162 research outputs found

    The faculty of perception in the early narratives of Hartmann von Aue : with special reference to secular morality and penitential practice

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    This thesis was conceived in response to the recent controversy in Hartmann scholarship concerning the existence of a psychological progression in Hartmann's characters. Whilst the majority of scholars argue that a progression does exist in these works, three scholars in particular, Rudolf Voβ, Hubertus Fischer, and Otfrid Ehrismann, claim that Hartmann remains unconcerned with the inner world of his characters. Instead, they suggest that he depicts perfect protagonists who are affected by a visitation of objective sin (Voβ), or who react primarily to the demands of secular honour (Fischer) or courtliness (Ehrismann). The present study attempts to re-examine the issue of ethical progression in Hartmann's three earliest narratives. This is achieved principally by considering the ability of the characters to perceive and to make ethical judgements on the basis of their mental deliberations. This evidence is considered in the light of the objections of the scholars mentioned above. In particular, their work has reminded scholarship that Hartmann's narratives cannot be interpreted in terms of modern individual morality. Similarly, their arguments lead one to surmise that an ethical dimension in these works would be likely to reflect Hartmann's status as a clerically-educated secular poet and the concerns of his secular audience, rather than specific theological developments relating to self-awareness. A moral dimension in these works would therefore be likely to be informed by lay ethical notions and a general awareness of theological concepts concerning perceptiveness, such as would be broadcast through the penitential system. The present study attempts therefore to set the evidence pertaining to perceptiveness and ethical behaviour in Hartmann's works within the context of the lay morality shared by this poet and his audience

    Does parent stress predict the quality of life of children with a diagnosis of ADHD?:A comparison of parent and child perspectives

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    Objective: There are indicators that parental psychological factors may affect how parents evaluate their child’s quality of life (QoL) when the child has a health condition. This study examined the impact of parents’ perceived stress on parent and child ratings of the QoL of children with ADHD. Method: A cross-sectional sample of 45 matched parent–child dyads completed parallel versions of the KIDSCREEN-27. Children were 8 to 14 years with clinician diagnosed ADHD. Results: Parents who rated their child’s QoL lower than their child had higher perceived stress scores. Parent stress was a unique predictor of child QoL from parent proxy-rated but not child-rated QoL scores. Conclusion: Parents’ perceived stress may play an important role in their assessments of their child’s QoL, suggesting both parent and child perspectives of QoL should be utilized wherever possible. Interventions that target parent stress may contribute to improvements in the child’s QoL. </jats:p

    Quality of life of children with a diagnosis of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a comparison of parent and child perspectives

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    Objectives: Available studies largely and consistently indicate that children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) experience significantly impaired quality of life (QoL). More research is required to enable an enhanced understanding of factors which contribute to the QoL of children with this diagnosis. In relation to children with ADHD, this thesis had two main aims: to review the extent to which children and their parents agree in their assessments of the child’s QoL; and to examine the impact of parent stress on the child’s QoL from both parent and child perspectives. Method: A systematic review of studies reporting matched parent-proxy reported and child self-reported quantitative QoL measures is described in journal article 1. Journal article 2 presents the findings from a cross-sectional, quantitative study involving a matched sample of 45 children with a diagnosis of ADHD, and their parents. Correlation and multiple regression analyses examine the relationship between parent stress and each of the informants’ ratings of the child’s QoL. Results: The findings of the systematic review indicated that in a clear majority of studies, children rated their QoL more highly than their parents. However, cautious interpretation is required as some of the studies were of poor methodological quality. In the empirical study, parent stress emerged as a significant predictor of parent proxy-ratings of child QoL, but not of self-rated QoL. Parents who rated their child’s QoL lower that their children had higher perceived stress than parents who rated their child’s QoL higher than their children. There were no significant differences in self-rated or parent-rated QoL between children with ADHD and children with a learning disability or with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. In line with some previous research, agreement was poorer on psychosocial domains than physical domains. However, due to the relatively small sample size, the empirical study requires replication. Conclusions: The results of the systematic review suggest that parent and child ratings of the child’s QoL are not interchangeable in the context of ADHD. Possible explanations for this trend are discussed. The empirical study suggests that parent stress negatively impacts on children with ADHD, and that it is likely that children’s self-reports are affected by their impaired reflective capacity. Clinical implications and recommendations for future research are discussed in relation to both articles

