473 research outputs found

    Russell's hypersurface from a geometric point of view

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    We give a new proof of Makar-Limanov's theorem, which states that Russell's hypersurface is not isomorphic to affine three space.Comment: 6 page

    The decomposition group of a line in the plane

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    We show that the decomposition group of a line LL in the plane, i.e. the subgroup of plane birational transformations that send LL to itself birationally, is generated by its elements of degree 1 and one element of degree 2, and that it does not decompose as a non-trivial amalgamated product.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    The group of Cremona transformations generated by linear maps and the standard involution

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    This article studies the group generated by automorphisms of the projective space of dimension nn and by the standard birational involution of degree nn. Every element of this group only contracts rational hypersurfaces, but in odd dimension, there are simple elements having this property which do not belong to the group. Geometric properties of the elements of the group are given, as well as a description of its intersection with monomial transformations

    Is income inequality an important health status determinant in the OECD

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    The proposed adverse impact of income inequality on health has long been an important topic in health economics. A negative correlation between inequality and health has been found in several empirical studies but the issues regarding causality and causes are yet to be resolved. The widespread theory that the effects on health goes via disinvestment in social capital and trust is heavily researched and highly debated. Many studies have found strong correlation between population health and income inequality using state level US data. Inconsistent results have been found using country-level data on mortality rates and income inequality in Europe or OECD. Using cross-sectional data it seems like the correlation is dependent on the countries/states chosen. The ambiguity of the results has led some researchers to disregard inequality as irrelevant when dealing with population health. Others have intensified their search for new evidence. In this study I exploit the fact that yearly estimates of the GINI-coefficient from 2004 and forth are available in the OECD database. It allows for the use of panel data regression with country-specific fixed effects to investigate whether the weak simple correlation observed between income inequality and population health in the OECD could be caused by identification problems. I find strong and significant results indicating that income inequality should indeed be accounted for when dealing with population health in OECD. The link between income inequality and health has important policy implications

    Borel subgroups of the plane Cremona group

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    It is well known that all Borel subgroups of a linear algebraic group are conjugate. This result also holds for the automorphism group Aut(A2){{\mathrm{Aut}}} (\mathbb A^2) of the affine plane \cite{BerestEshmatovEshmatov2016} (see also \cite{FurterPoloni2018}). In this paper, we describe all Borel subgroups of the complex Cremona group Bir(P2){{\rm Bir}({\mathbb P}^2)} up to conjugation, proving in particular that they are not necessarily conjugate. More precisely, we prove that Bir(P2){{\rm Bir}({\mathbb P}^2)} admits Borel subgroups of any rank r∈{0,1,2}r \in \{ 0,1,2 \} and that all Borel subgroups of rank r∈{1,2}r \in \{ 1,2 \} are conjugate. In rank 00, there is a 1−11-1 correspondence between conjugacy classes of Borel subgroups of rank 00 and hyperelliptic curves of genus g≄1g \geq 1. Hence, the conjugacy class of a rank 00 Borel subgroup admits two invariants: a discrete one, the genus gg, and a continuous one, corresponding to the coarse moduli space of hyperelliptic curves of genus gg. This latter space is of dimension 2g−12g-1.Comment: 43 pages, to appear in J. Reine Angew. Mat

    Effects of the Intervention “Reflective STRENGTH-Giving Dialogues” for Older Adults Living with Long-Term Pain: A Pilot Study

