126 research outputs found

    KÀllan till utveckling, ett synliggörande av drivkrafter vid utveckling inom polisorganisationen

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    During the 1990s the Swedish government was decentralized. Subsequently the states control over the governmental authorities decreased. The shifted steering enabled for local adaption’s and were meant to better meet citizens requests, constitute local solutions and in turn enhance the legitimacy for politicians. Priorities had thus to be done locally and the relation between the local authorities and the state became thereby intermediate. The uncertainty of the roles makes it interesting to understand the driving forces as authorities improve their services. A text analysis will be used as method to elucidate the dynamics of different factors of a project carried out by the police in Malmö. Factors as Decentralization, Organizational structure and Steering will be included as well as Social factors such as Internal Individuals- and the External surroundings impact. The analysis shows that no single factor can be said triggered the development on alone, it rather was a cumulative process comprised of: observing/visibility of the surrounding, getting on the agenda, individual priorities and steering through the state as directives and missions


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    According to the EU Water Framework Directive, all Member States are obliged to survey and analyze their water according to river basins. The directive was implemented into Swe-dish law in 2004. At the same time, Sweden's five water authorities were formed to coordi-nate the water management at regional and municipal levels. Furthermore, the municipalities in Sweden are imposed to develop municipal water supply plans according to the national environmental quality objectives. At the present, not all municipalities in Scania have devel-oped such plans. One way to motivate this type of planning is to have an integrated approach to water issues, focusing on sustainable development. This means that municipalities manage their water with respect to its ecological, economic and social value. The aim of this report is to develop a proposal on what such a strategy could contain, to mo-tivate municipalities to manage their water in a greater extent than is done at the present. The strategy proposal is based partly on a literature review and partly on an empirical study based on interviews with municipalities and authorities. The study is limited to five municipalities in southeastern Scania: Simrishamn, Skurup, Tomelilla, Ystad and Sjöbo. These limitations were made to enable comparison with the regional water supply plan made by the country administrative board. The content of the proposed strategy is presented in five steps: Vision, Overview, Objectives, Actions and Time schedule, budget and distribution of responsibilities. The vision aims to show in which direction the work is heading according to the strategy and is also a way to market the municipality. The vision is followed by an overview based on three different maps with attached descriptions. The three different maps describe 1) Geography, water use and ecological status, 2) Impact on and threats to water bodies – today and tomorrow and 3) Areas with economic and social value – today and tomorrow. The overview is followed by the qualitative and quantitative targets of the strategy. The proposal for actions is in turn based on these objectives. Each action is described with associated environmental, economic and social consequences. These consequences are scored with points from -3 to +3 and a mean value is calculated to get an idea of the dimensions of the different effects one action could have. If the action in some way contributes to the achievement of national or international guidelines, this is also described in relation to the proposed action. The final part of the content recommends municipalities to either work with the strategy according to the municipality’s term of office or according to the water authority’s water management cycle. The first option is appropriate to enable the political support while the other option makes it easier to get sup-port from a higher authority. This part also presents a proposal for a setup of the work with the development of the strategy, which includes briefing with relevant authorities when de-veloping proposals for actions

    Trees Wanted—Dead or Alive! Host Selection and Population Dynamics in Tree-Killing Bark Beetles

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    Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) feed and breed in dead or severely weakened host trees. When their population densities are high, some species aggregate on healthy host trees so that their defences may be exhausted and the inner bark successfully colonized, killing the tree in the process. Here we investigate under what conditions participating with unrelated conspecifics in risky mass attacks on living trees is an adaptive strategy, and what this can tell us about bark beetle outbreak dynamics. We find that the outcome of individual host selection may deviate from the ideal free distribution in a way that facilitates the emergence of tree-killing (aggressive) behavior, and that any heritability on traits governing aggressiveness seems likely to exist in a state of flux or cycles consistent with variability observed in natural populations. This may have implications for how economically and ecologically important species respond to environmental changes in climate and landscape (forest) structure. The population dynamics emerging from individual behavior are complex, capable of switching between “endemic” and “epidemic” regimes spontaneously or following changes in host availability or resistance. Model predictions are compared to empirical observations, and we identify some factors determining the occurrence and self-limitation of epidemics

    Potential range of impact of an ecological trap network: the case of timber stacks and the Rosalia longicorn

