70 research outputs found

    Evidenzbasierte Leseförderung in der Grundschule: Vorstellung einer Interventionsstudie

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    Im Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojekts dargestellt, das durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der Forschungsinitiative "Ursachenbezogene individuelle Diagnostik und Intervention bei umschriebenen Entwicklungsstörungen schulischer Fertigkeiten" gefördert worden ist. Das Ziel des Strategietrainings ist die Förderung des Sinn entnehmenden, strategischen Lesens, also die Stärkung lokaler und globaler Kohärenzbildungsprozesse. Die Durchführbarkeit der Lesetrainings ist in einer Pilotierungsuntersuchung mit 328 Kindern erprobt worden. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für lesespezifische Trainingseffekte auf die Dekodierleistung: Das Fluency- und Strategietraining führten in der zweiten Klassenstufe zu deutlichen Verbesserungen, wobei die Wirksamkeit der Trainings auf das Leseverstehen durch die Effizienz kognitiver Teilprozesse des Lesens moderiert zu sein scheint. Die Interaktion verläuft zu Gunsten der Kinder mit ineffizienten Teilprozessen der visuellen Worterkennung, die stärker vom Training profitieren konnten. Innerhalb der vierten Klassenstufe haben sich Fluency- und Phonicstraining als effektiv erwiesen. Auf Grund der zum Teil signifikanten Unterschiede in den Vortestwerten können die Ergebnisse jedoch nur unter Vorbehalt interpretiert werden. (ICF2

    genomic and functional profiling of human down syndrome neural progenitors implicates s100b and aquaporin 4 in cell injury

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    Down syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21 and is characterized by mental retardation, seizures and premature Alzheimer's disease. To examine neuropathological mechanisms giving rise to this disorder, we generated multiple human DS neural progenitor cell (NPC) lines from the 19-21 week frontal cortex and characterized their genomic and functional properties. Microarray profiling of DS progenitors indicated that increased levels of gene expression were not limited to chromosome 21, suggesting that increased expression of genes on chromosome 21 altered transcriptional regulation of a subset of genes throughout the entire genome. Moreover, many transcriptionally dysregulated genes were involved in cell death and oxidative stress. Network analyses suggested that upregulated expression of chromosome 21 genes such as S100B and amyloid precursor protein activated the stress response kinase pathways, and furthermore, could be linked to upregulation of the water channel aquaporin 4 (AQP4). We further demonstrate in DS NPCs that S100B is constitutively overexpressed, that overexpression leads to increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and activation of stress response kinases, and that activation of this pathway results in compensatory AQP4 expression. In addition, AQP4 expression could be induced by direct exposure to ROS, and siRNA inhibition of AQP4 resulted in elevated levels of ROS following S100B exposure. Finally, elevated levels of S100B-induced ROS and loss of AQP4 expression led to increased programmed cell death. These findings suggest that dysregulation of chromosome 21 genes in DS neural progenitors leads to increased ROS and thereby alters transcriptional regulation of cytoprotective, non-chromosome 21 genes in response to ongoing cellular insults

    Diagnostic reliability of the Berlin classification for complex MCA aneurysms—usability in a series of only giant aneurysms

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    Background and objective The main challenge of bypass surgery of complex MCA aneurysms is not the selection of the bypass type but the initial decision-making of how to exclude the affected vessel segment from circulation. To this end, we have previously proposed a classification for complex MCA aneurysms based on the preoperative angiography. The current study aimed to validate this new classification and assess its diagnostic reliability using the giant aneurysm registry as an independent data set. Methods We reviewed the pretreatment neuroimaging of 51 patients with giant (> 2.5 cm) MCA aneurysms from 18 centers, prospectively entered into the international giant aneurysm registry. We classified the aneurysms according to our previously proposed Berlin classification for complex MCA aneurysms. To test for interrater diagnostic reliability, the data set was reviewed by four independent observers. Results We were able to classify all 51 aneurysms according to the Berlin classification for complex MCA aneurysms. Eight percent of the aneurysm were classified as type 1a, 14% as type 1b, 14% as type 2a, 24% as type 2b, 33% as type 2c, and 8% as type 3. The interrater reliability was moderate with Fleiss's Kappa of 0.419. Conclusion The recently published Berlin classification for complex MCA aneurysms showed diagnostic reliability, independent of the observer when applied to the MCA aneurysms of the international giant aneurysm registry.Peer reviewe

