25 research outputs found

    Labile plasma iron levels predict survival in patients with lower-risk Myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Red blood cell transfusions remain one of the cornerstones in supportive care of lower-risk patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. We hypothesized that patients develop oxidant mediated tissue injury through the formation of toxic iron species, caused either by red blood cell transfusions or by ineffective erythropoiesis. We analyzed serum samples from 100 lower-risk patients with myelodysplastic syndromes at six-month intervals for transferrin saturation, hepcidin-25, growth differentiation factor 15, soluble transferrin receptor, non-transferrin bound iron and labile plasma iron in order to evaluate temporal changes in iron metabolism and presence of potentially toxic iron species and their impact on survival. Hepcidin levels were low in 34 patients with ringed sideroblasts compared to 66 patients without. Increases of hepcidin and non-transferrin bound iron levels were visible early in follow-up of all transfusion dependent patient groups. Hepcidin levels significantly decreased over time in transfusion independent patients with ringed sideroblasts. Increased soluble transferrin receptor levels in transfusion-independent patients with ringed sideroblasts confirmed the presence of ineffective erythropoiesis and suppression of hepcidin production in these patients. Detectable labile plasma iron levels in combination with high transferrin saturation levels occurred almost exclusively in patients with ringed sideroblasts and all transfusion dependent patient groups. Detectable labile plasma iron levels in transfusion dependent patients without ringed sideroblasts were associated with decreased survival. IN CONCLUSION: toxic iron species occurred in all transfusion dependent patients and in transfusion independent patients with ringed sideroblasts. Labile plasma iron appeared to be a clinically relevant measure for potential iron toxicity and a prognostic factor for survival in transfusion dependent patients. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as #NCT00600860

    Novel dynamic outcome indicators and clinical endpoints in myelodysplastic syndrome; the European LeukemiaNet MDS Registry and MDS-RIGHT project perspective

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    Available evidence suggests that in most patients with LR-MDS the risk of death is not related to disease progression but is mainly attributable to non-leukemic death. 2,17 In addition, a proportion of these patients have prolonged survival that precludes the design of clinical trials adopting OS as a primary endpoint. These challenges have resulted in potentially biased assessment of the effectiveness and appropriate use of the available interventions in this patient population. The EUMDS Registry has identified novel meaningful outcome indicators and clinical endpoints, and reliable measures of response to HCI (Figure 4). The results of our analysis indicate that RBCT density is strongly associated with a decreased OS, even at relatively low dose densities. In addition, we observed that an early decrease in platelet count is an independent adverse prognostic indicator in LR-MDS, and combining relative platelet drop and transfusion dependency allows early identification of patients at risk of rapid progression, and may guide early therapeutic interventions, including allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or experimental interventions. Taken together, these results indicate that regular RBCT requirement, early platelet count kinetics, and restriction in HRQoL are early independent and meaningful outcome indicators, and reliable measures of effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, evaluated in this set of studies. These findings support the integration of RBCT requirement and HRQoL in the general core outcome sets and in response criteria in patients with LR-MDS, and have important implications for clinical practice and the design of clinical endpoints. Our results strongly support the adoption of freedom from transfusion as a meaningful clinical endpoint in patients with LR-MDS. Anemia is the main determinant of therapeutic intervention in patients with LR-MDS, and ESA are recommended as first-line treatment for patients with symptomatic anemia. 10 The observational studies within the EUMDS Registry showed that the response rate, as well as the capacity of these agents to delay the onset of a regular RBCT need, is most pronounced in RBCT-naïve patients. These results identified early initiation of treatment with ESA as a major treatment response indicator, and indicate that ESA should be recommended in LR-MDS patients with symptomatic anemia before starting regular RBCT. After the onset of RBCT dependency, patients with LR-MDS are prone to long-term accumulation of iron. 1,43 The EUMDS Registry studies provided evidence that elevated LPI levels are associated with reduced survival in RBCT dependent patients, whereas iron chelation therapy normalizes LPI levels. These findings suggest that NTBI and LPI may serve as early indicators of iron toxicity and a means to measure the effectiveness of iron chelation therapy in patients with LR-MDS. However, qualified NTBI and LPI are only currently available in specialized laboratories. 44 Large observational cohorts with detailed clinical and laboratory data, like the EUMDS cohort, are the ideal framework in which to identify well defined MDS subtypes that may benefit from novel targeted treatments. An example of such a subtype is MDS with loss of parts of chromosome 5, namely del5q; these patients have a relatively favorable outcome on lenalidomide treatment. In order to identify homogeneous subsets of patients within MDS, preliminary evidence has suggested that recently identified mutations in splicing factors may recognize distinct disease entities within myeloid neoplasms. 45 Splicing modulators are now in pre-clinical testing, and are very likely to lead to the introduction of effective drugs for specific groups of MDS patients. Luspatercept, a specific inhibitor of growth and differentiation factor-11, a member of the transforming growth factor β superfamily, induced substantial improvement of anemia, especially in patients with ring sideroblasts. 46 Characterization of individual cases by new genetic markers (one of the main objectives of the MDS-RIGHT project) will allow refined classification of patients into biological subgroups that are expected to respond differently to therapeutic interventions to guide discontinuation of those interventions that are less effective or less cost-effective. The main question is whether RCT data and retrospective cohort data in selected tertiary care centers are representative of the 'real world' data of the older patients with LR-MDS in the general population. A careful comparison of the 'real world' data and the RCT data will be needed in order to provide a clear answer to these questions. Meanwhile, the current analyses of data collected over 10 years in the EUMDS Registry provides relevant and important information which could help assess prognosis and response to standard interventions in this older patient group

