130 research outputs found

    Long-term coastal openness variation and its impact on sediment grain-size distribution:a case study from the Baltic Sea

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    We analysed the long-term variations in grain-size distribution in sediments from GĂ„sfjĂ€rden, a fjordlike inlet in the southwestern Baltic Sea, and explored potential drivers of the recorded changes in the sediment grain-size data. Over the last 5.4 thousand years (ky) in the study region, the relative sea level decreased 17 m, which was caused by isostatic land uplift. As a consequence, GĂ„sfjĂ€rden was transformed from an open coastal setting to a semi-closed inlet surrounded by numerous small islands on the seaward side. To quantitatively estimate the morphological changes in GĂ„sfjĂ€rden over the investigated time period and to further link the changes to the grain-size distribution data, a digital elevation model (DEM)-based openness index was calculated. The largest values of the openness indices were found between 5.4 and 4.4 cal ka BP, which indicates relatively high bottom water energy. During the same period, the highest sand content (∌0.4 %) and silt / clay ratio (∌0.3) in the sediment sequence were also recorded. After 4.4 cal ka BP, the average sand content was halved to ∌0.2% and the silt / clay ratio showed a significant decreasing trend over the last 4 ky. These changes were found to be associated with the gradual embayment of GĂ„sfjĂ€rden, as represented by the openness indices. The silt / clay ratios exhibited a delayed and relatively slower change compared with the sand content, which indicates different grain-size sediment responses to the changes in hydrodynamic energy. Our DEM-based coastal openness indices have proved to be a useful tool for interpreting the temporal dynamics of sedimentary grain size

    Corrigendum to "A culture-based calibration of benthic foraminiferal paleotemperature proxies: ή18O and Mg/Ca results" published in Biogeosciences, 7, 1335–1347, 2010

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 8 (2011): 1521, doi:10.5194/bg-8-1521-2011

    A culture-based calibration of benthic foraminiferal paleotemperature proxies : ÎŽ18O and Mg/Ca results

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    © The Authors, 2010. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 7 (2010): 1335-1347, doi:10.5194/bg-7-1335-2010Benthic foraminifera were cultured for five months at four temperatures (4, 7, 14 and 21 °C) to establish the temperature dependence of foraminiferal calcite ÎŽ18O and Mg/Ca. Two Bulimina species (B. aculeata and B. marginata) were most successful in terms of calcification, adding chambers at all four temperatures and reproducing at 7 and 14 °C. Foraminiferal ÎŽ18O values displayed ontogenetic variations, with lower values in younger individuals. The ÎŽ18O values of adult specimens decreased with increasing temperature in all but the 4 °C treatment, exhibiting a relationship consistent with previous ÎŽ18O paleotemperature calibration studies. Foraminiferal Mg/Ca values, determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, were broadly consistent with previous Mg/Ca calibration studies, but extremely high values in the 4 °C treatment and higher than predicted values at two of the other three temperatures make it challenging to interpret these results.Funding was provided by US NSF OCE-0647899 to DCM and JMB, and by the Swedish Research Council (grant no 621-2005-4265), the Lamm Foundation, and the Engkvist Foundation to HLF. A Fulbright fellowship to HLF together with traveling grants from Gšoteborg University, the Crafoord Foundation, and the Royal Physiographic Society in Lund enabled HLF’s Postdoc stay and subsequent visits to WHOI

