17 research outputs found


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    Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is the right step to design a cost-effective training program with clear priorities for achieving knowledge, skills and practice. This study aims to examine the needs for competency training for Mathematics teachers at the elementary and madrasah ibtidaiyah level, and the preparation of a sustainable program (road map). It used quantitative research methods by using the response scoring analysis technique from the priority scale the training required (Likert 1-4). The research population is all Mathematics teachers in elementary and madrasah ibtidaiyah, grades 4 to 6 in Kota Mojokerto. The number of respondents is about 72 people. List of questions within research refers to Minister of Education Regulations Number 16/2007 about Teacher Academic and Competence Qualification Standards, the actual competence of elementary school teachers consists of pedagogic, personality, social, and professional competence. Generally, this research found that the highest required teacher competency among class grade is Mastery the skill and application of Arithmetic for Elementary level. Specially, the competency of Mastery the skill and application of Arithmetic for Elementary level. Furthermore, this research also found that teacher in grade 4 need to priority to be trained. They gave higher responds in the questionnaire more than others. The most needed teacher competency is  The Concept of Learning Theory in Learning Mathematics. It indicated that as a mathematics teacher in elementary school and madrasah ibtidaiyah level, they should mastery the Learning Theory


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    Latar Belakang: Vertigo merupakan gejala yang paling sering timbul pada stroke iskemik vertebrobasiler. Mekanisme penyebab yang paling sering adalah emboli. Syok hipovolemi pada stroke iskemik vertebrobasiler merupakan kasus yang jarang terjadi. Laporan Kasus: Seorang wanita usia 56 tahun datang ke IGD dengan keluhan lemas dan pusing berputar onset akut. Pusing berputar dirasakan terus menerus, intensitas sedang, disertai mual, muntah dan keringat dingin. Sejak 5 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit, dikatakan oleh keluarga pasien mengalami penurunan nafsu makan dan minum. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan hipotensi, paresis nervus VII dan XII dextra UMN, hemiparese dextra, dan refleks babinski bilateral. Positif hasil radiologi CT scan kepala menunjukan iskemik lakunar di medulla oblongata, laboratorium ditemukan adanya hemokonsentrasi, imbalans eletrolit, hiperglikemi, dan penurunan fungsi ginjal. Pasien diberikan rehidrasi intravena, balans cairan, antiplatelet dan terapi simptomatis sesuai keluhan. Diskusi: Stroke iskemik vertebrobasiler disebabkan oleh mekanisme embolik, trombotik, atau hemodinamik. Penyebab mekanisme hemodinamik adalah penurunan aliran darah sistem vertebrobasiler yang sering terjadi pada usia tua. Pada pasien ini terdapat gangguan hemodinamik yaitu hipotensi akibat syok hipovolemik sehingga aliran darah menuju otak berkurang. Kondisi hipovolemi yang parah akan menyebabkan iskemik otak yang diperberat oleh aritmia dan hiperglikemi. Kesimpulan: Vertigo sebagai gejala utama stroke iskemik vertebrobasiler merupakan kasus yang memiliki tingkat mortalitas dan morbiditas tinggi. Iskemik pada kasus ini kemungkinan disebabkan oleh syok hipovolemi dan diperberat adanya aritmia jantung. Penting bagi klinisi untuk dapat mendiagnosis dan memberikan terapi dengan tepat pada pasien stroke vertebrobasiler . Kata Kunci: Vertigo, Stroke Vertebrobasiler, Syok Hipovolemi

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Bank Umum Syariah Melalui Pendekatan Islamicity Performance Index

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    This study aims to determine how the financial performance of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia through the islamicity performance index approach for the period 2013-2017, by the principles of justice, halalness, and purification. This study using quantitative descriptive research. The number of banks sampled are five Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia that have been selected, through a purposive sampling technique first. These banks are BRI Syariah, BNI Syariah, Mandiri Syariah, BCA Syariah, and Victoria Syariah. The type of data used is secondary data taken from the financial statements of each islamic commercial bank that is sampled. Through the islamicity performance index approach, the results of this study indicate that the financial performance of islamic commercial bank is unsatisfactory, based on the average of the variables that have been processed in accordance with predicate valuation standards


