142 research outputs found

    An investigation of thin film magnetic recording media

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    Mechanical, physical and chemical changes in the surface of commercial thin film metal evaporated magnetic recording media have been correlated to recording error and signal degradation measurements. Modified and adapted commercial Hi-8 video recorders have been used for sample generation whilst analytical techniques such as SXPS,IMS and SEM have been employed in the surface characterisation. The durability of the media was assessed through stop motion (still frame) and cycling tests, where error growth and signal degradation were measured as a function of running time. The tests were performed under ambient (22°C, 40% RH) and high humidity (22°C, 80% RH) conditions. Characterisation of the lubricant layer on each tape was performed through models based on XPS and angle resolved XPS. The lubricant thickness can significantly affect the durability and signal output level of a thin film tape and thus it is important that reliable quantification can be achieved. Various models were considered for determining the lubricant thickness although ultimately, the most suitable technique was deemed to be a model that assumed a uniform layer structure. In addition to thin film metal evaporated media, equivalent durability tests and surface analysis experiments were performed using a commercial metal particle tape in order that comparisons could be made between the two types of recording media. The signal performance of the thin film metal evaporated media was found to be quite different from that for the metal particle tape since dropout errors and signal degradation increased at a much earlier stage. Extensive surface analyses enabled the mechanisms responsible for media failure and error growth to be identified in the ME and MP tapes and these were found to result from cyclic stressing and fatigue on the immediate substrate of the media

    Differential expression and distribution of placental glutathione peroxidases 1, 3 and 4 in normal and preeclamptic pregnancy

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    Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific condition affecting 2-7% of women and a leading cause of perinatal and maternal morbidity and mortality; it may also predispose the mother and fetus to increased risks of adult cardiovascular disease. The selenoprotein glutathione peroxidases (GPxs) have critical roles in regulating antioxidant status. Objectives, study design and main outcome measures: Immunohistochemical measurements of GPx 1, GPx3 and GPx4 protein expression were performed on samples taken from three standardised sampling sites between the cord insertion and the periphery of the placenta from 12 normotensive, and 12 preeclamptic women to establish if their expression differed between sampling sites. Total GPx activities were also examined from the three sampling sites of these placentae. Results: There were highly significant reductions in overall immunohistochemical staining of all 3 GPxs in the preeclampsia compared to normotensive placentae (GPx1: P = 0.016; GPx3: P = 0.003; GPx4: P < 0.001). Furthermore, graded differences in expression between the standardised placental sampling sites were also found for GPx3 (higher in the inner region, P = 0.05) and GPx4 (higher in the periphery, P = 0.02) but not GPx1. Placental GPx enzyme activity was also significantly reduced in tissue from preeclamptic women as compared to normotensive women (P = 0.007; the difference was more pronounced nearest the cord insertion). Conclusions: We have shown highly significant reductions in expression of all three major classes of GPx in placentae from women with preeclampsia, and distribution gradients in activity, which may relate to the differential oxygenation of regions of the placenta

    Thyroid hormones and their placental deiodination in normal and pre-eclamptic pregnancy

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    Pre-eclampsia is associated with lower serum selenium concentrations and glutathione peroxidase expression/activity; total thyroid hormones are also lower. Objectives, study design and main outcome measures: We hypothesised that the placental selenoprotein deiodinase (D3) will be protected in pre-eclampsia due to the hierarchy of selenoprotein biosynthesis in selenium deficiency. Venous blood and tissue from three standardised placental sites were obtained at delivery from 27 normotensive and 23 pre-eclamptic women. mRNA expression and enzyme activity were assessed for both deiodinases (D2 and D3); protein expression/localisation was also measured for D3. FT4, FT3 and TSH concentrations were measured in maternal and umbilical cord blood. Results: No significant differences in D3 mRNA or protein expression between normotensive and pre-eclamptic pregnancies. There was a significant effect of sampling site on placental D3 activity only in pre-eclamptic women (P = 0.034; highest activity nearest the cord). A strong correlation between D3 mRNA expression and enzyme activity existed only in the pre-eclamptic group; further strengthened when controlling for maternal selenium (P < 0.002). No significant differences were observed between groups for any of the maternal thyroid hormones; umbilical TSH concentrations were significantly higher in the pre-eclamptic samples (P < 0.001). Conclusions: D3 mRNA and protein expression appear to be independent of selenium status. Nevertheless, the positive correlation between D3 mRNA expression and activity evident only in pre-eclampsia, suggests that in normotensive controls, where selenium is higher, translation is not affected, but in pre-eclampsia, where selenium is low, enzyme regulation may be altered. The raised umbilical TSH concentrations in pre-eclampsia may be an adaptive fetal response to maximise iodide uptake

    Trophoblast organoids as a model for maternal-fetal interactions during human placentation.

