33 research outputs found

    The Use of Project Work to Promote Students’ Motivation toward English Class among 10 Graders of State Senior High School 1 Purworejo

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    This classroom action research aimed at using project work to promote the students’ motivation toward English class among 10 graders of State Senior High School 1 Purworejo in the Regency of Purworejo. This research employed Kemmis & McTaggart’s model with two cycles. The subjects of the research were 10 graders of State Senior High School 1 Purworejo in the academic year of 2010/2011. The objects of this research were the project work and the students’ motivation toward English class. The data in this research were collected through observations, field notes, and interviews. The data of the research were in the forms of qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were the observation records, interview records, field notes, students’ notes and photographs. The data were analyzed through the reduction of data, display of data, and conclusion. The quantitative data were in the students’ scores from the questionnaire on motivation. The average scores of the preliminary test, first cycles’ test and the second cycle’s test were compared to see the progress made by the students on their motivation. The results of the research showed that the use of project work promoted 80% of the students to have a high motivation toward English class on their attitudes, desires, and efforts in learning English. The results of the research were as follows. 1) The use of project work as a teaching technique changed the attitudes of students to be more proactive in English class. They found that learning English through project work was interesting and challenging. 2) The use of project work as a teaching technique promoted the effort of the students in mastering English. The students became active participants in practicing English in real life context. 3) Use of project work promoted the desire of students in learning English. 4) Project work also promoted the students' innovative, communicative and cooperative abilities. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire on motivation showed that project work promoted the students’ motivation. In the preliminary test, it was found that 9.38% of students had low motivation, 59.38% of students had fair motivation, and 31.25% of the students had high motivation. Therefore, it was concluded that project work improved the students' motivation toward English class among 10 graders in State Senior High School 1 Purworejo

    Perancangan dan Implementasi Kontrol Adaptif Pengatur Kecepatan Motor DC Menggunakan Model Reference Adaptive System Berbasis PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

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    ABSTRAKSI: Sistem adaptive dirancang agar dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungannya, yaitu beradaptasi dengan adanya perubahan lingkungan yang menyebabkan perubahanperubahan pada parameter plant. Kontrol adaptif merupakan suatu teknik kontrol yang diharapkan mampu mengubah parameter / hukum kontrol yang dimilikinya sesuai dengan besar serta perubahan parameter proses yang dikontrol. Adanya mekanisme adaptasi pada teknik kontrol adaptif menyebabkan sistem dapat mengatasi adanya perubahan parameter yang ada pada plant.Dalam tugas akhir kali ini, teknik kontrol adaptif akan diterapkan untuk mengatur kecepatan motor DC pada simulasi sistem kontrol eskalator. Putaran dari motor DC diatur dengan karakteristik kondisi beban yang berubah. Aplikasi kontrol konvensional tentunya tidak mampu untuk mengatur kecepatan motor DC ini, dikarenakan adanya perubahan nilai variable - variabel dari motor DC yang tidak bisa diketahui dan bersifat unpredictable akibat adanya perubahan lingkungan. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut, maka akan digunakan Model Reference Adaptif System (MRAS) untuk mengontrol kecepatan dari motor DC. Pada model ini performance feedback diperoleh dari rekayasa terhadap model. Plant dalam hal ini motor DC akan dimodelkan terlebih dahulu kemudian diberikan set point. Motor DC di running dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan, kemudian outputannya akan dibandingkan dengan model yang telah dibuat. Dengan memberikan dinamika beban pada motor maka tentunya akan timbul error. Seberapa jauh besarnya error, melalui mekanisme adaptasi akan diumpankan ke kontroler, dalam hal ini PLC. Dengan adanya mekanisme adaptasi, maka motor DC akan selalu mengikuti model. Pada proses ini perbedaan antara output sistem kontrol dan output model diusahakan seminimum mungkin. Dengan demikian kecepatan motor DC akan tetap terjaga.Kata Kunci : Model-Reference Adaptive System, Plant, Set Point, PerformanceABSTRACT: Adaptive System is designed to be able to make adaptation with environment that change the parameters of plant. Adaptive control is a technical control where this control is expected to be able to change parameters / control law according to changed parameter process control.. Adjustable mechanism in adaptive control cause the system can adapt with changed parameters in plant.In this final project, adaptive control will be applied for controlling dc motor in escalator simulation. The rotation of dc motor is controlled with dynamic load. In this case common controller cannot controlling dc motor, because the variable value from dc motor not known and unpredictable caused environment is changed. To solve the problem in this case, so choose the MRAS ( Model Reference Adaptive System) for controlling dc motor. In this model, performance of feedback is resulted from plant model manipulation. So first will be made a dc motor model, then set point value is given to model. The dc motor is given the power according to speed that to be want, then give the dynamic load. The output from dc motor and model is compared and result the error. The error value will be calculated with PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) as a controller. In PLC programming also applied the adjustment mechanism algorithm, so the dc motor will rotate with output value like the model. In this process the difference value of plant output and model will make minimum, so the dc motor speed is constant.Keyword: Model-Reference Adaptive System, Plant, Set Point, Performance Feedback

