98 research outputs found


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    Neste trabalho objetivou-se estabelecer a proporção de banana, a composição da solução extratora, bem como o tempo de extração para produzir licor com qualidade. Efetuou-se experimento fatorial com três quantidades de polpa de banana (500, 800 e 1100 g de banana para produção de 4 L de licor) e dois teores alcoólicos da solução extratora (70 e 95°GL). O processo de extração foi estudado durante 21 dias em que se analisaram as coordenadas de cor, pH, teor de sólidos solúveis e densidade a 20°C do extrato. O licor jovem foi caracterizado e submetido à análise sensorial após 45 dias de envelhecimento. O tempo de 16 dias mostrou-se suficiente para finalizar a etapa de extração, evidenciando que o tempo de infusão deve ser de 15 a 16 dias. A solução extratora com teor alcoólico de 95°GL apresentou melhores resultados, principalmente no que se refere à cor final do produto e facilidade na filtração. Como não houve diferença significativa entre as quantidades de polpa de banana optouse pela menor proporção em razão de fatores econômicos. Portanto, a utilização de 500 g de polpa de banana é suficiente para produzir 4 L de licor

    Emergence and physiological behavior of provenances of pinhão manso in function of level of aluminum

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    The aluminum in high levels in the soil affects the emergence, growth, and development of various species. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the emergence and physiological behavior of four provenances of Jatropha curcas subjected to different levels of aluminum. The experiment was performed in a greenhouse in a completely randomized design, with four levels of aluminum in the soil (8.2, 16.5, 24.0 mmolc·dm-3 and control) and four provenances of J. curcas seeds (P1 = Dourados-MS, P2 = Montes Claros-MG, P3 = Alta Floresta-MT, and P4 = Petrolina-PE); the effects of aluminum toxicity were investigated in 25, 50, 75, and 100 days after emergence. The levels of aluminum in the soil were collected from the initial soil correction, which featured an aluminum level of 24.0 mmolc dm-3. The seedling emergence was not affected by treatment with aluminum; however, the height and leaf area of P1, P2, and P3 were reduced with increasing levels of aluminum. The emergence and vigor of J. curcas seeds were not influenced by the differences in the origins of the seeds or by the aluminum levels evaluated. Gas exchanges were affected negatively by aluminum and the responses of the chlorophyll a fluorescence indicate harmful effect in the photosynthetic apparatus. The seeds of origin P4 (Petrolina-PE) has increased tolerance to stress conditions

    Potential of Bacterial Isolates from a Stream in Manaus-Amazon to Bioremediate Chromium-Contaminated Environments

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    Igarapé do Quarenta (IgQ), a stream located in the Manaus-AM, BR, has directly experienced the impacts of urban expansion over the last five decades, which contributed for its contamination. As an affluent of Rio Negro, IgQ also affects the water quality of this important river that bathes Manaus. However, the stress caused by the prolonged exposition to chemical agents may have selected microorganisms that exhibit great bioremediation potential. In the present study, bacteria isolated from four distinct sites of the IgQ were identified, and their potential to degrade hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) was investigated using the s-diphenylcarbazide method. Among the investigated isolates, 14 exhibited resistance against Cr(VI) at a concentration of 300 mg/L and eight isolates reduced over 50% (53.5–97.4%) chromium ratios after 72 h of incubation. Those isolates were identified by gene sequencing and classified in 10 genera (Acidovorax sp., Acinetobacter sp., Alicycliphilus sp., Bacillus sp., Comamonas sp., Enterobacter sp., Micrococcus sp., Proteus sp., Serratia sp., and Vagococcus sp.). Under control conditions, the isolate of Vagococcus sp. genus, in only 24 h of incubation, reduced 96.8% of the rate of Cr(VI) added to the culture medium at the concentration of 10 mg/L. Obtained results indicate that the Vagococcus sp. exhibits a great potential to be used in the bioremediation of areas contaminated with chromium. The mechanisms of action of microorganisms should be investigated for more specific applications in the decontamination of effluents and direct use of its by-products to bioremediate polluted environments. © 2018, The Author(s)

    Série temporal da dinâmica do sistema de saúde para o diagnóstico de tuberculose em uma região metropolitana do nordeste brasileiro (2010-2020)