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    Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan mengalami hujan berturut turut selama 14 hari dengan intensitas tinggi mengakibatkan bencana alam. Fenomena ini menimbulkan banjir, longsor, hilangnya pemukiman warga, gugurnya korban jiwa serta rusaknya lingkungan dan fasilitas umum. Sebanyak 10 dari 13 Kabupaten/ Kota terdampak banjir di Kalimantan Selatan. Selain orang dewasa yang menjadi korban, anak-anak juga menjadi kelompok masyarakat yang paling banyak terkena dampak segi materil dan juga dari segi psikologis/ traumatis.  Berlatar belakang tersebut maka peneliti tertarik untuk mengadakan kegiatan mitigasi bencana pada anak usia dini melalui kegiatan sains, video edukasi dan juga praktik simulasi bencana alam. Kegiatan ini bertujuan agar anak dapat mampu memahami dan mengurangi risiko bencana alam banjir dengan menjaga lingkungan dan sejenisnya. Kemudian anak diharapkan mampu menanggulangi bencana alam dengan menyelamatkan diri. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan sebanyak 1 kali dengan memberikan materi pembelajaran melalui kegiatan sains, menunjukkan video edukasi dan mendampingi praktik simulasi dalam penanganan bencana. Hasil dari kegiatan ini ialah anak mampu memahami proses terjadinya hujan, penyebab timbulnya banjir maupun cara menjaga kelestarian lingkungan yang aman dari banjir dan anak mampu mempraktikan cara menyelematkan diri dari bencana setelah sebelumnya diberikan pengetahuan tentang mitigasi bencana

    The Case Study of Islamic-Education Leadership Model: What We Can Learn from the Dynamics of Principals’ Leadership in Indonesian Excellence Islamic Boarding-Schools

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    Educational leadership research has been more oriented toward western theories and contexts, ignoring the contextual conditions that shape leadership styles and characteristics. Whereas some ideas analyze that leadership is inseparable from context and is more appropriate according to the setting of a particular society. This study aims to avoid bias when interpreting leadership patterns by finding a concept of Islamic leadership in the field of Education. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods with a case study approach. The participants of the study were two principals and five academic staff in two well-known excellent Islamic senior high schools which become school models pointed out by MORA Indonesia. The data validity checking technique was done by credibility test including method triangulation namely using direct interviews, observations, online surveys, and data sources triangulation using participative observations, school archives, field notes, photos, and video documentation while the researchers were at the location. Triangulation is used to check data from various sources in various ways. Study results showed that the principal's leadership pattern implemented Islamic religious values and the context of the society. Indonesia is predominantly Muslim, where Islamic-based education has been facilitated by the state and included in the policy system, so the findings can be considered when carrying out educational management based on Islamic values

    Penerapan Metode Kontekstual Keterampilan Menulis Teks Deskripsi dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Sawit

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    Writing activities carried out by students writing with clear thinking connected with the real world, before writing students must read a lot in advance. Learning methods and useful for teachers can help link the material to link the real world. The purpose of this study was to identify writing essay learning with contextual teaching and learning (CTL) type methods for seventh grade students of Sawit State Middle School 2, and identify improvement in student learning outcomes after the contextual method was applied to seventh grade students of Sawit 2 Middle School. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. Data collection is done using the method of documentation, tests, and note-taking techniques. Based on the results of research on writing description essays using contextual methods, the results showed that there was an influence on the contextual method in the student description essay and obtained an average value in the first meeting 73.5 with classical completeness 63.33%. The second meeting experienced an increase with an average of 81.81 with 80% classical completeness. It can be concluded that the application of effective contextual methods is used in writing description text skills in student

    Infected omental cyst complicated with subacute intestinal obstruction and ileal erosion in a 2-year-old boy: a case report

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    An omental cyst is a rare intraabdominal pathology that can cause acute abdomen and intestinal obstruction among children. A 2-year-old boy presented with fever, bilious vomiting, abdomen distension and loose stool of acute onset. The chest and abdominal radiographs showed right pleural effusion and prominent small bowels with thickening walls respectively. Ultrasonography revealed a gastrointestinal duplication cyst. An exploratory laparotomy was done and found a 5x5 cm infected omental cyst, severely adhered to and eroded into the ileum causing a small perforation. Omental cyst excision and ileal primary repair were done. The final diagnosis was a benign omental cyst. Omental cyst is usually asymptomatic; however, symptomatic omental cyst should be cautious for bleeding, intestinal obstruction, infection, torsion and rupture

    High-sensitivity C-reactive protein/albumin (hs-CRP/albumin) ratio as a predictor of deterioration of clinical outcome in central nervous system infections