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    Although the negative impact of timber stacks on populations of saproxylic beetles is a well-known phenomenon, there is relatively little data concerning the scale of this impact and its spatial aspect. Beech timber stored in the vicinity of the forest can act as an ecological trap for the Rosalia longicorn (Rosalia alpina), so in this study we have attempted to determine the spatial range of the impact of a network of timber stacks. Timber stacks in the species’ range in the study area were listed and monitored during the adult emergence period in 2014–2016. Based on published data relating to the species’ dispersal capabilities, buffers of four radii (500, 1000, 1600, 3000 m) were delineated around the stacks and the calculated ranges of potential impact. The results show that the percentage of currently known localities of the Rosalia longicorn impacted by stacks varies from 19.7 to 81.6%, depending on the assumed impact radius. The percentage of forest influenced by timber stacks was 77% for the largest-radius buffer. The overall impact of the ecological trap network is accelerated by fragmentation of the impact-free area. It was also found that forests situated close to the timber stacks where the Rosalia longicorn was recorded were older and more homogeneous in age and species composition than those around stacks where the species was absent. Such results suggest that timber stacks act as an ecological trap in the source area of the local population

    Home-range size and habitat use of European Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus nesting in a complex plantation-forest landscape

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    In Europe, the consequences of commercial plantation management for birds of conservation concern are poorly understood. The European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus is a species of conservation concern across Europe due to population depletion through habitat loss. Pine plantation-forest is now a key Nightjar nesting habitat, particularly in northwestern Europe, and increased understanding of foraging habitat selection is required. We radiotracked 31 Nightjars in an extensive (185-km2) complex conifer plantation landscape in 2009 and 2010. Home-range 95% kernels for females, paired males and unpaired males were an order of magnitude larger than song territories of paired males, emphasizing the importance of habitats beyond the song territory. Nightjars travelled a mean maximum distance of 747 m from the territory centre each night. Homerange placement relative to landscape composition was examined by compositional analysis. Pre-closure canopy forest (aged 5–10 years) was selected at all scales (MCP, 95% and 50% kernels), with newly planted forest (aged 0–4 years) also selected within 50% kernels. For telemetry fixes relative to habitat composition within 2 km of their territory centre, individuals again selected pre-closure and newly planted forest, and also grazed grass heath. Open ungrazed habitat was not selected, with implications for open habitat planning for biodiversity conservation within public-owned forests. Despite the Nightjars’ selection for younger growth, moth biomass was greater in older forest stands, suggesting that foraging site selection reflects ease of prey capture rather than prey abundance. Within large plantation-forest landscapes, a variety of growth stages is important for this species and our results suggest that grazing of open habitats within and adjacent to forest will additionally benefit the European Nightjar

    Dead wood retention and the risk of bark beetle attack

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    Wind-felled Norway spruce trees left for conservation purposes and spruce stems stored as forest fuel may be colonised by the bark beetles Ips typographus and Pityogenes chalcographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). The risk of nearby living trees being attacked and killed by these species was experimentally investigated at stand edges bordering fresh clearcuts. Attack by I. typographus was studied at edges of mature spruce with one, five or no cut trees. Attack by P. chalcographus was studied within plots on edges of young spruce. The plots contained piles of cut young trees, or no piles. Number of trees killed by I. typographus did not differ between edges with and without cut trees, or between edges with one and five cut trees. Tree-killing was more frequent close (<20 m) to felled trees than elsewhere on the edges, suggesting that felled trees provide focal points for attacks within edges. The piles increased the risk of P. chalcographus attack, but almost no attacked tree was killed. Attacks were associated with pile colonisation, whereas emergence by the new generation beetles did not increase the risk of attack. Previous studies have shown a high reproductive success of I. typographus in felled trees after storms and a low success in standing trees killed during outbreaks. Here, the success was compared in pairs of colonised cut trees and standing killed trees at a time with no outbreak and relatively few felled trees available in the landscape. The success in killed standing trees was (a) significantly higher than in cut trees, and (b) high enough to suggest that killed standing trees can contribute substantially to the area-wide production of beetles. The ability of P. chalcographus to kill trees and reproduce in them has previously been little studied. Here, attacks on living trees were induced by baiting trees with pheromone dispensers. The tree-killing ability was low. Reproductive success in killed trees was generally low, but was significantly higher in trees also attacked by I. typographus