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    Objetivo: Analisar a dinâmica do sistema de saúde para o diagnóstico de tuberculose em região metropolitana de um estado do nordeste brasileiro. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de série temporal realizado em São Luís, no Estado do Maranhão, região Nordeste do Brasil. A população do estudo foi composta casos de tuberculose notificados noSistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) no período de 2010 a 2020. A estatística descritiva dos casos foi realizada utilizando medidas de frequência absoluta e relativa e o teste Qui–quadrado de Pearson foi utilizado para comparar as frequências entre os casos notificados em unidades de Atenção Primária a Saúde (APS) e hospitalares e a caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica. Para análise da série temporal, recorreu-se ao modelo deautorregressão Prais–Winsten, seguido do método de decomposição denominado Seasonal–Trend using Loess (STL), finalizando com a previsão da tendência temporal para os próximos anos. Os dados foram analisados utilizando os recursos do software Stata versão 17 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA) e R versão 3.5.2 (R Core Team, 2020). Resultados: Foram notificados 7.948 casos com diagnóstico de tuberculose, sendo 1.608 notificados em unidadesde Atenção Primária e 6.340 em unidades Hospitalares. O teste Qui–quadrado resultou na frequência relativa calculada considerando o total de paciente que possuíam resultados de cada exame com diferenças estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Foi possível observar tendência temporal diferenciada entre o diagnóstico realizado pela APS e hospitais. Na análise e modelagem temporal houve aumento nos casos notificados na APS e estacionário nos hospitais, entretanto, na modelagem temporal houve redução do número de casos nos hospitais.Objective: To analyze the dynamics of the health system for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in a metropolitan region of a Northeast Brazilian state. Methods: Ecological time series study conducted in São Luís, Maranhão State, Northeast region of Brazil. The study population was composed of tuberculosis cases notified in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) in the period from 2010 to 2020. The descriptive statistics of the cases was performed using absolute and relative frequency measures, and Pearson’s Chi-square test was used to compare thefrequencies between the cases notified in Primary Health Care (PHC) and hospital units and the sociodemographic and clinical characterization. For time series analysis, the Prais-Winsten autoregression model was used, followed by the decomposition method called Seasonal-Trend decomposition using LOESS (STL), ending with the time trend prediction for the next years. The data were analyzed using the resources of the computer programs named Stata, version 17 (StataCorp, College Station, TX, USA) and R, version 3.5.2 (R Core Team, 2020). Results: A total of 7,948 cases diagnosed with tuberculosis were notified, of which 1,608 were notified in Primary Care units and 6,340 in hospital units. The Chi-square test resulted in a relative frequency calculated considering the totalnumber of patients who had results from each examination with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Conclusion: It was possible to observe different time trends between diagnoses performed by PHC and hospitals. In the time analysis and modeling, there was an increase in cases notified in PHC and stationary in hospitals; however, in the time modeling, there was a reduction in the number of cases in hospitals

    Socio-environmental impacts caused by hydroelectric dams in northeastern Brazil / Impactos socioambientais causados por barragens hidrelétricas no nordeste do Brasil

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    With the advancement of the energy sector in Brazil there was a large insertion of hydroelectric dams, many were installed in the northeast due to the great availability of water resources, thus being one of the main reasons for environmental and social impacts. The work seeks to warn about the socioenvironmental damage in the Northeastern region of Brazil caused by hydroelectric dams today. For the research were used 18 articles, analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively, always seeking data consistently and respecting the research line. After analyzing 13 hydroelectric dams, several social and environmental impacts were observed, such as floods, impacts on local fauna and flora, relocation of people, loss of culture and economic impacts. It has been observed that for decades human action as an intervener has caused numerous damage to the environment and society, as a consequence there has been a noticeable change in the surrounding regions in climate, economic and social advancement of people, as a solution the work suggested the use of new methods for the production of electricity, so that the impacts are smaller and viable to the economy, preserving the environment and the production of electricity. 

    Aspectos coloidais da adesão de micro-organismos

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    The ability of bacteria to attach to surface and develop into a biofilm has been of considerable interest to food industry. Electrostatic, Lifhistz-van der Waals and Lewis acid-base forces are usually considered responsible for the interactions at the interface of the bacterial adhesion. The study of microbial adhesion thermodynamic is important because it represents the reflection of microbial surface and food processing surface physicochemical characteristics. This review examines the most important aspects involved in bacterial attachment to a surface with emphases in thermodynamics of adhesion process

    A Brazilian cohort of patients with immuno-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases infected by SARS-CoV-2 (ReumaCoV-Brasil Registry) : protocol for a prospective, observational study

