64 research outputs found

    Ekologisen perinnetiedon käsikirja

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    Luonnon monimuotoisuus ja saamelaiset. Biologista monimuotoisuutta koskevan artikla 8(j):n toimeenpanoa tukeva selvitys Suomen Saamelaisalueella

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    Alkuperäiskansojen, kuten meillä saamelaisten, luonnon monimuotoisuuteen liittyvä perinteinen tieto ja käytännöt ovat YK:n biodiversiteettisopimuksen erityisen huomion kohteena. Sopimuksen artikla 8(j) kannustaa sopimuksen osapuolia tällaisen tiedon ja käytäntöjen suojeluun ja ylläpitoon. Kiinnostus alkuperäiskansojen ekologiseen perinnetietoon on biodiversiteettisopimuksen toimeenpanon myötä lisääntynyt ja asian merkitys kasvanut ympäristöpoliittisessa keskustelussa, tutkimuksen kohteena ja osana kansainvälistä ympäristöoikeutta. Mielenkiinto on kohdistunut alkuperäiskansojen perinnetiedon luonteeseen ja käyttöön sekä laajemminkin ihmisten ja luonnon vuorovaikutukseen liittyviin kysymyksiin erityisesti maapallon pohjoisilla alueilla. Suomessa saamelaisten kotiseutualueella on tapaustutkimusten ja teemahaastatteluiden avulla, joiden kohteena olivat Tenon kalastuskulttuuri sekä luontaiselinkeinojen harjoittajat, selvitetty luonnon käyttöön liittyvää perinteistä tietoa ja luonnonolosuhteiden vaikutusta elinkeinojen kirjoon ja vuodenaikaiskiertoon. Biodiversiteettisopimuksen Akwé: Kon -ohjeet koskevat alkuperäiskansojen pyhien paikkojen, paikallisten elinkeinojen ja perinteisten ekologisten tietojen ja taitojen huomioimista muun muassa ympäristövaikutusten arvioinnin yhteydessä. Näiden ohjeiden soveltuvuutta on selvitetty kahdessa esimerkkitapauksessa saamelaisalueella

    Ekologalaš árbedieđu giehtagirji

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    Mapping Techniques for Voice Conversion

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    Speaker identity plays an important role in human communication. In addition to the linguistic content, speech utterances contain acoustic information of the speaker characteristics. This thesis focuses on voice conversion, a technique that aims at changing the voice of one speaker (a source speaker) into the voice of another specific speaker (a target speaker) without changing the linguistic information. The relationship between the source and target speaker characteristics is learned from the training data. Voice conversion can be used in various applications and fields: text-to-speech systems, dubbing, speech-to-speech translation, games, voice restoration, voice pathology, etc. Voice conversion offers many challenges: which features to extract from speech, how to find linguistic correspondences (alignment) between source and target features, which machine learning techniques to use for creating a mapping function between the features of the speakers, and finally, how to make the desired modifications to the speech waveform. The features can be any parameters that describe the speech and the speaker identity, e.g. spectral envelope, excitation, fundamental frequency, and phone durations. The main focus of the thesis is on the design of suitable mapping techniques between frame-level source and target features, but also aspects related to parallel data alignment and prosody conversion are addressed. The perception of the quality and the success of the identity conversion are largely subjective. Conventional statistical techniques are able to produce good similarity between the original and the converted target voices but the quality is usually degraded. The objective of this thesis is to design conversion techniques that enable successful identity conversion while maintaining the original speech quality. Due to the limited amount of data, statistical techniques are usually utilized in extracting the mapping function. The most popular technique is based on a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). However, conventional GMM-based conversion suffers from many problems that result in degraded speech quality. The problems are analyzed in this thesis, and a technique that combines GMM-based conversion with partial least squares regression is introduced to alleviate these problems. Additionally, approaches to solve the time-independent mapping problem associated with many algorithms are proposed. The most significant contribution of the thesis is the proposed novel dynamic kernel partial least squares regression technique that allows creating a non-linear mapping function and improves temporal correlation. The technique is straightforward, efficient and requires very little tuning. It is shown to outperform the state-of-the-art GMM-based technique using both subjective and objective tests over a variety of speaker pairs. In addition, quality is further improved when aperiodicity and binary voicing values are predicted using the same technique. The vast majority of the existing voice conversion algorithms concern the transformation of the spectral envelopes. However, prosodic features, such as fundamental frequency movements and speaking rhythm, also contain important cues of identity. It is shown in the thesis that pure prosody alone can be used, to some extent, to recognize speakers that are familiar to the listeners. Furthermore, a prosody conversion technique is proposed that transforms fundamental frequency contours and durations at syllable level. The technique is shown to improve similarity to the target speaker’s prosody and reduce roboticness compared to a conventional frame-based conversion technique. Recently, the trend has shifted from text-dependent to text-independent use cases meaning that there is no parallel data available. The techniques proposed in the thesis currently assume parallel data, i.e. that the same texts have been spoken by both speakers. However, excluding the prosody conversion algorithm, the proposed techniques require no phonetic information and are applicable for a small amount of training data. Moreover, many text-independent approaches are based on extracting a sort of alignment as a pre-processing step. Thus the techniques proposed in the thesis can be exploited after the alignment process