    Pengaruh Bahan Tambahan Berbagai Bentuk Umbi Ubikayu Terhadap Kualitas Nutrisi Silase Berbagai Jenis Hijauan Limbah Pertanian

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    Penyediaan hijauan pakan merupakan salah satu penyanga utama pengembangan usaha peternakan ruminansia, sedangkan silase merupakan salah satu sumber hijauan pakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas nutrisi silase beberapa jenis hijauan limbah pertanian dengan pemberian bahan tambahan berbagai bentuk cacahan umbi ubikayu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode percobaan faktorial dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Hijauan yang diteliti adalah jerami jagung, jerami kacang tanah, daun pisang dan daun ketela pohon. Bentuk bahan tambahan yang diberikan meliputi cacahan umbi ubikayu segar, kering dan tepung. Peubah yang diamati meliputi kadar bahan kering, kadar serat kasar, kadar protein kasar dan kadar lemak kasar. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan menyimpulkan bahwa hijauan 1.,mbah pertanian dapat disimpan dalam bentuk segar (silase) dan menampilkan kondisi nutrisi yang baik pada bahan tambahan cacahan umbi ubikayu bentuk kering dan tepung. (Kata kunci : Silase, Limbah pertanian, Ubikay

    Production and King Grass Nutritional Quality Number of Sources of Nitrogen Fertilizer

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    The aim of this study was to obtain the best nitrogen source and level of information on plant growth, production, and nutritional quality of king grass forage (Pennisetum Purpureophoides). The source of nitrogen comes from natural fertilizers (chicken and cow manure) and artificial fertilizers (urea and NPK). The method was completely randomized with the BNJ further test with a confidence interval of <0.05. The research plan consisted of 2 factors: the type of fertilizer (organic; cow and chicken manure); inorganic fertilizers (NPK and urea + nitrogen); and the second factor, the dosage (50, 75, and 100 kg/ha/defoliation). Observation parameters were plant height, stem diameter, number of plants per clump, fresh forage production, dry matter production, dry matter content, crude protein content, crude fibre content, and crude fat content. The results of the study using modifications in fertilizing king grass to increase carbon sources and nutrients obtained significant results. The average plant height was obtained between 60-263 cm. The largest size was at defoliation 1, and the lowest was at defoliation 4. Plant diameter increased between 9.97–12.43 mm, with tiller production in plants increasing to 18.5–25.8 planting. The increase was also followed by the number of fresh leaves and a decrease in the number of dry leaves. Protein content increased with the higher dose given at 11.78% BK, with a crude fiber value of 34.41% BK. King Grass contains a good source of carbon nutrients and can affect the increase in plant growth with a higher plant height and a higher number of leaves. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-2022-03-03-02 Full Text: PD