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    Central nervous system (CNS) infections such as encephalitis, meningitis, or myelitis have high morbidity and mortality in Indonesia. High sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a sensitive marker of acute inflammation, while albumin is the most abundant protein component in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSS). Infection triggers an inflammatory response so that an increase in the hs-CRP/albumin ratio (CAR) can be a predictor of worsening clinical outcome in patients with CNS infections. However, studies examining the predictor value of serum and CSF CAR on worsening clinical outcomes of patients are limited, particularly in CNS infections. The purpose of this study was to prove the CAR as a predictor of worsening clinical outcome in patients with CNS infections.  It was an observational study using a prospective cohort design. Fifty subjects recruited until October 2021 at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital were involved.  The multivariate regression analysis showed that serum CAR (OR=3.604; 95%CI=1.487-8.736; p =0.005) could be a single predictor. However, by combining three variables, namely serum CAR, CSF CAR, and decreased consciousness at admission, could be a stronger predictor of worsening clinical outcome in patients with CNS infection (AUC = 97.1%; 95%CI = 0.929-1.00; p <0.001). The optimal cut-off value for serum CAR was 1.35 (Youden index = 0.88, sensitivity = 96%, specificity = 92%) while for CSF CAR was 0.14 (Youden index = 0.60, sensitivity = 76%, specificity = 84%). In conclusion, a combination predictive model of three variables, namely serum CAR, CSF CAR, and awareness at admission can be a stronger predictor of clinical outcome in patients with CNS infection than serum CAR alone

    A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the Development of Sustainable Heritage Cities in Malaysia

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    This article highlights previous studies on the development of sustainable heritage cities using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. Data obtained through various search methods, such as (1) a rigorous search of leading major journal databases (Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), Science Direct) and additional journal databases (Google Scholar and My Cite), and (2) handpicking/manual searching. Once the data was obtained, it was analysed through systematic searching strategies (SSS) to obtain accurate and precise material in the field studied. The obtained material was screened in three SSS steps, namely: (1) identification (2) screening, and (3) eligibility. As a result, a total of 42 materials and documents were successfully found and summarized for highlighting. Next, the findings of the analysis were broken down into: (1) the frequency of sustainable urban heritage development studies conducted by country, (2) sustainable urban heritage development constructs (economic prosperity, social well-being, environmental well-being, cultural heritage, government, and community), and (3) study areas (heritage cities, heritage buildings, and historical sites). The findings of this study can contribute to a new paradigm for studies that involve the sustainable development of heritage cities in Malaysia in achieving the 2030 Agenda.   Abstrak. Artikel ini menyoroti studi sebelumnya terkait pengembangan kota warisan berkelanjutan menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Data diperoleh melalui berbagai metode pencarian, seperti (1) pencarian dari basis data jurnal terkemuka (Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), Science Direct) dan basis data jurnal tambahan (Google Scholar dan My Cite), dan (2) pencarian manual. Setelah itu, dilakukan analisis melalui strategi pencarian sistematis (SSS) untuk mendapatkan materi yang akurat dan tepat pada keilmuan yang diteliti. Materi yang diperoleh disaring dalam tiga langkah SSS, yaitu: (1) identifikasi, (2) penyaringan, dan (3) tingkat kelayakan. Hasilnya, terdapat total 42 materi dan dokumen yang berhasil ditemukan dan dirangkum untuk disorot. Selanjutnya, temuan analisis dibagi menjadi: (1) frekuensi studi pengembangan warisan kota berkelanjutan yang dilakukan oleh negara, (2) konstruksi pengembangan warisan kota berkelanjutan (kemakmuran ekonomi, kesejahteraan sosial, kesejahteraan lingkungan, budaya cagar budaya, pemerintah, dan masyarakat), dan (3) kawasan studi (kota cagar budaya, bangunan cagar budaya, dan situs sejarah). Temuan penelitian ini dapat berkontribusi pada paradigma baru untuk studi yang melibatkan pembangunan berkelanjutan kota warisan di Malaysia dalam mencapai Agenda 2030.   Kata kunci. Pembangunan berkelanjutan, kota warisan, Systematic Literature Review (SLR), Malaysia

    The development of a construct in the heritage urban sustainability index

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    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have outlined that every country in the world needs to create sustainable cities for communities by 2030. The first thing to consider is to identify sustainability indicators to be used as a guide in measuring the sustainability index. Therefore, this article aims to explore the formation of the heritage urban sustainability index construct in Malaysia using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The respondents consisted of 100 residents in the heritage city of Kajang, Malaysia, who were selected using a simple random sampling technique. Likert scale questionnaires 1 to 5 were used to elicit feedback. The results showed that the items in each study construct achieved acceptable reliability with Cronbach’s alpha values greater than 0.70 and met the normality test requirements. Data was processed using EFA for grouping items according to appropriate constructs. The results of the study from 154 items of the questionnaire have formed five main constructs of urban heritage sustainability in Malaysia, namely (1) economic prosperity, (2) social well-being, (3) environmental well-being, (4) cultural heritage, and (5) the role of government and community. The results of this study also meet the index value requirements set by Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity. Furthermore, the formation of the five constructs of this study directly demonstrates the relationship between items according to constructs. Indirectly, these findings help research on the sustainability of heritage cities in other areas as well