1,742 research outputs found

    Variabilidad morfométrica en crustáceos de playas arenosas de la Isla Grande de Chiloé, sur de Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.The macroinfauna of exposed sandy beaches along the Chilean coast is dominated by crustaceans, which show an across-shore zonation; the talitrid amphipod Orchestoidea tuberculata as the dominant taxon in the upper levels, the cirolanid isopod Excirolana hirsuticauda is dominant in the mid-intertidal, and the anomuran crab Emerita analoga is common in the low levels. This study analyses samples collected during the spring of 2001 and 7 morphological characters were measured on 30 adults of each species: body length, body height, body width, antennae and uropodal exopod lengths. The study sites were located near 42°S, an area where various beach types (i.e., reflective, intermediate and dissipative) occur along the northern coasts of the Chilean archipelagos. The morphometric variability of O. tuberculata, E. hirsuticauda and E. analoga was analyzed using cluster and principal component analysis. The results of this study showed that independently of beach type, individuals of O. tuberculata inhabiting proximal beaches showed greater similarity than individuals inhabiting beaches located distant from each other. Individuals of E. analoga inhabiting similar beach types showed greater similarity than individuals living in different beach types. These results are discussed in relation to across-shore zonation and the natural history of these species.La macroinfauna de playas arenosas expuestas en la costa chilena está dominada por crustáceos, los cuales muestran una zonación transversal; el anfípodo talítrido Orchestoidea tuberculata es el taxón dominante en los niveles superiores, el isópodo cirolánido Excirolana hirsuticauda lo es en la parte media del intermareal y el anomuro Emerita analoga es dominante en los niveles bajos. Este estudio examinó la variabilidad morfométrica de estas 3 especies de crustáceos en relación a los tipos morfodinámicos de playas. Las muestras fueron recolectadas durante la primavera de 2001 y se examinaron 7 caracteres morfológicos medidos en 30 adultos de cada especie: longitud del cuerpo, alto del cuerpo, ancho de cuerpo, longitud de las antenas y longitud de los urópodos. Los sitios de estudio se localizaron cerca de los 42°S, un área donde los diferentes tipos de playa (i.e., reflectivo, intermedio y disipativo) se producen a lo largo de las costas septentrionales de los archipiélagos chilenos. La variabilidad morfométrica de O. tuberculata, E. hirsuticauda y E. analoga se analizó mediante análisis de cluster y de componentes principales. Los resultados de este estudio mostraron que, independientemente del tipo de playa, los individuos de O. tuberculata que habitan playas próximas presentan una mayor similitud que con aquellas que habitan playas lejanas. Los individuos de E. analoga que habitan en el mismo tipo de playa mostraron una mayor similitud que con aquellas que habitan en diferentes tipos de playas. Estos resultados se discuten en relación con la zonificación a través del intermareal y la historia natural de estas especies.http://ref.scielo.org/rcysp

    Las Naciones Unidas en tiempos de cambio

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    Master y Doctor en Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Denver; Doctor Honoris Causa, State University of New York; Embajador de Chile ante las Naciones Unidas

    The Responsibility to Protect: Three Pillars and Four Crimes

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    The adoption of the concept of “Responsibility to Protect” (RtoP) by the Heads of State and Government in the September 2005 United Nations World Summit was a historic landmark which has generated great attention as a potentially powerful instrument to impede humanitarian tragedies. Yet much has been missing, or misinterpreted, in the public discussion of this emerging norm. Some fear that RtoP could be abused by powerful countries to intervene in developing nations alleging altruistic motives, while others believe that RtoP is already a rule of customary international law that should be applied unconditionally and without delay in the face of any humanitarian crisis in the world. To make it workable in real life, the concept must be saved from friends and foes by narrowing its focus and turning RtoP as operational as possible so as to effectively implement it, in line with what global leaders decided in 2005. © Heraldo Muñoz. All rights reserved. This paper may be freely circulated in electronic or hard copy provided it is not modified in any way, the rights of the author not infringed, and the paper is not quoted or cited without express permission of the author. The editors cannot guarantee a stable URL for any paper posted here, nor will they be responsible for notifying others if the URL is changed or the paper is taken off the site. Electronic copies of this paper may not be posted on any other website without express permission of the author

    Responsabilidade civil e administrativa por dano ambiental

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00077020 347.51:504(81) V851