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    Economic development is a process that led to the increase in income per capita of the population of a country in the long term ( Sukirno , 1985) . Development planning in Indonesia is directed to create a society that is more prosperous , prosperous and equitable . Development policy is mainly done to achieve high economic growth by utilizing the potential and existing resources . Indicators of the success of economic development of a country can be seen from the economic growth accompanied by low income inequality and the number of workers absorbed . This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of income disparity of income per capita , unemployment and income disparity on the number of poor people in Central Java Province . The method used in this research is quantitative analysis with detection of classical assumptions . These results indicate that the per capita income variable negative effect on the number of poor people , a variable number of unemployed positive effect on the number of poor and unequal distribution of income variables did not affect the number of poor people in Central Java

    Influence of Urea-Dairy Cattle Dung Fertilizer Combinations on Growth and Production of Mulato Grass (Brachiaria Hybrid cv "Mulato")

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    A research with the aim of obtaining an effective combination pattern of fertilization management was done on mulato grass plants (Brachiaria Hybrid cv "Mulato"). The used fertilizers were of cow dung that serves to maintain the quality of soil and urea that is useful to increase the growth and production of plants. The method used was Completely Randomized Design where the treatments were mixed dairy cattle dung at 10, 17 and 24 tons per hectare per defoliation and urea fertilizer at doses of 75, 150 and 225 kg per hectare per defoliation. Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that there were 27 plots of research. The parameters studied were plant height, tiller number, leaf number, weed population and fresh forage production. The collected data were analyzed based on Completely Randomized Design, between Orthogonal tested treatment and regression analyzed dose. The results showed that the combined treatment of cow dung as much as 24 tons per hectare per defoliation with urea of 225 kg per hectare per defoliation (K3U3) showed the best growth and production of Mulato grass, while for the given dosage yielded a linear regression equatio

    Revealing Dengue Risk Factors in Cilacap Regency, Central Java

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    Dengue virus (DENV) infection is still an important health problem in Indonesia, it is important to identify the specific risk factors in an area. The aims of this study is to analyze the risk factors for DENV infection from various variables such as mobility, preventive behavior, house conditions, occupancy density and the presence of mosquito larvae. This is a case control design, involves 64 cases and 64 control in Cilacap Regency, Central Java. Variables this study were mobility, practice of dengue prevention, ventilation area, occupancy density and presence of mosquito larvae. Data collection was carried out by questionnaire, observation and epidemiology investigation form. Results of this study showed that the existence of Aedes sp larvae and dengue prevention practice as significant factors contributed to the DENV infection in the research area.&nbsp; This research highlighted the importance of dengue prevention and control and&nbsp; human practice as a common denominator to minimize the risk of contracting dengue

    Influence of Urea-Dairy Cattle Dung Fertilizer Combinations on Growth and Production of Mulato Grass (Brachiaria Hybrid CV "Mulato")

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    A research with the aim of obtaining an effective combination pattern of fertilization management was done on mulato grass plants (Brachiaria Hybrid cv "Mulato"). The used fertilizers were of cow dung that serves to maintain the quality of soil and urea that is useful to increase the growth and production of plants. The method used was Completely Randomized Design where the treatments were mixed dairy cattle dung at 10, 17 and 24 tons per hectare per defoliation and urea fertilizer at doses of 75, 150 and 225 kg per hectare per defoliation. Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that there were 27 plots of research. The parameters studied were plant height, tiller number, leaf number, weed population and fresh forage production. The collected data were analyzed based on Completely Randomized Design, between Orthogonal tested treatment and regression analyzed dose. The results showed that the combined treatment of cow dung as much as 24 tons per hectare per defoliation with urea of 225 kg per hectare per defoliation (K3U3) showed the best growth and production of Mulato grass, while for the given dosage yielded a linear regression equatio