90 research outputs found

    Næringsutvikling i regionen Nordhordland : Kva er det kommunale næringsutviklingsarbeidet og kva slags rollar har kommunane?

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    Formålet med denne oppgåva har vore å sjå på næringsutviklinga i regionen Nordhordland. Kva som er det kommunale næringsutviklingsarbeidet og kva slags roller kommunane har. Med utgangspunkt i utvalde kommunar i Nordhordlandsregionen har studien fokusert på korleis dei arbeider med næringsutvikling og kva for roller dei har. Regionens kjenneteikn omfattar styrker og svakheiter ved næringsutviklinga i kommunane i Nordhordland. Det vises ved tal frå Statistisk Sentralbyrå. Teorigrunnlaget for oppgåva er litteratur omkring næringsutvikling. Det er delt opp i tre delar. Første del handlar om næringsutviklingsarbeid og omfattar kommunanes arbeid med ressursutnytting, fremming av entreprenørskap og organisering rundt utviklingsarbeidet. Andre del handlar om kommunanes roller og omfattar kommunale roller i eit institusjonelt perspektiv, utviklarrollar innanfor kyst og havbruk og om kommunar har ei minimalistisk eller ei offensiv utviklarrolle. Den tredje og siste del i teorien handlar om kommunalt og interkommunalt samarbeid samt klynger og nettverk innanfor næringsutvikling. Problemstillinga har blitt svart på gjennom ein kvalitativ studie der det blei gjennomført intervju med konkrete representantar for kommunens arbeid omkring næringsutvikling. Datamaterialet frå studien blei analysert og funna er presentert ut i frå næringsutviklingsarbeidet i kvar kommune og ulike rollar som kommunane har omkring det. Resultata frå studien viste at det er stort fokus omkring næringsutviklingsarbeid i alle kommunane og at dei arbeider ut ifrå kva slags ressursar dei har. Hovudfokuset i næringsutviklingsarbeidet er tilrettelegging av næringsareal og fremming av entreprenørskap. Den viktigaste rolla til kommunane er rolla som tenesteleverandør, elles var rolla som tilretteleggar den viktigaste omkring næringsutviklingsarbeidet. Man kunne og sjå at kommunane har meir eller mindre offensive utviklarroller. Elles kunne man sjå i studien at kommunalt og interkommunalt samarbeid kan styrke næringsutviklingsarbeidet i regionen og at framtida har tre alternativ for kommunane i Nordhordlandsregionen. Dette er å halde fram med interkommunale samarbeid eller samanslåing av alle eller nokre kommunar i regionen

    Safety of horizontal curves on rural two-lane roads in Norway

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    Horizontal curves are found on all roads. The relationship between the characteristics of horizontal curves and the number of accidents is complex and no previous study has included all factors that are potentially influential for accidents. This paper presents a study of 63 969 horizontal curves on rural two-lane roads in Norway. Accident prediction models including more characteristics of horizontal curves than used in any previous study were developed. Most of the characteristics were found to be related to the number of accidents. Most coefficients were consistent with those found in previous studies, but some findings were surprising. Compound curves, which are curves in which radius varies throughout the curve, were found to be safer than circular or nearly circular curves. A steeper slope of a vertical grade before a curve is associated with fewer accidents

    Risk and Protective Factors for the Occurrence of Sporadic Pancreatic Endocrine Neoplasms

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    Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (PNENs) represent 10% of all pancreatic tumors by prevalence. Their incidence has reportedly increased over recent decades in parallel with that of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. PNENs are relatively rare, and of the few institutions that have published potential risk factors, findings have been heterogeneous. Our objective was to investigate the association between potential risk and protective factors for the occurrence of sporadic PNENs across a European population from several institutions. A multinational European case-control study was conducted to examine the association of selected environmental, family and medical exposure factors using a standardized questionnaire in face-to-face interviews. A ratio of 1:3 cases to controls were sex and age matched at each study site. Adjusted univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed for statistically significant factors. The following results were obtained: In 201 cases and 603 controls, non-recent onset diabetes (OR 2.09, CI 1.27-3.46) was associated with an increased occurrence of PNENs. The prevalence of non-recent onset diabetes was higher both in cases with metastatic disease (TNM stage III-IV) or advanced grade (G3) at the time of diagnosis. The use of metformin in combination with insulin was also associated with a more aggressive phenotype. Drinking coffee was more frequent in cases with localized disease at diagnosis. Our study concluded that non-recent onset diabetes was associated with an increased occurrence of PNENs and the combination of metformin and insulin was consistent with a more aggressive PNEN phenotype. In contrast to previous studies, smoking, alcohol and first-degree family history of cancer were not associated with PNEN occurrence

