64 research outputs found

    6–14-vuotiaiden vakavat liikenneonnettomuudet ja liikennekasvatus vuosiluokilla 1–6

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko peruskoulun liikennekasvatuksella ja 6–14-vuotiaille tapahtuneilla vakavilla liikenneonnettomuuksilla yhteisiä piirteitä. Esimerkiksi onko käytetty liikennekasvatusmateriaali nostanut esille samoja teemoja kuin onnettomuustutkinnassa on tunnistettu onnettomuuksiin vaikuttaneiksi tekijöiksi. Työssä tarkasteltiin vuosina 2010–2016 tapahtuneita kuolemaan johtaneita jalankulku- ja pyöräilyonnettomuuksia sekä moottoriajoneuvo-onnettomuuksia, joissa oli ollut osallisena 6–14-vuotias lapsi. Kokemuksia peruskoulun liikennekasvatuksesta kerättiin kyselyllä sekä haastatteluilla. Johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että luokanopettajien käyttämä liikennekasvatusmateriaali on nostanut esille samoja asioita, joita onnettomuustutkinnassa on tunnistettu onnettomuuteen vaikuttaneiksi tekijöiksi

    Which not-at-fault crashes are unavoidable by using current active safety technology?

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    Previous research has focused on analysing crash reduction potential of active safety technology in at-fault passenger cars, but only a few studies have examined counterparties' possibilities to avoid collisions by using advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). This study quantified the incidence of fatal not-at-fault passenger car crashes that current ADAS (up to SAE level 2) would be unable to avoid. We used data taken from in-depth investigated fatal crashes in which a passenger car was involved, that car having been first registered during the period 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2017 in Finland. The evaluation of unavoidable crashes consisted of two evaluation rounds. The preliminary evaluation round identified potential active safety systems that could have operated in the studied cases. In the following round, we made a five-level case-by-case analysis including a time headway analysis in order to evaluate the possibilities for crash avoidance. The crash data included 63 fatal crashes, of which five were excluded because the death was due to a sudden illness attack. The remaining 58 crashes were classified as follows: probably unavoidable (n = 51), avoidable (n = 3), and unclear (n = 4). The crash incidence of the unavoidable not-at-fault party crashes was 0.67–0.73 fatal crashes per billion kilometers and 14–15 fatal crashes per million registration years. The results indicate that current active safety systems may be able to prevent not-at-fault party fatal crashes only in a few cases and that the driver's role in road safety remains important despite the deployment of the active safety systems.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Measuring the costs of biosecurity on poultry farms : a case study in broiler production in Finland

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    Background: Farm-level biosecurity provides the foundation for biosecurity along the entire production chain. Many risk management practices are constantly in place, regardless of whether there is a disease outbreak or not. Nonetheless, the farm-level costs of preventive biosecurity have rarely been assessed. We examined the costs incurred by preventive biosecurity for Finnish poultry farms. Methods: We used a semi-structured phone interview and obtained results from 17 broiler producers and from 5 hatching egg producers, corresponding to about 10% of all producers in Finland. Results: Our results indicate that the average cost of biosecurity is some 3.55 eurocent per bird for broiler producers (0.10 eurocent per bird per rearing day) and 75.7 eurocent per bird for hatching egg producers (0.27 eurocent per bird per rearing day). For a batch of 75,000 broilers, the total cost would be €2,700. The total costs per bird are dependent on the annual number of birds: the higher the number of birds, the lower the cost per bird. This impact is primarily due to decreasing labour costs rather than direct monetary costs. Larger farms seem to utilise less labour per bird for biosecurity actions. There are also differences relating to the processor with which the producer is associated, as well as to the gender of the producer, with female producers investing more in biosecurity. Bird density was found to be positively related to the labour costs of biosecurity. This suggests that when the bird density is higher, greater labour resources need to be invested in their health and welfare and hence disease prevention. The use of coccidiostats as a preventive measure to control coccidiosis was found to have the largest cost variance between the producers, contributing to the direct costs. Conclusions: The redesign of cost-sharing in animal diseases is currently ongoing in the European Union. Before we can assert how the risk should be shared or resort to the ‘polluter pays’ principle, we need to understand how the costs are currently distributed. The ongoing study contributes towards understanding these issues. The next challenge is to link the costs of preventive biosecurity to the benefits thus acquired