    The variability and predictors of quality of AIDS care services in Brazil

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    Abstract Background Since establishing universal free access to antiretroviral therapy in 1996, the Brazilian Health System has increased the number of centers providing HIV/AIDS outpatient care from 33 to 540. There had been no formal monitoring of the quality of these services until a survey of 336 AIDS health centers across 7 Brazilian states was undertaken in 2002. Managers of the services were asked to assess their clinics according to parameters of service inputs and service delivery processes. This report analyzes the survey results and identifies predictors of the overall quality of service delivery. Methods The survey involved completion of a multiple-choice questionnaire comprising 107 parameters of service inputs and processes of delivering care, with responses assessed according to their likely impact on service quality using a 3-point scale. K-means clustering was used to group these services according to their scored responses. Logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of high service quality. Results The questionnaire was completed by 95.8% (322) of the managers of the sites surveyed. Most sites scored about 50% of the benchmark expectation. K-means clustering analysis identified four quality levels within which services could be grouped: 76 services (24%) were classed as level 1 (best), 53 (16%) as level 2 (medium), 113 (35%) as level 3 (poor), and 80 (25%) as level 4 (very poor). Parameters of service delivery processes were more important than those relating to service inputs for determining the quality classification. Predictors of quality services included larger care sites, specialization for HIV/AIDS, and location within large municipalities. Conclusion The survey demonstrated highly variable levels of HIV/AIDS service quality across the sites. Many sites were found to have deficiencies in the processes of service delivery processes that could benefit from quality improvement initiatives. These findings could have implications for how HIV/AIDS services are planned in Brazil to achieve quality standards, such as for where service sites should be located, their size and staffing requirements. A set of service delivery indicators has been identified that could be used for routine monitoring of HIV/AIDS service delivery for HIV/AIDS in Brazil (and potentially in other similar settings). </jats:sec

    Immunogenic Salivary Proteins of Triatoma infestans: Development of a Recombinant Antigen for the Detection of Low-Level Infestation of Triatomines

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    Chagas disease, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is a neglected disease with 20 million people at risk in Latin America. The main control strategies are based on insecticide spraying to eliminate the domestic vectors, the most effective of which is Triatoma infestans. This approach has been very successful in some areas. However, there is a constant risk of recrudescence in once-endemic regions resulting from the re-establishment of T. infestans and the invasion of other triatomine species. To detect low-level infestations of triatomines after insecticide spraying, we have developed a new epidemiological tool based on host responses against salivary antigens of T. infestans. We identified and synthesized a highly immunogenic salivary protein. This protein was used successfully to detect differences in the infestation level of T. infestans of households in Bolivia and the exposure to other triatomine species. The development of such an exposure marker to detect low-level infestation may also be a useful tool for other disease vectors

    First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. IX. Detection of Near-horizon Circular Polarization

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    Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations have revealed a bright ring of emission around the supermassive black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy. EHT images in linear polarization have further identified a coherent spiral pattern around the black hole, produced from ordered magnetic fields threading the emitting plasma. Here we present the first analysis of circular polarization using EHT data, acquired in 2017, which can potentially provide additional insights into the magnetic fields and plasma composition near the black hole. Interferometric closure quantities provide convincing evidence for the presence of circularly polarized emission on event-horizon scales. We produce images of the circular polarization using both traditional and newly developed methods. All methods find a moderate level of resolved circular polarization across the image (〈∣v∣〉 < 3.7%), consistent with the low image-integrated circular polarization fraction measured by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (∣v int∣ < 1%). Despite this broad agreement, the methods show substantial variation in the morphology of the circularly polarized emission, indicating that our conclusions are strongly dependent on the imaging assumptions because of the limited baseline coverage, uncertain telescope gain calibration, and weakly polarized signal. We include this upper limit in an updated comparison to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation models. This analysis reinforces the previously reported preference for magnetically arrested accretion flow models. We find that most simulations naturally produce a low level of circular polarization consistent with our upper limit and that Faraday conversion is likely the dominant production mechanism for circular polarization at 230 GHz in M87*

    First Sagittarius A* Event Horizon Telescope Results. VII. Polarization of the Ring

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    The Event Horizon Telescope observed the horizon-scale synchrotron emission region around the Galactic center supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), in 2017. These observations revealed a bright, thick ring morphology with a diameter of 51.8 ± 2.3 μas and modest azimuthal brightness asymmetry, consistent with the expected appearance of a black hole with mass M ≈ 4 × 106 M ⊙. From these observations, we present the first resolved linear and circular polarimetric images of Sgr A*. The linear polarization images demonstrate that the emission ring is highly polarized, exhibiting a prominent spiral electric vector polarization angle pattern with a peak fractional polarization of ∼40% in the western portion of the ring. The circular polarization images feature a modestly (∼5%–10%) polarized dipole structure along the emission ring, with negative circular polarization in the western region and positive circular polarization in the eastern region, although our methods exhibit stronger disagreement than for linear polarization. We analyze the data using multiple independent imaging and modeling methods, each of which is validated using a standardized suite of synthetic data sets. While the detailed spatial distribution of the linear polarization along the ring remains uncertain owing to the intrinsic variability of the source, the spiraling polarization structure is robust to methodological choices. The degree and orientation of the linear polarization provide stringent constraints for the black hole and its surrounding magnetic fields, which we discuss in an accompanying publication