    What goes in, must come out:combining scat-based molecular diet analysis and quantification of ingested microplastics in a marine top predator

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    Context: Microplastics (plastic particles &lt;5 mm in size) are highly available for ingestion by a wide range of organisms, either through direct consumption or indirectly, via trophic transfer, from prey to predator. The latter is a poorly understood, but potentially major, route of microplastic ingestion for marine top predators.Approach: We developed a novel and effective methodology pipeline to investigate dietary exposure of wild top predators (grey seals; Halichoerus grypus) to microplastics, by combining scat-based molecular techniques with a microplastic isolation method. We employed DNA metabarcoding, a rapid method of biodiversity assessment, to garner detailed information on prey composition from scats, and investigated the potential relationship between diet and microplastic burden.Results: Outcomes of the method development process and results of both diet composition from metabarcoding analysis and detection of microplastics are presented. Importantly, the pipeline performed well and initial results suggest the frequency of microplastics detected in seal scats may be related to the type of prey consumed. Conclusions: Our non-invasive, data rich approach maximises time and resource-efficiency, while minimising costs and sample volumes required for analysis. This pipeline could be used to underpin a much-needed increase in understanding of the relationship between diet composition and rates of microplastic ingestion in high trophic-level species.<br/

    What killed Frame Lake? A precautionary tale for urban planners

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    Frame Lake, located within the city of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, has been identified as requiring significant remediation due to its steadily declining water quality and inability to support fish by the 1970s. Former gold mining operations and urbanization around the lake have been suspected as probable causes for the decline in water quality. While these land-use activities are well documented, little information is available regarding their impact on the lake itself. For this reason, Arcellinida, a group of shelled protozoans known to be reliable bioindicators of land-use change, were used to develop a hydroecological history of the lake. The purpose of this study was to use Arcellinida to: (1) document the contamination history of the lake, particularly related to arsenic (As) associated with aerial deposition from mine roaster stacks; (2) track the progress of water quality deterioration in Frame Lake related to mining, urbanization and other activities; and (3) identify any evidence of natural remediation within the lake. Arcellinida assemblages were assessed at 1-cm intervals through the upper 30 cm of a freeze core obtained from Frame Lake. The assemblages were statistically compared to geochemical and loss-on-ignition results from the core to document the contamination and degradation of conditions in the lake. The chronology of limnological changes recorded in the lake sediments were derived from 210Pb, 14C dating and known stratigraphic events. The progress of urbanization near the lake was tracked using aerial photography. Using Spearman correlations, the five most significant environmental variables impacting Arcellinida distribution were identified as minerogenics, organics, As, iron and mercury (p < 0.05; n = 30). Based on CONISS and ANOSIM analysis, three Arcellinida assemblages are identified. These include the Baseline Limnological Conditions Assemblage (BLCA), ranging from 17–30 cm and deposited in the early Holocene >7,000 years before present; the As Contamination Assemblage (ACA), ranging from 7–16 cm, deposited after ∼1962 when sedimentation began in the lake again following a long hiatus that spanned to the early Holocene; and the Eutrophication Assemblage (EA), ranging from 1–6 cm, comprised of sediments deposited after 1990 following the cessation of As and other metal contaminations. The EA developed in response to nutrient-rich waters entering the lake derived from the urbanization of the lake catchment and a reduction in lake circulation associated with the development at the lake outlet of a major road, later replaced by a causeway with rarely open sluiceways. The eutrophic condition currently charactering the lake—as evidenced by a population explosion of eutrophication indicator taxa Cucurbitella tricuspis—likely led to a massive increase in macrophyte growth and winter fish-kills. This ecological shift ultimately led to a system dominated by Hirudinea (leeches) and cessation of the lake as a recreational area

    Behavioral Health in Rural America: Understanding Citizen Perceptions and Willingness to Respond to Community Needs

