25 research outputs found
Google Translate: A helpful aide? A mixed method sequential explanatory study on the usage and effects of Google Translate in three Norwegian EFL classes
This thesis investigates how learners in Norway use Google Translate to aid them in EFL writing as well as how the usage of Google Translate affects the quality of the texts they write. A mixed method study was used in three Norwegian EFL classes situated in the same school along with learner stimulated recall interviews and teacher interviews. The aim of the study was to determine how effective Google Translate is at helping Norwegian learners at different performance levels and to see how dependant these learners are on Google Translate to help them in EFL writing.
Two writing sessions were conducted to gather data on learnersâ usage of Google Translate and determine whether the translation tool had any effect on the quality of their written products. The first writing session consisted of learners using dictionaries to help them translate from Norwegian to English, and in total, 33 learners participated in this writing session. In the second writing session, learners were encouraged to use Google Translate as they would normally to help in EFL writing, and 33 learners participated in this writing session, 22 of whom used Google Translate. By comparing vocabulary, syntax errors, subject-verbal concord errors, essay length, and spelling mistakes between the texts from the two writing sessions of learners who used Google Translate in the second writing session, comments could be made on the effectiveness Google Translate has on the quality of learnersâ texts. A separate analysis was conducted of how Google Translate was being used by learners in the second writing session, i.e. how many times Google Translate was used to translate words, phrases, sentences, entire texts or for other purposes.
Based on the analysis comparing two sets of 22 learnersâ screen recorded videos and the learnersâ writing along with information from stimulated recall interviews and teacher interviews, it seems that learnersâ current usage of Google Translate does not affect the quality of their written product in a positive nor negative way, except for syntax related errors which lowered for all learner groups from the first to the second writing session. Google Translate mostly serves as a quicker alternative to dictionaries as it provides translations at a much fast speed compared to dictionaries. Further, learners mostly use Google Translate to aid in the translation of words and phrases, rarely using it to translate whole sentences or longer texts. However, there is a disparity between lower performing learners, average performing learners, and higher performing learners in how much they use the tool.
Furthermore, there is a lack of training given to learners and teachers on how to use Google Translate as an efficient translation tool. Both learners and teachers that participated in the study reported a lack of training received on proper usage of the tool and reviewing 31 screen recorded videos from the second writing session, it was clear that learners lacked knowledge of the many capabilities the tool has to offer.
There has previously been concern amongst teachers that Google Translate hinders learners in learning English as the translation tool produces incorrect output or that learners use the tool to translate large amounts of text. However, statements from teacher interviews reveal that these teachers seem to have become more acceptant of the translator being used in their class. Previous studies also reveal that Google Translate has reached the point where it has the capability of providing output equivalent to the minimum level of accuracy required for university entrance, thereby providing output better than what most learners in primary school could produce themselves (Mundt & Groves, 2015; Stapleton & Leung, 2019).
Finally, based on the analysis of 64 screen recordings, the author of this thesis argues that Google Docs and other word processors should be a greater concern for teachers than Google Translate and other tools that aid in translation. This is due to a substantial number of learners who participated in the study being heavily dependent on the grammatical and spelling correction tools that the software provides, making it difficult for teachers to assess whether learners know various grammatical rules and possess the ability to apply these rules in written texts
Forebygging av radikalisering og ekstremisme i skolen
FormÄlet med denne masteroppgaven er Ä undersÞke hvordan radikalisering, ekstremisme og ekstreme ytringer kan forebygges i skolen. Oppgaven tar mer konkret sikte pÄ Ä forske pÄ hvordan Demokratisk medborgerskap mot rasisme og antisemittisme (Dembra) nasjonalt og lokalt arbeider med forebygging av radikalisering, ekstremisme og ekstreme ytringer. Demokratisk medborgerskap mot rasisme og antisemittisme har som mÄl Ä styrke skolene i arbeidet mot fordommer og gruppefiendtlighet som rasisme, antisemittisme, muslimfiendtlighet og ekstremisme (Dembra, u.Ä.a). FÞlgende problemstilling undersÞkes: Hvordan arbeider Dembra nasjonalt og lokalt med forebygging av radikalisering, ekstremisme og ekstreme ytringer?
Metodene denne masteroppgaven bygger pÄ er kvalitativ dokumentanalyse og deltagende observasjon. Jeg har foretatt en dokumentanalyse av 17 utvalgte undervisningsopplegg hentet fra Dembras nettsider. I oppgaven omtales disse som Dembras arbeid nasjonalt. Den deltagende observasjonen ble foretatt pÄ en skole som var engasjert i et Dembraarbeid. Her har jeg observert og deltatt pÄ samlinger i regi av Dembrakoordinator og dembraveiledere i Agder. I tiden fra januar til april 2023 har jeg deltatt pÄ fire samlinger med dembraveilederne og den observerte skolen, alt fra mÞter med bÄde personalet pÄ skolen, foresatte og elever.
Studiens sentrale funn er at Dembra nasjonalt arbeider med forebygging gjennom undervisningsopplegg, veiledninger og artikler, med et stort fokus pÄ demokratiopplÊring, kritisk tenkning og etisk bevissthet. Dembra lokalt vektlegger forebygging som et samarbeid mellom elever, lÊrere og foresatte, gjennom konkrete tiltak som har som mÄl Ä forebygge utenforskap og ekstreme og hatefulle ytringer. PÄ mange mÄter kan det sies at Dembra nasjonalt svarer pÄ «hvorfor-spÞrsmÄl», med fokus pÄ det verdimessige og bevisstgjÞrende, mens dembra lokalt fokuserer pÄ «hvordan» gjennom konkrete tiltak. Disse tiltakene kan vÊre internasjonal dag, aktivitetsdager, Äpen kantine med mer.
