56 research outputs found

    The effect of soil risk element contamination level on the element contents in Ocimum basilicum L.

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    Red basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) cv. Red Rubin was cultivated in model pot experiment in the soil amended by arsenic, cadmium and lead solutions in stepwise concentrations representing the soil concentration levels of former mining area in the vicinity of Příbram, Czech Republic. The element levels added to the soil reached up to 40 mg Cd, 100 mg As, and 2000 mg Pb per kg of soil. Moreover, essential macro-and microelements as well as cyanidine contents were investigated to assess their potential interactions with the risk elements. The extractable element portions in soils determined at the end of vegetation period differed according to the individual elements. Whereas the plant-available (extractable with 0.11M CH3COOH) content of Cd represented 70-100% of the added Cd, the mobile portion of Pb did not exceed 1%. The risk element content in plants reflected the increasing element contents in soil. The dominant element portions remained in plant roots indicating the limited translocation ability of risk elements to the aboveground biomass of this plant species. Although the risk element contents in amended plants significantly increased, no visible symptoms of phytotoxicity occurred. However, the effect of enhanced risk element contents on the essential element uptake was assessed. Considering inter-element relationships, elevated sulphur levels were seen in amended plants, indicating its possible role of phytochelatin synthesis in the plants. Moreover, the molybdenum contents in plant biomass dropped down with increasing risk element uptake by plants confirming As-Mo and Cd-Mo antagonism. The increasing content of cyanidine in the plant biomass confirmed possible role of anthocyanins in detoxification mechanism of risk element contaminated plants and suggested the importance of anthocyanin pigments for risk element tolerance of plants growing in contaminated areas

    The contents of risk elements, arsenic speciation, and possible interactions of elements and betalains in beetroot (Beta vulgaris, L.) growing in contaminated soil

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    The effect of enhanced soil risk element contents on the uptake of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn was determined in two pot experiments. Simultaneously, transformation of arsenic and its compounds in beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) plants was investigated. The mobile fractions of elements were determined in 0.05 mol L−1 (NH4)2SO4 extracts and did not exceed 2% of total soil arsenic, 9% of total cadmium, 3% of total lead, and 8% of total zinc, respectively. Although the soils were extremely contaminated the mobile portions of the elements represented only a small fragment of the total element content. Arsenic contents in beet plants reached up to 25 mg As kg−1 in roots and 48 mg As kg−1 in leaves in the soil characterized by the highest mobile arsenic portion. Arsenic portions extractable with water and phosphate buffer from the beetroot samples did not show significant differences between the extraction agents but the extractability was affected by the arsenic concentration. Arsenic was almost quantitatively extractable from the samples with the lowest total arsenic concentration, whereas in the samples with the highest total arsenic concentration less than 25% was extractable. Arsenate was the dominant arsenic compound in the extracts (70% in phosphate buffer, 50% in water extracts). A small portion of dimethylarsinic acid, not exceeding 0.5%, was detected only in the sample growing in the soil with the highest arsenic concentration. The role of betalains (betanin, isobetanin, vulgaxanthin I and vulgaxanthin II) in transformation/detoxification of arsenic in plants was not confirmed in this experiment because the plants were able to grow in the contaminated soil without any symptoms of arsenic toxicity

    Comparación del contenido de macamidas y ácidos grasos en plantas de maca cultivadas en condiciones de campo e invernadero

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    La maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp. Brassicaceae) es una planta de origen peruano y es cultivada en los Andes a alturas sobre los 3.500 m. Se cultiva para el  consumo de su hipocotilo que tiene un alto valor nutritivo y propiedades medicinales. La maca aumenta la energía física, refuerza el sistema inmunológico y  es considerada como un afrodisíaco que mejora la fertilidad en los humanos y animales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un siguimiento de la  respuesta del cultivo de la maca a diversas condiciones climáticas y de sus perspectivas de cultivo fuera del lugar de origen. El contenido de macamidas  (principales marcadores de calidad de la maca) ha sido analizado por HPLC-UV en el material vegetal de diversas muestras de maca de origen peruano y se  comparó con el contenido en las muestras de maca cultivada en condiciones de campo e invernadero en la República Checa. Se determinó una concentración  inferior, significativamente, de macamidas en las muestras cultivadas en campo en la República Checa en comparación con las muestras peruanas, y no se  determinó ningún tipo de macamidas en las muestras cultivadas en invernadero. Considerando que las macamidas tienen un efecto positivo en el  mejoramiento de la fertilidad, llegamos a la conclusión de que el cultivo de la maca, para este objetivo, no es apto en condiciones climáticas de la República  Checa