    Comics and webcomics: super-heroes, over-heroes and poser-heroes

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    This article aims to analyse the superhero subgenre in comic books and webcomics. First, the study focuses on the characteristics of hero, superhero and antihero categories. Then we briefly describe some contemporary aspect of the history of the stories in superhero comics to propose the inclusion of two new sub-categories: the over-hero and the poser-hero. The theoretical foundation is based on authors such as: Moya (1977; 1994; 2003), Eco (1993), Mix (1993), Beirce (1993), Bloom (2002; 2003), McLauglin (2005), Knowles (2008), Irwin (2009), Mazur; Danner (2014), among others. The literature specializing in comic books and philosophical perspectives functions as analytical and theoretical support for the interpretation of themes taken from the superhero universe.With the advent of computer graphics and the internet, comic books have conquered new formats, new technologies and new audiences from a democratized distribution. In addition, two factors are important to understand the relevance of webcomics to the history of comics. First, as comics in print are scanned, the comics/webcomics distinction is not exclusive. In this text, we discuss about heroes and superheroes that can be found and read in both printed and digital formats. Second, webcomics have enabled many artists to achieve more visibility for their work through social media. From this perspective, we argue that the notion of webcomics evolve from the notion of comics. In the field of studies and research on sequential art, pop culture and other media the superhero subgenre is widespread. However, in the context of philosophical theorization, for a long time, the productions were limited to the perspective of superheroes from impassable conceptual and methodological approaches. From the 1970s to the mid-1990s, the analyses of comic books and, particularly, about the superhero subgenre suffered from the same kind of modeling approach that in many ways led to the same result. This is because, whether critical reading is favorable or unfavorable to superheroism, none of the cited theoretical-methodological contributions gave theoretical primacy to the sequential art, being merely relegated to the condition of object of study. Our proposal here implies subverting this scenario from the proposition of reading comics and webcomics as philosophy and as poetic theory. From this perspective, we will widely use arguments, contexts, and influences from comic book characters and sagas to review, deflect, and redirect some elements of the comic itself. In other words, we will draw our arguments indistinctly from philosophy or literature and comics and webcomics, without establishing any sort of hierarchy between them, in order to propose that the genre of superheroes itself evolved, and, besides heroes, superheroes and antiheroes, we now also have over-heroes and poser-heroes

    Accidentes de tránsito y bebidas alcohólicas : la cultura alcohólica de los argentinos

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    Fil: Donnewald, Heraldo Nelson. Universidad Dr. René G. Favaloro. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina.Es evidente la estrecha relación existente entre los accidentes de tránsito y el consumo de bebidas\nalcohólicas. De numerosos estudios realizados, surge que todas las funciones puestas en juego para\nconducir un automotor se hallan perturbadas en relación con la impregnación alcohólica. El campo visual\nse reduce, se halla comprometida la percepción de estímulos visuales producidos por objetos alejados, la\nacomodación, la visión crepuscular y la recuperación al encandilamiento. Se alarga también el tiempo de\nreacción auditivo y existe un falso sentido de la velocidad y del riesgo. También se enlentecen la actividad\npsicomotriz, la facultad de elección, el juicio, el razonamiento, la atención y se ve afectado el estado de\nánimo, con bruscos saltos de la indiferencia a la agresividad.\nA continuación, se describen los diferentes tipos de bebidas alcohólicas, sus efectos en el organismo y su\nincidencia a la hora de los accidentes de tránsito

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Dprd) Kabupaten Dairi Periode 2014-2019 Dalam Bidang Legislasi

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    This study aims to describe and analyze critically and sociologically aboutthe Implementation of the Function of the Regional House of Representatives(DPRD) Period 2014-2019 in Legislation. The results of this study are expected tobe used as the motivation of members of the Regional House of Representatives(DPRD) Dairi District Period 2014-2019 in Legislation. This research is a fieldresearch using qualitative descriptive analysis by taking research subjects ofDairi Regency DPRD period 2014-2019. Data collection is done by interviewmethod, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate thatmembers of Parliament Dairi period 2014-2019 very important role in theimplementation of the legislative function of the Regional House ofRepresentatives (DPRD). Phase by the Regional People\u27s Representative Councilof Dairi Regency peridoe 2014-2019 in establishing the Regional Regulation(Perda) consists of; Planning phase, Preparation stage, Preparation technique,Formulation phase, Discussion phase and Legal phase. The relevance of thematerial principle of the Regional Regulation (Perda) in the implementation ofthe legislative function of the Regional House of Representatives of Dairi Regencyfor the period 2014-2019 consists of; Absorb the aspirations of society, Initiativesand Initiatives, Public Interest and In accordance with the rule of law. Therealization of the legislative function of Dairi District People\u27s RepresentativeCouncil (DPRD) in 2014-2019 period is hampered by several obstacles but hasbeen made by Dairi District People\u27s Representative Council 2014-2019 toimprove the implementation of legislation function

    Ants of the Panga Ecological Station, a Cerrado Reserve in Central Brazil

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    Species lists are an invaluable tool for a more comprehensive analysis of diversity patterns. Such lists, when derived from a comprehensive sampling effort, can indicate the presence of rare, threatened, or ecologically important species. This study aimed to generate a species list of the ants of the Panga Ecological Station, a protected Cerrado reserve in southeastern Brazil. This list was generated through taxonomic identification or through unification of the morphospecies codes of all specimens collected at the reserve in ten different studies since 2003. Information about the types of habitat and strata of occurrence of each species or morphospecies was also compiled. The data presented here represents one of the most intensive ant inventories conducted in the Brazilian Cerrado. We recorded 277 ant species belonging to 58 genera and nine subfamilies. This number is 1.63 to 3.69 times higher than the number of species recorded in other Cerrado localities surveyed so far. More species were collected in the savanna (249 species) than in the forest habitats (108 species), and more species were collected on ground (226 species) than in arboreal vegetation (117 species). Taxonomic identification was possible for 171 of the 277 species collected. Three of the named species are recorded for the first time in Brazil. Among the 106 unidentified species, at least six of them represent new, undescribed species. Together, these results highlight the conservation potential of this Cerrado reserve