    Voice Conversion

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    The Digi-NewB project for preterm infant sepsis risk and maturity analysis

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    It is known from the literature that the careful analysis of the heart rate variability of a preterm infant can be used as a predictor of sepsis. The Digi-NewB project aims at collecting a database of at least 750 preterm infants including physiological signals, video and clinical observations. These data are used to design a decision support system for the early detection of sepsis and for the evaluation of the infant maturity. The preparation of the data for the exploratory analysis has turned out to be time-consuming. 190 infants have been recorded by March 2018 and of these, the R-R interval analysis of the ECG signals has been completed of 136 infants. The results of the project are still preliminary but seven heart rate variability parameters have been found to be different in preterm and full-term infants with a P value less than 0.01. The video analysis algorithm detecting the presence of personnel or relatives reached 96.8% of sensitivity and 95.1% of specificity.It is known from the literature that the careful analysis of the heart rate variability of a preterm infant can be used as a predictor of sepsis. The Digi-NewB project aims at collecting a database of at least 750 preterm infants including physiological signals, video and clinical observations. These data are used to design a decision support system for the early detection of sepsis and for the evaluation of the infant maturity. The preparation of the data for the exploratory analysis has turned out to be time-consuming. 190 infants have been recorded by March 2018 and of these, the R-R interval analysis of the ECG signals has been completed of 136 infants. The results of the project are still preliminary but seven heart rate variability parameters have been found to be different in preterm and full-term infants with a P value less than 0.01. The video analysis algorithm detecting the presence of personnel or relatives reached 96.8% of sensitivity and 95.1% of specificity

    In the riptide of control and trust: Emergence of control practices, suspicion, and distrust in new technology deployment

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    In this study, we focus on the unintended consequences of new technology deployment for control-trust dynamics. When addressing these dynamics, managers and management researchers often focus on consciously designed and implemented controls and management actions that build, repair, or preserve trust. At the same time, unowned processes—processes that have no single source or purpose—easily go unnoticed. These processes may have effects that are inadvertent and sometimes detrimental. A close-up ethnographic study of a technology deployment provides insight into the emergence of unintended control practices and shifts in trust. Our findings demonstrate how deployment of new technology prompted a shift in the loci and forms of control and how trust, suspicion, and distrust surfaced asymmetrically as organizational members interpreted in different ways how others were using the new technological features. These developments contributed to the emergence of four unintended control practices: incidental monitoring, organizational surveillance, individual concealment, and collective resistance. Our study highlights the role of unowned processes in the control-trust dynamics and emphasizes that whether or not control and trust are consciously addressed, both play interactive and evolving roles in organizations.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Harjoittelun ohjaajien näkemyksiä opiskelijoiden asiakaslähtöisyydestä ja siihen saadusta tuesta