Et sentralt funn i studien er at forebygging av radikalisering, ekstremisme og ekstreme ytringer er et komplisert fenomen, og krever mye forkunnskap, kompetanse og forberedelse. Disse begrepene kan forstÄs ogsÄ ulikt, og de er avhengige av situasjon og kontekst. I lÞpet av feltarbeidet kom det frem at det forebyggende arbeidet er noe som kommer i tillegg til alt annet en lÊrer skal gjÞre i sitt yrke. Dermed var «gratis» undervisningsopplegg, eller ferdigproduserte opplegg som er enkle Ä gjennomfÞre og ikke krever for mye forberedelse, noe lÊrerne i studiet Þnsket. Funn fra studien viser ogsÄ at denne tematikken imidlertid krever hÞy kompetanse fra lÊrerens side
Tailoring psychosocial risk assessment in the oil and gas industry by exploring specific and common psychosocial risks
Background: Psychosocial risk management [Psychosocial Risk Management Approach (PRIMA)] has, through the years, been applied in several organizations in various industries and countries globally. PRIMA principles have also been translated into international frameworks, such as PRIMA-EF (European framework) and the World Health Organization Healthy Workplace Framework. Over the past 10 years, an oil and gas company has put efforts into adopting and implementing international frameworks and standards for psychosocial risk management. More specifically, the company uses a PRIMA.
Methods: This study explores available quantitative and qualitative risk data collected through the PRIMA method over the past 8 years in order to explore specific and common psychosocial risks in the petroleum industry.
Results: The analyses showed a significant correlation between job resources and symptoms of work-related stress, there was a significant correlation between job demands and symptoms of work-related stress, and there were differences in psychosocial risk factors and symptoms of work-related stress onshore and offshore. The study also offers recommendations on how the results can further be utilized in building a robust system for managing psychosocial risks in the industry.
Conclusion: The results from the analyses have provided meaningful and important information about the company-specific psychosocial risk factors and their impact on health and well-being
A Study of Possible Approaches for Considering Well Abandonment in the Well Design Stage
Master's thesis in Petroleum engineeringThere are many fields on Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) that approach end of their design life. Based on feasibility studies, life of some fields is prolonged while it is shortened for others.
Since early days there was strong focus on drilling wells faster. Safety aspect came some time later. Little or no attention at all was given for future well abandonment activities. During the last decades, a lot of experience has been gained by operator companies when it comes to permanently plugging both old and ânewlyâ designed wells on NCS. Some old wells were abandoned in the manner of days while others required extensive resources to abandon. The common challenges were ranging from lack of basic well data to well design and subsurface conditions that were unfavourable for well abandonment, hence requiring additional efforts.
Well abandonment does not generate direct revenue neither for operator companies nor for society. This activity rather represents a huge cost, which should be minimised. In recent years authorities has started to emphasize the importance of considering well abandonment in well design stage and urged industry to cooperate and share the experience in order to find the best and cost efficient solutions for well abandonment.
This thesis is aiming to find and highlight factors that are of importance for considering well abandonment in well design stage. To do so, literature study was conducted which was later on supplemented with feedback from the industry through a questionnaire.
Several important factors have been identified and general recommendations have been outlined.
One of conclusions of the study is that not many adjustments to well design are necessary in order to facilitate future well abandonment when NORSOK Standard D-010 is followed.
Improvement potential of the Standard is also indicated
Straffrihet for internasjonale forbrytelser. En komparativ analyse av straffrihetsgrunner i norsk rett og Roma-vedtektene.
Oppgaven er en komparativ analyse av reglene om frivillig beruselse, nĂždrett og foresattes befaling i Roma-vedtektene og norsk rett
Arbeidsnotat nr 28: Oljekultur og sikkerhetskultur del 3
Dette notatet er nummer tre i rekken om temaet âoljekultur og
sikkerhetskulturâ. Hensikten er Ă„ lage et notat pr. Ă„r, der jeg Ăžnsker Ă„ belyse utviklingen i norsk oljevirksomhet med sĂŠrlig fokus pĂ„ sikkerhetskulturen i bransjen. Det fĂžrste notatet ble publisert i 2001, det andre i 2002(se http://program.forskningsradet.no/hmsforsk/).
Dette prosjektet er muliggjort gjennom midler fra Norges forskningsrÄd, Arbeids- og administrasjonsdepartementet og Oljedirektoratet (OD). En spesiell takk til medarbeiderne i OD`s prosjekt RisikonivÄ norsk sokkel(RNNS). Uten de data og den stÞtte jeg har fÄtt gjennom dette prosjektet, hadde det ikke vÊrt mulig Ä skrive dette notatet
Arbeidsnotat nr 10: Oljekultur og sikkerhetskultur
De siste Ä rene er det skrevet og sagt mye om dÄrlig sikkerhetskultur i oljevirksomheten, og vÄren 2001 konkluderte OD med fÞlgende: Utviklingen for sikkerheten pÄ norsk sokkel synes generelt negativ de siste to Ärene. Ikke pÄ noen omrÄder har det skjedd en forbedring.
I samme rapport kan man ogsÄ lese at det eksisterer svÊrt forskjellige virkelighetsoppfatninger innen bransjen og at tilliten mellom partene er lav. Fagforeningene hadde i lang tid hevdet at utviklingen gikk i feil retning og at sikkerheten var pÄ et lavmÄl. Flere direktÞrer hevdet pÄ sin side at sikkerheten aldri hadde vÊrt bedre. Striden toppet seg sommeren 2000 med noen svÊrt krasse avisskriverier, samt et brev fra OD til oljeselskapene der det ble pÄ pekt at OD og oljeselskapene nÄ hadde forskjellige virkelighetsoppfatninger