128 research outputs found

    Effects of photoperiod extension on clock gene and neuropeptide RNA expression in the SCN of the Soay sheep

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    In mammals, changing daylength (photoperiod) is the main synchronizer of seasonal functions. The photoperiodic information is transmitted through the retino-hypothalamic tract to the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), site of the master circadian clock. To investigate effects of day length change on the sheep SCN, we used in-situ hybridization to assess the daily temporal organization of expression of circadian clock genes (Per1, Per2, Bmal1 and Fbxl21) and neuropeptides (Vip, Grp and Avp) in animals acclimated to a short photoperiod (SP; 8h of light) and at 3 or 15 days following transfer to a long photoperiod (LP3, LP15, respectively; 16h of light), achieved by an acute 8-h delay of lights off. We found that waveforms of SCN gene expression conformed to those previously seen in LP acclimated animals within 3 days of transfer to LP. Mean levels of expression for Per1-2 and Fbxl21 were nearly 2-fold higher in the LP15 than in the SP group. The expression of Vip was arrhythmic and unaffected by photoperiod, while, in contrast to rodents, Grp expression was not detectable within the sheep SCN. Expression of the circadian output gene Avp cycled robustly in all photoperiod groups with no detectable change in phasing. Overall these data suggest that synchronizing effects of light on SCN circadian organisation proceed similarly in ungulates and in rodents, despite differences in neuropeptide gene expression

    NFAT5 genes are part of the osmotic regulatory system in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Acknowledgements This study was supported by a grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC, BB/H008063/1), UK to DGH and SAM. Funding also came from Research Council Norway for project number 241016 for DGH and EJ. This work was carried out as part of a PhD thesis funded by the Marine Alliance of Science and Technology Scotland (MASTS).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Amino acids and insulin act additively to regulate components of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in C2C12 myotubes

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    BACKGROUND: The ubiquitin-proteasome system is the predominant pathway for myofibrillar proteolysis but a previous study in C2C12 myotubes only observed alterations in lysosome-dependent proteolysis in response to complete starvation of amino acids or leucine from the media. Here, we determined the interaction between insulin and amino acids in the regulation of myotube proteolysis RESULTS: Incubation of C2C12 myotubes with 0.2 × physiological amino acids concentration (0.2 × PC AA), relative to 1.0 × PC AA, significantly increased total proteolysis and the expression of 14-kDa E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme (p < 0.05). The proteasome inhibitor MG132 blocked the rise in proteolysis observed in the 0.2 × PC AA media. Addition of insulin to the medium inhibited proteolysis at both 0.2 and 1.0× PC AA and the expression of 14-kDa E2 proteins and C2 sub unit of 20 S proteasome (p < 0.05). Incubation of myotubes with increasing concentrations of leucine in the 0.2 × PC AA media inhibited proteolysis but only in the presence of insulin. Incubation of rapamycin (inhibitor of mTOR) inhibited amino acid or insulin-dependent p70 S6 kinase phosphorylation, blocked (P < 0.05) the inhibitory effects of 1.0 × PC AA on protein degradation, but did not alter the inhibitory effects of insulin or leucine CONCLUSION: In a C2C12 myotube model of myofibrillar protein turnover, amino acid limitation increases proteolysis in a ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent manner. Increasing amino acids or leucine alone, act additively with insulin to down regulate proteolysis and expression of components of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. The effects of amino acids on proteolysis but not insulin and leucine, are blocked by inhibition of the mTOR signalling pathway

    A refined method to monitor arousal from hibernation in the European hamster

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    Background - Hibernation is a physiological and behavioural adaptation that permits survival during periods of reduced food availability and extreme environmental temperatures. This is achieved through cycles of metabolic depression and reduced body temperature (torpor) and rewarming (arousal). Rewarming from torpor is achieved through the activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT) associated with a rapid increase in ventilation frequency. Here, we studied the rate of rewarming in the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus) by measuring both BAT temperature, core body temperature and ventilation frequency. Results - Temperature was monitored in parallel in the BAT (IPTT tags) and peritoneal cavity (iButtons) during hibernation torpor-arousal cycling. We found that increases in brown fat temperature preceded core body temperature rises by approximately 48 min, with a maximum re-warming rate of 20.9℃*h-1. Re-warming was accompanied by a significant increase in ventilation frequency. The rate of rewarming was slowed by the presence of a spontaneous thoracic mass in one of our animals. Core body temperature re-warming was reduced by 6.2℃*h-1 and BAT rewarming by 12℃*h-1. Ventilation frequency was increased by 77% during re-warming in the affected animal compared to a healthy animal. Inspection of the position and size of the mass indicated it was obstructing the lungs and heart. Conclusions - We have used a minimally invasive method to monitor BAT temperature during arousal from hibernation illustrating BAT re-warming significantly precedes core body temperature re-warming, informing future study design on arousal from hibernation. We also showed compromised re-warming from hibernation in an animal with a mass obstructing the lungs and heart, likely leading to inefficient ventilation and circulation