    Variation in honey bee gut microbial diversity affected by ontogenetic stage, age and geographic location

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    Social honey bees, Apis mellifera, host a set of distinct microbiota, which is similar across the continents and various honey bee species. Some of these bacteria, such as lactobacilli, have been linked to immunity and defence against pathogens. Pathogen defence is crucial, particularly in larval stages, as many pathogens affect the brood. However, information on larval microbiota is conflicting. Seven developmental stages and drones were sampled from 3 colonies at each of the 4 geographic locations of A. mellifera carnica, and the samples were maintained separately for analysis. We analysed the variation and abundance of important bacterial groups and taxa in the collected bees. Major bacterial groups were evaluated over the entire life of honey bee individuals, where digestive tracts of same aged bees were sampled in the course of time. The results showed that the microbial tract of 6-day-old 5th instar larvae were nearly equally rich in total microbial counts per total digestive tract weight as foraging bees, showing a high percentage of various lactobacilli (Firmicutes) and Gilliamella apicola (Gammaproteobacteria 1). However, during pupation, microbial counts were significantly reduced but recovered quickly by 6 days post-emergence. Between emergence and day 6, imago reached the highest counts of Firmicutes and Gammaproteobacteria, which then gradually declined with bee age. Redundancy analysis conducted using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis identified bacterial species that were characteristic of each developmental stage. The results suggest that 3-day 4th instar larvae contain low microbial counts that increase 2-fold by day 6 and then decrease during pupation. Microbial succession of the imago begins soon after emergence. We found that bacterial counts do not show only yearly cycles within a colony, but vary on the individual level. Sampling and pooling adult bees or 6th day larvae may lead to high errors and variability, as both of these stages may be undergoing dynamic succession

    Dietary fibres differentially impact on the production of phenolic acids from rutin in an in vitro fermentation model of the human gut microbiota

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    Polyphenols are often ingested alongside dietary fibres. They are both catabolised by, and may influence, the intestinal microbiota; yet, interactions between them and the impact on their resultant microbial products are poorly understood. Dietary fibres (inulin, pectin, psyllium, pyrodextrin, wheat bran, cellulose—three doses) were fermented in vitro with human faeces (n = 10) with and without rutin (20 µg/mL), a common dietary flavonol glycoside. Twenty-eight phenolic metabolites and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) were measured over 24 h. Several phenolic metabolites were produced during fibre fermentation, without rutin. With rutin, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (3,4diOHPAA), 3-hydroxyphenylacetic acid (3OHPAA), 3-(3 hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (3OHPPA) and 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)propionic acid (3,4diOHPPA; DOPAC) were produced, with 3,4diOHPAA the most abundant, confirmed by fermentation of 13C labelled quercetin. The addition of inulin, wheat bran or pyrodextrin increased 3,4diOHPAA 2 2.5-fold over 24 h (p < 0.05). Rutin affected SCFA production, but this depended on fibre, fibre concentration and timepoint. With inulin, rutin increased pH at 6 h from 4.9 to 5.6 (p = 0.01) but increased propionic, butyric and isovaleric acid (1.9, 1.6 and 5-fold, p < 0.05 at 24 h). Interactions between fibre and phenolics modify production of phenolic acids and SCFA and may be key in enhancing health benefits

    Systematic bioinformatic analyses of nutrigenomic modifications by polyphenols associated with cardiometabolic health in humans: Evidence from targeted nutrigenomic studies

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    Cardiometabolic disorders are among the leading causes of mortality in the human population. Dietary polyphenols exert beneficial effects on cardiometabolic health in humans. Molecular mechanisms, however, are not completely understood. Aiming to conduct in-depth integrative bioinformatic analyses to elucidate molecular mechanisms underlying the protective effects of polyphenols on cardiometabolic health, we first conducted a systematic literature search to identify human intervention studies with polyphenols that demonstrate improvement of cardiometabolic risk factors in parallel with significant nutrigenomic effects. Applying the predefined inclusion criteria, we identified 58 differentially expressed genes at mRNA level and 5 miRNAs, analyzed in peripheral blood cells with RT-PCR methods. Subsequent integrative bioinformatic analyses demonstrated that polyphenols modulate genes that are mainly involved in the processes such as inflammation, lipid metabolism, and endothelial function. We also identified 37 transcription factors that are involved in the regulation of polyphenol modulated genes, including RELA/NFKB1, STAT1, JUN, or SIRT1. Integrative bioinformatic analysis of mRNA and miRNA-target pathways demonstrated several common enriched pathways that include MAPK signaling pathway, TNF signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, focal adhesion, or PPAR signaling pathway. These bioinformatic analyses represent a valuable source of information for the identification of molecular mechanisms underlying the beneficial health effects of polyphenols and potential target genes for future nutrigenetic studies