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    Background: Patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases (IMRD) are at increased risk of infections, including significant morbidity and high mortality. Considering the potential for unfavorable outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with IMRD, several questions were raised regarding the impact of COVID-19 at the start of the pandemic. Objective: This paper presents the protocol of a study that aims to prospectively evaluate patients with IMRD and a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis (using criteria provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health). Methods: The study comprised a prospective, observational cohort (patients with IMRD and COVID-19) and a comparison group (patients with only IMRD), with a follow-up time of 6 months to evaluate differences in health outcomes. The primary outcomes will be changes in IMRD disease activity after SARS-CoV-2 infection at 4 time points: (1) at baseline, (2) within 4-6 weeks after infection, (3) at 3 months after the second assessment (±15 days), and (4) at 6 months (±15 days). The secondary outcomes will be the progression rate to moderate or severe forms of COVID-19, need for intensive care unit admission and mechanical ventilation, death, and therapeutic changes related to IMRD. Two outcomes—pulmonary and thromboembolic events in patients with both IMRD and SARS-CoV-2 infection—are of particular interest and will be monitored with close attention (clinical, laboratory, and function tests as well as imaging). Results: Recruitment opened in May 2020, with 1300 participants recruited from 43 sites as of November 2020. Patient recruitment will conclude by the end of December 2020, with follow-up occurring until April 2021. Data analysis is scheduled to start after all inclusion data have been collected, with an aim to publish a peer-reviewed paper in December 2020. Conclusions: We believe this study will provide clinically relevant data on the general impact of COVID-19 on patients with IMRD

    Revisiting hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for patients with chronic immunity-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases

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    Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, also known as antimalarial drugs, are widely used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and have recently become the focus of attention because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Rheumatologists have been using antimalarials to manage patients with chronic immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases for decades. It is an appropriate time to review their immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory mechanisms impact on disease activity and survival of systemic lupus erythematosus patient, including antiplatelet effect, metabolic and lipid benefits. We also discuss possible adverse effects, adding a practical and comprehensive approach to monitoring rheumatic patients during treatment with these drugs

    Impact of chronic use of antimalarials on SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases : protocol for a multicentric observational cohort study

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    Background: COVID-19, caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, has brought extensive challenges to the scientific community in recent months. Several studies have been undertaken in an attempt to minimize the impact of the disease worldwide. Although new knowledge has been quickly disseminated, including viral mechanisms, pathophysiology, and clinical findings, there is a lack of information on the effective pharmacological management of this disease. In vitro studies have shown some benefits related to the use of antimalarials (chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine) for inhibiting SARS-CoV-2. However, the data from open clinical trials on COVID-19 patients are controversial. Objective: We present the protocol for a research project that compares the potential protective effect of antimalarials in preventing moderate-to-severe forms of COVID-19 in two groups: (1) patients treated chronically with antimalarials for rheumatic diseases and (2) other members of the patients’ household who have not been diagnosed with rheumatic diseases and are not taking antimalarials. Methods: This is a 24-week, prospective, observational cohort study comprising patients from public and private health services across Brazil, who chronically use antimalarials for the treatment of immune-mediated rheumatic diseases, osteoarthritis, or chikungunya-related arthropathy. A total of six sequential phone interviews were scheduled during the COVID-19 outbreak in five different regions of Brazil. Information regarding social, epidemiological, and demographic data, as well as details about rheumatic diseases, antimalarials, comorbidities, and concomitant medication, is being recorded using a specific online form in the REDCap database. Symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, including fever, cough, dyspnea, anosmia, and dysgeusia, are being self-reported and collected via phone interviews. Our main outcomes are hospitalization, need of intensive care unit, and death. Results: Recruitment began at the end of March 2020, and the inclusion was done during an 8-week period (from March 29 to May 17) with a total of 10,443 individuals enrolled at baseline, 5166 of whom have rheumatic diseases, from 23 tertiary rheumatology centers across 97 Brazilian cities. Data analysis is scheduled to begin after all inclusion data have been collected. Conclusions: This study, which includes a large sample of chronic antimalarial users, will allow us to explore whether SARS-CoV-2 infection may be associated with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases and long-term antimalarial usage

    The main diseases in the culture of pineapple: a review

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    Pineapple is a crop of great importance, having vitamins, minerals and capable of preventing diseases. Therefore, several researchers are interested in studying this crop, in addition to its use for other purposes, such as the production of juice pulp, jellies, sweets and other products, with its in natura form being the most sought after among countries. However, the attack of pathogens reduces pineapple production to worrying levels, and when not controlled, it even eradicates the entire plantation. Based on this, this review aimed to show the recent discoveries about the pineapple culture, emphasizing, mainly, the main diseases of this production chain. After gathering the main information on the most frequent diseases in pineapple production fields, we observed that fusariosis is considered the main disease of pineapple, followed by black spot, eye rot and root rot, being in short knowledge of these by producers is important in order to avoid irreversible damage. It is understood that more research is needed, since in the literature there are few field studies on this crop, especially with regard to seeking alternative means of controlling these diseases, so that the dissemination of this knowledge provides better information on agronomic interests