231 research outputs found

    Technical notes on the isolation of Neurospora nuclei

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    Isolation of Neurospora nucle

    ACE:n ja ACTN3:n vaikutus urheilusuoritukseen

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkielmassani käyn läpi geenien vaikutusta urheilusuoritukseen ja menestymiseen huippu-urheilussa. Geenejä, joiden on osoitettu vaikuttavan urheilusuoritukseen, on löydetty monia, mutta tässä tutkielmassa keskityin kahteen eri geeniin. Valitsemani geenit olivat ACTN3 ja ACE. Näistä kahdesta geenistä on tehty paljon tutkimusta ja niiden on osoitettu olevan merkittävimpiä urheilusuoritukseen vaikuttavia geenejä. Tarkastelin geenejä sillä perusteella, vaikuttavatko ne kestävyyttä vaativissa urheilulajeissa vai nopeutta ja voimaa vaativissa urheilulajeissa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää ACE:n ja ACTN3:n vaikutukset erilaisissa urheilusuorituksissa. Tutkielmasta käy ilmi, että molemmilla geeneillä on suuri vaikutus urheilusuoritukseen. ACE:ssa tapahtuva insertio saa aikaan positiivisia vaikutuksia kestävyysurheilussa, kun taas ACTN3:n on todettu olevan merkittävässä roolissa voimaa ja nopeutta vaativissa lajeissa. ACE:n deleetion ei ole osoitettu olevan yhtä merkittävässä roolissa urheilusuorituksessa kuin ACE:n insertion. ACE:n deleetiosta on saatu viitteitä, että se voisi vaikuttaa positiivisesti nopeutta ja voimaa vaativissa lajeissa, mutta eri tutkimuksissa on saatu ristiriitaisia tuloksia eikä voida sanoa, että ACE:n deleetio vaikuttaisi positiivisesti urheilusuoritukseen. ACTN3:ssa tapahtuvan mutaation on havaittu vaikuttavan negatiivisesti voimaa ja nopeutta vaativissa lajeissa. Geenien voidaan olettaa olevan merkittävässä roolissa kaikessa ihmisten toiminnassa, joten niiden vaikutus urheilusuorituksessa oli odotettua. Ainoastaan ajoittainen ristiriitaisuus eri tutkimusten välillä ja erityisesti eri etnisyyden omaavien ihmisten välillä oli hieman odottamatonta. Urheilusuoritukseen vaikuttavat geenien lisäksi niin monet muutkin tekijät, että yhtenäisiä ja selkeitä tuloksia voi olla vaikea saada. Myös eri urheilulajien vaatimukset ovat erilaisia. Tutkimusta onkin hankala tehdä lajeilla, jotka vaativat sekä hyviä nopeus-, voima- että kestävyysominaisuuksia. Tulevaisuudessa yleistyy varmasti perimän tutkiminen jo lapsilla, jotta voidaan selvittää esimerkiksi, mihin urheilulajiin lapsen kannattaa panostaa, jos hän haluaa menestyä omassa lajissaan. Myös useamman geenin tutkimus, jossa pyritään selvittämään, miten geenit vaikuttavat yhdessä, on varmasti yhä yleisempää tulevaisuudessa. Tulevaisuudessa geenien tutkiminen voikin antaa yhä enemmän vastauksia siihen, miksi tietyt henkilöt menestyvät urheilussa paremmin kuin toiset. Vastauksia voidaan myös saada siihen, miksi toiset ihmiset saavat paremman vasteen tietynlaiselle harjoittelulle kuin toiset

    Association between Birth Characteristics and Cardiovascular Autonomic Function at Mid-Life

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    Background Low birth weight is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. As abnormal cardiac autonomic function is a common feature in cardiovascular diseases, we tested the hypothesis that low birth weight may also be associated with poorer cardiac autonomic function in middle-aged subjects. Methods At the age of 46, the subjects of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 were invited to examinations including questionnaires about health status and life style and measurement of vagally-mediated heart rate variability (rMSSD) from R-R intervals (RRi) and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) in both seated and standing positions. Maternal parameters had been collected in 1965–1966 since the 16th gestational week and birth variables immediately after delivery. For rMSSD, 1,799 men and 2,279 women without cardiorespiratory diseases and diabetes were included and 902 men and 1,020 women for BRS. The analyses were adjusted for maternal (age, anthropometry, socioeconomics, parity, gestational smoking) and adult variables (life style, anthropometry, blood pressure, glycemic and lipid status) potentially confounding the relationship between birth weight and autonomic function. Results In men, birth weight correlated negatively with seated (r = -0.058, p = 0.014) and standing rMSSD (r = -0.090, p<0.001), as well as with standing BRS (r = -0.092, p = 0.006). These observations were verified using relevant birth weight categories (<2,500 g; 2,500–3,999 g; ≥4,000 g). In women, birth weight was positively correlated with seated BRS (r = 0.081, p = 0.010), but none of the other measures of cardiovascular autonomic function. These correlations remained significant after adjustment for potential confounders (p<0.05 for all). Conclusions In men, higher birth weight was independently associated with poorer cardiac autonomic function at mid-life. Same association was not observed in women. Our findings suggest that higher, not lower, birth weight in males may contribute to less favourable cardiovascular autonomic regulation and potentially to an elevated cardiovascular risk in later life