    Drought recorded by Ba/Ca in coastal benthic foraminifera

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    Increasing occurrences of extreme weather events, such as the 2018 drought over northern Europe, are a concerning issue under global climate change. High-resolution archives of natural hydroclimate proxies, such as rapidly accumulating sediments containing biogenic carbonates, offer the potential to investigate the frequency and mechanisms of such events in the past. Droughts alter the barium (Ba) concentration of near-continent seawater through the reduction in Ba input from terrestrial runoff, which in turn may be recorded as changes in the chemical composition (Ba/Ca) of foraminiferal calcium carbonates accumulating in sediments. However, so far the use of Ba/Ca as a discharge indicator has been restricted to planktonic foraminifera, despite the high relative abundance of benthic species in coastal, shallow-water sites. Moreover, benthic foraminiferal Ba/Ca has mainly been used in openocean records as a proxy for paleo-productivity. Here we report on a new geochemical data set measured from living (CTG-labeled) benthic foraminiferal species to investigate the capability of benthic Ba/Ca to record changes in river runoff over a gradient of contrasting hydroclimatic conditions. Individual foraminifera (Bulimina marginata, Non-ionellina labradorica) were analyzed by laser-ablation ICP-MS over a seasonal and spatial gradient within Gullmar Fjord, Swedish west coast, during 2018-2019. The results are compared to an extensive meteorological and hydrological data set, as well as sediment and pore-water geochemistry. Benthic foraminiferal Ba/Ca correlates significantly to riverine runoff; however, the signals contain both spatial trends with distance to Ba source and species-specific influences such as micro-habitat preferences. We deduce that shallow-infaunal foraminifera are especially suitable as proxy for terrestrial Ba input and discuss the potential influence of water-column and pore-water Ba cycling. While distance to Ba source, water depth, pore-water geochemistry, and species-specific effects need to be considered in interpreting the data, our results demonstrate confidence in the use of Ba/Ca of benthic foraminifera from near-continent records as a proxy for past riverine discharge and to identify periods of drought.Peer reviewe

    Technical Note : Towards resolving in situ, centimeter-scale location and timing of biomineralization in calcareous meiobenthos – the calcein–osmotic pump method

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    © The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 12 (2015): 5515-5522, doi:10.5194/bg-12-5515-2015.Insights into oceanographic environmental conditions such as paleoproductivity, deep-water temperatures, salinity, ice volumes, and nutrient cycling have all been obtained from geochemical analyses of biomineralized carbonate of marine organisms. However, we cannot fully understand geochemical proxy incorporation and the fidelity of such in species until we better understand fundamental aspects of their ecology such as where and when these (micro)organisms calcify. Here, we present an innovative method using osmotic pumps and the fluorescent marker calcein to help identify where and when calcareous meiofauna calcify in situ. Method development initially involved juvenile quahogs (Mercenaria mercenaria); subsequent method refinement involved a neritic benthic foraminiferal community. Future applications of this method will allow determining the in situ growth rate in calcareous organisms and provide insights about microhabitats where paleoceanographically relevant benthic foraminifera actually calcify.This research was funded by WHOI’s Ocean Life Institute, WHOI’s Ocean and Climate Change Institute, by a Gori Fellowship (to F. Mezzo), The Investment in Science Fund at WHOI (to J. M. Bernhard) and the Robert W. Morse Chair for Excellence in Oceanography (to J. M. Bernhard). Ship time was provided by US NSF grant OCE-1219948 to J. M. Bernhard

    Sedimentary molybdenum and uranium : Improving proxies for deoxygenation in coastal depositional environments

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    Sedimentary molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U) enrichments are widely used to reconstruct changes in bottom water oxygen conditions in aquatic environments. Until now, most studies using Mo and U have focused on restricted suboxic-euxinic basins and continental margin oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), leaving mildly reducing and oxic (but eutrophic) coastal depositional environments vastly understudied. Currently, it is un-known: (1) to what extent Mo and U enrichment factors (Mo-and U-EFs) can accurately reconstruct oxygen conditions in coastal sites experiencing mild deoxygenation, and (2) to what degree secondary (depositional environmental) factors impact Mo-and U-EFs. Here we investigate 18 coastal sites with varying bottom water redox conditions, which we define by means of five "redox bins", ranging from persistently oxic to persistently euxinic, from a variety of depositional environments. Our results demonstrate that Mo-and U-EF-based redox proxies and sedimentary Mo and U contents can be used to differentiate bottom water oxygen concentration among a range of modern coastal depositional environments. This is underpinned by the contrasting EFs of Mo and U along the redox gradient, which shows a substantial difference of Mo-EFs between redox bins 3-5 (ir/ regularly suboxic - ir/regularly dysoxic - persistently oxic) and of U-EFs between redox bins 1-2 (persistently euxinic - ir/regularly euxinic). Surprisingly, we observe comparatively low redox proxy potential for U in en-vironments of mild deoxygenation (redox bins 3-5). Further, we found that secondary factors can bias Mo-and U-EFs to such an extent that EFs do not reliably reflect bottom water redox conditions. We investigate the impact of limited Mo sedimentary sequestration in sulfidic depositional environments (i.e., the "basin reservoir effect", equilibrium with FeMoS4), Fe/Mn-(oxy)(hydr)oxide "shuttling", oxidative dissolution, the sulfate methane transition zone in the sediment, sedimentation rate, and the local Al background on Mo-and U-EFs.Peer reviewe

