935 research outputs found

    Transcriptional regulation of copper metabolism genes in the liver of fetal and neonatal control and iron-deficient rats

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    Acknowledgments The authors’ work is supported by Scottish Government (Rural and Environmental Scientific and Analytical Services). We are grateful to Ms Val Stevens for analytical and technical assistance and to the Biological Resource Facility staff for husbandry and maintenance of the experimental animals. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Can We Laugh at God? Humor and Truth in Rabbinic Judaism

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    Joan and Henry Katz Lecture in Judaic Studies. [Speaker] Christine Hayes, PhD. Robert F. and Patricia R. Weis Professor of Religious Studies in Classical Judaica, Yale University.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1349/thumbnail.jp

    Classification of lower extremity movement patterns based on visual assessment: reliability and correlation with 2-dimensional video analysis

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    CONTEXT: Abnormal movement patterns have been implicated in lower extremity injury. Reliable, valid, and easily implemented assessment methods are needed to examine existing musculoskeletal disorders and investigate predictive factors for lower extremity injury. OBJECTIVE: To determine the reliability of experienced and novice testers in making visual assessments of lower extremity movement patterns and to characterize the construct validity of the visual assessments. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: University athletic department and research laboratory. PATIENTS OR OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Convenience sample of 30 undergraduate and graduate students who regularly participate in athletics (age = 19.3 ± 4.5 years). Testers were 2 experienced physical therapists and 1 novice postdoctoral fellow (nonclinician). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): We took videos of 30 athletes performing the single-legged squat. Three testers observed the videos on 2 occasions and classified the lower extremity movement as dynamic valgus, no change, or dynamic varus. The classification was based on the estimated change in frontal-plane projection angle (FPPA) of the knee from single-legged stance to maximum single-legged squat depth. The actual FPPA change was measured quantitatively. We used percentage agreement and weighted κ to examine tester reliability and to determine construct validity of the visual assessment. RESULTS: The κ values for intratester and intertester reliability ranged from 0.75 to 0.90, indicating substantial to excellent reliability. Percentage agreement between the visual assessment and the quantitative FPPA change category was 90%, with a κ value of 0.85. CONCLUSIONS: Visual assessments were made reliably by experienced and novice testers. Additionally, movement-pattern categories based on visual assessments were in excellent agreement with objective methods to measure FPPA change. Therefore, visual assessments can be used in the clinic to assess movement patterns associated with musculoskeletal disorders and in large epidemiologic studies to assess the association between lower extremity movement patterns and musculoskeletal injury

    L'économie de l'adoption

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    Ce mémoire sur l'économie de l'adoption porte autant sur l'adoption locale qu'internationale. Il a été développé dans le but de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du marché de l'adoption. Qu'on le veuille ou non, l'adoption fonctionne comme un véritable marché économique et mieux en comprendre le fonctionnement peut aider les enfants qui passent à travers ce processus. Le mémoire fait état de la littérature sur le sujet, il présente les grands enjeux de l'adoption, il développe un modèle où des individus de manière endogène choisissent d'adopter ou de donner en adoption un enfant. Une offre et une demande d'enfants peuvent donc être déterminées. Le modèle nous permet de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du marché et d'envisager des politiques pour éventuellement l'améliorer. \ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Adoption, Marché noir, Réglementation, Marché économiqu

    Status of sonic boom methodology and understanding

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    In January 1988, approximately 60 representatives of industry, academia, government, and the military gathered at NASA-Langley for a 2 day workshop on the state-of-the-art of sonic boom physics, methodology, and understanding. The purpose of the workshop was to assess the sonic boom area, to determine areas where additional sonic boom research is needed, and to establish some strategies and priorities in this sonic boom research. Attendees included many internationally recognized sonic boom experts who had been very active in the Supersonic Transport (SST) and Supersonic Cruise Aircraft Research Programs of the 60's and 70's. Summaries of the assessed state-of-the-art and the research needs in theory, minimization, atmospheric effects during propagation, and human response are given