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    Background. Long-term musculoskeletal pain is a major, often undertreated, disabling health problem among an increasing number of older adults. Reflective STRENGTH-giving dialogues (STRENGTH) may be a tool to support older adults living with long-term pain. The main aim of this pilot study was to investigate the immediate and longitudinal effect of the intervention STRENGTH on levels of pain, wellbeing, occurrence of depression symptoms, and sense of coherence (SOC) among community-dwelling older adults suffering from musculoskeletal pain compared to a control group. Methods. The study was semiexperimental with an intervention group and a control group. The effect of a single STRENGTH intervention was reported on the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) regarding pain and wellbeing. To evaluate the longitudinal effect of STRENGTH, using the Brief Pain Inventory-Short Form (BPI-SF), the Geriatric Depression Scale-20 (GDS-20), SOC-13 at baseline (T1), and six months after the intervention/no intervention (T2), a total of 30 older adults, aged 72 to 97 years (Mdn 86 years), were included consecutively and fulfilled the intervention series (n = 18) or untreated controls (n = 12). Results. The intervention with STRENGTH decreases pain (NRS 6 Mdn versus NRS 4 Mdn, p \u3c 0.001) and increases wellbeing (NRS 7 Mdn versus NRS 8 Mdn, p \u3c 0.001). After a six-month study period with STRENGTH, no longitudinal effect difference was found compared to baseline. Compared to the control group, there was an increasing trend between decreased pain level and increased SOC level for STRENGTH intervention. Conclusions. This pilot study supports STRENGTH’s effect as a pain-alleviating model that provides a decrease in pain levels and an increase of wellbeing in older adults with long-term pain. STRENGTH dialogues could be a useful intervention to provide individually holistic care in older adults living with long-term pain

    Developing Dynamic Outsourcing - Bringing continuous added value to the ABB Full Service partnership

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    Executive summary This master thesis was originally based on a specific assignment given to the authors from ABB Full Service, a unit specializing in providing maintenance outsourcing: “How can ABB Full Service expand its offering of providing fundamental maintenance by seamlessly incorporating the business concept with competencies and solutions from other ABB divisions?” The academic issue was developed throughout the thesis, resulting in the following formulation: “From an organizational perspective; how can service providers bring continuous added value to intra-organizational outsourcing partnerships?” Many of the key findings of this thesis are reflected in the issue. The term intra-organizational outsourcing is a proposed addition to the terminology in the academic discourse on outsourcing. The definition of the term is: ‱ Where an organization outsources a business process interlinked with the physical operations, requiring the service provider to take over a preexisting unit and its employees. This is an accurate description of the form of outsourcing that ABB Full Service is engaged in. The authors note that this kind of outsourcing relationship is not sufficiently described in the current theoretical landscape, justifying the addition and definition of a new term. A subset of intra-organizational outsourcing is also added; dynamic outsourcing. This term that is central to this thesis. It describes what ABB Full Service should aim for in their client partnerships. Dynamic outsourcing is defined as: - Where the service provider provides a continuous stream of extended services by incorporating resources and solutions from a broad array of expertise areas through the intra-organizational outsourcing partnership, ensuring a permanent value differential thus eliminating the risk of backsourcing. Insights and propositions in the thesis concern how to achieve dynamic outsourcing. Solutions are provided through two main themes; competence development and nurturingthe client relationship. Competence development for achieving dynamic outsourcing Service providers that work with intra-organizational outsourcing must be prepared to handle the cultural integration of the transferred personnel into the service organization. Properly handled, fast benefits can be achieved but it is also important to realize that the complete integrating process takes both time and effort. For an organization to achieve dynamic outsourcing, focus on the management of the organization’s knowledge and competencies is imperative. Expertise and experience needs to be developed and transferred between personnel and units within the organization, and knowledge must also be injected from external sources. By working with these aspects of the organization, service providers can improve the quality and cost effectiveness of their offering and maintain a necessary value differential to show clients the benefits of remaining in the partnership. A key insight is that educational initiatives aimed at relationship building, communication, trust, commitment, and shared benefits is more important than technical competence development in achieving a higher level of service quality. All hierarchical levels of the organization must be involved in these processes, laterally as well as vertically. Vertical learning initiatives are knowledge sharing between different hierarchical levels. These initiatives are mainly targeted at down-streams benefits, where more experienced and competent staff shares insights with personnel on a lower hierarchical level. However it is noteworthy that important information is relayed upwards in the hierarchy as well through such initiatives; this can be information such as improvement suggestions and identification of potential problem areas. Lateral learning initiatives should be formed between different client sites, exchanging knowledge between staff on all levels, from site manageme