    Emakoiden fosforinerityksen vähentäminen rehun fosforipitoisuutta alentamalla

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    SiFos-hankkeessa tavoiteltiin sikojen ja siipikarjan ruokinnan kehittämisellä mm. maatilojen typpi- ja fosforierityksen minimointia. Lisäksi tavoiteltiin tilatason laskentatyökaluja, joiden avulla viljelijä voi tarkentaa tilansa ravinnekiertoa rehusta lantaan ja pellon kautta takaisin rehuun. Tässä SiFos-hankkeen osassa keskityttiin emakoiden tiineydenaikaisen fosforinerityksen vähentämisen keinoihin. Tilaseuranta toteutettiin varsinaissuomalaisella porsastuotantotilalla yhteistyössä rehu- ja lihateollisuuden kanssa. Kontrollikäsittelyssä emakoiden rehustus oli tilan tavanomainen rehustus (alkutilanne), josta tehtiin alkutilanneanalyysi analysoimalla tiineiden ja imettävien emakoiden rehu-, sonta-, virtsa- ja luunäytteitä. Alkutilanneanalyysiä varten yhteensä 166 emakolta otettiin sonta- ja virtsanäytteitä satunnaisesti kolmessa eri tiineyden vaiheessa. Lisäksi noin 100 teuraaksi menneestä emakosta kerättiin luunäytteitä analysoitavaksi ennen ja jälkeen rehumuutoksen. Mahdollisimman monelta emakolta kerättiin molemmat eritenäytteet. Koekäsittelyssä tiineiden emakoiden rehun kokonaisfosforipitoisuutta alennettiin. Eläinten riittävästä fosforinsaannista huolehdittiin siten, että rehujen sulavan fosforin laskennallinen pitoisuus pidettiin riittävän korkeana ja fosforin hyväksikäyttö varmistettiin oikealla fytaasientsyymiannoksella. Entsyymin tarkoitus on irrottaa rehuaineiden fytaattifosforia sian elimistön käyttöön. Koekäsittelyyn valittujen 52 emakon tiineyden aikana niiltä kerättiin sonta- ja virtsanäytteet tiineyden päivinä n. 30, 90 ja 103-114 tilan tuotantorytmiin sovittaen. Eritenäytteet otettiin aina ensimmäisen aamupäiväruokinnan yhteydessä aamupäivän aikana. Rehunäytteet otettiin liemirehun sekoittajasta yleensä eritenäytteiden ottopäivänä, koska emakoiden rehunvaihdokset ajoittuivat muille kuin näytteenottopäiville. Tilaseurannassa verrattiin emakoiden sontaan ja virtsaan erittyneen fosforin määrää ennen ja jälkeen rehumuutoksen. Luuston kunnon säilyminen varmistettiin analysoimalla luunäytteistä kivennäispitoisuudet ja murtolujuudet. Rehujen kivennäispitoisuudet ja fytaasiaktiivisuudet todennettiin laboratorioanalyyseillä. Emakoiden paino- ja silavamittatiedot saatiin tutkimuksen käyttöön tiineysajan lisäksi seurantatiineyden jälkeiseltä imetysajalta.  Hankkeen puitteissa oli myös mahdollisuus tarkastella tilan porsastuotannon tunnuslukuja ennen ja jälkeen rehumuutoksen. Tilaseurannan organisoiminen suurelle porsastuotantotilalle yhdessä rehu- ja lihateollisuuden kanssa vaati suunnitelmallisuutta ja organisointia kaikilta osapuolilta. Koska sikatilalla ei yleensä tarvita samaan tuotannon vaiheeseen useampaa eri rehua, erilaisia rehuseoksia voitiin testata vain peräkkäin toteutettavilla ruokintajaksoilla. Sen tekninen toteutus todettiin mahdolliseksi. Tulosten odotetaan palvelevan elinkeinon kehittämistä ympäristöystävällisempään suuntaan

    Sensitive and quantitative detection of Cardiac Troponin I with upconverting nanoparticle lateral flow test with minimized interference

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    Measurement of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) should be feasible for point-of-care testing (POCT) to diagnose acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Lateral flow immunoassays (LFIAs) have been long implemented in POCT and clinical settings. However, sensitivity, matrix effect and quantitation in lateral flow immunoassays (LFIAs) have been major limiting factors. The performance of LFIAs can be improved with upconverting nanoparticle (UCNP) reporters. Here we report a new methodological approach to quantify cTnI using UCNP-LFIA technology with minimized plasma interference. The performance of the developed UCNP-LFIA was evaluated using clinical plasma samples (n = 262). The developed UCNP-LFIA was compared to two reference assays, the Siemens Advia Centaur assay and an in-house well-based cTnI assay. By introducing an anti-IgM scrub line and dried EDTA in the LFIA strip, the detection of cTnI in plasma samples was fully recovered. The UCNP-LFIA was able to quantify cTnI concentrations in patient samples within the range of 30–10,000 ng/L. The LoB and LoD of the UCNP-LFIA were 8.4 ng/L and 30 ng/L. The method comparisons showed good correlation (Spearman’s correlation 0.956 and 0.949, p </p

    Human papillomavirus vaccine efficacy against invasive, HPV-positive cancers : population-based follow-up of a cluster-randomised trial