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    The placenta is the extraembryonic organ that supports the fetus during intrauterine life. Although placental dysfunction results in major disorders of pregnancy with immediate and lifelong consequences for the mother and child, our knowledge of the human placenta is limited owing to a lack of functional experimental models1. After implantation, the trophectoderm of the blastocyst rapidly proliferates and generates the trophoblast, the unique cell type of the placenta. In vivo, proliferative villous cytotrophoblast cells differentiate into two main sub-populations: syncytiotrophoblast, the multinucleated epithelium of the villi responsible for nutrient exchange and hormone production, and extravillous trophoblast cells, which anchor the placenta to the maternal decidua and transform the maternal spiral arteries2. Here we describe the generation of long-term, genetically stable organoid cultures of trophoblast that can differentiate into both syncytiotrophoblast and extravillous trophoblast. We used human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing to confirm that the organoids were derived from the fetus, and verified their identities against four trophoblast-specific criteria3. The cultures organize into villous-like structures, and we detected the secretion of placental-specific peptides and hormones, including human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) and pregnancy-specific glycoprotein (PSG) by mass spectrometry. The organoids also differentiate into HLA-G+ extravillous trophoblast cells, which vigorously invade in three-dimensional cultures. Analysis of the methylome reveals that the organoids closely resemble normal first trimester placentas. This organoid model will be transformative for studying human placental development and for investigating trophoblast interactions with the local and systemic maternal environment.Centre for Trophoblast Reearch Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowshi

    Molecular definition of group 1 innate lymphoid cells in the mouse uterus

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    Determining the function of uterine lymphocytes is challenging because of the rapidly changing nature of the organ in response to sex hormones and, during pregnancy, to the invading fetal trophoblast cells. Here we provide the first genome-wide transcriptome atlas of mouse uterine group 1 innate lymphoid cells (g1 ILCs) at mid-gestation. The composition of g1 ILCs fluctuates throughout reproductive life, with Eomes-veCD49a+ ILC1s dominating before puberty and specifically expanding in second pregnancies, when the expression of CXCR6, a marker of memory cells, is upregulated. Tissue-resident Eomes+CD49a+ NK cells (trNK), which resemble human uterine NK cells, are most abundant during early pregnancy, and showcase gene signatures of responsiveness to TGF-β, connections with trophoblast, epithelial, endothelial and smooth muscle cells, leucocytes, as well as extracellular matrix. Unexpectedly, trNK cells express genes involved in anaerobic glycolysis, lipid metabolism, iron transport, protein ubiquitination, and recognition of microbial molecular patterns. Conventional NK cells expand late in gestation and may engage in crosstalk with trNK cells involving IL-18 and IFN-γ. These results identify trNK cells as the cellular hub of uterine g1 ILCs at mid-gestation and mark CXCR6+ ILC1s as potential memory cells of pregnancy.This work was funded by a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award 200841/Z/16/Z, the Centre for Trophoblast Research (CTR), and the Cambridge NIHR BRC Cell Phenotyping Hub to FC, the Associazione Italiana Ricerca per la Ricerca sul Cancro (AIRC) - Special Project 5x1000 no. 9962, AIRC IG 2017 Id.19920 and AIRC 2014 Id. 15283 to LM, and Ministero della Salute RF-2013, GR-2013-02356568 to PV. IF was funded by a CTR PhD fellowship

    Oxygen, the Janus gas; its effects on human placental development and function

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    The accumulation of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere enabled metabolic pathways based on high-energy electron transfers that were capable of sustaining complex multicellular organisms to evolve. This advance came at a price, however, for the high reactivity of oxygen posed a major challenge as biological molecules became susceptible to oxidative damage, resulting in potential loss of function. Many extant physiological systems are therefore adapted, and homeostatically regulated, to supply sufficient oxygen to meet energy demands whilst also protecting cells, and mitochondria in particular, from excessive concentrations that could lead to oxidative damage. The invasive form of implantation displayed by the human conceptus presents particular challenges in this respect. During the first trimester, the conceptus develops in a low oxygen environment that favours organogenesis in the embryo, and cell proliferation and angiogenesis in the placenta. Later in pregnancy, higher oxygen concentrations are required to support the rapid growth of the fetus. This transition, which appears unique to the human placenta, must be negotiated safely for a successful pregnancy. Normally, onset of the maternal placental circulation is a progressive periphery-centre phenomenon, and is associated with extensive villous regression to form the chorion laeve. In cases of miscarriage, onset of the circulation is both precocious and disorganized, and excessive placental oxidative stress and villous regression undoubtedly contribute to loss of the pregnancy. Comparison of experimental and in vivo data indicates that fluctuations in placental oxygen concentration are a more powerful stimulus for the generation of oxidative stress than chronic hypoxia alone. Placental oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress appear to play key roles in the pathophysiology of complications of pregnancy, such as intrauterine growth restriction and preeclampsia, through their adverse impacts on placental function and growth. Establishing an inviolable maternal blood supply for the second and third trimesters is therefore one of the most crucial aspects of human placentation

    Enhancement of the activity of phenoxodiol by cisplatin in prostate cancer cells

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    Phenoxodiol is a novel isoflav-3-ene, currently undergoing clinical trials, that has a broad in vitro activity against a number of human cancer cell lines. Phenoxodiol alone inhibited DU145 and PC3 in a dose- and time-dependent manner with IC50 values of 8±1 and 38±9 μM, respectively. The combination of phenoxodiol and cisplatin was synergistic in DU145, and additive in PC3, as assessed by the Chou–Talalay method. Carboplatin was also synergistic in combination with phenoxodiol in DU145 cells. The activity of the phenoxodiol and cisplatin combination was confirmed in vivo using a DU145 xenograft model in nude mice. Pharmacokinetic data from these mice suggest that the mechanism of synergy may occur through a pharmacodynamic mechanism. An intracellular cisplatin accumulation assay showed a 35% (P<0.05) increase in the uptake of cisplatin when it was combined in a ratio of 1 μM: 5 μM phenoxodiol, resulting in a 300% (P<0.05) increase in DNA adducts. Taken together, our results suggest that phenoxodiol has interesting properties that make combination therapy with cisplatin or carboplatin appealing
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