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    Amid nationwide efforts to address behavioral health needs, rural communities often face unique challenges and a lack of resources. This study presents a bottom-up approach used by one rural community in the Midwest to respond to their needs regarding mental health and substance use. A survey instrument was developed from interviews with community stakeholders and disseminated in both online and paper formats. The survey sought to understand citizen perspectives regarding quality of life, barriers to treatment, and willingness to engage in efforts to address the community’s needs. Data from 1,303 respondents (71.5% women, 54.7% income \u3c$42,000) were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square analyses. Results indicate that cost of treatment, shame, and lack of privacy were a barrier for most citizens’ treatment-seeking behavior. In addition, many citizens were willing to engage in strategies to address the community’s needs, including increased county spending, forming a neighborhood watch, and donating money. Differences associated with gender and income emerged across perceptions and willingness to support efforts. Implications for community efforts are discussed

    Volcanic controls on the microbial habitability of Mars‐analogue hydrothermal environments

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    Due to their potential to support chemolithotrophic life, relic hydrothermal systems on Mars are a key target for astrobiological exploration. We analysed water and sediments at six geothermal pools from the rhyolitic Kerlingarfjöll and basaltic Kverkfjöll volcanoes in Iceland, to investigate the localised controls on the habitability of these systems in terms of microbial community function. Our results show that host lithology plays a minor role in pool geochemistry and authigenic mineralogy, with the system geochemistry primarily controlled by deep volcanic processes. We find that by dictating pool water pH and redox conditions, deep volcanic processes are the primary control on microbial community structure and function, with water input from the proximal glacier acting as a secondary control by regulating pool temperatures. Kerlingarfjöll pools have reduced, circum-neutral CO2-rich waters with authigenic calcite-, pyrite- and kaolinite-bearing sediments. The dominant metabolisms inferred from community profiles obtained by 16S rRNA gene sequencing are methanogenesis, respiration of sulphate and sulphur (S0) oxidation. In contrast, Kverkfjöll pools have oxidised, acidic (pH 42- and high argillic alteration, resulting in Al-phyllosilicate-rich sediments. The prevailing metabolisms here are iron oxidation, sulphur oxidation and nitrification. Where analogous ice-fed hydrothermal systems existed on early Mars, similar volcanic processes would likely have controlled localised metabolic potential and thus habitability. Moreover, such systems offer several habitability advantages, including a localised source of metabolic redox pairs for chemolithotrophic microorganisms and accessible trace metals. Similar pools could have provided transient environments for life on Mars; when paired with surface or near-surface ice, these habitability niches could have persisted into the Amazonian. Additionally, they offer a confined site for biosignature formation and deposition that lends itself well to in situ robotic exploration

    Sediment accumulation rates in subarctic lakes: Insights into age-depth modeling from 22 dated lake records from the Northwest Territories, Canada

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    Age-depth modeling using Bayesian statistics requires well-informed prior information about the behavior of sediment accumulation. Here we present average sediment accumulation rates (represented as deposition times, DT, in yr/cm) for lakes in an Arctic setting, and we examine the variability across space (intra- and inter-lake) and time (late Holocene). The dataset includes over 100 radiocarbon dates, primarily on bulk sediment, from 22 sediment cores obtained from 18 lakes spanning the boreal to tundra ecotone gradients in subarctic Canada. There are four to twenty-five radiocarbon dates per core, depending on the length and character of the sediment records. Deposition times were calculated at 100-year intervals from age-depth models constructed using the 'classical' age-depth modeling software Clam. Lakes in boreal settings have the most rapid accumulation (mean DT 20±10 yr/cm), whereas lakes in tundra settings accumulate at moderate (mean DT 70±10 yr/cm) to very slow rates, (>100yr/cm). Many of the age-depth models demonstrate fluctuations in accumulation that coincide with lake evolution and post-glacial climate change. Ten of our sediment cores yielded sediments as old as c. 9000cal BP (BP=years before AD 1950). From between c. 9000cal BP and c. 6000cal BP, sediment accumulation was relatively rapid (DT of 20-60yr/cm). Accumulation slowed between c. 5500 and c. 4000cal BP as vegetation expanded northward in response to warming. A short period of rapid accumulation occurred near 1200cal BP at three lakes. Our research will help inform priors in Bayesian age modeling

    What killed Frame Lake? A precautionary tale for urban planners

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    Frame Lake, located within the city of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, has been identified as requiring significant remediation due to its steadily declining water quality and inability to support fish by the 1970s. Former gold mining operations and urbanization around the lake have been suspected as probable causes for the decline in water quality. While these land-use activities are well documented, li