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    Background Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination protects against HPV, a necessary risk factor for cervical cancer. We now report results from population-based follow-up of randomised cohorts that vaccination provides HPV-type-specific protection against invasive cancer. Methods Individually and/or cluster randomised cohorts of HPV-vaccinated and non-vaccinated women were enrolled in 2002-2005. HPV vaccine cohorts comprised originally 16-17 year-old HPV 16/18-vaccinated PATRICIA (NCT00122681) and 012 trial (NCT00169494) participants (2465) and HPV6/11/16/18-vaccinated FUTURE II (NCT00092534) participants (866). Altogether, 3341 vaccines were followed by the Finnish Cancer Registry in the same way as 16 526 non-HPV-vaccinated controls. The control cohort stemmed from 15 665 originally 18-19 years-old women enrolled in 2003 (6499) or 2005 (9166) and 861 placebo recipients of the FUTURE II trial. The follow-up started 6 months after the clinical trials in 2007 and 2009 and ended in 2019. It was age aligned for the cohorts. Findings During a follow-up time of up to 11 years, we identified 17 HPV-positive invasive cancer cases (14 cervical cancers, 1 vaginal cancer, 1 vulvar cancer and 1 tongue cancer) in the non-HPV-vaccinated cohorts and no cases in the HPV-vaccinated cohorts. HPV typing of diagnostic tumour blocks found HPV16 in nine cervical cancer cases, HPV18, HPV33 and HPV52 each in two cases and HPV45 in one cervical cancer case. The vaginal, vulvar and tongue cancer cases were, respectively, positive for HPV16, HPV52/66 and HPV213. Intention-to-treat vaccine efficacy against all HPV-positive cancers was 100% (95% CI 2 to 100, p Interpretation Vaccination is effective against invasive HPV-positive cancer.Peer reviewe

    Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management?

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    Heino, M., Baulier, L., Boukal, D. S., Ernande, B., Johnston, F. D., Mollet, F. M., Pardoe, H., Therkildsen, N. O., Uusi-Heikkilä, S., Vainikka, A., Arlinghaus, R., Dankel, D. J., Dunlop, E. S., Eikeset, A. M., Enberg, K., Engelhard G. H., Jørgensen, C., Laugen, A. T., Matsumura, S., Nusslé, S., Urbach, D., Whitlock, R., Rijnsdorp, A. D., and Dieckmann, U. 2013. Can fisheries-induced evolution shift reference points for fisheries management? - ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70: 707-721. Biological reference points are important tools for fisheries management. Reference points are not static, but may change when a population's environment or the population itself changes. Fisheries-induced evolution is one mechanism that can alter population characteristics, leading to "shifting” reference points by modifying the underlying biological processes or by changing the perception of a fishery system. The former causes changes in "true” reference points, whereas the latter is caused by changes in the yardsticks used to quantify a system's status. Unaccounted shifts of either kind imply that reference points gradually lose their intended meaning. This can lead to increased precaution, which is safe, but potentially costly. Shifts can also occur in more perilous directions, such that actual risks are greater than anticipated. Our qualitative analysis suggests that all commonly used reference points are susceptible to shifting through fisheries-induced evolution, including the limit and "precautionary” reference points for spawning-stock biomass, Blim and Bpa, and the target reference point for fishing mortality, F0.1. Our findings call for increased awareness of fisheries-induced changes and highlight the value of always basing reference points on adequately updated information, to capture all changes in the biological processes that drive fish population dynamic

    Pharmacological reactivation of MYC-dependent apoptosis induces susceptibility to anti-PD-1 immunotherapy

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    Correction: Volume: 10 Article Number: 932 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-08956-x Published: FEB 20 2019 Accession Number: WOS:000459099300001Elevated MYC expression sensitizes tumor cells to apoptosis but the therapeutic potential of this mechanism remains unclear. We find, in a model of MYC-driven breast cancer, that pharmacological activation of AMPK strongly synergizes with BCL-2/BCL-X-L inhibitors to activate apoptosis. We demonstrate the translational potential of an AMPK and BCL-2/BCL-X-L co-targeting strategy in ex vivo and in vivo models of MYC-high breast cancer. Metformin combined with navitoclax or venetoclax efficiently inhibited tumor growth, conferred survival benefits and induced tumor infiltration by immune cells. However, withdrawal of the drugs allowed tumor re-growth with presentation of PD-1+/CD8+ T cell infiltrates, suggesting immune escape. A two-step treatment regimen, beginning with neoadjuvant metformin+venetoclax to induce apoptosis and followed by adjuvant metformin+venetoclax+anti-PD-1 treatment to overcome immune escape, led to durable antitumor responses even after drug withdrawal. We demonstrate that pharmacological reactivation of MYC-dependent apoptosis is a powerful antitumor strategy involving both tumor cell depletion and immunosurveillance.Peer reviewe