    Feed rations for dairy cows : on organic dairy farms with high rate of self-sufficiency

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    Inom den ekologiska mjölkproduktionen finns det krav pĂ„ att hĂ€lften av fodret ska komma frĂ„n den egna gĂ„rden. En hög sjĂ€lvförsörjning av foder ger i mĂ„nga fall Ă€ven en bĂ€ttre ekonomi. I Sverige ökar den ekologiska produktionen medan trenden Ă€r att sjĂ€lvförsörjningsgraden av foder pĂ„ gĂ„rdarna minskar. För att tĂ€cka behovet köps importerade fodermedel in, frĂ€mst proteinfoder innehĂ„llande ekologiska sojabönor. Anledningen till importen Ă€r att den högmjölkande kon krĂ€ver mycket vomstabilt protein, vilket mĂ„nga av de hemmaproducerade proteinfodermedlen har en mindre andel av jĂ€mfört med sojabönan. Syftet med arbetet har varit att finna foderstater med hög andel hemmaproducerat foder som klarar att nĂ€ringsförsörja den högavkastande kon. MĂ„let har varit att jĂ€mföra olika foderstater för att finna den optimala foderstaten. Fokus har legat pĂ„ proteinförsörjningen hos gĂ„rdar med hög sjĂ€lvförsörjning. En ekologisk mjölkko mĂ„ste ha ett grovfoderintag pĂ„ minst 60 %. Under de tre första mĂ„naderna i laktationen fĂ„r andelen sĂ€nkas till 50 %. Detta Ă€r en begrĂ€nsning som man mĂ„ste ta hĂ€nsyn till vid foderstatsberĂ€kningar. Ett högkvalitativt vallfoder Ă€r alltid grunden i utfodringen. Det Ă€r frĂ€mst under tidig laktation som kravet pĂ„ proteinkvalitet och andelen vomstabilt protein Ă€r högt. Lupin och rapskaka Ă€r exempel pĂ„ fodermedel med bra proteinkvalitet. Åkerböna och Ă€rtor har lite sĂ€mre kvalitet men lĂ€mpar sig vĂ€l till lĂ„gavkastande kor. I undersökningen ingĂ„r sju gĂ„rdar med en sjĂ€lvförsörjningsgrad pĂ„ 87 – 100 %. UtifrĂ„n dessa gĂ„rdars nuvarande utfodring har foderstater berĂ€knats i programmet Typfoder 5.0. Fem foderstatskontroller valdes ut för att visa pĂ„ proteinförsörjningen. Foderstaternas vĂ€rden jĂ€mfördes sedan med varandra utifrĂ„n rekommendationer. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det Ă€r fĂ„ foderstater som klarar nĂ€ringsförsörjningen av de högmjölkande korna. I de högsta avkastningsnivĂ„erna (40 kg ECM) Ă€r variationerna större mellan gĂ„rdarna och det Ă€r nĂ„gra fĂ„ gĂ„rdar som sticker ut. För de lĂ„gmjölkande korna klarar de flesta gĂ„rdarna rekommendationerna och flera av dem har Ă€ven ett proteinöverskott. Den av gĂ„rdarna som utfodrar med majsensilage har den mest optimala foderstaten för de högmjölkande korna. GĂ„rden Ă€r helt sjĂ€lvförsörjande pĂ„ proteinfoder och anvĂ€nder rybskaka, Ă„kerböna och Ă€rtor som proteintillskott.Organic dairy production encompasses values of sustainable use of resources. Therefore, there are rules which restrict the import of feeds to the farm, implying a sustainable use of farm feed crop production and promoting recirculation of nutrients. The current requirement within the organic dairy production is that half of the feed shall come from the farm. Additionally, a high self-sufficiency rate of feeds often gives the farmer a better economy. The organic production in Sweden is increasing, but the trend is that the feed self-sufficiency rate on the farms decreases. The bought in feeds to the farms are mostly protein concentrates. These concentrates contains by-pass proteins in high proportions as high-yielding dairy cow have greater needs of this than lower producing cows. The aim for this study has been to explore rations with high proportion of on farm produced feed that is capable to meet the requirements of the high-yielding dairy cow and to find the most optimal feed ration. The study has focused on the protein supply in the rations on farms with high rates of self-sufficiency. The minimum roughage intake of an organic dairy cow is at least 60%. This may be reduced to 50% during the first three months of the lactation. This is a limitation that must be taken into account when the ration is calculated. High-quality forage is the basis of the feeding. The need for high quality protein is particularly high during early lactation. Feeds with high quality protein are lupine beans (Lupinus luteus) and rapeseed (Brassica napus) cake. The protein quality of horse beans (Vicia Faba) and peas (Pisum sativum) makes them suitable for low-yielding cows. The study included seven farms with a self-sufficiency rate of 87 - 100%. Based on feed analysis of used feeds from these farms, rations were calculated using the programme Typfoder 5.0. Five control parameters were selected to demonstrate the protein supply. The different diets were then compared and analysed by use of the recommendations. The result of the survey showed that few rations meet the nutrient demands of the high yielding cows. There are large variations between the farms and there are few farms that stick out. Most of the farms meet the demands of the low yielding cows and several rations also give a surplus of protein. The most optimal ration for high yielding cows was found at a farm that had corn silage in the ration. That farm was completely selfsufficient of protein and used turnip rape (Brassica rape) cake, horse beans (Vicia Faba) and peas (Pisum sativum) as a protein supplement