    Timing as a sexually selected trait: the right mate at the right moment

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    Sexual selection favours the expression of traits in one sex that attract members of the opposite sex for mating. The nature of sexually selected traits such as vocalization, colour and ornamentation, their fitness benefits as well as their costs have received ample attention in field and laboratory studies. However, sexually selected traits may not always be expressed: coloration and ornaments often follow a seasonal pattern and behaviours may be displayed only at specific times of the day. Despite the widely recognized differences in the daily and seasonal timing of traits and their consequences for reproductive success, the actions of sexual selection on the temporal organization of traits has received only scant attention. Drawing on selected examples from bird and mammal studies, here we summarize the current evidence for the daily and seasonal timing of traits. We highlight that molecular advances in chronobiology have opened exciting new opportunities for identifying the genetic targets that sexual selection may act on to shape the timing of trait expression. Furthermore, known genetic links between daily and seasonal timing mechanisms lead to the hypothesis that selection on one timescale may simultaneously also affect the other. We emphasize that studies on the timing of sexual displays of both males and females from wild populations will be invaluable for understanding the nature of sexual selection and its potential to act on differences within and between the sexes in timing. Molecular approaches will be important for pinpointing genetic components of biological rhythms that are targeted by sexual selection, and to clarify whether these represent core or peripheral components of endogenous clocks. Finally, we call for a renewed integration of the fields of evolution, behavioural ecology and chronobiology to tackle the exciting question of how sexual selection contributes to the evolution of biological clocks.This article is part of the themed issue 'Wild clocks: integrating chronobiology and ecology to understand timekeeping in free-living animals'

    Gonads or body?:Differences in gonadal and somatic photoperiodic growth response in two vole species

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    To optimally time reproduction, seasonal mammals use a photoperiodic neuroendocrine system (PNES) that measures photoperiod and subsequently drives reproduction. To adapt to late spring arrival at northern latitudes, a lower photoperiodic sensitivity and therefore a higher critical photoperiod for reproductive onset is necessary in northern species to arrest reproductive development until spring onset. Temperature-photoperiod relationships, and hence food availability-photoperiod relationships, are highly latitude dependent. Therefore, we predict PNES sensitivity characteristics to be latitude dependent. Here, we investigated photoperiodic responses at different times during development in northern (tundra or root vole, Microtus oeconomus) and southern vole species (common vole, Microtus arvalis) exposed to constant short (SP) or long photoperiod (LP). Although the tundra vole grows faster under LP, no photoperiodic effect on somatic growth is observed in the common vole. In contrast, gonadal growth is more sensitive to photoperiod in the common vole, suggesting that photoperiodic responses in somatic and gonadal growth can be plastic, and might be regulated through different mechanisms. In both species, thyroid-stimulating hormone β-subunit (Tshβ) and iodothyronine deiodinase 2 (Dio2) expression is highly increased under LP, whereas Tshr and Dio3 decrease under LP. High Tshr levels in voles raised under SP may lead to increased sensitivity to increasing photoperiods later in life. The higher photoperiodic-induced Tshr response in tundra voles suggests that the northern vole species might be more sensitive to thyroid-stimulating hormone when raised under SP. In conclusion, species differences in developmental programming of the PNES, which is dependent on photoperiod early in development, may form different breeding strategies as part of latitudinal adaptation

    Discontinuity in the molecular neuroendocrine response to increasing daylengths in Ile-de-France ewes: Is transient Dio2 induction a key feature of circannual timing?

