2,077 research outputs found

    Fatal anaphylactic sting reaction in a patient with mastocytosis

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    We report on a 33-year-old female patient with indolent systemic mastocytosis and urticaria pigmentosa who died of an anaphylactic reaction after a yellow jacket sting. As she had no history of previous anaphylactic sting reaction, there was no testing performed in order to detect hymenoptera venom sensitization. But even if a sensitization had been diagnosed, no venom immunotherapy (VIT) would have been recommended. It is almost certain that VIT would have saved her life and it is most likely that VIT is indicated in some patients with mastocytosis with no history of anaphylactic sting reaction. However, no criteria have been established in order to allow a selection of mastocytosis patients eligible for such a `prophylactic' VIT. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Primates do not spontaneously use shape properties for object individuation: a competence or a performance problem?

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    Several recent studies have documented that non-human primates can individuate objects according to property and/or kind information in much the same way as human infants do from around one year of age when they begin to acquire language. Some studies suggest, however, that only some properties are used for the individuation of food items: color, but not shape. The present study investigated whether these findings reveal a true competence problem with shape properties in the food domain or whether they merely reveal a performance problem (e.g., lack of attention to shapes). We tested 25 great apes (chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas) in two food individuation tasks. We manipulated subjects’ experience with differences in color and shape properties of food items. Results indicated (i) that all subjects, regardless of their prior experience, solved the color-based object individuation task and (ii) that only the group with previous experience with different shape properties succeeded in the shape-based individuation task. Great apes can thus be primed to take shape into account for individuating food objects, and this results clearly speaks in favor of a performance (rather than a competence) problem in using shape for object individuation of food items

    Female Chimpanzees Use Copulation Calls Flexibly to Prevent Social Competition

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    The adaptive function of copulation calls in female primates has been debated for years. One influential idea is that copulation calls are a sexually selected trait, which enables females to advertise their receptive state to males. Male-male competition ensues and females benefit by getting better mating partners and higher quality offspring. We analysed the copulation calling behaviour of wild female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Budongo Forest, Uganda, but found no support for the male-male competition hypothesis. Hormone analysis showed that the calling behaviour of copulating females was unrelated to their fertile period and likelihood of conception. Instead, females called significantly more while with high-ranking males, but suppressed their calls if high-ranking females were nearby. Copulation calling may therefore be one potential strategy employed by female chimpanzees to advertise receptivity to high-ranked males, confuse paternity and secure future support from these socially important individuals. Competition between females can be dangerously high in wild chimpanzees, and our results indicate that females use their copulation calls strategically to minimise the risks associated with such competition

    Improvements in 25 Years of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Therapy

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    In 1980, Dr. Michel Mirowski and his team inserted the first implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) in a patient. Initially, ICD therapy was not widely accepted, and many physicians actually considered this therapy unethical. Large secondary and primary prevention trials, demonstrating a beneficial effect of ICD therapy in selected patients not only on arrhythmic death but also on all-cause mortality, stimulated a rapid growth in the number of implants and increased patient’s and physician’s acceptance. Improvements in size and weight, arrhythmia discrimination capabilities, battery technology, shock waveform and output, monitoring capabilities and defibrillator electrode technology eventually resulted in the current large number of yearly implants. Today, almost 40 years after the conception of the ICD and 25 years after the first human implant, ICD therapy is the treatment of choice for patients at risk for life-threatening arrhythmias either as secondary or primary prevention. Furthermore, with the more recent addition of resynchronisation therapy to standard ICD therapy, it became possible to treat selected patients with advanced symptoms of heart failure and to lower the risk of sudden death

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteremia in Children Over Ten Consecutive Years: Analysis of Clinical Characteristics, Risk Factors of Multi-drug Resistance and Clinical Outcomes

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    This study aimed to evaluate the clinical profiles, antibiotic susceptibility, risk factors of multi-drug resistance (MDR) and outcomes of P. aeruginosa bacteremia in children by retrospective methods at a tertiary teaching children's hospital in Seoul, Korea during 2000-2009. A total of 62 episodes were evaluated and 59 patients (95.2%) had underlying diseases. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that an intensive care unit (ICU) stay within the previous one month was the only independent risk factor for MDR P. aeruginosa bacteremia (odds ratio [OR], 6.8; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.3-35.8, P = 0.023). The overall fatality rate associated with P. aeruginosa bacteremia was 14.5% (9 of 62). The fatality rate in patients with MDR P. aeruginosa was 57.1%, compared with 9.1% in non-MDR patients (OR 13.3; 95% CI 2.3-77.2, P = 0.006). However, the presence of respiratory difficulty was the only independent risk factor for overall fatality associated with P. aeruginosa bacteremia according to multivariate analysis (OR 51.0; 95% CI 7.0-369.0, P < 0.001). A previous ICU stay and presentation with respiratory difficulty were associated with acquisition of MDR P. aeruginosa and a higher fatality rate, respectively. Future efforts should focus on the prevention and treatment of P. aeruginosa bacteremia in high-risk children

    Genome-wide linkage analysis of 972 bipolar pedigrees using single-nucleotide polymorphisms.