    Altered glycosylation of glycodelin in endometrial carcinoma

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    Glycodelin is a major glycoprotein expressed in reproductive tissues, like secretory and decidualized endometrium. It has several reproduction related functions that are dependent on specific glycosylation, but it has also been found to drive differentiation of endometrial carcinoma cells toward a less malignant phenotype. Here we aimed to elucidate whether the glycosylation and function of glycodelin is altered in endometrial carcinoma as compared with a normal endometrium. We carried out glycan structure analysis of glycodelin expressed in HEC-1B human endometrial carcinoma cells (HEC-1B Gd) by mass spectrometry glycomics strategies. Glycans of HEC-1B Gd were found to comprise a typical mixture of high-mannose, hybrid, and complex-type N-glycans, often containing undecorated LacNAc (Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc) antennae. However, several differences, as compared with previously reported glycan structures of normal human decidualized endometrium-derived glycodelin isoform, glycodelin-A (GdA), were also found. These included a lower level of sialylation and more abundant poly-LacNAc antennae, some of which are fucosylated. This allowed us to select lectins that showed different binding to these classes of glycodelin. Despite the differences in glycosylation between HEC-1B Gd and GdA, both showed similar inhibitory activity on trophoblast cell invasion and peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation. For the detection of cancer associated glycodelin, we established a novel in situ proximity-ligation based histochemical staining method using a specific glycodelin antibody and UEAI lectin. We found that the UEAI reactive glycodelin was abundant in endometrial carcinoma, but virtually absent in normal endometrial tissue even when glycodelin was strongly expressed. In conclusion, we established a histochemical staining method for the detection of endometrial carcinoma-associated glycodelin and showed that this specific glycodelin is exclusively expressed in cancer, not in normal endometrium. Similar methods can be used for studies of other glycoproteins. Glycodelin is a major endometrial glycoprotein. The authors analyzed glycan structures of endometrial carcinoma associated glycodelin and established a novel glycodelin-glycoform specific histochemical staining method. With this, they showed that glycodelin is differentially glycosylated in endometrial carcinoma tissue, as compared to normal endometrium, representing a neoantigen with potential clinical applications.Peer reviewe

    Metformin increases glucose uptake and acts renoprotectively by reducing SHIP2 activity

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    Metformin, the first-line drug to treat type 2 diabetes (T2D), inhibits mitochondrial glycerolphosphate dehydrogenase in the liver to suppress gluconeogenesis. However, the direct target and the underlying mechanisms by which metformin increases glucose uptake in peripheral tissues remain uncharacterized. Lipid phosphatase Src homology 2 domain-containing inositol-5-phosphatase 2 (SHIP2) is upregulated in diabetic rodent models and suppresses insulin signaling by reducing Akt activation, leading to insulin resistance and diminished glucose uptake. Here, we demonstrate that metformin directly binds to and reduces the catalytic activity of the recombinant SHIP2 phosphatase domain in vitro. Metformin inhibits SHIP2 in cultured cells and in skeletal muscle and kidney of db/db mice. In SHIP2-overexpressing myotubes, metformin ameliorates reduced glucose uptake by slowing down glucose transporter 4 endocytosis. SHIP2 overexpression reduces Akt activity and enhances podocyte apoptosis, and both are restored to normal levels by metformin. SHIP2 activity is elevated in glomeruli of patients with T2D receiving nonmetformin medication, but not in patients receiving metformin, compared with people without diabetes. Furthermore, podocyte loss in kidneys of metformin-treated T2D patients is reduced compared with patients receiving nonmetformin medication. Our data unravel a novel molecular mechanism by which metformin enhances glucose uptake and acts renoprotectively by reducing SHIP2 activity.Polianskyte-Prause, Z., Tolvanen, T. A., Lindfors, S., Dumont, V., Van, M., Wang, H., Dash, S. N., Berg, M., Naams, J.-B., Hautala, L. C., Nisen, H., Mirtti, T., Groop, P.-H., Wahala, K., Tienari, J., Lehtonen, S. Metformin increases glucose uptake and acts renoprotectively by reducing SHIP2 activity.Peer reviewe

    Walks4work: Rationale and study design to investigate walking at lunchtime in the workplace setting

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    Background: Following recruitment of a private sector company, an 8week lunchtime walking intervention was implemented to examine the effect of the intervention on modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors, and further to see if walking environment had any further effect on the cardiovascular disease risk factors. Methods. For phase 1 of the study participants were divided into three groups, two lunchtime walking intervention groups to walk around either an urban or natural environment twice a week during their lunch break over an 8week period. The third group was a waiting-list control who would be invited to join the walking groups after phase 1. In phase 2 all participants were encouraged to walk during their lunch break on self-selecting routes. Health checks were completed at baseline, end of phase 1 and end of phase 2 in order to measure the impact of the intervention on cardiovascular disease risk. The primary outcome variables of heart rate and heart rate variability were measured to assess autonomic function associated with cardiovascular disease. Secondary outcome variables (Body mass index, blood pressure, fitness, autonomic response to a stressor) related to cardiovascular disease were also measured. The efficacy of the intervention in increasing physical activity was objectively monitored throughout the 8-weeks using an accelerometer device. Discussion. The results of this study will help in developing interventions with low researcher input with high participant output that may be implemented in the workplace. If effective, this study will highlight the contribution that natural environments can make in the reduction of modifiable cardiovascular disease risk factors within the workplace. © 2012 Brown et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Empathy, engagement, entrainment: the interaction dynamics of aesthetic experience