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    Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli kuvata harjoittelun ohjaajien näkemyksiä Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun hoitotyön opiskelijoiden asiakaslähtöisyydestä ja siihen saadusta tuesta. Opinnäytetyömme liittyi Asiakaslähtöinen osaaminen -projektiin, johon osallistuivat Virosta Tarton yliopisto (Tartu Ülikool) sekä Tarton ja Tallinnan ammattikorkeakoulut (Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool ja Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool) sekä Suomesta Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu ja Keski-Pohjanmaan mmattikorkeakoulu. Tietoa tarvitaan, jotta tulevat hoitotyöntekijät vastaisivat parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla asiakaslähtöisen toiminnan haasteisiin. Tietoa tarvitaan myös siitä, miten asiakaslähtöisen osaamisen kehittymistä pystytään tukemaan mahdollisimman hyvin. Tiedon pohjalta voidaan edistää hoitotyön koulutuksen aikaista asiakaslähtöisen osaamisen kehittymistä. Opinnäytetyömme aineisto kerättiin Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulusta keväällä 2010 viimeiselle kliinisen hoitotyön harjoittelujaksolleen lähteneiden opiskelijoiden harjoittelun ohjaajilta erillisellä, tutkimusta varten kehitetyllä kyselylomakkeella. Kyselylomakkeeseen vastasi 14 ohjaajaa. Lomakkeen avulla ohjaajat arvioivat opiskelijan asiakaslähtöisyyttä sekä harjoittelun ohjauksesta saatua tukea. Ohjaajia pyydettiin myös kuvailemaan näkemyksiään, kuinka harjoittelun ohjausta ja koulutusta tulisi kehittää, jotta se tukisi parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla opiskelijoiden asiakaslähtöisyyttä. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin apuna PASW 18.0 Statistics –tilasto-ohjelmaa ja induktiivista päättelyä. Yleisesti ottaen kliinisen harjoittelun ohjaajat arvioivat viimeisellä harjoittelujaksolla olevat Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijat asiakaslähtöisiksi. Ohjaajat arvioivat myös harjoittelun ohjauksesta saadun tuen hyväksi. Ohjauksen kehittämiseksi, jotta se tukisi opiskelijoiden asiakaslähtöisyyttä, ohjaajat korostivat ohjauksen suunnittelua ja siihen valmistautumista. Ohjaajat toivoivat myös, että voisivat antaa enemmän aikaa opiskelijoille. Tärkeäksi koettiin lisäksi yksilöllisyyden korostaminen ja eri-ikäisten potilaiden kohtaaminen. Ohjaajien näkemyksistä koulutuksen kehittämiseen korostui erityisesti teorian ja käytännön harjoittelun lisääminen hoitotyön opintoihin. Opinnäytetyömme tuloksista saa suuntaa antavan kuvan siitä, kuinka asiakaslähtöisiä Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulusta valmistuvat opiskelijat ovat. Jatkossa kysely voitaisiin suorittaa useissa ammattikorkeakouluissa, jotta voitaisiin vertailla eri ammattikorkeakouluista valmistuvien opiskelijoiden asiakaslähtöisyyttä ja löytää mahdollisista poikkeavuuksista haasteita koulutuksen kehittämiseen asiakaslähtöisempään suuntaan.The purpose of this study was to chart how patient-centered the nursing students at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences were and how in their mentors´ opinion the support, that they had from the job training period, helped them to become patient-centered. Our final project was a part of an international project, The Patient-/Client-centeredness in Adult Intensive Care and Health Care Education. The aim of this study was to collect new information on students´ attitudes towards patient-centeredness so that it could be used to develop the nursing education towards a more patient-centered direction. The data was collected with a structured questionnaire in the spring 2010 and 14 mentors answered it. The results were analyzed by using the PASW 18.0 Statistics-program and the method of inductive content analysis. The results showed that the nursing students at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences were quite patient-centered and the mentors also thought that the support from the practical training period helped the students become patient-centered nurses. The main factor that improved the attitudes towards patient-centeredness was the proposal that the mentors hope to develop their own job as mentors. Other things were experienced to be important were practical training period´s preparation and planning and to be able to give more time for the students. The mentors also felt that it is important to highlight individualism and to meet patients of all ages. The mentors felt that it is particularly important to increase the amount of theory and practice in the nursing studies. The results of this study may give an indicative picture that how patient-centered the nursing students at the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences are. In the future this enquiry could be done in several universities and the results could be compared. That is how it could be possible to find the potential deviation challenges and the nursing education could be developed towards a more patient-centered direction

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