'aquesta legislació, s'ha anat perfeccionant el funcionament dels motors i buscat altres alternatives. Una de les millors alternatives, és la modificació de motors Dièsel per ús de gas liquat del petroli. En aquest treball es realitza una comparació entre el motor Dièsel i Dual-Fuel. Explicant el funcionament dels motors i l'estudi d'emissions contaminants provocades en un vehicle pesant.Se prevé que a causa del aumento de restricciones de emisiones, en un futuro no muy próximo, se prohibirá la circulación de vehículos propulsados por combustibles como gasóleo y gasolina. Como solución de esta legislación, se ha ido perfeccionando el funcionamiento de los motores y buscado otras alternativas. Una de las mejores alternativas, es la modificación de motores Diésel por uso de gas licuado del petróleo. En este trabajo se realiza una comparación entre el motor Diésel y Dual-Fuel. Explicando el funcionamiento de los motores y el estudio de emisiones contaminantes provocadas en un vehículo pesado.It is envisaged that due to increased emission restrictions, in the not very near future, the movement of vehicles fuelled by fuels such as diesel and petrol will be banned. As a solution to this legislation, the operation of engines has been improved and other alternatives sought. One of the best alternatives is modification of Diesel engines for the use of liquefied oil gas. In this work, a comparison is made between the Diesel and Dual-Fuel engines. Explaining the operation of engines and the study of polluting emissions caused in a heavy vehicle

    Characterization of Red Wines from Macaronesia

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    Wines from the Atlantic Islands of Macaronesia come from unusual terroirs due to their volcanic soils and the tropical and subtropical climatic conditions from this region. Some of these Islands produce highly appreciated fortified wines traded around the world since the sixteenth century, such as Madeira or Canary. Nowadays their distinct winemaking techniques and sweet wine traditions combine with the production of table wines. Previous studies described peculiar properties in wines from these regions, mostly related with their phenolic content and color, which are particularly important in the less produced red wines. The main purpose of this chapter is to characterize red wines produced in the Atlantic Islands of Macaronesia in terms of oenological and physico-chemical properties. Wines from these islands are extremely atypical, as their climates conditions are exceptional and red grape cultivars are exclusive. Furthermore, specific viticulture techniques are applied in these latitudes to proportionate the unique characteristics outlined in this work. Original experimental data from 300 red wines produced in 8 Atlantic islands from Canary and Cape Verde archipelago and an important reviewing study for Azores and Madeira red wines are considered herein. Results are presented according to archipelago

    Lipoprotein hydrophobic core lipids are partially extruded to surface in smaller HDL : "Herniated" HDL, a common feature in diabetes

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    Recent studies have shown that pharmacological increases in HDL cholesterol concentrations do not necessarily translate into clinical benefits for patients, raising concerns about its predictive value for cardiovascular events. Here we hypothesize that the size-modulated lipid distribution within HDL particles is compromised in metabolic disorders that have abnormal HDL particle sizes, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). By using NMR spectroscopy combined with a biochemical volumetric model we determined the size and spatial lipid distribution of HDL subclasses in a cohort of 26 controls and 29 DM2 patients before and after two drug treatments, one with niacin plus laropiprant and another with fenofibrate as an add-on to simvastatin. We further characterized the HDL surface properties using atomic force microscopy and fluorescent probes to show an abnormal lipid distribution within smaller HDL particles, a subclass particularly enriched in the DM2 patients. The reduction in the size, force cholesterol esters and triglycerides to emerge from the HDL core to the surface, making the outer surface of HDL more hydrophobic. Interestingly, pharmacological interventions had no effect on this undesired configuration, which may explain the lack of clinical benefits in DM2 subjects

