16 research outputs found

    Exploring Students\u27 Perceptions of Academically Based Living-Learning Communities

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    This qualitative study employed focus group interviews to explore students\u27 perceptions of three well established academically based living-learning communities at a large, land-grant university in the Midwest. Three themes emerged that illustrated students\u27 perceptions of a culture that promoted seamless learning, a scholarly environment, and an ethos of relatedness among faculty, staff, and peers. Implications for practice and future research are discussed

    Multiplatform Analysis of 12 Cancer Types Reveals Molecular Classification within and across Tissues of Origin

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    Recent genomic analyses of pathologically-defined tumor types identify “within-a-tissue” disease subtypes. However, the extent to which genomic signatures are shared across tissues is still unclear. We performed an integrative analysis using five genome-wide platforms and one proteomic platform on 3,527 specimens from 12 cancer types, revealing a unified classification into 11 major subtypes. Five subtypes were nearly identical to their tissue-of-origin counterparts, but several distinct cancer types were found to converge into common subtypes. Lung squamous, head & neck, and a subset of bladder cancers coalesced into one subtype typified by TP53 alterations, TP63 amplifications, and high expression of immune and proliferation pathway genes. Of note, bladder cancers split into three pan-cancer subtypes. The multi-platform classification, while correlated with tissue-of-origin, provides independent information for predicting clinical outcomes. All datasets are available for data-mining from a unified resource to support further biological discoveries and insights into novel therapeutic strategies

    A dor, o indivíduo e a cultura Plain, the individual and culture

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    Na dor, manifesta-se claramente a relação entre o indivíduo e a sociedade. As formas de sentir e de expressar a dor são regidas por códigos culturais e a própria dor, como fato humano, constitui-se a partir dos significados conferidos pela coletividade, que sanciona as formas de manifestação dos sentimentos. Embora singular para quem a sente, a dor se insere num universo de referências simbólicas, configurando um fato cultural.<br>In the pain, the relation between the individual and society appears clearly. The way in which pain is felt and expressed is ruled by cultural codes and pain itself is constituted, as a human fact, by the meanings given to it by society, that sanctions the ways to demonstrate feelings. Although pain is a singular experience for the one who feels it, it happens within a symbolic system, making it a cultural fact