    Assessment of Stream Restoration Structures in Streams of North-Central Pennsylvania

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    Interest in stream restoration has increased over the last two decades, leading to a growth in the industry to the point that it has become a 1 billion dollar per year enterprise (Bernhart et al 2005, Thompson 2002). In north-central Pennsylvania alone, over $9 million has been spent since 1999 on stream restoration projects, from the designing stage to actual construction and reconstruction of the sites. Even though a extensive amount of money is being spent on the construction of these projects, very little to no post-monitoring is taking place. Without post-monitoring of the projects, it is unknown if they actually work. After a successful statewide stream restoration assessment was completed in North Carolina by the advisor of this project, it was discussed to undertake a similar one for the state of Pennsylvania starting with the north-central region. This includes Bradford, Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Columbia, Lycoming, McKean, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Sullivan, Tioga, and Union Counties. Within these 13 counties over 60 restoration projects have been implemented since the 1990s ranging in type from FGM structures to Fish and Boat Commission habitat structures. Twenty-two of the restoration sites comprising of 58,255 feet of restoration work were selected for individual site assessment during March 2008-May 2009. Over 300 structures were assessed during this period of time for structural integrity and the degree to which the adjacent bed and banks had been affected by unintended erosion or deposition. Approximately 75% of the structures have sustained some structural damage (ranking \u3e1) or erosion or deposition (ranking \u3e1). Thirty-five percent of the structures have sustained significant damage (ranking \u3e2) or significant erosion or deposition (ranking \u3e3). Most of the damage (63% of all structures) is related to erosion or deposition which can impact the functionality of the structure. Many of the streams in north-central Pennsylvania are experiencing pulses of aggradation of gravel-cobble size clasts throughout the stream system. This pulse of gravel is contributing to the partial burial of individual structures and may fill in the pool that was created by the structure. Out of the four highly used structure types (cross vanes, j-hooks, log vanes, and rock vanes), j-hooks and rock vanes sustained the highest percentage of damage compared to the other two structures. Much more work needs to be completed in this region before we can fully grasp an understanding for failure of the various structures

    "Will I always be not social?": Re-Conceptualizing Sociality in the Context of a Minecraft Community for Autism

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    Traditional face-to-face social interactions can be challenging for individuals with autism, leading some to perceive and categorize them as less social than their typically-developing peers. Individuals with autism may even see themselves as less social relative to their peers. Online communities can provide an alternative venue for social expression, enabling different types of communication beyond face-to-face, oral interaction. Using ethnographic methods, we studied the communication ecology that has emerged around a Minecraft server for children with autism and their allies. Our analysis shows how members of this community search for, practice, and define sociality through a variety of communication channels. These findings suggest an expansion in how sociality has traditionally been conceptualized for individuals with autism

    Solanum scalarium (Solanaceae), a newly-described dioecious bush tomato from Judbarra/Gregory National Park, Northern Territory, Australia

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    A new species of functionally dioecious bush tomato of Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum is described. Solanum scalarium Martine & T.M.Williams, sp. nov., is a member of the taxonomically challenging “Kimberley dioecious clade” in Australia and differs from other species in the group in its spreading decumbent habit and conspicuously prickly male floral rachis. The species is so far known from one site in Judbarra/Gregory National Park in the Northern Territory. Ex situ crosses and confirmation of inaperturate pollen grains produced in morphologically cosexual flowers indicate that these flowers are functionally female and the species is functionally dioecious. The scientific name reflects the ladder-like appearance of the inflorescence rachis armature of male individuals, the stone staircase that provides access to the type locality at the Escarpment Lookout Walk, and the importance of maintaining equitable and safe access to outdoor spaces. The common name Garrarnawun Bush Tomato is proposed in recognition of the lookout point at this site, a traditional meeting place of the Wardaman and Nungali-Ngaliwurru peoples whose lands overlap in this area