    ROAD Las ruedas ya están girando

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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona, Projectes II. Curs: 2018-2019, Tutor: Marquès Emo, Anna. // Director: Julia Calvo Correro; Aj. Direcció: Neus Fuertes Gutiérrez; Productor: Laia Hervàs González; Aj. Producció: Andrea De Las Heras Rodríguez; Guionista: Julia Calvo Correro i Marta García; Dir. Fotografia: Julia Calvo Correro; Càmera: Laia Hervàs González; Aj. càmera: Gadea Arce García i Julia Calvo Correro; Il·luminador: Gadea Arce García; Direcció artística: Andrea De Las Heras Rodríguez; Direcció de so: Roger Centeno García; Muntatge: Julia Calvo Correro, Gadea Arce García, Andrea De Las Heras Rodríguez, Roger Centeno García, Neus Fuertes Gutiérrez i Laia Hervàs González; Música: For the money del grup Baobab i Hojas de Cristal del grup Wolf; Postproducció: Julia Calvo Correro i Gadea Arce García. Equip artístic: Sança Martini i Judith Capel. Drets cedits de "For the money" del grup Baobab i "Hojas de Cristal" del grup WolfEmma decide emprender un viaje para huir de la cotidianidad que le consume. En la carretera conoce a Alex, una autoestopista que le aporta la vitalidad que tanto necesita. Pero cuando la protagonista choca con la realidad todo se tuerce de nuevo

    Metabolomics reveals impaired maturation of HDL particles in adolescents with hyperinsulinaemic androgen excess.

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    Hyperinsulinaemic androgen excess (HIAE) in prepubertal and pubertal girls usually precedes a broader pathological phenotype in adulthood that is associated with anovulatory infertility, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. The metabolic derangements that determine these long-term health risks remain to be clarified. Here we use NMR and MS-based metabolomics to show that serum levels of methionine sulfoxide in HIAE girls are an indicator of the degree of oxidation of methionine-148 residue in apolipoprotein-A1. Oxidation of apo-A1 in methionine-148, in turn, leads to an impaired maturation of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) that is reflected in a decline of large HDL particles. Notably, such metabolic alterations occur in the absence of impaired glucose tolerance, hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia, and were partially restored after 18 months of treatment with a low-dose combination of pioglitazone, metformin and flutamide

    The rise and fall of the king : the correlation between FO Aquarii's low states and the White Dwarf's Spindown

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    The intermediate polar FO Aquarii experienced its first-reported low-accretion states in 2016, 2017, and 2018. We establish that these low states occurred shortly after the system's white dwarf (WD) began spinning down, after having spent a quarter-century spinning up. FO Aquarii is the only intermediate polar whose period derivative has undergone a sign change, and it has now done so twice. By combining our spin-pulse timings with previous data, we determine that the WD's spin period has varied quasi-sinusoidally since the system's discovery, and an extrapolation predicts that the white dwarf was spinning down during newly discovered low states in photographic plates from 1964, 1965, and 1974. Thus, FO Aquarii's low states appear to occur exclusively during epochs of spindown. Additionally, our time-series photometry of the 2016-18 low states reveals that the mode of accretion is extremely sensitive to the accretion rate; when the system is fainter than V~14.0, the accretion onto the WD is largely stream-fed, but when it is brighter, it is almost exclusively disk-fed. The system's grazing eclipse remained detectable throughout all observations, confirming the uninterrupted presence of a disk-like structure, regardless of the accretion state. Our observations are consistent with theoretical predictions that during the low states, the accretion disk dissipates into a ring of diamagnetic blobs. Finally, a new XMM-Newton observation from 2017 indicates that the system's anomalously soft X-ray spectrum and diminished X-ray luminosity in the wake of the 2016 low state appear to be long-lasting changes compared to pre-2016 observations.peer-reviewe

    SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 disease severity are associated with genetic variants affecting gene expression in a variety of tissues

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    Variability in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and COVID-19 disease severity between individuals is partly due to genetic factors. Here, we identify 4 genomic loci with suggestive associations for SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility and 19 for COVID-19 disease severity. Four of these 23 loci likely have an ethnicity-specific component. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) signals in 11 loci colocalize with expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) associated with the expression of 20 genes in 62 tissues/cell types (range: 1:43 tissues/gene), including lung, brain, heart, muscle, and skin as well as the digestive system and immune system. We perform genetic fine mapping to compute 99% credible SNP sets, which identify 10 GWAS loci that have eight or fewer SNPs in the credible set, including three loci with one single likely causal SNP. Our study suggests that the diverse symptoms and disease severity of COVID-19 observed between individuals is associated with variants across the genome, affecting gene expression levels in a wide variety of tissue types

    A first update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19

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