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    Because of the high costs associated with ascertainment of families, most linkage studies of Bipolar I disorder (BPI) have used relatively small samples. Moreover, the genetic information content reported in most studies has been less than 0.6. Although microsatellite markers spaced every 10 cM typically extract most of the genetic information content for larger multiplex families, they can be less informative for smaller pedigrees especially for affected sib pair kindreds. For these reasons we collaborated to pool family resources and carried out higher density genotyping. Approximately 1100 pedigrees of European ancestry were initially selected for study and were genotyped by the Center for Inherited Disease Research using the Illumina Linkage Panel 12 set of 6090 single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Of the ~1100 families, 972 were informative for further analyses, and mean information content was 0.86 after pruning for linkage disequilibrium. The 972 kindreds include 2284 cases of BPI disorder, 498 individuals with bipolar II disorder (BPII) and 702 subjects with recurrent major depression. Three affection status models (ASMs) were considered: ASM1 (BPI and schizoaffective disorder, BP cases (SABP) only), ASM2 (ASM1 cases plus BPII) and ASM3 (ASM2 cases plus recurrent major depression). Both parametric and non-parametric linkage methods were carried out. The strongest findings occurred at 6q21 (non-parametric pairs LOD 3.4 for rs1046943 at 119 cM) and 9q21 (non-parametric pairs logarithm of odds (LOD) 3.4 for rs722642 at 78 cM) using only BPI and schizoaffective (SA), BP cases. Both results met genome-wide significant criteria, although neither was significant after correction for multiple analyses. We also inspected parametric scores for the larger multiplex families to identify possible rare susceptibility loci. In this analysis, we observed 59 parametric LODs of 2 or greater, many of which are likely to be close to maximum possible scores. Although some linkage findings may be false positives, the results could help prioritize the search for rare variants using whole exome or genome sequencing

    A comparative analysis of the information content in long and short SAGE libraries

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    BACKGROUND: Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a powerful tool to determine gene expression profiles. Two types of SAGE libraries, ShortSAGE and LongSAGE, are classified based on the length of the SAGE tag (10 vs. 17 basepairs). LongSAGE libraries are thought to be more useful than ShortSAGE libraries, but their information content has not been widely compared. To dissect the differences between these two types of libraries, we utilized four libraries (two LongSAGE and two ShortSAGE libraries) generated from the hippocampus of Alzheimer and control samples. In addition, we generated two additional short SAGE libraries, the truncated long SAGE libraries (tSAGE), from LongSAGE libraries by deleting seven 5' basepairs from each LongSAGE tag. RESULTS: One problem that occurred in the SAGE study is that individual tags may have matched to multiple different genes – due to the short length of a tag. We found that the LongSAGE tag maps up to 15 UniGene clusters, while the ShortSAGE and tSAGE tags map up to 279 UniGene clusters. Both long and short SAGE libraries exhibit a large number of orphan tags (no gene information in UniGene), implying the limitation of the UniGene database. Among 100 orphan LongSAGE tags, the complete sequences (17 basepairs) of nine orphan tags match to 17 genomic sequences; four of the orphan tags match to a single genomic sequence. Our data show the potential to resolve 4–9% of orphan LongSAGE tags. Finally, among 400 tSAGE tags showing significant differential expression between AD and control, 79 tags (19.8%) were derived from multiple non-significant LongSAGE tags, implying the false positive results. CONCLUSION: Our data show that LongSAGE tags have high specificity in gene mapping compared to ShortSAGE tags. LongSAGE tags show an advantage over ShortSAGE in identifying novel genes by BLAST analysis. Most importantly, the chances of obtaining false positive results are higher for ShortSAGE than LongSAGE libraries due to their specificity in gene mapping. Therefore, it is recommended that the number of corresponding UniGene clusters (gene or ESTs) of a tag for prioritizing the significant results be considered

    CX3CR1 Is Expressed by Human B Lymphocytes and Meditates CX3CL1 Driven Chemotaxis of Tonsil Centrocytes

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    Background: Fractalkine/CX(3)CL1, a surface chemokine, binds to CX(3)CR1 expressed by different lymphocyte subsets. Since CX(3)CL1 has been detected in the germinal centres of secondary lymphoid tissue, in this study we have investigated CX(3)CR1 expression and function in human naive, germinal centre and memory B cells isolated from tonsil or peripheral blood.Methodology/Principal Findings: We demonstrate unambiguously that highly purified human B cells from tonsil and peripheral blood expressed CX(3)CR1 at mRNA and protein levels as assessed by quantitative PCR, flow cytometry and competition binding assays. In particular, naive, germinal centre and memory B cells expressed CX(3)CR1 but only germinal centre B cells were attracted by soluble CX(3)CL1 in a transwell assay. CX(3)CL1 signalling in germinal centre B cells involved PI3K, Erk1/2, p38, and Src phosphorylation, as assessed by Western blot experiments. CX(3)CR1(+) germinal centre B cells were devoid of centroblasts and enriched for centrocytes that migrated to soluble CX(3)CL1. ELISA assay showed that soluble CX(3)CL1 was secreted constitutively by follicular dendritic cells and T follicular helper cells, two cell populations homing in the germinal centre light zone as centrocytes. At variance with that observed in humans, soluble CX(3)CL1 did not attract spleen B cells from wild type mice. OVA immunized CX(3)CR1-/- or CX(3)CL1-/- mice showed significantly decreased specific IgG production compared to wild type mice.Conclusion/Significance: We propose a model whereby human follicular dendritic cells and T follicular helper cells release in the light zone of germinal centre soluble CX(3)CL1 that attracts centrocytes. The functional implications of these results warrant further investigation