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Dardente, H., Lomet, D., Chesneau, D., Pellicer-Rubio, M.-T. & Hazlerigg, D. (2019). Discontinuity in the molecular neuroendocrine response to increasing daylengths in Ile‐de‐France ewes: Is transient Dio2 induction a key feature of circannual timing? Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 31(8), e 12775, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/jne.12775. . This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.In mammals, melatonin is responsible for the synchronisation of seasonal cycles to the solar year. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland with a profile reflecting the duration of the night and acts via the pituitary pars tuberalis (PT), which in turn modulates hypothalamic thyroid hormone status via seasonal changes in the production of locally‐acting thyrotrophin. Recently, we demonstrated that, in the Soay sheep, photoperiodic induction of Tshb expression and consequent downstream hypothalamic changes occur over a narrow range of photoperiods between 12 and 14 hours in duration. In the present study, we aimed to extend our molecular characterisation of this pathway, based on transcriptomic analysis of photoperiodic changes in the pituitary and hypothalamus of ovariectomised, oestradiol‐implanted Ile‐de‐France ewes. We demonstrate that photoperiodic treatments applied before the winter solstice elicit two distinctive modes of accelerated reproductive switch off compared to ewes held on a simulated natural photoperiod, with shut‐down occurring markedly faster on photoperiods of 13 hours or more than on photoperiods of 12 hours and less. This pattern of response was reflected in gene expression profiles of photoperiodically sensitive markers, both in the PT (Tshb, Fam150b, Vmo1, Ezh2 and Suv39H2) and in tanycytes (Tmem252 and Dct). Unexpectedly, the expression of Dio2 in tanycytes did not show any noticeable increase in expression with lengthening photoperiods. Finally, the expression of Kiss1, the key activator of gonadotrophin‐releasing hormone release, was proportionately decreased by lengthening photoperiods, in a pattern that correlated strongly with gonadotrophin suppression. These data show that stepwise increases in photoperiod lead to graded molecular responses at the level of the PT, a progressive suppression of Kiss1 in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and luteinising hormone/follicle‐stimulating hormone release by the pituitary, despite apparently unchanged Dio2 expression in tanycytes. We hypothesise that this apparent discontinuity in the seasonal neuroendocrine response illustrates the transient nature of the thyroid hormone‐mediated response to long days in the control of circannual timing

    Phylogenetic reclassification of vertebrate melatonin receptors to include Mel1d

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    The circadian and seasonal actions of melatonin are mediated by high affinity G-protein coupled receptors (melatonin receptors, MTRs), classified into phylogenetically distinct subtypes based on sequence divergence and pharmacological characteristics. Three vertebrate MTR subtypes are currently described: MT1 (MTNR1A), MT2 (MTNR1B), and Mel1c (MTNR1C / GPR50), which exhibit distinct affinities, tissue distributions and signaling properties. We present phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses supporting a revised classification of the vertebrate MTR family. We demonstrate four ancestral vertebrate MTRs, including a novel molecule hereafter named Mel1d. We reconstructed the evolution of each vertebrate MTR, detailing genetic losses in addition to gains resulting from whole genome duplication events in teleost fishes. We show that Mel1d was lost separately in mammals and birds and has been previously mistaken for an MT1 paralogue. The genetic and functional diversity of vertebrate MTRs is more complex than appreciated, with implications for our understanding of melatonin actions in different taxa. The significance of our findings, including the existence of Mel1d, are discussed in an evolutionary and functional context accommodating a robust phylogenetic assignment of MTR gene family structure

    Ancestral TSH mechanism signals summer in a photoperiodic mammal

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    SummaryIn mammals, day-length-sensitive (photoperiodic) seasonal breeding cycles depend on the pineal hormone melatonin, which modulates secretion of reproductive hormones by the anterior pituitary gland [1]. It is thought that melatonin acts in the hypothalamus to control reproduction through the release of neurosecretory signals into the pituitary portal blood supply, where they act on pituitary endocrine cells [2]. Contrastingly, we show here that during the reproductive response of Soay sheep exposed to summer day lengths, the reverse applies: Melatonin acts directly on anterior-pituitary cells, and these then relay the photoperiodic message back into the hypothalamus to control neuroendocrine output. The switch to long days causes melatonin-responsive cells in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the anterior pituitary to increase production of thyrotrophin (TSH). This acts locally on TSH-receptor-expressing cells in the adjacent mediobasal hypothalamus, leading to increased expression of type II thyroid hormone deiodinase (DIO2). DIO2 initiates the summer response by increasing hypothalamic tri-iodothyronine (T3) levels. These data and recent findings in quail [3] indicate that the TSH-expressing cells of the PT play an ancestral role in seasonal reproductive control in vertebrates. In mammals this provides the missing link between the pineal melatonin signal and thyroid-dependent seasonal biology