    Aktivitet, lÀggnings- och resningsbeteenden, tillvÀxt samt renlighet hos kvigor i liggbÄs respektive djupströbÀddsbox

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    The aim of this study was to compare activity, lying down and getting up behaviour, weight gain and cleanliness in heifers in cubicles versus on deep-litter. The study was conducted from autumn of 2005 until autumn of 2006 in a commercial organic dairy herd with 340 cows. In 2005 the farm rebuilt half of the young stock accommodation from deep-litter pens to cubicles. The experiment used 150 heifers of the breeds Swedish Red, Swedish Holstein and crossbreeds between these, all born on the farm. The animals were divided into three blocks based on breed and within each block they were sorted after increasing age. The youngest heifer in each block was randomly allocated to one of two groups, cubicle or deep-litter pen. Thereafter every other heifer in the block was allocated to either the cubicle system or the deep-litter system. For the activity study the heifers had a motion sensor attached to the right hind leg for a period of three or four days. The motion sensor recorded percent of every minute when the animal either was active, stood up or lied down. It also recorded number of steps every minute during the observation period. Direct observations of lying down and getting up behaviour were made on two different occasions when interrupted intentions and attempts to lie down were recorded as well as abnormal lying down and getting up behaviour. In the growth study heart girth was measured on two occasions with approximately 7 months in between. The measurements were converted to weight and the daily weight gain was calculated. The cleanliness of nine different body parts were scored as the percentage covered in feces. In the statistic calculations Wilcoxon–Mann-WhitneyÂŽs test was used for the non-parametric data and otherwise the two sample t-test. Heifers on deep-litter lied down and got up more often than heifers in cubicles. They had on average twelve lying periods per day compared with nine per day in heifers in cubicles. Heifers on deep-litter also lied down for shorter periods than heifers in cubicles (on average 66 minutes compared to 85 minutes), but the total time spent lying was longer on deep-litter. When observing lying down and getting up behaviour no obvious differences where found between the two housing systems. Heifers in cubicles grew on average 930 g per day which was significantly more (p<0.01) than heifers on deep-litter, which grew on average 830 g per day. Heifers in cubicles were overall cleaner than heifers on deep-litter. From the results of this study it is concluded that if the cubicles are big enough for the larger heifers held in the system, housing in cubicles seems to offer