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    A recent version of the view that aesthetic experience is based in empathy as inner imitation explains aesthetic experience as the automatic simulation of actions, emotions, and bodily sensations depicted in an artwork by motor neurons in the brain. Criticizing the simulation theory for committing to an erroneous concept of empathy and failing to distinguish regular from aesthetic experiences of art, I advance an alternative, dynamic approach and claim that aesthetic experience is enacted and skillful, based in the recognition of others’ experiences as distinct from one’s own. In combining insights from mainly psychology, phenomenology, and cognitive science, the dynamic approach aims to explain the emergence of aesthetic experience in terms of the reciprocal interaction between viewer and artwork. I argue that aesthetic experience emerges by participatory sense-making and revolves around movement as a means for creating meaning. While entrainment merely plays a preparatory part in this, aesthetic engagement constitutes the phenomenological side of coupling to an artwork and provides the context for exploration, and eventually for moving, seeing, and feeling with art. I submit that aesthetic experience emerges from bodily and emotional engagement with works of art via the complementary processes of the perception–action and motion–emotion loops. The former involves the embodied visual exploration of an artwork in physical space, and progressively structures and organizes visual experience by way of perceptual feedback from body movements made in response to the artwork. The latter concerns the movement qualities and shapes of implicit and explicit bodily responses to an artwork that cue emotion and thereby modulate over-all affect and attitude. The two processes cause the viewer to bodily and emotionally move with and be moved by individual works of art, and consequently to recognize another psychological orientation than her own, which explains how art can cause feelings of insight or awe and disclose aspects of life that are unfamiliar or novel to the viewer

    Mobile Consumer Behavior in Fashion m-Retail: An Eye Tracking Study to Understand Gender Differences

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    © 2020 ACM. With exponential adoption of mobile devices, consumers increasingly use them for shopping. There is a need to understand the gender differences in mobile consumer behavior. This study used mobile eye tracking technology and mixed-method approach to analyze and compare how male and female mobile fashion consumers browse and shop on smartphones. Mobile eye tracking glasses recorded fashion consumers' shopping experiences using smartphones for browsing and shopping on the actual fashion retailer's website. 14 participants successfully completed this study, half of them were males and half females. Two different data analysis approaches were employed, namely a novel framework of the shopping journey, and semantic gaze mapping with 31 Areas of Interest (AOI) representing the elements of the shopping journey. The results showed that male and female users exhibited significantly different behavior patterns, which have implications for mobile website design and fashion m-retail. The shopping journey map framework proves useful for further application in market research

    Mean transport and seasonal cycle of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan with comparison to the Florida Current

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    Moored observations of Kuroshio current structure and transport variability were made across the channel between northeast Taiwan and the Ryukyu Islands at 24 degreesN from September 19, 1994, to May 27, 1996. This was a cooperative, effort between the United States and Taiwan. The moored array was designated PCM-1, for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) transport resolving array. The dominant current and transport variability occurred on 100-day timescales and is shown by Zhang et al. [2001] to be caused by warm mesoscale eddys merging with the Kuroshio south of the array causing offshore meandering and flow splitting around the Ryukyu Islands. An annual transport cycle could not be resolved from our 20-month moored record because of abasing from the 100-day period events. Sea level difference data were used to extend the transport time series to 7 years giving a variation in the range of the annual transport cycle of 4-10 Sv, with a mean range closer to 4 Sv. The seasonal maximum of 24 Sv occurred in the summer and the seasonal minimum of 20 Sv occurred in the fall. A weaker secondary maximum also occurred in the winter. The cycle of Kuroshio transport appears to result from a combination of local along-channel wind forcing and Sverdrup forcing over the Philippine Sea. Our estimate of the mean transport of the Kuroshio at the entrance to the East China Sea from the moored array is 21.5 +/- 2.5 Sv. The mean transpacific balance of meridional flows forced by winds and thermohaline processes at this latitude requires an additional mean northward flow of 12 Sv with an annual cycle of +/-8 Sv along the eastern boundary of the Ryukyu Islands. The mean transport and annual cycle of the Kuroshio were found to be in reasonable agreement with basin-scale wind-forced models. Remarkable similarities are shown to exist between the mean western boundary currents and their seasonal cycles in the Atlantic (Florida Current and Antilles Current) and Pacific (Kuroshio and boundary current east of Ryukyu Island chain) at the same latitude. However, detailed comparison shows that the mean Kuroshio is weaker and more surface intensified than the mean Florida Current, while the Kuroshio-transport variability is significantly larger
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