    Sedimentary molybdenum and uranium: Improving proxies for deoxygenation in coastal depositional environments

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    Sedimentary molybdenum (Mo) and uranium (U) enrichments are widely used to reconstruct changes in bottom water oxygen conditions in aquatic environments. Until now, most studies using Mo and U have focused on restricted suboxic-euxinic basins and continental margin oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), leaving mildly reducing and oxic (but eutrophic) coastal depositional environments vastly understudied. Currently, it is unknown: (1) to what extent Mo and U enrichment factors (Mo- and U-EFs) can accurately reconstruct oxygen conditions in coastal sites experiencing mild deoxygenation, and (2) to what degree secondary (depositional environmental) factors impact Mo- and U-EFs. Here we investigate 18 coastal sites with varying bottom water redox conditions, which we define by means of five “redox bins”, ranging from persistently oxic to persistently euxinic, from a variety of depositional environments. Our results demonstrate that Mo- and U-EF-based redox proxies and sedimentary Mo and U contents can be used to differentiate bottom water oxygen concentration among a range of modern coastal depositional environments. This is underpinned by the contrasting EFs of Mo and U along the redox gradient, which shows a substantial difference of Mo-EFs between redox bins 3–5 (ir/regularly suboxic – ir/regularly dysoxic – persistently oxic) and of U-EFs between redox bins 1–2 (persistently euxinic – ir/regularly euxinic). Surprisingly, we observe comparatively low redox proxy potential for U in environments of mild deoxygenation (redox bins 3–5). Further, we found that secondary factors can bias Mo-and U-EFs to such an extent that EFs do not reliably reflect bottom water redox conditions. We investigate the impact of limited Mo sedimentary sequestration in sulfidic depositional environments (i.e., the “basin reservoir effect”, equilibrium with FeMoS4), Fe/Mn-(oxy)(hydr)oxide “shuttling”, oxidative dissolution, the sulfate methane transition zone in the sediment, sedimentation rate, and the local Al background on Mo- and U-EFs

    Assessing proxy signatures of temperature, salinity, and hypoxia in the Baltic Sea through foraminifera-based geochemistry and faunal assemblages

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    We acknowledge funding through the Swedish Research Council (VR) (project no. 621-2011-5090), the German Research Council (project GR 3528/3-1), the Lamm Foundation, the Centre for Environmental and Climate Research at Lund University for Jeroen Groeneveld’s guest research stay, NERC grants NE4/G018502/1 and NE/G020310/1 to William E. N. Austin, and the University of Bremen for covering the article processing costs for this open-access publication.Current climate and environmental changes strongly affect shallow marine and coastal areas like the Baltic Sea. This has created a need for a context to understand the severity and potential outcomes of such changes. The context can be derived from paleoenvironmental records during periods when comparable events happened in the past. In this study, we explore how varying bottom water conditions across a large hydrographic gradient in the Baltic Sea affect benthic foraminiferal faunal assemblages and the geochemical composition of their calcite tests. We have conducted both morphological and molecular analyses of the faunas and we evaluate how the chemical signatures of the bottom waters are recorded in the tests of several species of benthic foraminifera. We focus on two locations, one in the Kattegat (western Baltic Sea) and one in Hano Bay (southern Baltic Sea). We show that seawater Mn/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Ba/Ca (Mn/Casw, Mg/Casw, and Ba/Casw) variations are mainly controlled by dissolved oxygen concentration and salinity. Their respective imprints on the foraminiferal calcite demonstrate the potential of Mn/Ca as a proxy for hypoxic conditions, and Ba/Ca as a proxy for salinity in enclosed basins such as the Baltic Sea. The traditional use of Mg-Ca as a proxy to reconstruct past seawater temperatures is not recommended in the region, as it may be overprinted by the large variations in salinity (specifically on Bulimina marginata), Mg/Casw, and possibly also the carbonate system. Salinity is the main factor controlling the faunal assemblages: a much more diverse fauna occurs in the higher-salinity (similar to 32) Kattegat than in the low-salinity (similar to 15) Hano Bay. Molecular identification shows that only Elphidium clavatum occurs at both locations, but other genetic types of both genera Elphidium and Ammonia are restricted to either low-or high-salinity locations. The combination of foraminiferal geochemistry and environmental parameters demonstrates that in a highly variable setting like the Baltic Sea, it is possible to separate different environmental impacts on the foraminiferal assemblages and therefore use Mn/Ca, Mg/Ca, and Ba/Ca to reconstruct how specific conditions may have varied in the past.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Heterotrophic Foraminifera Capable of Inorganic Nitrogen Assimilation