replacement heifers similar welfare as housing in deep-litter system.Syftet med denna studie var att jĂ€mföra aktivitet, lĂ€ggnings- och resningsbeteende, tillvĂ€xt och renlighet hos kvigor i liggbĂ„s respektive pĂ„ djupströbĂ€dd. Studien pĂ„gick under tvĂ„ stallsĂ€songer, frĂ„n hösten 2005 till hösten 2006. Försöken gjordes pĂ„ en privatĂ€gd, ekologisk mjölkgĂ„rd med 340 kor. Under 2005 byggde gĂ„rden om hĂ€lften av sin ungdjursavdelning frĂ„n djupströbĂ€ddsboxar till liggbĂ„s. I försöken anvĂ€ndes 150 kvigor, födda pĂ„ gĂ„rden och av raserna SRB, SLB eller korsningar mellan dessa. Djuren delades in i tre block efter ras och sorterades inom varje block efter stigande Ă„lder. Den yngsta kvigan i vart och ett av blocken lottades till ett av inhysningssystemen (liggbĂ„s eller djupströbĂ€ddsbox). Sedan fördelades varannan kviga i vardera blocket till endera inhysningssystem. I aktivitetsförsöket hade kvigorna en pedometer pĂ„ höger bakben i tre alternativt fyra dagar. Under denna tid registrerades andelen av varje minut som djuret uppvisade aktivitet, stod respektive lĂ„g. Dessutom registrerades antalet steg under den aktuella minuten. Direktobservationer av lĂ€ggnings- och resningsbeteende utfördes vid tvĂ„ tillfĂ€llen dĂ„ avbrutna intentioner och försök att lĂ€gga sig samt onormala lĂ€ggningar och resningar registrerades. I tillvĂ€xtförsöket mĂ€ttes djurens bröstomfĂ„ng vid tvĂ„ tillfĂ€llen med ungefĂ€r 7 mĂ„naders mellanrum. MĂ„tten gjordes om till vikt och den dagliga tillvĂ€xten rĂ€knades ut. Renligheten hos nio olika kroppsdelar bedömdes som procent besudlad med trĂ€ck. I de statistiska berĂ€kningarna anvĂ€ndes Wilcoxon-Mann-WhitneyÂŽs test för icke parametriska data och annars anvĂ€ndes tvĂ„ grupps t-test. Kvigor pĂ„ djupströbĂ€dd lade och reste sig oftare Ă€n kvigor i liggbĂ„s. De hade i genomsnitt tolv liggperioder per dygn att jĂ€mföra med liggbĂ„skvigornas nio per dygn. Kvigor pĂ„ djupströbĂ€dd lĂ„g ocksĂ„ i kortare perioder jĂ€mfört med kvigor i liggbĂ„s (i medeltal 66 minuter jĂ€mfört med 85 minuter) men den totala liggtiden var nĂ„got lĂ€ngre pĂ„ djupströbĂ€dd. Vid observation av lĂ€ggnings- och resningsbeteende i denna studie pĂ„visades inga tydliga skillnader mellan inhysningssystemen. Kvigor i liggbĂ„s vĂ€xte i genomsnitt 930 gram per dag vilket var signifikant (p<0,01) mer Ă€n kvigor pĂ„ djupströbĂ€dd, som vĂ€xte i genomsnitt 830 gram per dag. Kvigor i liggbĂ„s var totalt sett renare Ă€n kvigor pĂ„ djupströbĂ€dd. Slutsatsen frĂ„n denna studie Ă€r att under förutsĂ€ttning att liggbĂ„sen Ă€r tillrĂ€ckligt stora för den viktsklass av Ă€ldre kvigor som hĂ„lls i systemet tycks ett liggbĂ„ssystem ge rekryteringskvigor samma vĂ€lfĂ€rd som ett djupströbĂ€ddssystem

    Snabbutredningar av kriminella asylsökande i Sverige 2002

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