    Milk digesta and milk protein fractions influence the adherence of: Lactobacillus gasseri R and Lactobacillus casei FMP to human cultured cells

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    Adhesion to the intestinal epithelium is considered an important feature of probiotic bacteria, which may increase their persistence in the intestine, allowing them to exert their beneficial health effect or promote the colonisation process. However, this feature might be largely dependent on the host specificity or diet. In the present study, we investigated the effect of selected milks and milk protein fractions on the ability of selected lactobacilli to adhere to the cells of an intestinal model based on co-culture Caco-2/HT29-MTX cell lines. Most milk digesta did not significantly affect bacterial adhesion except for UHT-treated milk and sheep milk. The presence of UHT-treated milk digesta reduced the adhesion of Lactobacillus gasseri R by 61% but not that of Lactobacillus casei FMP. However, sheep milk significantly increased the adherence of L. casei FMP (P < 0.05) but not of L. gasseri R. Among the protein fractions, rennet casein (RCN) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) showed reproducible patterns and strain-specific effects on bacterial adherence. While RCN reduced the adherence of L. gasseri R to <50% compared to the control, it did not have a significant effect on L. casei FMP. In contrast, BSA reduced L. casei FMP adherence to a higher extent than that of L. gasseri R. Whey protein (WH) tended to increase the adherence of both strains by 130%–180%. Recently, interactions between the host diet and its microbiota have attracted considerable interest. Our results may explain one of the aspects of the role of milk in the development of microbiota or support of probiotic supplements. Based on our data, we conclude that the persistence of probiotic strains supplemented as part of dairy food or constitutional microbiota in the gut might be affected negatively or positively by the food matrix through complex strain or concentration dependent effects

    Dietary purines in vegetarian meat analogues

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    BACKGROUND: The meat alternatives market offers a wide range of products resembling meat in taste, flavour or texture but based on vegetable protein sources. These high protein–low purine foods may find application in a low purine or purine-free diet, which is sometimes suggested for subjects with increased serum urate levels, i.e. hyperuricaemia. RESULTS: We determined purine content (uric acid, adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine, xanthine) in 39 commercially available meat substitutes and evaluated them in relation to their protein content. Some of the products contained a comparable sum of adenine and hypoxanthine per protein as meat. Analysis of variance showed an influence of protein source used. Mycoprotein-based products had significantly higher contents (2264 mg kg−1) of adenine and hypoxanthine per kg of 100% protein than soybean-based products (1648 mg kg−1) or mixtures consisting of soybean protein and wheat protein (1239 mg kg−1). CONCLUSION: Protein-rich vegetable-based meat substitutes might be generally accepted as meat alternatives for individuals on special diets. The type of protein used to manufacture these products determines the total content of purines, which is relatively higher in the case of mycoprotein or soybean protein, while appearing lower in wheat protein and egg white-based products. These are therefore more suitable for dietary considerations in a low-purine diet for hyperuricaemic subjects

    Allelopathic activity of different plant parts of Peganum harmala L. and identification of their growth inhibitors substances

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the inhibitory potential of P. harmala leaf, stem and root extract on germination and growth of Avena fatua L. and Convolvulus arvensis L., as well as identification of the phytotoxic substances responsible for this activity. According to our results, the degree of toxicity of different P. harmala plant parts can be arranged in the following order: leaves > stems > roots. The two test species differed in their sensitivity to P. harmala extracts. Inhibitory effect on shoot length and seedling dry weight was more pronounced in C. arvensis, whereas higher reduction in germination, root length and total chlorophyll content occurred in A. fatua. A significant amount of water-soluble phenolic acids were found in P. harmala plant extracts. Total phenolic acids content was higher in leaf extracts when compared to that of stem or root extracts. Seven phenolic acids including gallic acid, vanillic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, syringic acid and ferulic acid were found in P. harmala leaf extracts. On the other hand, we identified four phenolic acids from stem (galllic acid, vanillic acid, 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid and caffeic acid) and root (galllic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, syringic acid and cinnamic acid) extracts. The greater number of growth inhibitors detected in the leaves might explain the stronger inhibitory activity. Overall, our results suggest that P. harmala might be used as a natural herbicide for weed control and consequently reduce dependence on synthetic herbicides