    Your Moment of Zen : The Sociological Importance of Ironic Engagement

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    En metastudie som anvÀnder sig av en specifikt anpassad tolkning av grounded theory för att undersöka The Daily Shows satiriska kritik och funktion, samt hur detta relaterar till det sociologiska perspektivet. Fynden visar pÄ en problematik som vÀl överrensstÀmmer med mer allmÀnna sociologiska teorier hos Foucault, Bourdieu och Habermas. Satiren visar sig utöva en serie meningsfulla funktioner som har potential att verka som en populistisk samhÀllskritik med stort inflytande. Satiren visar sig dock inte vara en problemfri diskurs och ett antal problem identifieras som behöver adresseras för att diskursen ska kunna Äberopa nÄgon form av legitimitet.A meta-study which uses a specifically tailored interpretation of grounded theory to explore The Daily Shows satiric critique and function, as well as how it relates to the sociological perspective. The findings show a complex of problems that well corresponds to the more general sociological theories of Foucault, Bourdieu and Habermas. The satire is found to perform a series of meaningful functions with potential to act as a populist form of social criticism with a large influence. However, satire is also found to be a problematic discourse and a series of problems are identified that needs to be addressed for the discourse to invoke any form of legitimacy

    Övervakning av vedlevande insekteri GranĂ„sens vĂ€rdetrakt, Dalarna

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    Sammanfattning LĂ€nsstyrelsen Dalarnas och Skogsstyrelsens ”Strategi för formellt skydd av skog i Dalarnas lĂ€n” pekar ut omrĂ„den (sĂ„ kallade vĂ€rdetrakter) som har en högre tĂ€thet av vĂ€rdekĂ€rnor för djur- och vĂ€xtliv Ă€n vad som finns i övrig skogsmark. GranĂ„sens vĂ€rdetrakt, mellan Falun och RĂ€ttvik i nordöstra Dalarna, Ă€r ett omrĂ„de pĂ„ 5080 hektar som domineras av Ă€ldre granskog. 14 procent av arealen Ă€r formellt skyddad som naturreservat eller Natura 2000-omrĂ„de. I syfte att övervaka och följa utvecklingen av faunan av vedinsekter pĂ„ artnivĂ„ inom GranĂ„sens vĂ€rdetrakt har ett urval av arter knutna till naturgranskog eftersökts inom de fyra skyddade omrĂ„den under 2006–2008, vilket ger ett underlag för framtida miljöövervakning av vedinsekter. Som ett delprogram inom den regionala miljöövervakningen kommer insektsinventeringen i GranĂ„sen genomföras vart femte Ă„r. Parallellt med insektsinventeringen kommer Ă€ven utvecklingen av död ved att följas med samma metod som anvĂ€nds inom basinventering. Skogliga parametrar inventeras vart tionde Ă„r inom den regionala miljöövervakningen. Inventeringarna av insekter 2006–2008, dĂ„ elva rödlistade arter pĂ„trĂ€ffades, utgör ett första steg inom en miljöövervakning av Dalarnas skogsvĂ€rdetrakter. Upprepade inventeringar av insekter och död ved möjliggör en uppföljning av hotade vedinsekters bestĂ„ndsutveckling och vid behov en eventuell tillĂ€mpning av stödĂ„tgĂ€rder

    Inventering av JÀttepraktbagge Chalcophora mariana vid Höga Kusten 2010

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    Denna stickprovsinventering som genomfördes under nĂ„gra sensommardagar i Höga Kusten sommaren 2010 Ă€r ett steg för att förbĂ€ttra kunskapen om utbredningen av artens utbredning. Inventeringen riktades mot solbelysta hĂ€llmarkskogar i mellan MjĂ€llomslandet och HĂ€rnösand och genomfördes som eftersök av klĂ€ckhĂ„l pĂ„ död tallved. Äldre klĂ€ckhĂ„l hittades pĂ„ nĂ„gra lokaler i objektsurvalet vilket talar för att arten kan finnas utanför det nu kĂ€nda utbredningsomrĂ„det i och omkring Skuleskogens nationalpark.Regionala inventeringsrapporter import frĂ„n MDP 2015-05</p