    Car-Free City Life

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    This gigamap was part of a bachelor level group project looking at both autonomous public transport systems the then ongoing implementation of a car-free city center policy in Oslo. The map details relevant facts and reflections and also touches topics ranging from “what do people go to the city center for?” to “is there a kind of paradox in developing autonomous systems that might make us less autonomous ourselves?” As this is a few years old (evident by the NSB logo) all facts may not be up to date, yet the hopes, concerns and reflections surrounding both topics are still relevant, as well as the broader strokes outlined, like for instance the concentration of Oslo city life along a rout humorously nick-named the city life banana for its shape. This project combined service, interaction and product design

    Results after surgical treatment of liver metastases in patients with high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas

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    Background: Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas (GEP-NEC) are generally characterized by synchronous metastases, high aggressiveness and a dismal prognosis. Current international guidelines do not recommend surgical treatment of liver metastases, however the existing data are scarce. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of curatively intended resection/radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of liver metastases in patients with metastatic GEP-NEC. Methods: 32 patients with a diagnosis of high-grade gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm (Ki-67 > 20%) and with intended curative resection/RFA of liver metastases, were identified among 840 patients from two Nordic GEP-NEC registries. Tumor morphology (well vs poor differentiation) was reassessed. Overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) was assessed by Kaplan Meier analyses for the entire cohort and for subgroups. Results: Median OS after resection/RFA of liver metastases was 35.9 months (95% -CI: 20.6-51.3) with a five-year OS of 43%. The median PFS was 8.4 months (95% -CI: 3.9-13). Four patients (13%) were disease -free after 5 years. Two patients had well -differentiated morphology (NET G3) and 20 patients (63%) had Ki-67 >= 55%. A Ki-67 <55% and receiving adjuvant chemotherapy were statistically significant factors of improved OS after liver resection/RFA. Conclusion: This study shows a long median and long term survival after liver surgery/RFA for these selected metastatic GEP-NEC patients, particularly for the group with a Ki-67 in the relatively lower G3 range. Our findings indicate a possible role for surgical treatment of liver metastases in the management of this patient population. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd, BASO - The Association for Cancer Surgery, and the European Society of Surgical Oncology. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Minimally invasive versus open distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: An analysis from the U.S. neuroendocrine tumor study group

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    BackgroundTo determine shortâ and longâ term oncologic outcomes after minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP) with open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) for the treatment of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (pNET).MethodsThe data of the patients who underwent curative MIDP or ODP for pNET between 2000 and 2016 were collected from a multiâ institutional database. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to generate 1:1 matched patients with MIDP and ODP.ResultsA total of 576 patients undergoing curative DP for pNET were included. Two hundred and fourteen (37.2%) patients underwent MIDP, whereas 362 (62.8%) underwent ODP. MIDP was increasingly performed over time (2000â 2004: 9.3% vs 2013â 2016: 54.8%; Pâ <â 0.01). In the matched cohort (nâ =â 141 in each group), patients who underwent MIDP had less blood loss (median, 100 vs 200â mL, Pâ <â 0.001), lower incidence of Clavienâ Dindoâ â ¥â III complications (12.1% vs 24.8%, Pâ =â 0.026), and a shorter hospital stay versus ODP (median, 4 versus 7 days, Pâ =â 0.026). Patients who underwent MIDP had a lower incidence of recurrence (5â year cumulative recurrence, 10.1% vs 31.1%, Pâ <â 0.001), yet equivalent overall survival (OS) rate (5â year OS, 92.1% vs 90.9%, Pâ =â 0.550) compared with patients who underwent OPD.ConclusionPatients undergoing MIDP over ODP in the treatment of pNET had comparable oncologic surgical metrics, as well as similar longâ term OS.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150595/1/jso25481_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/150595/2/jso25481.pd

    Surgical Treatment as a Principle for Patients with High-Grade Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma : A Nordic Multicenter Comparative Study

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    This study aimed to evaluate the role of surgery for patients with high-grade pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma (hgPNEC) in a large Nordic multicenter cohort study. Prior studies evaluating the role of surgery for patients with hgPNEC are limited, and the benefit of the surgery is uncertain. Data from patients with a diagnosis of hgPNEC determined between 1998 and 2012 were retrospectively registered at 10 Nordic university hospitals. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to compare the overall survival of different treatment groups, and Cox-regression analysis was used to evaluate factors potentially influencing survival. The study registered 119 patients. The median survival period from the time of metastasis was 23 months for patients undergoing initial resection of localized nonmetastatic disease and chemotherapy at the time of recurrence (n = 14), 29 months for patients undergoing resection of the primary tumor and resection/radiofrequency ablation of synchronous metastatic liver disease (n = 12), and 13 months for patients with synchronous metastatic disease given systemic chemotherapy alone (n = 78). The 3-year survival rate after surgery of the primary tumor and metastatic disease was 69 %. Resection of the primary tumor was an independent factor for improved survival after occurrence of metastatic disease. Patients with resected localized nonmetastatic hgPNEC and later metastatic disease seemed to benefit from initial resection of the primary tumor. Patients selected for resection of the primary tumor and synchronous liver metastases had a high 3-year survival rate. Selected patients with both localized hgPNEC and metastatic hgPNEC should be considered for radical surgical treatment.Peer reviewe