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    Nitrogen availability often limits biological productivity in marine systems, where inorganic nitrogen such as ammonium is assimilated into the food web by bacteria and photoautotrophic eukaryotes. Recently, ammonium assimilation was observed in kleptoplast-containing protists of the phylum foraminifera, possibly via the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) assimilation pathway imported with the kleptoplasts. However, it is not known if the ubiquitous and diverse heterotrophic protists have an innate ability for ammonium assimilation. Using stable isotope incubations (15N-ammonium and 13C-bicarbonate) and combining transmission electron microscopy (TEM) with quantitative nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) imaging, we investigated the uptake and assimilation of dissolved inorganic ammonium by two heterotrophic foraminifera; a non-kleptoplastic benthic species, Ammonia sp., and a planktonic species, Globigerina bulloides. These species are heterotrophic and not capable of photosynthesis. Accordingly, they did not assimilate 13C-bicarbonate. However, both species assimilated dissolved 15N-ammonium and incorporated it into organelles of direct importance for ontogenetic growth and development of the cell. These observations demonstrate that at least some heterotrophic protists have an innate cellular mechanism for inorganic ammonium assimilation, highlighting a newly discovered pathway for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) assimilation within the marine microbial loop

    3D morphological variability in foraminifera unravel environmental changes in the Baltic Sea entrance over the last 200 years

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    Human activities in coastal areas have intensified over the last 200 years, impacting also high-latitude regions such as the Baltic Sea. Benthic foraminifera, protists often with calcite shells (tests), are typically well preserved in marine sediments and known to record past bottom-water conditions. Morphological analyses of marine shells acquired by microcomputed tomography (”CT) have made significant progress toward a better understanding of recent environmental changes. However, limited access to data processing and a lack of guidelines persist when using open-source software adaptable to different microfossil shapes. This study provides a post-data routine to analyze the entire test parameters: average thickness, calcite volume, calcite surface area, number of pores, pore density, and calcite surface area/volume ratio. A case study was used to illustrate this method: 3D time series (i.e., 4D) of Elphidium clavatum specimens recording environmental conditions in the Baltic Sea entrance from the period early industrial (the 1800s) to present-day (the 2010 s). Long-term morphological trends in the foraminiferal record revealed that modern specimens have ∌28% thinner tests and ∌91% more pores than their historic counterparts. However, morphological variability between specimens and the BFAR (specimens cm−2 yr−1) in E. clavatum were not always synchronous. While the BFAR remained unchanged, morphological variability was linked to natural environmental fluctuations in the early industrial period and the consequences of anthropogenic climate change in the 21st century. During the period 1940–2000 s, the variations in BFAR were synchronous with morphological variability, revealing both the effects of the increase in human activities and major hydrographic changes. Finally, our interpretations, based on E. clavatum morphological variations, highlight environmental changes in the Baltic Sea area, supporting those documented by the foraminiferal assemblages
