74 research outputs found

    Die Österreichische Plakatkunst der 1920er Jahre

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    Die Österreichische Plakatkunst der 1920er Jahre wendet vor allem im Bereich des Werbeplakates und in den politischen AnschlĂ€gen moderne Gestaltungstendenzen an, die eine neue Entwicklung in der Plakatkunst einleiten. Beeinflusst von verschiedenen Stilrichtungen wird das Medium Plakat, zu einem wichtigen Faktor in den Bereichen Werbung und Politik.In the 1920ies Austrian posters experienced a new development politically and commercially. The posters used new forms influenced by different styles and shaped the next generation of poster art

    Force Application During Colonoscopy as a Marker of Competence: Development of a Novel Training Device

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    Colonoscopy is a technically challenging procedure to learn. The colonoscope is prone to forming loops in the colon, which can lead patient discomfort and even perforation. We hypothesized that expert endoscopists use techniques to avoid loop formation, and identify and straighten loops earlier, and thus exert less force. Using a physical colon simulator model, electromagnetic tracking markers were used to follow the motion of the colon as the scope was advanced. Attending physicians exerted significantly lower mean colonic displacement than trainees. To allow portability to any simulator, and even the clinical setting, we designed and tested the construct validity of a force-sensing sleeve for the colonoscope. It utilizes piezoresistive sensors applied in a helical orientation along the length of the colonoscope. Force application is a marker of endoscopic competence. Our colonoscope sleeve has potential for educational and clinical use, alerting endoscopists to dangerous force application, improving patient comfort and safety

    Resellers’ evaluation of TM consumer resellers training in meeting sales competency compliance requirements at Telekom Malaysia Berhad, Sarawak / Hawel Nyured... [et.al]

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the TM Consumer Resellers Training by Telekom Malaysia Berhad in Sarawak in the context of sales competency compliance requirements. This study aims to evaluate the training at reaction, learning, behaviour and result level as per Kirkpatrick Model for training evaluation. Utilizing the survey approach, the study consisted of 32 Resellers and 13 Reseller Principals as respondents which is the whole population of Resellers and Reseller Principals in Sarawak. The results of the study indicated that the Resellers were highly satisfied with the training programme. They have gained more knowledge on sales competency compliance, reported better sales competency compliance behaviours and work results after attending the training programme. Therefore, recommendations include to continue the TM Consumer Resellers Training programme in Sarawak as well as ensuring that the learning environment and working environment arc conducive towards the Resellers for them to show more improvements in meeting sales competency compliance requirements from TM. Training evaluation also has to be planned and implemented completely following the implementation of such training programme. Sales competency compliance is important for TM for the purpose of maintaining a good reputation and service quality as Resellers represent their company and product when performing sales for TM

    Progressive Visceral Leishmaniasis Is Driven by Dominant Parasite-induced STAT6 Activation and STAT6-dependent Host Arginase 1 Expression

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    The clinicopathological features of the hamster model of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) closely mimic active human disease. Studies in humans and hamsters indicate that the inability to control parasite replication in VL could be related to ineffective classical macrophage activation. Therefore, we hypothesized that the pathogenesis of VL might be driven by a program of alternative macrophage activation. Indeed, the infected hamster spleen showed low NOS2 but high arg1 enzyme activity and protein and mRNA expression (p<0.001) and increased polyamine synthesis (p<0.05). Increased arginase activity was also evident in macrophages isolated from the spleens of infected hamsters (p<0.05), and arg1 expression was induced by L. donovani in primary hamster peritoneal macrophages (p<0.001) and fibroblasts (p<0.01), and in a hamster fibroblast cell line (p<0.05), without synthesis of endogenous IL-4 or IL-13 or exposure to exogenous cytokines. miRNAi-mediated selective knockdown of hamster arginase 1 (arg1) in BHK cells led to increased generation of nitric oxide and reduced parasite burden (p<0.005). Since many of the genes involved in alternative macrophage activation are regulated by Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription-6 (STAT6), and because the parasite-induced expression of arg1 occurred in the absence of exogenous IL-4, we considered the possibility that L. donovani was directly activating STAT6. Indeed, exposure of hamster fibroblasts or macrophages to L. donovani resulted in dose-dependent STAT6 activation, even without the addition of exogenous cytokines. Knockdown of hamster STAT6 in BHK cells with miRNAi resulted in reduced arg1 mRNA expression and enhanced control of parasite replication (p<0.0001). Collectively these data indicate that L. donovani infection induces macrophage STAT6 activation and STAT6-dependent arg1 expression, which do not require but are amplified by type 2 cytokines, and which contribute to impaired control of infection

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population: a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold

    Ethik als Erste Philosophie – Ethik der NĂ€chstheit. Emmanuel LĂ©vinas im Religionsunterricht – Ein PlĂ€doyer fĂŒr eine konfessionelle ReligionspĂ€dagogik

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    Ethik ist ein zentraler Inhalt von religiöser Bildung, die BeschĂ€ftigung mit der ‚Ethik der NĂ€chstheit‘ von Emmanuel LĂ©vinas kann ein wertvoller Beitrag im Bildungsprozess sein. Vor dem Hintergrund des Holocaust entwirft LĂ©vinas eine Haltung der Verantwortung, die das ĂŒbliche VerstĂ€ndnis von Verantwortung sprengt: Der Mensch ist durch seine ‚absolute PassivitĂ€t‘ in letzter Konsequenz sogar fĂŒr die Verfolgung verantwortlich, die er erleidet, er trĂ€gt eine Verantwortung ohne Freiheit, er ist stets in der Geiselhaft seines GegenĂŒber. Zum VerstĂ€ndnis dieses Denkansatzes ist die BeschĂ€ftigung mit der Bibel unerlĂ€sslich, daher ist die Auseinandersetzung mit dem jĂŒdischen Philosophen aus Litauen im Kontext von religiöser Bildung bzw. im Rahmen eines konfessionellen Religionsunterrichts adĂ€quat beheimatet. Ethics as First Philosophy – Ethics of the Other. Emmanuel LĂ©vinas in religious education – A plea for a denominational pedagogy for religion Ethics are a central topic in religious education. To look at Emmanuel LĂ©vinas‘ ‚ethics of the other‘ can proof a valuable contribution in the educational process. Against the backdrop of the holocaust LĂ©vinas devised an attitude of responsibility that bursts the usual understanding of responsibility: ultimately man is - through his absolute passivity - responsible for the persecution he suffers, he bears a responsibility without freedom, and he is invariably held hostage by his opposite. To understand this approach the study of the bible is essential, the engagement with the Jewish philosopher from Lithuania in the context of religious education and within the scope of denominational religion classes respectively is therefore adequate