    Toxic iron species in lower-risk myelodysplastic syndrome patients:course of disease and effects on outcome

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    Income, education and their impact on treatments and survival in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes

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    Objectives To assess whether socioeconomic indices such as income and educational level can explain part of the variation in survival among patients with myelodysplastic syndromes, and further to assess whether these factors influence care and treatment decisions. Methods Population-based cohort study on 2945 Swedish patients diagnosed between 2009 and 2018 and included in the Swedish MDS Register. Relative mortality was assessed by Cox regression, whereas treatment differences were assessed by Poisson regression. Regarding mortality, patients were also compared to a matched comparison group from the general population. Results Mortality was 50% higher among patients in the lowest income category compared to the highest and 40% higher in patients with mandatory school education only compared to those with college or university education. Treatment with hypomethylating agents and allogeneic stem cell transplantation, as well as investigation with cytogenetic diagnostics were also linked to income and education. The findings were not explained by differences in risk class or comorbidity at the time of diagnosis. Conclusions Income and education are linked to survival among patients with myelodysplastic syndromes. Socioeconomic status also seems to influence treatment intensity as patients with less income and education to a lesser degree receive hypomethylating agents and transplants

    MDS-Comorbidity Index using register data has prognostic impact in Swedish MDS patients

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    Comorbidities influence the mortality in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes, and a growing body of evidence suggest that comorbidity history should be used in addition to established prognostic indices. A comorbidity index specific for MDS, the MDS-CI, was introduced a decade ago. In this study we aim to construct an MDS-CI version based on diagnoses from register data only, to expand its use beyond the clinical setting to retrospective and register based studies. We further test this version on a Swedish population-based MDS cohort of 2947 patients, and compare its prognostic accuracy to that of Charlson Comorbidity Index. Our register based MDS-CI divided patients into three risk groups of similar proportions as have been published for the original MDS-CI. Compared to low risk patients, intermediate and high risk patients had 50 % and 70 % higher mortality, respectively. The prognostic value of MDS-CI was equal to that of Charlson comorbidity index. Adding MDS-CI to the established prognostic factors IPSS-R and age increased the prognostic accuracy. In summary, we demonstrate that MDS-CI can be adequately estimated from diagnoses recorded in registers only, and that it is a useful tool in any future study on myelodysplastic syndromes with a need to adjust for comorbidities

    Evaluating the implementation and use of the regional cancer plan in Western Sweden through concept mapping

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    Quality problem or issue: Within healthcare, policy documents are often used to strategically standardize, streamline or change how general health issues are managed for a specific patient group or treatment. Despite significant effort in developing policy and strategic planning documents, these may not have the intended impact and their value has long been questioned by practitioners. Choice of solution: To identify barriers and affordances for the implementation and use of a strategic plan for cancer care in the Western Sweden Healthcare Region, we used Concept Mapping; a participatory mixed method approach to inquiry consisting of both qualitative and quantitative tasks intended to elicit and integrate the diverse perspectives of multiple stakeholders. Implementation: The study was carried out between April and October 2017 and consisted of several sequential data collection steps: idea generation, sorting and rating ideas for importance and feasibility. Stakeholders from different levels and professions in cancercare participated, but the number varied in the separate steps of data collection: idea generation (n = 112), sorting (n = 16) and rating (n = 38). Evaluation: A concept map visualized seven areas that stakeholders throughout the cancer-care process considered necessary to address in order to enable the implementation of the plan. Skills provision was considered the most important cluster but also rated as least feasible. A consistent theme emerged that information, or lack thereof, might be a barrier for the plan being put into action to a greater extent in the cancer-care units. Nine actionable ideas rated highly on both importance and feasibility were presented as a go-zone. Lessons learned: Our results suggest that efforts might be better spent on ensuring information about and accessibility to strategic documents throughout the organization, rather than frequently updating them or producing new ones. Having sufficient skills provision seems to be the prerequisite for successful implementation

    Limited clinical efficacy of azacitidine in transfusion-dependent, growth factor-resistant, low- and Int-1-risk MDS: Results from the nordic NMDSG08A phase II trial

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    This prospective phase II study evaluated the efficacy of azacitidine (Aza)+erythropoietin (Epo) in transfusion-dependent patients with lower-risk myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Patients ineligible for or refractory to full-dose Epo+granulocyte colony stimulation factors for >8 weeks and a transfusion need of greater than or equal to4 units over 8 weeks were included. Aza 75 mg m−2 d−1, 5/28 days, was given for six cycles; non-responding patients received another three cycles combined with Epo 60 000 units per week. Primary end point was transfusion independence (TI). All patients underwent targeted mutational screen for 42 candidate genes. Thirty enrolled patients received greater than or equal toone cycle of Aza. Ten patients discontinued the study early, 7 due to adverse events including 2 deaths. Thirty-eight serious adverse events were reported, the most common being infection. Five patients achieved TI after six cycles and one after Aza+Epo, giving a total response rate of 20%. Mutational screening revealed a high frequency of recurrent mutations. Although no single mutation predicted for response, SF3A1 (n=3) and DNMT3A (n=4) were only observed in non-responders. We conclude that Aza can induce TI in severely anemic MDS patients, but efficacy is limited, toxicity substantial and most responses of short duration. This treatment cannot be generally recommended in lower-risk MDS. Mutational screening revealed a high frequency of mutations